5 research outputs found

    Testing Deep Learning Recommender Systems Models on Synthetic GAN-Generated Datasets

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    The published method Generative Adversarial Networks for Recommender Systems (GANRS) allows generating data sets for collaborative filtering recommendation systems. The GANRS source code is available along with a representative set of generated datasets. We have tested the GANRS method by creating multiple synthetic datasets from three different real datasets taken as a source. Experiments include variations in the number of users in the synthetic datasets, as well as a different number of samples. We have also selected six state-of-the-art collaborative filtering deep learning models to test both their comparative performance and the GANRS method. The results show a consistent behavior of the generated datasets compared to the source ones; particularly, in the obtained values and trends of the precision and recall quality measures. The tested deep learning models have also performed as expected on all synthetic datasets, making it possible to compare the results with those obtained from the real source data. Future work is proposed, including different cold start scenarios, unbalanced data, and demographic fairness

    Deep variational models for collaborative filtering-based recommender systems

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    Deep learning provides accurate collaborative filtering models to improve recommender system results. Deep matrix factorization and their related collaborative neural networks are the state of the art in the field; nevertheless, both models lack the necessary stochasticity to create the robust, continuous, and structured latent spaces that variational autoencoders exhibit. On the other hand, data augmentation through variational autoencoder does not provide accurate results in the collaborative filtering field due to the high sparsity of recommender systems. Our proposed models apply the variational concept to inject stochasticity in the latent space of the deep architecture, introducing the variational technique in the neural collaborative filtering field. This method does not depend on the particular model used to generate the latent representation. In this way, this approach can be applied as a plugin to any current and future specific models. The proposed models have been tested using four representative open datasets, three different quality measures, and state-of-the-art baselines. The results show the superiority of the proposed approach in scenarios where the variational enrichment exceeds the injected noise effect. Additionally, a framework is provided to enable the reproducibility of the conducted experiments

    Deep learning feature selection to unhide demographic recommender systems factors

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    Extracting demographic features from hidden factors is an innovative concept that provides multiple and relevant applications. The matrix factorization model generates factors which do not incorporate semantic knowledge. Extracting the existing nonlinear relations between hidden factors and demographic information is a challenging task that can not be adequately addressed by means of statistical methods or using simple machine learning algorithms. This paper provides a deep learning-based method: DeepUnHide, able to extract demographic information from the users and items factors in collaborative filtering recommender systems. The core of the proposed method is the gradient-based localization used in the image processing literature to highlight the representative areas of each classification class. Validation experiments make use of two public datasets and current baselines. The results show the superiority of DeepUnHide to make feature selection and demographic classification, compared to the state-of-art of feature selection methods. Relevant and direct applications include recommendations explanation, fairness in collaborative filtering and recommendation to groups of users