8,356 research outputs found

    Fusion of Learned Multi-Modal Representations and Dense Trajectories for Emotional Analysis in Videos

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    When designing a video affective content analysis algorithm, one of the most important steps is the selection of discriminative features for the effective representation of video segments. The majority of existing affective content analysis methods either use low-level audio-visual features or generate handcrafted higher level representations based on these low-level features. We propose in this work to use deep learning methods, in particular convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in order to automatically learn and extract mid-level representations from raw data. To this end, we exploit the audio and visual modality of videos by employing Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and color values in the HSV color space. We also incorporate dense trajectory based motion features in order to further enhance the performance of the analysis. By means of multi-class support vector machines (SVMs) and fusion mechanisms, music video clips are classified into one of four affective categories representing the four quadrants of the Valence-Arousal (VA) space. Results obtained on a subset of the DEAP dataset show (1) that higher level representations perform better than low-level features, and (2) that incorporating motion information leads to a notable performance gain, independently from the chosen representation

    DAP3D-Net: Where, What and How Actions Occur in Videos?

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    Action parsing in videos with complex scenes is an interesting but challenging task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a generic 3D convolutional neural network in a multi-task learning manner for effective Deep Action Parsing (DAP3D-Net) in videos. Particularly, in the training phase, action localization, classification and attributes learning can be jointly optimized on our appearancemotion data via DAP3D-Net. For an upcoming test video, we can describe each individual action in the video simultaneously as: Where the action occurs, What the action is and How the action is performed. To well demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DAP3D-Net, we also contribute a new Numerous-category Aligned Synthetic Action dataset, i.e., NASA, which consists of 200; 000 action clips of more than 300 categories and with 33 pre-defined action attributes in two hierarchical levels (i.e., low-level attributes of basic body part movements and high-level attributes related to action motion). We learn DAP3D-Net using the NASA dataset and then evaluate it on our collected Human Action Understanding (HAU) dataset. Experimental results show that our approach can accurately localize, categorize and describe multiple actions in realistic videos
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