242 research outputs found

    Multi-task deep learning models in visual fashion understanding

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    Visual fashion understanding (VFU) is a discipline which aims to solve tasks related to clothing recognition, such as garment categorization, garment’s attributes prediction or clothes retrieval, with the use of computer vision algorithms trained on fashion-related data. Having surveyed VFU- related scientific literature, I conclude that, because of the fact that at the heart of all VFU tasks is the same issue of visually understanding garments, those VFU tasks are in fact related. I present a hypothesis that building larger multi-task learning models dedicated to predicting multiple VFU tasks at once might lead to better generalization properties of VFU models. I assess the validity of my hypothesis by implementing two deep learning solutions dedicated primarily to category and attribute prediction. First solution uses multi-task learning concept of sharing features from ad- ditional branch dedicated to localization task of landmarks’ position prediction. Second solution does not share knowledge from localization branch. Comparison of those two implementations con- firmed my hypothesis, as sharing knowledge between tasks increased category prediction accuracy by 53% and attributes prediction recall by 149%. I conclude that multi-task learning improves generalization properties of deep learning-based visual fashion understanding models across tasks

    Face Hallucination via Deep Neural Networks.

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    We firstly address aligned low-resolution (LR) face images (i.e. 16X16 pixels) by designing a discriminative generative network, named URDGN. URDGN is composed of two networks: a generative model and a discriminative model. We introduce a pixel-wise L2 regularization term to the generative model and exploit the feedback of the discriminative network to make the upsampled face images more similar to real ones. We present an end-to-end transformative discriminative neural network (TDN) devised for super-resolving unaligned tiny face images. TDN embeds spatial transformation layers to enforce local receptive fields to line-up with similar spatial supports. To upsample noisy unaligned LR face images, we propose decoder-encoder-decoder networks. A transformative discriminative decoder network is employed to upsample and denoise LR inputs simultaneously. Then we project the intermediate HR faces to aligned and noise-free LR faces by a transformative encoder network. Finally, high-quality hallucinated HR images are generated by our second decoder. Furthermore, we present an end-to-end multiscale transformative discriminative neural network (MTDN) to super-resolve unaligned LR face images of different resolutions in a unified framework. We propose a method that explicitly incorporates structural information of faces into the face super-resolution process by using a multi-task convolutional neural network (CNN). Our method not only uses low-level information (i.e. intensity similarity), but also middle-level information (i.e. face structure) to further explore spatial constraints of facial components from LR inputs images. We demonstrate that supplementing residual images or feature maps with additional facial attribute information can significantly reduce the ambiguity in face super-resolution. To explore this idea, we develop an attribute-embedded upsampling network. In this manner, our method is able to super-resolve LR faces by a large upscaling factor while reducing the uncertainty of one-to-many mappings remarkably. We further push the boundaries of hallucinating a tiny, non-frontal face image to understand how much of this is possible by leveraging the availability of large datasets and deep networks. To this end, we introduce a novel Transformative Adversarial Neural Network (TANN) to jointly frontalize very LR out-of-plane rotated face images (including profile views) and aggressively super-resolve them by 8X, regardless of their original poses and without using any 3D information. Besides recovering an HR face images from an LR version, this thesis also addresses the task of restoring realistic faces from stylized portrait images, which can also be regarded as face hallucination

    Channel and spatial attention mechanism for fashion image captioning

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    Image captioning aims to automatically generate one or more description sentences for a given input image. Most of the existing captioning methods use encoder-decoder model which mainly focus on recognizing and capturing the relationship between objects appearing in the input image. However, when generating captions for fashion images, it is important to not only describe the items and their relationships, but also mention attribute features of clothes (shape, texture, style, fabric, and more). In this study, one novel model is proposed for fashion image captioning task which can capture not only the items and their relationship, but also their attribute features. Two different attention mechanisms (spatial-attention and channel-wise attention) is incorporated to the traditional encoder-decoder model, which dynamically interprets the caption sentence in multi-layer feature map in addition to the depth dimension of the feature map. We evaluate our proposed architecture on Fashion-Gen using three different metrics (CIDEr, ROUGE-L, and BLEU-1), and achieve the scores of 89.7, 50.6 and 45.6, respectively. Based on experiments, our proposed method shows significant performance improvement for the task of fashion-image captioning, and outperforms other state-of-the-art image captioning methods
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