8 research outputs found

    Multi-processor task scheduling with maximum tardiness criteria.

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    by Wong Tin-Lam.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-73).Abstract --- p.iiAcknowledgement --- p.iiiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Scheduling Problems --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Literature Review --- p.4Chapter 1.2.1 --- Sized Multiprocessor Task Scheduling --- p.5Chapter 1.2.2 --- Fixed Multiprocessor Task Scheduling --- p.6Chapter 1.2.3 --- Set Multiprocessor Task Scheduling --- p.8Chapter 1.3 --- Organization of Thesis --- p.10Chapter 2 --- Overview --- p.11Chapter 2.1 --- Machine Environment --- p.11Chapter 2.2 --- The Jobs and Their Requirements --- p.12Chapter 2.3 --- Assumptions --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Constraints --- p.14Chapter 2.5 --- Objective --- p.15Chapter 2.6 --- An Illustrative Example --- p.17Chapter 2.7 --- NP-Hardness --- p.20Chapter 3 --- Methodology --- p.22Chapter 3.1 --- Dynamic Programming --- p.22Chapter 3.1.1 --- Problem Analysis --- p.24Chapter 3.2 --- Key Idea to solve the problem --- p.27Chapter 3.3 --- Algorithm --- p.28Chapter 3.3.1 --- Phase 1 --- p.28Chapter 3.3.2 --- Phase 2 --- p.37Chapter 4 --- Extensions --- p.46Chapter 4.1 --- "Polynomially Solvable Cases P2 --- p.46Chapter 4.1.1 --- Dynamic Programming --- p.47Chapter 4.2 --- "Set Problem P2/setj,prmp/TmaX" --- p.55Chapter 4.2.1 --- Processing times for set jobs --- p.56Chapter 4.2.2 --- Algorithm --- p.58Chapter 4.3 --- k´ؤMachine Problem with only two types of jobs --- p.64Chapter 5 --- Conclusion and Future Work --- p.67Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusion --- p.67Chapter 5.2 --- Some Future Work --- p.68Bibliography --- p.7

    Fast algorithms for two scheduling problems

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    The thesis deals with problems from two distint areas of scheduling theory. In the first part we consider the preemptive Sum Multicoloring (pSMC) problem. In an instance of pSMC, pairwise conflicting jobs are represented by a conflict graph, and the time demands of jobs are given by integer weights on the nodes. The goal is to schedule the jobs in such a way that the sum of their finish times is minimized. We give the first polynomial algorithm for pSMC on paths and cycles, running in time O(min(n², n log p)), where n is the number of nodes and p is the largest time demand. This answers a question raised by Halldórsson et al. [51] about the hardness of this problem. Our result identifies a gap between binary-tree conflict graphs - where the question is NP-hard - and paths. In the second part of the thesis we consider the problem of scheduling n jobs on m machines of different speeds s.t. the makespan is minimized (Q||C_max). We provide a fast and simple, deterministic monotone 2.8-approximation algorithm for Q||C_max. Monotonicity is relevant in the context of truthful mechanisms: when each machine speed is only known to the machine itself, we need to motivate that machines "declare" their true speeds to the scheduling mechanism. So far the best deterministic truthful mechanism that is polynomial in n and m; was a 5-approximation by Andelman et al. [3]. A randomized 2-approximation method, satisfying a weaker definition of truthfulness, was given by Archer and Tardos [4, 5]. As a core result, we prove the conjecture of Auletta et al. [8], that the greedy list scheduling algorithm Lpt is monotone if machine speeds are all integer powers of two (2-divisible machines). Proving the worst case bound of 2.8 involves studying the approximation ratio of Lpt on 2-divisible machines. As a side result, we obtain a tight bound of (sqrt(3) + 1)/2 ~= 1.3660 for the "one fast machine" case, i.e., when m - 1 machine speeds are equal, and there is only one faster machine. In this special case the best previous lower and upper bounds were 4/3 - epsilon < Lpt/Opt <= 3/2 - 1/(2m), shown in a classic paper by Gonzalez et al. [42]. Moreover, the authors of [42] conjectured the bound 4/3 to be tight. Thus, the results of the thesis answer three open questions in scheduling theory.In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit Problemen aus zwei verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Scheduling-Theorie. Im ersten Teil betrachten wir das sog. preemptive Sum Multicoloring (pSMC) Problem. In einer Eingabe für pSMC werden paarweise Konflikte zwischen Jobs durch einen Konfliktgraphen repräsentiert; der Zeitbedarf eines Jobs ist durch ein ganzzahliges, positives Gewicht in seinem jeweiligen Knoten gegeben. Die Aufgabe besteht darin, die Jobs so den Maschinen zuzuweisen, dass die Summe ihrer Maschinenlaufzeiten minimiert wird. Wir liefern den ersten Algorithmus für pSMC auf Pfaden und Kreisen mit polynomieller Laufzeit; er benötigt O(min(n², n log p)) Zeit, wobei n die Anzahl der Jobs und p die maximale Zeitanforderung darstellen. Dies liefert eine Antwort auf die von Halldórsson et al. [51] aufgeworfene Frage der Komplexitätsklasse von pSMC. Unser Resultat identifiziert eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Komplexität auf binären Bäumen - für diese ist das Problem NP-schwer - und Pfaden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit betrachten wir das Problem, n Jobs auf m Maschinen mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten so zu verteilen, dass der Makespan minimiert wird (Q||C_max). Wir präsentieren einen einfachen deterministischen monotonen Algorithmus mit Approximationsgüte 2.8 für Q||C_max. Monotonie ist relevant im Zusammenhang mit truthful Mechanismen: wenn die Geschwindigkeiten der Maschinen nur diesen selbst bekannt sind, müssen sie motiviert werden, dem Scheduling Mechanismus ihre tatsächlichen Geschwindigkeiten offenzulegen. Der beste bisherige deterministische truthful Mechanismus mit polynomieller Laufzeit in n und m von Andelman et al. [3] erreicht Approximationsgüte fünf. Eine randomisierte Methode mit ApproximationsgÄute zwei, die jedoch nur eine schwächere Definition von truthful Mechanismen unterstützt, wurde von Archer und Tardos [4, 5] entwickelt. Als ein zentrales Ergebnis beweisen wir die Vermutung von Auletta et al. [8], dass der greedy list-scheduling Algorithmus Lpt monoton ist, falls alle Maschinengeschwindigkeiten ganze Potenzen von zwei sind (2-divisible Maschinen). Der Beweis der obigen Approximationsschranke von 2.8 benutzt die Approximationsgüte von Lpt auf 2-divisible Maschinen. Als Nebenresultat erhalten wir eine scharfe Schranke von (sqrt(3) + 1)/2 ~= 1.3660 für den Fall "einer schnellen Maschine", d.h. m - 1 Maschinen haben identische Geschwindigkeiten und es gibt nur eine schnellere Maschine. Die bisherigen besten unteren und oberen Schranken für diesen Spezialfall waren 4/3 - epsilon < Lpt/Opt <= 3/2 - 1/(2m). Letztere wurden 1977 von Gonzalez, Ibara und Sahni [42] bewiesen, die mutmaßten, dass die tatächliche obere Schranke bei 4=3 läge. Alles in allem, liefert diese Arbeit Antworten auf drei offene Fragen im Bereich der Scheduling-Theorie

    GRID superscalar: a programming model for the Grid

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    Durant els darrers anys el Grid ha sorgit com una nova plataforma per la computació distribuïda. La tecnologia Gris permet unir diferents recursos de diferents dominis administratius i formar un superordinador virtual amb tots ells. Molts grups de recerca han dedicat els seus esforços a desenvolupar un conjunt de serveis bàsics per oferir un middleware de Grid: una capa que permet l'ús del Grid. De tota manera, utilitzar aquests serveis no és una tasca fácil per molts usuaris finals, cosa que empitjora si l'expertesa d'aquests usuaris no està relacionada amb la informàtica.Això té una influència negativa a l'hora de que la comunitat científica adopti la tecnologia Grid. Es veu com una tecnologia potent però molt difícil de fer servir. Per facilitar l'ús del Grid és necessària una capa extra que amagui la complexitat d'aquest i permeti als usuaris programar o portar les seves aplicacions de manera senzilla.Existeixen moltes propostes d'eines de programació pel Grid. En aquesta tesi fem un resum d'algunes d'elles, i podem veure que existeixen eines conscients i no-conscients del Grid (es programen especificant o no els detalls del Grid, respectivament). A més, molt poques d'aquestes eines poden explotar el paral·lelisme implícit de l'aplicació, i en la majoria d'elles, l'usuari ha de definir aquest paral·lelisme de manera explícita. Una altra característica que considerem important és si es basen en llenguatges de programació molt populars (com C++ o Java), cosa que facilita l'adopció per part dels usuaris finals.En aquesta tesi, el nostre objectiu principal ha estat crear un model de programació pel Grid basat en la programació seqüencial i els llenguatges més coneguts de la programació imperativa, capaç d'explotar el paral·lelisme implícit de les aplicacions i d'accelerar-les fent servir els recursos del Grid de manera concurrent. A més, com el Grid és de naturalesa distribuïda, heterogènia i dinàmica i degut també a que el nombre de recursos que pot formar un Grid pot ser molt gran, la probabilitat de que es produeixi una errada durant l'execució d'una aplicació és elevada. Per tant, un altre dels nostres objectius ha estat tractar qualsevol tipus d'error que pugui sorgir durant l'execució d'una aplicació de manera automàtica (ja siguin errors relacionats amb l'aplicació o amb el Grid). GRID superscalar (GRIDSs), la principal contribució d'aquesta tesi, és un model de programació que assoleix elsobjectius mencionats proporcionant una interfície molt petita i simple i un entorn d'execució que és capaç d'executar en paral·lel el codi proporcionat fent servir el Grid. La nostra interfície de programació permet a un usuari programar una aplicació no-conscient del Grid, amb llenguatges imperatius coneguts i populars (com C/C++, Java, Perl o Shell script) i de manera seqüencial, per tant dóna un pas important per ajudar als usuaris a adoptar la tecnologia Grid.Hem aplicat el nostre coneixement de l'arquitectura de computadors i el disseny de microprocessadors a l'entorn d'execució de GRIDSs. Tal com es fa a un processador superescalar, l'entorn d'execució de GRIDSs és capaç de realitzar un anàlisi de dependències entre les tasques que formen l'aplicació, i d'aplicar tècniques de renombrament per incrementar el seu paral·lelisme. GRIDSs genera automàticament a partir del codi principal de l'usuari un graf que descriu les dependències de dades en l'aplicació. També presentem casos d'ús reals del model de programació en els camps de la química computacional i la bioinformàtica, que demostren que els nostres objectius han estat assolits.Finalment, hem estudiat l'aplicació de diferents tècniques per detectar i tractar fallades: checkpoint, reintent i replicació de tasques. La nostra proposta és proporcionar un entorn capaç de tractar qualsevol tipus d'errors, de manera transparent a l'usuari sempre que sigui possible. El principal avantatge d'implementar aquests mecanismos al nivell del model de programació és que el coneixement a nivell de l'aplicació pot ser explotat per crear dinàmicament una estratègia de tolerància a fallades per cada aplicació, i evitar introduir sobrecàrrega en entorns lliures d'errors.During last years, the Grid has emerged as a new platform for distributed computing. The Grid technology allows joining different resources from different administrative domains and forming a virtual supercomputer with all of them.Many research groups have dedicated their efforts to develop a set of basic services to offer a Grid middleware: a layer that enables the use of the Grid. Anyway, using these services is not an easy task for many end users, even more if their expertise is not related to computer science. This has a negative influence in the adoption of the Grid technology by the scientific community. They see it as a powerful technology but very difficult to exploit. In order to ease the way the Grid must be used, there is a need for an extra layer which hides all the complexity of the Grid, and allows users to program or port their applications in an easy way.There has been many proposals of programming tools for the Grid. In this thesis we give an overview on some of them, and we can see that there exist both Grid-aware and Grid-unaware environments (programmed with or without specifying details of the Grid respectively). Besides, very few existing tools can exploit the implicit parallelism of the application and in the majority of them, the user must define the parallelism explicitly. Another important feature we consider is if they are based in widely used programming languages (as C++ or Java), so the adoption is easier for end users.In this thesis, our main objective has been to create a programming model for the Grid based on sequential programming and well-known imperative programming languages, able to exploit the implicit parallelism of applications and to speed them up by using the Grid resources concurrently. Moreover, because the Grid has a distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic nature and also because the number of resources that form a Grid can be very big, the probability that an error arises during an application's execution is big. Thus, another of our objectives has been to automatically deal with any type of errors which may arise during the execution of the application (application related or Grid related).GRID superscalar (GRIDSs), the main contribution of this thesis, is a programming model that achieves these mentioned objectives by providing a very small and simple interface and a runtime that is able to execute in parallel the code provided using the Grid. Our programming interface allows a user to program a Grid-unaware application with already known and popular imperative languages (such as C/C++, Java, Perl or Shell script) and in a sequential fashion, therefore giving an important step to assist end users in the adoption of the Grid technology.We have applied our knowledge from computer architecture and microprocessor design to the GRIDSs runtime. As it is done in a superscalar processor, the GRIDSs runtime system is able to perform a data dependence analysis between the tasks that form an application, and to apply renaming techniques in order to increase its parallelism. GRIDSs generates automatically from user's main code a graph describing the data dependencies in the application.We present real use cases of the programming model in the fields of computational chemistry and bioinformatics, which demonstrate that our objectives have been achieved.Finally, we have studied the application of several fault detection and treatment techniques: checkpointing, task retry and task replication. Our proposal is to provide an environment able to deal with all types of failures, transparently for the user whenever possible. The main advantage in implementing these mechanisms at the programming model level is that application-level knowledge can be exploited in order to dynamically create a fault tolerance strategy for each application, and avoiding to introduce overhead in error-free environments

    Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

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    International audienceThe Cologne-Twente Workshop (CTW) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization started off as a series of workshops organized bi-annually by either Köln University or Twente University. As its importance grew over time, it re-centered its geographical focus by including northern Italy (CTW04 in Menaggio, on the lake Como and CTW08 in Gargnano, on the Garda lake). This year, CTW (in its eighth edition) will be staged in France for the first time: more precisely in the heart of Paris, at the Conservatoire National d’Arts et Métiers (CNAM), between 2nd and 4th June 2009, by a mixed organizing committee with members from LIX, Ecole Polytechnique and CEDRIC, CNAM

    The Fifth National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition

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    12th Man in Space Symposium: The Future of Humans in Space. Abstract Volume

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is pleased to host the 12th IAA Man in Space Symposium. A truly international forum, this symposium brings together scientists, engineers, and managers interested in all aspects of human space flight to share the most recent research results and space agency planning related to the future of humans in space. As we look out at the universe from our own uniquely human perspective, we see a world that we affect at the same time that it affects us. Our tomorrows are highlighted by the possibilities generated by our knowledge, our drive, and our dreams. This symposium will examine our future in space from the springboard of our achievements