9 research outputs found

    Joint source-channel-network coding in wireless mesh networks with temporal reuse

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    Technological innovation that empowers tiny low-cost transceivers to operate with a high degree of utilisation efficiency in multihop wireless mesh networks is contributed in this dissertation. Transmission scheduling and joint source-channel-network coding are two of the main aspects that are addressed. This work focuses on integrating recent enhancements such as wireless network coding and temporal reuse into a cross-layer optimisation framework, and to design a joint coding scheme that allows for space-optimal transceiver implementations. Link-assigned transmission schedules with timeslot reuse by multiple links in both the space and time domains are investigated for quasi-stationary multihop wireless mesh networks with both rate and power adaptivity. Specifically, predefined cross-layer optimised schedules with proportionally fair end-to-end flow rates and network coding capability are constructed for networks operating under the physical interference model with single-path minimum hop routing. Extending transmission rights in a link-assigned schedule allows for network coding and temporal reuse, which increases timeslot usage efficiency when a scheduled link experiences packet depletion. The schedules that suffer from packet depletion are characterised and a generic temporal reuse-aware achievable rate region is derived. Extensive computational experiments show improved schedule capacity, quality of service, power efficiency and benefit from opportunistic bidirectional network coding accrued with schedules optimised in the proposed temporal reuse-aware convex capacity region. The application of joint source-channel coding, based on fountain codes, in the broadcast timeslot of wireless two-way network coding is also investigated. A computationally efficient subroutine is contributed to the implementation of the fountain compressor, and an error analysis is done. Motivated to develop a true joint source-channel-network code that compresses, adds robustness against channel noise and network codes two packets on a single bipartite graph and iteratively decodes the intended packet on the same Tanner graph, an adaptation of the fountain compressor is presented. The proposed code is shown to outperform a separated joint source-channel and network code in high source entropy and high channel noise regions, in anticipated support of dense networks that employ intelligent signalling. AFRIKAANS : Tegnologiese innovasie wat klein lae-koste kommunikasie toestelle bemagtig om met ’n hoë mate van benuttings doeltreffendheid te werk word bygedra in hierdie proefskrif. Transmissie-skedulering en gesamentlike bron-kanaal-netwerk kodering is twee van die belangrike aspekte wat aangespreek word. Hierdie werk fokus op die integrasie van onlangse verbeteringe soos draadlose netwerk kodering en temporêre herwinning in ’n tussen-laag optimaliserings raamwerk, en om ’n gesamentlike kodering skema te ontwerp wat voorsiening maak vir spasie-optimale toestel implementerings. Skakel-toegekende transmissie skedules met tydgleuf herwinning deur veelvuldige skakels in beide die ruimte en tyd domeine word ondersoek vir kwasi-stilstaande, veelvuldige-sprong draadlose rooster netwerke met beide transmissie-spoed en krag aanpassings. Om spesifiek te wees, word vooraf bepaalde tussen-laag geoptimiseerde skedules met verhoudings-regverdige punt-tot-punt vloei tempo’s en netwerk kodering vermoë saamgestel vir netwerke wat bedryf word onder die fisiese inmengings-model met enkel-pad minimale sprong roetering. Die uitbreiding van transmissie-regte in ’n skakel-toegekende skedule maak voorsiening vir netwerk kodering en temporêre herwinning, wat tydgleuf gebruiks-doeltreffendheid verhoog wanneer ’n geskeduleerde skakel pakkie-uitputting ervaar. Die skedules wat ly aan pakkie-uitputting word gekenmerk en ’n generiese temporêre herwinnings-bewuste haalbare transmissie-spoed gebied word afgelei. Omvattende berekenings-eksperimente toon verbeterde skedulerings kapasiteit, diensgehalte, krag doeltreffendheid asook verbeterde voordeel wat getrek word uit opportunistiese tweerigting netwerk kodering met die skedules wat geoptimiseer word in die temporêre herwinnings-bewuste konvekse transmissie-spoed gebied. Die toepassing van gesamentlike bron-kanaal kodering, gebaseer op fontein kodes, in die uitsaai-tydgleuf van draadlose tweerigting netwerk kodering word ook ondersoek. ’n Berekenings-effektiewe subroetine word bygedra in die implementering van die fontein kompressor, en ’n foutanalise word gedoen. Gemotiveer om ’n ware gesamentlike bron-kanaal-netwerk kode te ontwikkel, wat robuustheid byvoeg teen kanaal geraas en twee pakkies netwerk kodeer op ’n enkele bipartiete grafiek en die beoogde pakkie iteratief dekodeer op dieselfde Tanner grafiek, word ’n aanpassing van die fontein kompressor aangebied. Dit word getoon dat die voorgestelde kode ’n geskeide gesamentlike bron-kanaal en netwerk kode in hoë bron-entropie en ho¨e kanaal-geraas gebiede oortref in verwagte ondersteuning van digte netwerke wat van intelligente sein-metodes gebruik maak.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Graph-based techniques for compression and reconstruction of sparse sources

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop lossless compression schemes for analog and binary sources. All the considered compression schemes have as common feature that the encoder can be represented by a graph, so they can be studied employing tools from modern coding theory. In particular, this thesis is focused on two compression problems: the group testing and the noiseless compressed sensing problems. Although both problems may seem unrelated, in the thesis they are shown to be very close. Furthermore, group testing has the same mathematical formulation as non-linear binary source compression schemes that use the OR operator. In this thesis, the similarities between these problems are exploited. The group testing problem is aimed at identifying the defective subjects of a population with as few tests as possible. Group testing schemes can be divided into two groups: adaptive and non-adaptive group testing schemes. The former schemes generate tests sequentially and exploit the partial decoding results to attempt to reduce the overall number of tests required to label all members of the population, whereas non-adaptive schemes perform all the test in parallel and attempt to label as many subjects as possible. Our contributions to the group testing problem are both theoretical and practical. We propose a novel adaptive scheme aimed to efficiently perform the testing process. Furthermore, we develop tools to predict the performance of both adaptive and non-adaptive schemes when the number of subjects to be tested is large. These tools allow to characterize the performance of adaptive and non-adaptive group testing schemes without simulating them. The goal of the noiseless compressed sensing problem is to retrieve a signal from its lineal projection version in a lower-dimensional space. This can be done only whenever the amount of null components of the original signal is large enough. Compressed sensing deals with the design of sampling schemes and reconstruction algorithms that manage to reconstruct the original signal vector with as few samples as possible. In this thesis we pose the compressed sensing problem within a probabilistic framework, as opposed to the classical compression sensing formulation. Recent results in the state of the art show that this approach is more efficient than the classical one. Our contributions to noiseless compressed sensing are both theoretical and practical. We deduce a necessary and sufficient matrix design condition to guarantee that the reconstruction is lossless. Regarding the design of practical schemes, we propose two novel reconstruction algorithms based on message passing over the sparse representation of the matrix, one of them with very low computational complexity.El objetivo principal de la tesis es el desarrollo de esquemas de compresión sin pérdidas para fuentes analógicas y binarias. Los esquemas analizados tienen en común la representación del compresor mediante un grafo; esto ha permitido emplear en su estudio las herramientas de codificación modernas. Más concretamente la tesis estudia dos problemas de compresión en particular: el diseño de experimentos de testeo comprimido de poblaciones (de sangre, de presencia de elementos contaminantes, secuenciado de ADN, etcétera) y el muestreo comprimido de señales reales en ausencia de ruido. A pesar de que a primera vista parezcan problemas totalmente diferentes, en la tesis mostramos que están muy relacionados. Adicionalmente, el problema de testeo comprimido de poblaciones tiene una formulación matemática idéntica a los códigos de compresión binarios no lineales basados en puertas OR. En la tesis se explotan las similitudes entre todos estos problemas. Existen dos aproximaciones al testeo de poblaciones: el testeo adaptativo y el no adaptativo. El primero realiza los test de forma secuencial y explota los resultados parciales de estos para intentar reducir el número total de test necesarios, mientras que el segundo hace todos los test en bloque e intenta extraer el máximo de datos posibles de los test. Nuestras contribuciones al problema de testeo comprimido han sido tanto teóricas como prácticas. Hemos propuesto un nuevo esquema adaptativo para realizar eficientemente el proceso de testeo. Además hemos desarrollado herramientas que permiten predecir el comportamiento tanto de los esquemas adaptativos como de los esquemas no adaptativos cuando el número de sujetos a testear es elevado. Estas herramientas permiten anticipar las prestaciones de los esquemas de testeo sin necesidad de simularlos. El objetivo del muestreo comprimido es recuperar una señal a partir de su proyección lineal en un espacio de menor dimensión. Esto sólo es posible si se asume que la señal original tiene muchas componentes que son cero. El problema versa sobre el diseño de matrices y algoritmos de reconstrucción que permitan implementar esquemas de muestreo y reconstrucción con un número mínimo de muestras. A diferencia de la formulación clásica de muestreo comprimido, en esta tesis se ha empleado un modelado probabilístico de la señal. Referencias recientes en la literatura demuestran que este enfoque permite conseguir esquemas de compresión y descompresión más eficientes. Nuestras contribuciones en el campo de muestreo comprimido de fuentes analógicas dispersas han sido también teóricas y prácticas. Por un lado, la deducción de la condición necesaria y suficiente que debe garantizar la matriz de muestreo para garantizar que se puede reconstruir unívocamente la secuencia de fuente. Por otro lado, hemos propuesto dos algoritmos, uno de ellos de baja complejidad computacional, que permiten reconstruir la señal original basados en paso de mensajes entre los nodos de la representación gráfica de la matriz de proyección.Postprint (published version

    Universal decremental redundancy compression with fountain codes

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    A new universal noise-robust lossless compression algorithm based on a decremental redundancy approach with fountain codes is proposed. The binary entropy code is harnessed to compress complex sources with the addition of a preprocessing system in this paper. Both the whole binary entropy range compression performance and the noise-robustness of an existing incremental redundancy fountain code compression technique are exceeded. A new autocorrelation-based symbol length estimator, the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting transform (BWT) and Move-to-Front transformation (MTF) with a new entropy ordered MTF indices transformation reduces the binary entropy of a universal data source. The preprocessed input source is coded with a new modified incremental degree LT-code (Luby Transform) and a low-complexity decremental redundancy algorithm is used to compress the Fountain-coded source. The improved compression and robustness against transmission errors with our novel incremental degree puncturing decremental redundancy algorithm is shown. The universal (complex memory source) compression performance of the proposed system is shown to achieve appreciable compression

    The development of phrasal verbs in British English from 1650 to 1990: A corpus-based study

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    Phrasal verbs or particle verbs are one of the most idiosyncratic features of the English language, as well as of other Germanic languages, such as German or Dutch. They pose many problems for non-native speakers, because their meanings have to be learned separately from the meanings of their verbal bases (give vs. give up), given that the union of the two elements of the compound (the verb and the particle) very often gives rise to new non-compositional forms very similar to idioms. This dissertation tackles some of the questions concerning the nature of phrasal verbs. First, I intend to delimit the concept of phrasal verb as conceived of in Present-day English. One of the topics often discussed in relation to this category is precisely that of the difficulty of establishing the boundaries between phrasal verbs and other related categories. Second, I aim at filling a gap in the literature of phrasal verbs by carrying out a corpus analysis of the development of these structures in the recent history of English, more precisely between 1650 and 1990. After comparing the recent history of phrasal verbs with their status in earlier stages of the language as described in the literature, a third aim of the present dissertation is to establish a relationship between these structures and the processes of grammaticalization, lexicalization and idiomatization. For these purposes, data have been extracted from several sources, in particular from ARCHER 3.1 (A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers), although many illustrative examples, especially those involving Present-day English combinations, have also been obtained from the BNC (British National Corpus) or the Internet. Recurrent use has also been made of several dictionaries of English, most notably the Oxford English Dictionary, as well as dictionaries specialized in phrasal verbs and related structures

    Universal Decremental Redundancy Compression with Fountain Codes

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