86 research outputs found

    Decomposing Overcomplete 3rd Order Tensors using Sum-of-Squares Algorithms

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    Tensor rank and low-rank tensor decompositions have many applications in learning and complexity theory. Most known algorithms use unfoldings of tensors and can only handle rank up to n⌊p/2⌋n^{\lfloor p/2 \rfloor} for a pp-th order tensor in Rnp\mathbb{R}^{n^p}. Previously no efficient algorithm can decompose 3rd order tensors when the rank is super-linear in the dimension. Using ideas from sum-of-squares hierarchy, we give the first quasi-polynomial time algorithm that can decompose a random 3rd order tensor decomposition when the rank is as large as n3/2/polylognn^{3/2}/\textrm{polylog} n. We also give a polynomial time algorithm for certifying the injective norm of random low rank tensors. Our tensor decomposition algorithm exploits the relationship between injective norm and the tensor components. The proof relies on interesting tools for decoupling random variables to prove better matrix concentration bounds, which can be useful in other settings

    Polynomial-time Tensor Decompositions with Sum-of-Squares

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    We give new algorithms based on the sum-of-squares method for tensor decomposition. Our results improve the best known running times from quasi-polynomial to polynomial for several problems, including decomposing random overcomplete 3-tensors and learning overcomplete dictionaries with constant relative sparsity. We also give the first robust analysis for decomposing overcomplete 4-tensors in the smoothed analysis model. A key ingredient of our analysis is to establish small spectral gaps in moment matrices derived from solutions to sum-of-squares relaxations. To enable this analysis we augment sum-of-squares relaxations with spectral analogs of maximum entropy constraints.Comment: to appear in FOCS 201

    Spectral Methods from Tensor Networks

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    A tensor network is a diagram that specifies a way to "multiply" a collection of tensors together to produce another tensor (or matrix). Many existing algorithms for tensor problems (such as tensor decomposition and tensor PCA), although they are not presented this way, can be viewed as spectral methods on matrices built from simple tensor networks. In this work we leverage the full power of this abstraction to design new algorithms for certain continuous tensor decomposition problems. An important and challenging family of tensor problems comes from orbit recovery, a class of inference problems involving group actions (inspired by applications such as cryo-electron microscopy). Orbit recovery problems over finite groups can often be solved via standard tensor methods. However, for infinite groups, no general algorithms are known. We give a new spectral algorithm based on tensor networks for one such problem: continuous multi-reference alignment over the infinite group SO(2). Our algorithm extends to the more general heterogeneous case.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Lower Bounds for the Convergence of Tensor Power Iteration on Random Overcomplete Models

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    Tensor decomposition serves as a powerful primitive in statistics and machine learning. In this paper, we focus on using power iteration to decompose an overcomplete random tensor. Past work studying the properties of tensor power iteration either requires a non-trivial data-independent initialization, or is restricted to the undercomplete regime. Moreover, several papers implicitly suggest that logarithmically many iterations (in terms of the input dimension) are sufficient for the power method to recover one of the tensor components. In this paper, we analyze the dynamics of tensor power iteration from random initialization in the overcomplete regime. Surprisingly, we show that polynomially many steps are necessary for convergence of tensor power iteration to any of the true component, which refutes the previous conjecture. On the other hand, our numerical experiments suggest that tensor power iteration successfully recovers tensor components for a broad range of parameters, despite that it takes at least polynomially many steps to converge. To further complement our empirical evidence, we prove that a popular objective function for tensor decomposition is strictly increasing along the power iteration path. Our proof is based on the Gaussian conditioning technique, which has been applied to analyze the approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm. The major ingredient of our argument is a conditioning lemma that allows us to generalize AMP-type analysis to non-proportional limit and polynomially many iterations of the power method.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure
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