16 research outputs found

    Information Aggregation using the Cameleon# Web Wrapper

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    Cameleon# is a web data extraction and management tool that provides information aggregation with advanced capabilities that are useful for developing value-added applications and services for electronic business and electronic commerce. To illustrate its features, we use an airfare aggregation example that collects data from eight online sites, including Travelocity, Orbitz, and Expedia. This paper covers the integration of Cameleon# with commercial database management systems, such as MS SQL Server, and XML query languages, such as XQuery

    Web Data Extraction For Content Aggregation From E-Commerce Websites

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    Internetist on saanud piiramatu andmeallikas. Läbi otsingumootorite\n\ron see andmehulk tehtud kättesaadavaks igapäevasele interneti kasutajale. Sellele vaatamata on seal ikka informatsiooni, mis pole lihtsasti kättesaadav olemasolevateotsingumootoritega. See tekitab jätkuvalt vajadust ehitada aina uusi otsingumootoreid, mis esitavad informatsiooni uuel kujul, paremini kui seda on varem tehtud. Selleks, et esitada andmeid sellisel kujul, et neist tekiks lisaväärtus tuleb nad kõigepealt kokku koguda ning seejärel töödelda ja analüüsida. Antud magistritöö uurib andmete kogumise faasi selles protsessis.\n\rEsitletakse modernset andmete eraldamise süsteemi ZedBot, mis võimaldab veebilehtedel esinevad pooleldi struktureeritud andmed teisendada kõrge täpsusega struktureeritud kujule. Loodud süsteem täidab enamikku nõudeid, mida peab tänapäevane andmeeraldussüsteem täitma, milleks on: platvormist sõltumatus, võimas reeglite kirjelduse süsteem, automaatne reeglite genereerimise süsteem ja lihtsasti kasutatav kasutajaliides andmete annoteerimiseks. Eriliselt disainitud otsi-robot võimaldab andmete eraldamist kogu veebilehelt ilma inimese sekkumiseta. Töös näidatakse, et esitletud programm on sobilik andmete eraldamiseks väga suure täpsusega suurelt hulgalt veebilehtedelt ning tööriista poolt loodud andmestiku saab kasutada tooteinfo agregeerimiseks ning uue lisandväärtuse loomiseks.World Wide Web has become an unlimited source of data. Search engines have made this information available to every day Internet user. There is still information available that is not easily accessible through existing search engines, so there remains the need to create new search engines that would present information better than before. In order to present data in a way that gives extra value, it must be collected, analysed and transformed. This master thesis focuses on data collection part. Modern information extraction system ZedBot is presented, that allows extraction of highly structured data form semi structured web pages. It complies with majority of requirements set for modern data extraction system: it is platform independent, it has powerful semi automatic wrapper generation system and has easy to use user interface for annotating structured data. Specially designed web crawler allows to extraction to be performed on whole web site level without human interaction. \n\r We show that presented tool is suitable for extraction highly accurate data from large number of websites and can be used as a data source for product aggregation system to create new added value

    Logic, Languages, and Rules for Web Data Extraction and Reasoning over Data

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    This paper gives a short overview of specific logical approaches to data extraction, data management, and reasoning about data. In particular, we survey theoretical results and formalisms that have been obtained and used in the context of the Lixto Project at TU Wien, the DIADEM project at the University of Oxford, and the VADA project, which is currently being carried out jointly by the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, and Oxford. We start with a formal approach to web data extraction rooted in monadic second order logic and monadic Datalog, which gave rise to the Lixto data extraction system. We then present some complexity results for monadic Datalog over trees and for XPath query evaluation. We further argue that for value creation and for ontological reasoning over data, we need existential quantifiers (or Skolem terms) in rule heads, and introduce the Datalog± family. We give an overview of important members of this family and discuss related complexity issues

    Web Mail Information Extraction

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    This project is conducted as to deliver the background of study, problem statements, objective, scope, literature review, methodology of choice for the development process, results and discussion, conclusion, recommendations and references used throughout its completion. The objective of this project is to extract relevant and useful information from Google Mail (GMail) by performing Information Extraction (IE) using Java progranuning language. After several testing have take place, the system developed is able to successfully extract relevant and useful information from GMail account and the emails come from different folders such as All Mail, Inbox, Drafts, Starred, Sent Mail, Spam and Trash. The focus is to extract email information such as the sender, recipient, subject and content. Those extracted information are presented in two mediums; as a text file or being stored inside database in order to better suit different users who come from different backgrounds and needs

    A Survey on Region Extractors from Web Documents

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    Extracting information from web documents has become a research area in which new proposals sprout out year after year. This has motivated several researchers to work on surveys that attempt to provide an overall picture of the many existing proposals. Unfortunately, none of these surveys provide a complete picture, because they do not take region extractors into account. These tools are kind of preprocessors, because they help information extractors focus on the regions of a web document that contain relevant information. With the increasing complexity of web documents, region extractors are becoming a must to extract information from many websites. Beyond information extraction, region extractors have also found their way into information retrieval, focused web crawling, topic distillation, adaptive content delivery, mashups, and metasearch engines. In this paper, we survey the existing proposals regarding region extractors and compare them side by side.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-64119Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-2602Junta de Andalucía P08- TIC-4100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04718-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-21744Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TIN2010-09809-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-10811-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-09988-

    A Workflow-Based Approach for Creating Complex Web Wrappers

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85481-4_30.[Abstract]: In order to let software programs access and use the information and services provided by web sources, wrapper programs must be built to provide a “machine-readable” view over them. Although research literature on web wrappers is vast, the problem of how to specify the internal logic of complex wrappers in a graphical and simple way remains mainly ignored. In this paper, we propose a new language for addressing this task. Our approach leverages on the existing work on intelligent web data extraction and automatic web navigation as building blocks, and uses a workflow-based approach to specify the wrapper control logic. The features included in the language have been decided from the results of a study of a wide range of real web automation applications from different business areas. In this paper, we also present the most salient results of the study.This research was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project TSI2005-07730. Alberto Pan’s work was partially supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” programme of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Scienc