985 research outputs found

    Decision making techniques with similarity measures and OWA operators

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    We analyse the use of the ordered weighted average (OWA) in decision-making giving special attention to business and economic decision-making problems. We present several aggregation techniques that are very useful for decision-making such as the Hamming distance, the adequacy coefficient and the index of maximum and minimum level. We suggest a new approach by using immediate weights, that is, by using the weighted average and the OWA operator in the same formulation. We further generalize them by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. We also analyse the applicability of the OWA operator in business and economics and we see that we can use it instead of the weighted average. We end the paper with an application in a business multi-person decision-making problem regarding production management

    Group-decision making with induced ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation operators

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    This paper presents the induced generalized ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (IGOWLA) operator, this operator is an extension of the generalized ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (GOWLA) operator. It uses order-induced variables that modify the reordering process of the arguments included in the aggregation. The principal advantage of the introduced induced mechanism is the consideration of highly complex attitude from the decision makers. We study some families of the IGOWLA operator as measures for the characterization of the weighting vector (...

    Enhancing the ELECTRE decision support method with semantic data

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    Prendre una decisió quan les opcions es defineixen mitjançant un conjunt divers de criteris no és fàcil. Aqueta tesi es centra en ampliar la metodologia ELECTRE, que és el mètode del tipus "outranking" més utilitzat. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en problemes de decisió que involucren informació no numèrica, tal com els criteris semàntics multivaluats, que poden prendre com a valors els conceptes d'una ontologia de domini determinada. Primer proposo una nova manera de manipular els criteris semàntics per evitar l'agregació de les puntuacions numèriques abans del procediment de classificació. Aquest mètode, anomenat ELECTRE-SEM, segueix els mateixos principis que el clàssic ELECTRE però, en aquest cas, els índexs de concordança i discordança es defineixen en termes de la comparació per parelles de les puntuacions que indiquen l'interès de l'usuari sobre diferents conceptes de l'ontologia. En segon lloc, proposo crear un perfil d'usuari semàntic mitjançant el emmagatzemant de puntuacions de preferències a l'ontologia. Es vincula una puntuació d'interès numèrica als conceptes més específics, això permet distingir millor les preferències de l'usuari, i també s'incorpora un procediment d'agregació per inferir les preferències de l'usuari considerant les relacions taxonòmiques entre conceptes. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat en dos casos d’estudi: l'avaluació de plantes de generació d'energia i la recomanació d'activitats turístiques a Tarragona.Tomar una decisión cuando las opciones se definen sobre un conjunto diverso de criterios no es fácil. Esta tesis se centra en ampliar la metodología ELECTRE, que es el método del tipo "outranking" más utilizado. En esta tesis nos centramos en problemas de decisión que involucren información no numérica, tal como los criterios semánticos multi-valuados, que pueden tomar como valores los conceptos de una ontología de dominio determinada. Primero propongo una nueva forma de manejar los criterios semánticos para evitar la agregación de puntuaciones numéricas antes del procedimiento de clasificación. Este método, llamado ELECTRE-SEM, sigue los mismos principios que el clásico ELECTRE, pero en este caso los índices de concordancia y discordancia se definen en términos de la comparación por pares de unas puntuaciones que indican el interés del usuario sobre distintos conceptos de la ontología. En segundo lugar, propongo crear un perfil de usuario semántico mediante el almacenamiento de puntuaciones de preferencias en la ontología. Se asocian puntuaciones numéricas a los conceptos más específicos, lo cual permite distinguir mejor las preferencias del usuario, y se incorpora un proceso de agregación para inferir las preferencias del usuario mediante las relaciones taxonómicas entre conceptos. La metodología propuesta ha sido aplicada en dos casos de estudio: la evaluación de las plantas de generación de energía y la recomendación de actividades turísticas en Tarragona.Reach a decision when options are defined on a set of diverse criteria is not easy. This thesis is focused on improving the methodology ELECTRE, which is the most used outranking-based method. In this dissertation, we focus on decision problems involving non-numerical information, such as multi-valued semantic criteria, which may take as values the concepts of a given domain ontology. First, I propose a new way of handling semantic criteria to avoid the aggregation of the numerical scores before the ranking procedure. This method, called ELECTRE-SEM, follows the same principles than the classic ELECTRE but in this case the concordance and discordance indices are defined in terms of the pairwise comparison of the interest scores. Second, I also propose to create a semantic user profile by storing preference scores into the ontology. The numerical interest score attached to the most specific concepts permits to distinguish better the preferences of the user, improving the quality of the decision by the incorporation of an aggregation methodology to infer the user's preferences by considering taxonomic relations between concepts. The proposed methodology has been applied in two case studies: the assessment of power generation plants and the recommendation of touristic activities in Tarragona

    Decisión making with induced aggregation operators and the adequacy coefficient

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    We present a method for decision making by using induced aggregation operators. This method is very useful for business decision making problems such as product management, investment selection and strategic management. We introduce a new aggregation operator that uses the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator and the weighted average in the adequacy coefficient. We callit the induced ordered weighted averaging weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (IOWAWAAC) operator. The main advantage is that it is able to deal with complex attitudinal characters in the aggregation process. Thus, we are able to give a better representation of the problem considering the complex environment that affects the decisions. Moreover, it is able to provide a unified framework between the OWA and the weighted average. We generalize it by using generalized aggregation operators, obtaining the induced generalized OWAWAAC (IGOWAWAAC) operator . We study some of the main properties of this approach. We end the paper with a numerical example of the new approach in a group decision making problem in strategic managemen

    OWA operators in human resource management

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    We develop a new approach that uses the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator in different methods for the selection of human resources. The objective of this new model is to manipulate the neutrality of the old methods, so the decision maker can select human resources according to his degree of optimism or pessimism. In order to develop this model, first, a short revision of the OWA operators is introduced. Next, we briefly explain the general model for the selection of human resources and suggest three new indexes for the selection of human resources that use the OWA operator and the hybrid average in the Hamming distance, in the adequacy coefficient and in the index of maximum and minimum level. The main advantage of this method is that it is more complete than the previous ones so the decision maker gets a better understanding of the decision problem. The work ends with an illustrative example that shows the results obtained by using different types of aggregation operators in the new approaches.

    Modelling cyber-security experts' decision making processes using aggregation operators

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    An important role carried out by cyber-security experts is the assessment of proposed computer systems, during their design stage. This task is fraught with difficulties and uncertainty, making the knowledge provided by human experts essential for successful assessment. Today, the increasing number of progressively complex systems has led to an urgent need to produce tools that support the expert-led process of system-security assessment. In this research, we use Weighted Averages (WAs) and Ordered Weighted Averages (OWAs) with Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to create aggregation operators that model parts of the assessment process. We show how individual overall ratings for security components can be produced from ratings of their characteristics, and how these individual overall ratings can be aggregated to produce overall rankings of potential attacks on a system. As well as the identification of salient attacks and weak points in a prospective system, the proposed method also highlights which factors and security components contribute most to a component's difficulty and attack ranking respectively. A real world scenario is used in which experts were asked to rank a set of technical attacks, and to answer a series of questions about the security components that are the subject of the attacks. The work shows how finding good aggregation operators, and identifying important components and factors of a cyber-security problem can be automated. The resulting operators have the potential for use as decision aids for systems designers and cyber-security experts, increasing the amount of assessment that can be achieved with the limited resources available

    Fudge: Fuzzy ontology building with consensuated fuzzy datatypes

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    An important problem in Fuzzy OWL 2 ontology building is the definition of fuzzy membership functions for real-valued fuzzy sets (so-called fuzzy datatypes in Fuzzy OWL 2 terminology). In this paper, we present a tool, called Fudge, whose aim is to support the consensual creation of fuzzy datatypes by aggregating the specifications given by a group of experts. Fudge is freeware and currently supports several linguistic aggregation strategies, including the convex combination, linguistic OWA, weighted mean and fuzzy OWA, and easily allows to build others in. We also propose and have implemented two novel linguistic aggregation operators, based on a left recursive form of the convex combination and of the linguistic OWA

    Dynamic adaptation of user profiles in recommender systems

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    In a period of time in which the content available through the Internet increases exponentially and is more easily accessible every day, techniques for aiding the selection and extraction of important and personalised information are of vital importance. Recommender Systems (RS) appear as a tool to help the user in a decision making process by evaluating a set of objects or alternatives and aiding the user at choosing which one/s of them suits better his/her interests or preferences. Those preferences need to be accurate enough to produce adequate recommendations and should be updated if the user changes his/her likes or if they are incorrect or incomplete. In this work an adequate model for managing user preferences in a multi-attribute (numerical and categorical) environment is presented to aid at providing recommendations in those kinds of contexts. The evaluation process of the recommender system designed is supported by a new aggregation operator (Unbalanced LOWA) that enables the combination of the information that defines an alternative into a single value, which then is used to rank the whole set of alternatives. After the recommendation has been made, learning processes have been designed to evaluate the user interaction with the system to find out, in a dynamic and unsupervised way, if the user profile in which the recommendation process relies on needs to be updated with new preferences. The work detailed in this document also includes extensive evaluation and testing of all the elements that take part in the recommendation and learning processes

    New aggregation operators for decision-making under uncertainty: an applications in selection of entrepreneurial opportunities

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    The main aim of this paper is to study how economic environment and logic reasoning guidance the decision-making process to start-up a new business by potential entrepreneurs. The study proposes a new method using the family of selection indices with OWA operator, which allows aggregating information according to the level of importance and their level of objectivity and subjectivity in the same formulation within the decision-making process. To develop case study, we have taken into account some industries of the sports sector and some critical environmental factors that influence the competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Colombia to start a new business. The results show in an orderly way all information aggregated, which can help potential investors and entrepreneurs to make a decision based on their preferences. Finally, the applicability of this method in real case can be given in aggregation different sources of information to help at dealing decision-making processes