832 research outputs found

    Agent-Driven Representations, Algorithms, and Metrics for Automated Organizational Design.

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    As cooperative multiagent systems (MASs) increase in interconnectivity, complexity, size, and longevity, coordinating the agents' reasoning and behaviors becomes increasingly difficult. One approach to address these issues is to use insights from human organizations to design structures within which the agents can more efficiently reason and interact. Generally speaking, an organization influences each agent such that, by following its respective influences, an agent can make globally-useful local decisions without having to explicitly reason about the complete joint coordination problem. For example, an organizational influence might constrain and/or inform which actions an agent performs. If these influences are well-constructed to be cohesive and correlated across the agents, then each agent is influenced into reasoning about and performing only the actions that are appropriate for its (organizationally-designated) portion of the joint coordination problem. In this dissertation, I develop an agent-driven approach to organizations, wherein the foundation for representing and reasoning about an organization stems from the needs of the agents in the MAS. I create an organizational specification language to express the possible ways in which an organization could influence the agents' decision making processes, and leverage details from those decision processes to establish quantitative, principled metrics for organizational performance based on the expected impact that an organization will have on the agents' reasoning and behaviors. Building upon my agent-driven organizational representations, I identify a strategy for automating the organizational design process~(ODP), wherein my ODP computes a quantitative description of organizational patterns and then searches through those possible patterns to identify an (approximately) optimal set of organizational influences for the MAS. Evaluating my ODP reveals that it can create organizations that both influence the MAS into effective patterns of joint policies and also streamline the agents' decision making in a coordinate manner. Finally, I use my agent-driven approach to identify characteristics of effective abstractions over organizational influences and a heuristic strategy for converging on a good abstraction.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113616/1/jsleight_1.pd

    Análise ambiental e sonora do tratamento acústico de habitáculos de veículos

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    Orientadores: José Roberto de França Arruda, Pierre LamaryTese (doutorado) ¿ Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia capaz de adicionar critérios ambientais à fase de pré-projeto de um tratamento acústico veicular. Essa integração foi realizada através de uma otimização multiobjetivo baseada em um algoritmo genético. Um caso real foi analisado com a metodologia proposta. Ele consiste em um painel acústico multicamadas aplicado em um automóvel de passeio. O método da matriz de transferência é usado para o cálculo do comportamento acústico do painel. Neste método é feita a hipótese simplificadora de painel de área infinita, o que permite um custo computacional muito menor do que modelos de elementos finitos. Para a modelagem de materiais poroelásticos, utiliza-se o modelo de Johnson-Champoux-Allard, que inclui os fenômenos de dispersão de energia resultante da interação térmica e viscosa entre as fases sólida e fluida. O custo computacional menor do modelo é essencial para a otimização. Foram estabelecidos como objetivos da otimização a curva de perda de transmissão desejada e os resultados da análise do ciclo de vida do painel. Uma curva de perda de transmissão em função de bandas de oitava foi estabelecida como um critério de desempenho acústico mínimo. Para os critérios ambientais, o impacto de um painel existente foi estabelecido como máximo. A análise do ciclo de vida quantifica o impacto do produto em relação a diversos aspectos. Na metodologia proposta três critérios foram selecionados inicialmente: aquecimento global, destruição de recursos abióticos e toxicidade da água doce. Finalmente, apenas um deles foi utilizado na otimização, o aquecimento global, pois os critérios máximos estabelecidos para os demais eram facilmente atingidos ao longo da otimização. A otimização multiobjetivos gera como resultado uma frente de Pareto com um conjunto de soluções, e cabe ao projetista escolher a melhor opção, analisando-a em relação ao impacto ambiental e a outros aspectos, tais como disponibilidade e custoAbstract: This work aims at developing a methodology capable of adding environmental criteria to the pre-design of a vehicular acoustic treatment. This integration was accomplished through a multi-objective optimization based on a genetic algorithm. A real case study was analyzed with the proposed methodology. It consists of a multilayered acoustic panel applied in passenger vehicles. The transfer matrix method is used to calculate the acoustic behavior of the panel. In this method the panel area is infinite. It provides a lower computational cost than finite element models, which can take into account the real dimensions of the panel. The Johnson-Champoux-Allard model was used for poroelastic material modeling. It includes the energy loss generated by the viscous and the thermal interactions between the solid and the fluid media. The lower computational cost of the model is essential for the optimization. The desired acoustic transmission and results of the life cycle analysis of the panel were established as the optimization objectives. A transmission loss curve in octave bands was defined as a minimum noise performance criterion. For the environmental criteria, an existing panel behavior was established as the maximum. The life cycle assessment quantifies the product impact with respect to many aspects. In the proposed methodology, three criteria were initially selected: global warming, abiotic depletion, and fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity. Finally, only one of them was used in the optimization, the global warming, because the maximum values established for the other criteria were easily achieved during the optimization. The multi-objective optimization provides a Pareto front solutions set, and it is up to the designer to choose the best option, analyzing the solution set with relation to environmental impact and other aspects, such as availability and costDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutora em Engenharia Mecânic