4 research outputs found

    On standard locally catenative L schemes

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    AbstractA standard locally catenative L scheme extracts the essential feature of the locally catenative property. We investigate conditions under which a standard locally catenative L scheme has multiple locally catenative L systems

    On the complete simulation of DOL schemes and locally catenative schemes

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    Let (Σ, h) be a DOL scheme where h is a homomorphism from Σ* to Σ*. (Σ, h) is said to completely simulate another DOL scheme (Δ, g) if hf = fg and hn = fr} for some injective homomorphism f, some positive integer n, and some homomorphism r. The main results of this paper are: (1) Each complete simulation can be decomposed into a series of “primitive” simulations. (2) It is decidable whether or not there exists a standard locally catenative scheme which is simulated by a given DOL scheme

    A semantic and syntactic approach to get constructions in World Englishes

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    This dissertation aims to analyse get constructions in different contemporary varieties of spoken World Englishes. For this purpose, syntactic, lexical, semantic, pragmatic and stylistic variables will be taken into account. Special emphasis is placed on the discursive, pragmatic and lexical factors which determine their use, and on the semantic and pragmatic functions these constructions have in the different registers and varieties of English. It will also study the sociolinguistic parameters that condition the variations in the use of the get constructions, and the differences between these constructions and the be-passive. The dissertation aims to provide a cross-varietal comparative analysis on the basis of data obtained from the different corpora of the International Corpus of English (ICE), namely the British, Indian, Hong Kong and Singaporean components