4,131 research outputs found

    Deadline Missing Prediction Through the Use of Milestones

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    Distributed Real-Time Thread is an important concept for distributed real-time systems. Distributed Threads are schedulable entities with an end-to-end deadline that transpose nodes, carrying their scheduling context. In each node, the thread will be locally scheduled according to a local deadline, which is defined by a deadline partitioning algorithm. Mechanisms for predicting the missing of deadlines are fundamental if corrective actions are incorporated for improving system quality of service. In this work, a mechanism for predicting missing deadlines is proposed and evaluated through simulation. In order to illustrate the main characteristics of the proposed mechanism, experiments will be presented taking into account different scenarios of normal load and overload. Simulations show that the deadline missing prediction mechanism proposed presents good results for improving the overall performance and availability of distributed systems

    Towards machine learning applied to time series based network traffic forecasting

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    This TFG will explore some specific use cases of the application of Machine Learning techniques to Software-Define Networks, in particular to overlay protocols such as LISP, VXLAN, etc.The aim of this project is to implement a network traffic forecasting model using time series and improve its performance with machine learning techniques, offering a better prediction based in outlier correction. This is a project developed in the Computer Architecture Department (DAC) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Time Series modeling methodology is able to shape a trend and take care of any existing outlier, however it does not cover outlier impact on forecasting. In order to achieve more precision and better confidence intervals, the model combines outlier detection methodology and Artificial Neural Networks to quantify and predict outliers. A study is realized over external data to find out if there is an improvement and its effect on the predictions. Machine learning techniques as Artificial Neural Networks has proven to be an improvement of the current methodology to realize forecasting using Time Series modeling. Future work will be oriented to create an improved standard of this system focused on generalize the model.El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar un modelo de previsión de tráfico de red utilizando series temporales y mejorar su rendimiento con técnicas de aprendizaje automático, generando una mejor predicción basada en la corrección de valores atípicos. Se trata de un proyecto desarrollado en el Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores (DAC) de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). La metodología de modelado de series temporales es capaz de predecir una tendencia y hacerse cargo de cualquier valor atípico ya existente, sin embargo, no cubre el impacto de estos sobre la predicción. Con el fin de lograr una mayor precisión y mejores intervalos de confianza, el modelo combina la metodología de detección de valores atípicos y redes neuronales artificiales para cuantificar y predecir los atípicos. Un estudio se realiza sobre datos externos para averiguar si hay una mejora y su efecto sobre las predicciones. Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático, como redes neuronales artificiales, han demostrado ser una mejora de la metodología actual para realizar la predicción utilizando modelos de series de tiempo. El trabajo futuro se orientará para crear un mejor nivel de este sistema se centró en generalizar el modelo.L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és implementar un model de previsió de tràfic de xarxa utilitzant sèries temporals i millorar el seu rendiment amb tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic, generant una millor predicció basada en la correcció de valors atípics. Es tracta d'un projecte desenvolupat al Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors (DAC) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). La metodologia de modelatge de sèries temporals és capaç de predir una tendència i fer-se càrrec de qualsevol valor atípic ja existent, però, no cobreix l'impacte d'aquests sobre la predicció. Per tal d'aconseguir una major precisió i millors intervals de confiança, el model combina la metodologia de detecció de valors atípics i xarxes neuronals artificials per quantificar i predir els atípics. Un estudi es realitza sobre dades externes per esbrinar si hi ha una millora i el seu efecte sobre les prediccions. Les tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic, com xarxes neuronals artificials, han demostrat ser una millora de la metodologia actual per a fer predicció utilitzant models de sèries de temps. El treball futur s'orientarà per crear un millor nivell d'aquest sistema es va centrar en generalitzar el model

    It's about time we align : meeting deadlines in project teams

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    Quality analysis of critical control points within the whole food chain and their impact on food quality, safety and health (QACCP)

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    The overall objective of the project was to optimise organic production and processing in order to improve food quality and increase health promoting aspects in consumer products. The approach was a chain analysis approach which addressed the link between farm and fork and backwards from fork to farm. The objectives were to test food authenticity on farm level and food quality and health in processing. The carrot was chosen as the model vegetable since it is common for the involved partners from industry and is processed for baby food; hence the results are relevant for other vegetables and organic food in general as well. - Identify and define critical and essential product quality parameters useful to optimise organic food quality - Compare products from different farming practices (conventional and within organic) - Performance of QACCP (Quality Analysis Critical Control Point, similar to HACCP methodology) - Test the impact of the food chain (focusing on processing techniques) on the product quality and safety - Test the impact of organic food on healt

    Reducing Restaurant Inventory Costs Through Sales Forecasting

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    Family Restaurant is a local restaurant in the greater Atlanta area that serves a variety of dishes that include an assortment of 19 different proteins. Currently, Family Restaurant places protein orders based on business intuition, and tends to over-stock and sometimes under-stock. To minimize inventory costs by reducing over-stocking and preventing under-stocking of proteins, we applied Facebook Prophet (FB Prophet), ARIMA, and XG Boost machine learning models to predict protein demand and then fed these results into a Fixed Time Period inventory model to make an overall order suggestion based on the specified time period. We trained our models on sales data from 2021 and 2022 and tested our models on January 2023 data. Overall, FB Prophet shows a 6% savings per month from actual inventory spending, ARIMA shows a 34% savings, and XG Boost shows a 5% increase in spending for January 2023. ARIMA shows such high savings as it tends to under-stock in periods of high demand, while FB Prophet adequately meets periods of high demand and tends to over-stock during periods of normal demand. The restaurant prefers to over-stock, as under-stocking implies lost sales and thus, the loss of customer good faith, which is unacceptable for their business. Family Restaurant could adapt a hybrid approach of applying FB Prophet during known times of peak sales volume, while applying ARIMA during times of normal sales volume and realizing savings of 30%. The hybrid approach is slightly riskier, as it still relies on intuition. Ultimately, our recommendation is to follow the conservative approach of always applying the FB Prophet model and realizing savings at or around 6%