103 research outputs found

    A Literature Survey and Classifications on Data Deanonymisation

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    The problem of disclosing private anonymous data has become increasingly serious particularly with the possibility of carrying out deanonymisation attacks on publishing data. The related work available in the literature is inadequate in terms of the number of techniques analysed, and is limited to certain contexts such as Online Social Networks. We survey a large number of state-of-the-art techniques of deanonymisation achieved in various methods and on different types of data. Our aim is to build a comprehensive understanding about the problem. For this survey, we propose a framework to guide a thorough analysis and classifications. We are interested in classifying deanonymisation approaches based on type and source of auxiliary information and on the structure of target datasets. Moreover, potential attacks, threats and some suggested assistive techniques are identified. This can inform the research in gaining an understanding of the deanonymisation problem and assist in the advancement of privacy protection

    Misusability Measure Based Sanitization of Big Data for Privacy Preserving MapReduce Programming

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    Leakage and misuse of sensitive data is a challenging problem to enterprises. It has become more serious problem with the advent of cloud and big data. The rationale behind this is the increase in outsourcing of data to public cloud and publishing data for wider visibility. Therefore Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP), Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) and Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDM) are crucial in the contemporary era. PPDP and PPDM can protect privacy at data and process levels respectively. Therefore, with big data privacy to data became indispensable due to the fact that data is stored and processed in semi-trusted environment. In this paper we proposed a comprehensive methodology for effective sanitization of data based on misusability measure for preserving privacy to get rid of data leakage and misuse. We followed a hybrid approach that caters to the needs of privacy preserving MapReduce programming. We proposed an algorithm known as Misusability Measure-Based Privacy serving Algorithm (MMPP) which considers level of misusability prior to choosing and application of appropriate sanitization on big data. Our empirical study with Amazon EC2 and EMR revealed that the proposed methodology is useful in realizing privacy preserving Map Reduce programming

    The Long Road to Computational Location Privacy: A Survey

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    The widespread adoption of continuously connected smartphones and tablets developed the usage of mobile applications, among which many use location to provide geolocated services. These services provide new prospects for users: getting directions to work in the morning, leaving a check-in at a restaurant at noon and checking next day's weather in the evening are possible right from any mobile device embedding a GPS chip. In these location-based applications, the user's location is sent to a server, which uses them to provide contextual and personalised answers. However, nothing prevents the latter from gathering, analysing and possibly sharing the collected information, which opens the door to many privacy threats. Indeed, mobility data can reveal sensitive information about users, among which one's home, work place or even religious and political preferences. For this reason, many privacy-preserving mechanisms have been proposed these last years to enhance location privacy while using geolocated services. This article surveys and organises contributions in this area from classical building blocks to the most recent developments of privacy threats and location privacy-preserving mechanisms. We divide the protection mechanisms between online and offline use cases, and organise them into six categories depending on the nature of their algorithm. Moreover, this article surveys the evaluation metrics used to assess protection mechanisms in terms of privacy, utility and performance. Finally, open challenges and new directions to address the problem of computational location privacy are pointed out and discussed

    Privacy-Aware Adversarial Network in Human Mobility Prediction

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    As mobile devices and location-based services are increasingly developed in different smart city scenarios and applications, many unexpected privacy leakages have arisen due to geolocated data collection and sharing. User re-identification and other sensitive inferences are major privacy threats when geolocated data are shared with cloud-assisted applications. Significantly, four spatio-temporal points are enough to uniquely identify 95\% of the individuals, which exacerbates personal information leakages. To tackle malicious purposes such as user re-identification, we propose an LSTM-based adversarial mechanism with representation learning to attain a privacy-preserving feature representation of the original geolocated data (i.e., mobility data) for a sharing purpose. These representations aim to maximally reduce the chance of user re-identification and full data reconstruction with a minimal utility budget (i.e., loss). We train the mechanism by quantifying privacy-utility trade-off of mobility datasets in terms of trajectory reconstruction risk, user re-identification risk, and mobility predictability. We report an exploratory analysis that enables the user to assess this trade-off with a specific loss function and its weight parameters. The extensive comparison results on four representative mobility datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed architecture in mobility privacy protection and the efficiency of the proposed privacy-preserving features extractor. We show that the privacy of mobility traces attains decent protection at the cost of marginal mobility utility. Our results also show that by exploring the Pareto optimal setting, we can simultaneously increase both privacy (45%) and utility (32%)

    Privacy-enhancing Aggregation of Internet of Things Data via Sensors Grouping

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    Big data collection practices using Internet of Things (IoT) pervasive technologies are often privacy-intrusive and result in surveillance, profiling, and discriminatory actions over citizens that in turn undermine the participation of citizens to the development of sustainable smart cities. Nevertheless, real-time data analytics and aggregate information from IoT devices open up tremendous opportunities for managing smart city infrastructures. The privacy-enhancing aggregation of distributed sensor data, such as residential energy consumption or traffic information, is the research focus of this paper. Citizens have the option to choose their privacy level by reducing the quality of the shared data at a cost of a lower accuracy in data analytics services. A baseline scenario is considered in which IoT sensor data are shared directly with an untrustworthy central aggregator. A grouping mechanism is introduced that improves privacy by sharing data aggregated first at a group level compared as opposed to sharing data directly to the central aggregator. Group-level aggregation obfuscates sensor data of individuals, in a similar fashion as differential privacy and homomorphic encryption schemes, thus inference of privacy-sensitive information from single sensors becomes computationally harder compared to the baseline scenario. The proposed system is evaluated using real-world data from two smart city pilot projects. Privacy under grouping increases, while preserving the accuracy of the baseline scenario. Intra-group influences of privacy by one group member on the other ones are measured and fairness on privacy is found to be maximized between group members with similar privacy choices. Several grouping strategies are compared. Grouping by proximity of privacy choices provides the highest privacy gains. The implications of the strategy on the design of incentives mechanisms are discussed
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