107 research outputs found

    discrimination of different serbian pronunciations from shtokavian dialect

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    Abstract This paper proposes a new methodology for discrimination of different pronunciations in the Shtokavian dialect of the Serbian language. At the first, the written language (Unicode text) is converted into codes according to the energy status of each character in the text-line. Such a set of codes is seen as a grayscale image. Then, the local structures of the image are explored by local binary operators. It creates a vector set which differentiates various pronunciations of the Serbian language. The experiment is performed on fifty documents given in Serbian language. A comparison performed between the proposed method and the n -gram method shows its clear advantage

    A Review of the "Digital Turn" in the New Literacy Studies

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    Digital communication has transformed literacy practices and assumed great importance in the functioning of workplace, recreational, and community contexts. This article reviews a decade of empirical work of the New Literacy Studies, identifying the shift toward research of digital literacy applications. The article engages with the central theoretical, methodological, and pragmatic challenges in the tradition of New Literacy Studies, while highlighting the distinctive trends in the digital strand. It identifies common patterns across new literacy practices through cross-comparisons of ethnographic research in digital media environments. It examines ways in which this research is taking into account power and pedagogy in normative contexts of literacy learning using the new media. Recommendations are given to strengthen the links between New Literacy Studies research and literacy curriculum, assessment, and accountability in the 21st century

    Experiences and Challenges of Editing and Publishing Primary Legal-Historical Sources in Croatia

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    The authors approach the topic of editing and publishing primary legal-historical sources from the perspective of Croatian legal history as an academic discipline. Based on the earlier texts by Jakov Stipišić and Ivan Filipović, the first part of the text discusses several possible approaches towards the editing and publishing of documents, showing that critical intellectual activity is required already when the initial scope and mode of selecting and preparing the sources is decided upon. As a consequence, editing and publishing priorities are more or less directly connected to the particular interests and general methodological presumptions shared by the archivists, librarians and (legal) historians of a given society. The second part of the text – based on the works of Stjepan Antoljak, Zrinka Nikolić-Jakus, Mladen Ančić and personal insight – is thus dedicated to the most significant or illustrative (either in a positive or a negative way) source-editing and publishing projects on what is today the territory of the Republic of Croatia, in as much as some of them were influenced not only by strictly scientific, but also by political or ideological reasons. Pre-modern as well as modern and recent legal acts and other historical sources, including those typical of popular oral culture, are taken into account here. Finally, the authors reflect on the possible future of great editing projects, fearing that digitalization is only an incomplete answer to the precarious status of humanities and (historic) social sciences

    Fuero Juzgo in the Diccionario de Autoridades: Traces of Visigoth Law in Spanish Academic Lexicography

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    Traballo Fin de Máster Erasmus Mundus en Lexicografía. Curso 2018-2019The employment of diverse texts as sources of lexicographic material to exemplify and attest the use of the lemmata is one of the most recognizable traits of the first dictionary published by the Spanish Royal Academy. This Master’s Thesis aims at two main objectives. Firstly, the text aspires to contribute to the general study on the specialized lexicon lemmatized in the first academic dictionary, thus concentrating on the legal vocabulary. Secondly, it examines the sources of the lexicographic material while focusing on the employment of the medieval legal code Fuero Juzgo as one of the sources. By examining both the implementation of this code as a source as well as the treatment of the legal vocabulary it exemplifies, this work provides an insight into both semantic and formal genesis of the lexical units tied to the domain of law through time but also depicts different types of aspects (historical, linguistic, lexicographical, etc.) which, in one way or another, have influenced this process.Die Anwendung verschiedener Texte als Quellen für lexikografisches Material zum Zwecke der Veranschaulichung und Bestätigung der Verwendung der Lemmata ist eines der bekanntesten Merkmale des ersten von der Real Academia Española veröffentlichten Wörterbuchs. Diese Masterarbeit hat zwei Hauptziele. Erstens beabsichtigt man mit dem Text einen Beitrag zur allgemeinen Forschung des im ersten akademischen Wörterbuch lemmatisierten Fachlexikons zu leisten und sich dabei auf das juristische Vokabular zu konzentrieren. Zweitens werden die Quellen des lexikografischen Materials untersucht, wobei der Einsatz des mittelalterlichen Rechtskodex Fuero Juzgo als eine der Quellen im Mittelpunkt steht. Indem diese Arbeit sowohl die Implementierung dieses Kodex als Quelle als auch die Behandlung des darin veranschaulichten Rechtsvokabulars untersucht, gibt sie einen Einblick in den semantischen und formalen Werdegang der lexikalischen Einheiten durch die Zeit, die mit dem Rechtsbereich verbunden sind, aber auch stellt verschiedene Arten von Aspekten (historische, linguistische, lexikografische usw.) dar, die auf die eine oder andere Weise diesen Prozess beeinflusst haben.O emprego de textos diversos como fontes de material lexicográfico para exemplificar e testemuñar o uso do lemmata é un dos trazos máis recoñecibles do primeiro dicionario publicado pola Real Academia Española. Esta tese de máster ten dous obxectivos, en primeiro lugar, o texto aspira a contribuír ao estudo xeral do léxico especializado lematizado no primeiro dicionario académico, concentrándose así no vocabulario legal. En segundo lugar, examina as fontes do material lexicográfico ao tempo que se centra no emprego do código xurídico medieval Fuero Juzgo como unha das fontes. Ao examinar tanto a implementación deste código como fonte como o tratamento do vocabulario xurídico que exemplifica, este traballo ofrece unha visión da xénese tanto semántica como formal das unidades léxicas vinculadas ao dominio do dereito a través do tempo, pero tamén describe diferentes. tipos de aspectos (históricos, lingüísticos, lexicográficos, etc.) que, dun xeito ou doutro, influíron neste proceso

    A Comparison of Stave Churches and Pre-Christian Cult-Houses, Their Origins and Influences

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    This study investigates the origins of the stave churches of Norway and their relationship to Norse pre-Christian cult-houses. The origin of the Norwegian stave church phenomenon remains enigmatic and much debated. Because of their distinct shape and unique decorative elements, they are often interpreted as a developed Christian architectural form based upon pre-Christian Norse cultic structures. Historically, no pre-Christian cult structures had been recovered archaeologically, and thus no definitive comparison was possible. Recent discoveries have forced a revision of this situation. This thesis employs an interdisciplinary approach to investigate and compare what excavators identify as pre-Christian ritual structures with the surviving corpus of Norwegian stave churches. Christian and pre-Christian sacred enclosures are examined from the beginning of the Viking era in the 8th century, to the end of the stave church era (c. 1350, the year that the Black Death decimated Norway). Data drawn from archaeological excavations, comparative historical architecture, stylistic evidence, and historical documentation across the North Sea region and Europe is interrogated to determine the influences on Norwegian stave church architecture. For comparative purposes, pre-Christian cult structures from Scandinavia are analysed using a combination of archaeological evidence, historical documentation and literary evidence. The results demonstrate that Norse pagan cultic structures were of two types, dedicated cult-houses and multi-purpose halls. These structures were built using construction methods and architectural patterns present in vernacular and aristocratic building styles. Stave churches were constructed employing architectural styles influenced by the Roman church, often driven by liturgical necessity. Each of the existing stave church styles can be traced to European predecessors and has contemporaneous non-Norwegian examples. The early Norwegian timber churches contemporaneous with pre-Christian cult structures were based on an insular two-cell church commonly found across northern Europe. Thus the pagan and Christian temple existed contemporaneously as parallel but separate architectural traditions

    Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory

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    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of documents of all sorts have been unearthed in China, opening whole new fields of study and transforming our modern understanding of ancient China. While these discoveries have necessarily taken place in China, Western scholars have also contributed to the study of these documents throughout this entire period. This book provides a comprehensive survey of the contributions of these Western scholars to the field of Chinese paleography, and especially to study of oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze and stone inscriptions, and manuscripts written on bamboo and silk. Each of these topics is provided with a comprehensive narrative history of studies by Western scholars, as well as an exhaustive bibliography and biographies of important scholars in the field. It is also supplied with a list of Chinese translations of these studies, as well as a complete index of authors and their works. Whether the reader is interested in the history of ancient China, ancient Chinese paleographic documents, or just in the history of the study of China as it has developed in the West, this book provides one of the most complete accounts available to date