393 research outputs found

    Semantics-enriched workflow creation and management system with an application to document image analysis and recognition

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    Scientific workflow systems are an established means to model and execute experiments or processing pipelines. Nevertheless, designing workflows can be a daunting task for users due to the complexities of the systems and the sheer number of available processing nodes, each having different compatibility/applicability characteristics. This Thesis explores how concepts of the Semantic Web can be used to augment workflow systems in order to assist researchers as well as non-expert users in creating valid and effective workflows. A prototype workflow creation/management system has been developed, including components for ontology modelling, workflow composition, and workflow repositories. Semantics are incorporated as a lightweight layer, permeating all aspects of the system and workflows, including retrieval, composition, and validation. Document image analysis and recognition is used as a representative application domain to evaluate the validity of the system. A new semantic model is proposed, covering a wide range of aspects of the target domain and adjacent fields. Real-world use cases demonstrate the assistive features and the automated workflow creation. On that basis, the prototype workflow creation/management system is compared to other state-of-the-art workflow systems and it is shown how those could benefit from the semantic model. The Thesis concludes with a discussion on how a complete infrastructure based on semantics-enriched datasets, workflow systems, and sharing platforms could represent the next step in automation within document image analysis and other domains

    Elastic Dataflow Processing on the Cloud

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    Τα νεφη εχουν μετατραπει σε μια ελκυστικη πλατφορμα για την πολυπλοκη επεξεργασια δεδομενων μεγαλης κλιμακας, ειδικα εξαιτιας της εννοιας της ελαστικοτητας, η οποια και τα χαρακτηριζει: οι υπολογιστικοι ποροι μπορουν να εκμισθωθουν δυναμικα και να χρησιμοποιουνται για οσο χρονο ειναι απαραιτητο. Αυτο δινει την δυνατοτητα να δημιουργηθει μια εικονικη υποδομη η οποια μπορει να αλλαζει δυναμικα στο χρονο. Οι συγχρονες εφαρμογες απαιτουν την εκτελεση πολυπλοκων ερωτηματων σε Μεγαλα Δεδομενα για την εξορυξη γνωσης και την υποστηριξη επιχειρησιακων αποφασεων. Τα πολυπλοκα αυτα ερωτηματα, εκφραζονται σε γλωσσες υψηλου επιπεδου και τυπικα μεταφραζονται σε ροες επεξεργασιας δεδομενων, η απλα ροες δεδομενων. Ενα λογικο ερωτημα που τιθεται ειναι κατα ποσον η ελαστικοτητα επηρεαζει την εκτελεση των ροων δεδομενων και με πιο τροπο. Ειναι λογικο οτι η εκτελεση να ειναι πιθανον γρηγοροτερη αν χρησιμοποιηθουν περισ- σοτεροι υπολογιστικοι ποροι, αλλα το κοστος θα ειναι υψηλοτερο. Αυτο δημιουργει την εννοια της οικο-ελαστικοτητας, ενος επιπλεον τυπου ελαστικοτητας ο οποιος προερχεται απο την οικονο- μικη θεωρια, και συλλαμβανει τις εναλλακτικες μεταξυ του χρονου εκτελεσης και του χρηματικου κοστους οπως προκυπτει απο την χρηση των πορων. Στα πλαισια αυτης της διδακτορικης διατριβης, προσεγγιζουμε την ελαστικοτητα με ενα ενοποιημενο μοντελο που περιλαμβανει και τις δυο ειδων ελαστικοτητες που υπαρχουν στα υπολογιστικα νεφη. Αυτη η ενοποιημενη προσεγγιση της ελαστικοτητας ειναι πολυ σημαντικη στην σχεδιαση συστηματων που ρυθμιζονται αυτοματα (auto-tuned) σε περιβαλλοντα νεφους. Αρχικα δειχνουμε οτι η οικο-ελαστικοτητα υπαρχει σε αρκετους τυπους υπολογισμου που εμφανιζονται συχνα στην πραξη και οτι μπορει να βρεθει χρησιμοποιωντας εναν απλο, αλλα ταυτοχρονα αποδοτικο και ε- πεκτασιμο αλγοριθμο. Επειτα, παρουσιαζουμε δυο εφαρμογες που χρησιμοποιουν αλγοριθμους οι οποιοι χρησιμοποιουν το ενοποιημενο μοντελο ελαστικοτητας που προτεινουμε για να μπορουν να προσαρμοζουν δυναμικα το συστημα στα ερωτηματα της εισοδου: 1) την ελαστικη επεξεργασια αναλυτικων ερωτηματων τα οποια εχουν πλανα εκτελεσης με μορφη δεντρων με σκοπο την μεγι- στοποιηση του κερδους και 2) την αυτοματη διαχειριση χρησιμων ευρετηριων λαμβανοντας υποψη το χρηματικο κοστος των υπολογιστικων και των αποθηκευτικων πορων. Τελος, παρουσιαζουμε το EXAREME, ενα συστημα για την ελαστικη επεξεργασια μεγαλου ογκου δεδομενων στο νεφος το οποιο εχει χρησιμοποιηθει και επεκταθει σε αυτην την δουλεια. Το συστημα προσφερει δηλωτικες γλωσσες που βασιζονται στην SQL επεκταμενη με συναρτησεις οι οποιες μπορει να οριστουν απο χρηστες (User-Defined Functions, UDFs). Επιπλεον, το συντακτικο της γλωσσας εχει επεκταθει με στοιχεια παραλληλισμου. Το EXAREME εχει σχεδιαστει για να εκμεταλλευεται τις ελαστικοτη- τες που προσφερουν τα νεφη, δεσμευοντας και αποδεσμευοντας υπολογιστικους πορους δυναμικα με σκοπο την προσαρμογη στα ερωτηματα.Clouds have become an attractive platform for the large-scale processing of modern applications on Big Data, especially due to the concept of elasticity, which characterizes them: resources can be leased on demand and used for as much time as needed, offering the ability to create virtual infrastructures that change dynamically over time. Such applications often require processing of complex queries that are expressed in a high-level language and are typically transformed into data processing flows (dataflows). A logical question that arises is whether elasticity affects dataflow execution and in which way. It seems reasonable that the execution is faster when more resources are used, however the monetary cost is higher. This gives rise to the concept eco-elasticity, an additional kind of elasticity that comes from economics, and captures the trade-offs between the response time of the system and the amount of money we pay for it as influenced by the use of different amounts of resources. In this thesis, we approach the elasticity of clouds in a unified way that combines both the traditional notion and eco-elasticity. This unified elasticity concept is essential for the development of auto-tuned systems in cloud environments. First, we demonstrate that eco-elasticity exists in several common tasks that appear in practice and that can be discovered using a simple, yet highly scalable and efficient algorithm. Next, we present two cases of auto-tuned algorithms that use the unified model of elasticity in order to adapt to the query workload: 1) processing analytical queries in the form of tree execution plans in order to maximize profit and 2) automated index management taking into account compute and storage re- sources. Finally, we describe EXAREME, a system for elastic data processing on the cloud that has been used and extended in this work. The system offers declarative languages that are based on SQL with user-defined functions (UDFs) extended with parallelism primi- tives. EXAREME exploits both elasticities of clouds by dynamically allocating and deallocating compute resources in order to adapt to the query workload

    D3.1. Architecture and design of the platform

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    This document aims to establish the requirements and the technological basis and design of the PANACEA platform. These are the main goals of the document: - Survey the different technological approaches that can be used in PANACEA. - Specify some guidelines for the metadata. - Establish the requirements for the platform. - Make a Common Interface proposal for the tools. - Propose a format for the data to be exchanged by the tools (Travelling Object). - Choose the technologies that will be used to develop the platform. - Propose a workplan

    Simplifying Internet of Things (IoT) Data Processing Work ow Composition and Orchestration in Edge and Cloud Datacenters

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    Ph. D. Thesis.Internet of Things (IoT) allows the creation of virtually in nite connections into a global array of distributed intelligence. Identifying a suitable con guration of devices, software and infrastructures in the context of user requirements are fundamental to the success of delivering IoT applications. However, the design, development, and deployment of IoT applications are complex and complicated due to various unwarranted challenges. For instance, addressing the IoT application users' subjective and objective opinions with IoT work ow instances remains a challenge for the design of a more holistic approach. Moreover, the complexity of IoT applications increased exponentially due to the heterogeneous nature of the Edge/Cloud services, utilised to lower latency in data transformation and increase reusability. To address the composition and orchestration of IoT applications in the cloud and edge environments, this thesis presents IoT-CANE (Context Aware Recommendation System) as a high-level uni ed IoT resource con guration recommendation system which embodies a uni ed conceptual model capturing con guration, constraint and infrastructure features of Edge/Cloud together with IoT devices. Second, I present an IoT work ow composition system (IoTWC) to allow IoT users to pipeline their work ows with proposed IoT work ow activity abstract patterns. IoTWC leverages the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to compose the multi-level IoT work ow that satis es the requirements of any IoT application. Besides, the users are be tted with recommended IoT work ow con gurations using an AHP based multi-level composition framework. The proposed IoTWC is validated on a user case study to evaluate the coverage of IoT work ow activity abstract patterns and a real-world scenario for smart buildings. Last, I propose a fault-tolerant automation deployment IoT framework which captures the IoT work ow plan from IoTWC to deploy in multi-cloud edge environment with a fault-tolerance mechanism. The e ciency and e ectiveness of the proposed fault-tolerant system are evaluated in a real-time water ooding data monitoring and management applicatio

    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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