47 research outputs found

    Scaling In-Memory databases on multicores

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    Current computer systems have evolved from featuring only a single processing unit and limited RAM, in the order of kilobytes or few megabytes, to include several multicore processors, o↵ering in the order of several tens of concurrent execution contexts, and have main memory in the order of several tens to hundreds of gigabytes. This allows to keep all data of many applications in the main memory, leading to the development of inmemory databases. Compared to disk-backed databases, in-memory databases (IMDBs) are expected to provide better performance by incurring in less I/O overhead. In this dissertation, we present a scalability study of two general purpose IMDBs on multicore systems. The results show that current general purpose IMDBs do not scale on multicores, due to contention among threads running concurrent transactions. In this work, we explore di↵erent direction to overcome the scalability issues of IMDBs in multicores, while enforcing strong isolation semantics. First, we present a solution that requires no modification to either database systems or to the applications, called MacroDB. MacroDB replicates the database among several engines, using a master-slave replication scheme, where update transactions execute on the master, while read-only transactions execute on slaves. This reduces contention, allowing MacroDB to o↵er scalable performance under read-only workloads, while updateintensive workloads su↵er from performance loss, when compared to the standalone engine. Second, we delve into the database engine and identify the concurrency control mechanism used by the storage sub-component as a scalability bottleneck. We then propose a new locking scheme that allows the removal of such mechanisms from the storage sub-component. This modification o↵ers performance improvement under all workloads, when compared to the standalone engine, while scalability is limited to read-only workloads. Next we addressed the scalability limitations for update-intensive workloads, and propose the reduction of locking granularity from the table level to the attribute level. This further improved performance for intensive and moderate update workloads, at a slight cost for read-only workloads. Scalability is limited to intensive-read and read-only workloads. Finally, we investigate the impact applications have on the performance of database systems, by studying how operation order inside transactions influences the database performance. We then propose a Read before Write (RbW) interaction pattern, under which transaction perform all read operations before executing write operations. The RbW pattern allowed TPC-C to achieve scalable performance on our modified engine for all workloads. Additionally, the RbW pattern allowed our modified engine to achieve scalable performance on multicores, almost up to the total number of cores, while enforcing strong isolation

    Towards Implicit Parallel Programming for Systems

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    Multi-core processors require a program to be decomposable into independent parts that can execute in parallel in order to scale performance with the number of cores. But parallel programming is hard especially when the program requires state, which many system programs use for optimization, such as for example a cache to reduce disk I/O. Most prevalent parallel programming models do not support a notion of state and require the programmer to synchronize state access manually, i.e., outside the realms of an associated optimizing compiler. This prevents the compiler to introduce parallelism automatically and requires the programmer to optimize the program manually. In this dissertation, we propose a programming language/compiler co-design to provide a new programming model for implicit parallel programming with state and a compiler that can optimize the program for a parallel execution. We define the notion of a stateful function along with their composition and control structures. An example implementation of a highly scalable server shows that stateful functions smoothly integrate into existing programming language concepts, such as object-oriented programming and programming with structs. Our programming model is also highly practical and allows to gradually adapt existing code bases. As a case study, we implemented a new data processing core for the Hadoop Map/Reduce system to overcome existing performance bottlenecks. Our lambda-calculus-based compiler automatically extracts parallelism without changing the program's semantics. We added further domain-specific semantic-preserving transformations that reduce I/O calls for microservice programs. The runtime format of a program is a dataflow graph that can be executed in parallel, performs concurrent I/O and allows for non-blocking live updates

    Speedy Transactions in Multicore In-Memory Databases

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    Silo is a new in-memory database that achieves excellent performance and scalability on modern multicore machines. Silo was designed from the ground up to use system memory and caches efficiently. For instance, it avoids all centralized contention points, including that of centralized transaction ID assignment. Silo's key contribution is a commit protocol based on optimistic concurrency control that provides serializability while avoiding all shared-memory writes for records that were only read. Though this might seem to complicate the enforcement of a serial order, correct logging and recovery is provided by linking periodically-updated epochs with the commit protocol. Silo provides the same guarantees as any serializable database without unnecessary scalability bottlenecks or much additional latency. Silo achieves almost 700,000 transactions per second on a standard TPC-C workload mix on a 32-core machine, as well as near-linear scalability. Considered per core, this is several times higher than previously reported results.Engineering and Applied Science