317 research outputs found

    New Fault Detection, Mitigation and Injection Strategies for Current and Forthcoming Challenges of HW Embedded Designs

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Relevance of electronics towards safety of common devices has only been growing, as an ever growing stake of the functionality is assigned to them. But of course, this comes along the constant need for higher performances to fulfill such functionality requirements, while keeping power and budget low. In this scenario, industry is struggling to provide a technology which meets all the performance, power and price specifications, at the cost of an increased vulnerability to several types of known faults or the appearance of new ones. To provide a solution for the new and growing faults in the systems, designers have been using traditional techniques from safety-critical applications, which offer in general suboptimal results. In fact, modern embedded architectures offer the possibility of optimizing the dependability properties by enabling the interaction of hardware, firmware and software levels in the process. However, that point is not yet successfully achieved. Advances in every level towards that direction are much needed if flexible, robust, resilient and cost effective fault tolerance is desired. The work presented here focuses on the hardware level, with the background consideration of a potential integration into a holistic approach. The efforts in this thesis have focused several issues: (i) to introduce additional fault models as required for adequate representativity of physical effects blooming in modern manufacturing technologies, (ii) to provide tools and methods to efficiently inject both the proposed models and classical ones, (iii) to analyze the optimum method for assessing the robustness of the systems by using extensive fault injection and later correlation with higher level layers in an effort to cut development time and cost, (iv) to provide new detection methodologies to cope with challenges modeled by proposed fault models, (v) to propose mitigation strategies focused towards tackling such new threat scenarios and (vi) to devise an automated methodology for the deployment of many fault tolerance mechanisms in a systematic robust way. The outcomes of the thesis constitute a suite of tools and methods to help the designer of critical systems in his task to develop robust, validated, and on-time designs tailored to his application.[ES] La relevancia que la electrónica adquiere en la seguridad de los productos ha crecido inexorablemente, puesto que cada vez ésta copa una mayor influencia en la funcionalidad de los mismos. Pero, por supuesto, este hecho viene acompañado de una necesidad constante de mayores prestaciones para cumplir con los requerimientos funcionales, al tiempo que se mantienen los costes y el consumo en unos niveles reducidos. En este escenario, la industria está realizando esfuerzos para proveer una tecnología que cumpla con todas las especificaciones de potencia, consumo y precio, a costa de un incremento en la vulnerabilidad a múltiples tipos de fallos conocidos o la introducción de nuevos. Para ofrecer una solución a los fallos nuevos y crecientes en los sistemas, los diseñadores han recurrido a técnicas tradicionalmente asociadas a sistemas críticos para la seguridad, que ofrecen en general resultados sub-óptimos. De hecho, las arquitecturas empotradas modernas ofrecen la posibilidad de optimizar las propiedades de confiabilidad al habilitar la interacción de los niveles de hardware, firmware y software en el proceso. No obstante, ese punto no está resulto todavía. Se necesitan avances en todos los niveles en la mencionada dirección para poder alcanzar los objetivos de una tolerancia a fallos flexible, robusta, resiliente y a bajo coste. El trabajo presentado aquí se centra en el nivel de hardware, con la consideración de fondo de una potencial integración en una estrategia holística. Los esfuerzos de esta tesis se han centrado en los siguientes aspectos: (i) la introducción de modelos de fallo adicionales requeridos para la representación adecuada de efectos físicos surgentes en las tecnologías de manufactura actuales, (ii) la provisión de herramientas y métodos para la inyección eficiente de los modelos propuestos y de los clásicos, (iii) el análisis del método óptimo para estudiar la robustez de sistemas mediante el uso de inyección de fallos extensiva, y la posterior correlación con capas de más alto nivel en un esfuerzo por recortar el tiempo y coste de desarrollo, (iv) la provisión de nuevos métodos de detección para cubrir los retos planteados por los modelos de fallo propuestos, (v) la propuesta de estrategias de mitigación enfocadas hacia el tratamiento de dichos escenarios de amenaza y (vi) la introducción de una metodología automatizada de despliegue de diversos mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos de forma robusta y sistemática. Los resultados de la presente tesis constituyen un conjunto de herramientas y métodos para ayudar al diseñador de sistemas críticos en su tarea de desarrollo de diseños robustos, validados y en tiempo adaptados a su aplicación.[CA] La rellevància que l'electrònica adquireix en la seguretat dels productes ha crescut inexorablement, puix cada volta més aquesta abasta una major influència en la funcionalitat dels mateixos. Però, per descomptat, aquest fet ve acompanyat d'un constant necessitat de majors prestacions per acomplir els requeriments funcionals, mentre es mantenen els costos i consums en uns nivells reduïts. Donat aquest escenari, la indústria està fent esforços per proveir una tecnologia que complisca amb totes les especificacions de potència, consum i preu, tot a costa d'un increment en la vulnerabilitat a diversos tipus de fallades conegudes, i a la introducció de nous tipus. Per oferir una solució a les noves i creixents fallades als sistemes, els dissenyadors han recorregut a tècniques tradicionalment associades a sistemes crítics per a la seguretat, que en general oferixen resultats sub-òptims. De fet, les arquitectures empotrades modernes oferixen la possibilitat d'optimitzar les propietats de confiabilitat en habilitar la interacció dels nivells de hardware, firmware i software en el procés. Tot i això eixe punt no està resolt encara. Es necessiten avanços a tots els nivells en l'esmentada direcció per poder assolir els objectius d'una tolerància a fallades flexible, robusta, resilient i a baix cost. El treball ací presentat se centra en el nivell de hardware, amb la consideració de fons d'una potencial integració en una estratègia holística. Els esforços d'esta tesi s'han centrat en els següents aspectes: (i) la introducció de models de fallada addicionals requerits per a la representació adequada d'efectes físics que apareixen en les tecnologies de fabricació actuals, (ii) la provisió de ferramentes i mètodes per a la injecció eficient del models proposats i dels clàssics, (iii) l'anàlisi del mètode òptim per estudiar la robustesa de sistemes mitjançant l'ús d'injecció de fallades extensiva, i la posterior correlació amb capes de més alt nivell en un esforç per retallar el temps i cost de desenvolupament, (iv) la provisió de nous mètodes de detecció per cobrir els reptes plantejats pels models de fallades proposats, (v) la proposta d'estratègies de mitigació enfocades cap al tractament dels esmentats escenaris d'amenaça i (vi) la introducció d'una metodologia automatitzada de desplegament de diversos mecanismes de tolerància a fallades de forma robusta i sistemàtica. Els resultats de la present tesi constitueixen un conjunt de ferramentes i mètodes per ajudar el dissenyador de sistemes crítics en la seua tasca de desenvolupament de dissenys robustos, validats i a temps adaptats a la seua aplicació.Espinosa García, J. (2016). New Fault Detection, Mitigation and Injection Strategies for Current and Forthcoming Challenges of HW Embedded Designs [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73146TESISCompendi

    Energy analysis and optimisation techniques for automatically synthesised coprocessors

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    The primary outcome of this research project is the development of a methodology enabling fast automated early-stage power and energy analysis of configurable processors for system-on-chip platforms. Such capability is essential to the process of selecting energy efficient processors during design-space exploration, when potential savings are highest. This has been achieved by developing dynamic and static energy consumption models for the constituent blocks within the processors. Several optimisations have been identified, specifically targeting the most significant blocks in terms of energy consumption. Instruction encoding mechanism reduces both the energy and area requirements of the instruction cache; modifications to the multiplier unit reduce energy consumption during inactive cycles. Both techniques are demonstrated to offer substantial energy savings. The aforementioned techniques have undergone detailed evaluation and, based on the positive outcomes obtained, have been incorporated into Cascade, a system-on-chip coprocessor synthesis tool developed by Critical Blue, to provide automated analysis and optimisation of processor energy requirements. This thesis details the process of identifying and examining each method, along with the results obtained. Finally, a case study demonstrates the benefits of the developed functionality, from the perspective of someone using Cascade to automate the creation of an energy-efficient configurable processor for system-on-chip platforms

    Behaviour analysis in binary SoC data

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    KAPow: high-accuracy, low-overhead online per-module power estimation for FPGA designs

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    In an FPGA system-on-chip design, it is often insufficient to merely assess the power consumption of the entire circuit by compile-time estimation or runtime power measurement. Instead, to make better decisions, one must understand the power consumed by each module in the system. In this work, we combine measurements of register-level switching activity and system-level power to build an adaptive online model that produces live breakdowns of power consumption within the design. Online model refinement avoids time-consuming characterisation while also allowing the model to track long-term operating condition changes. Central to our method is an automated flow that selects signals predicted to be indicative of high power consumption, instrumenting them for monitoring. We named this technique KAPow, for 'K'ounting Activity for Power estimation, which we show to be accurate and to have low overheads across a range of representative benchmarks. We also propose a strategy allowing for the identification and subsequent elimination of counters found to be of low significance at runtime, reducing algorithmic complexity without sacrificing significant accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate an application example in which a module-level power breakdown can be used to determine an efficient mapping of tasks to modules and reduce system-wide power consumption by up to 7%

    Improving Safety of an Automotive AES-GCM Core and its Impact on Side-Channel Protection

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    O incremento do número de componentes eletrónicos e o correspondente aumento do fluxo de dados no setor automóvel levou a uma preocupação crescente com a garantia de segurança dos sistemas eletrónicos, especialmente em sistemas críticos cuja violação seja passível de colocar em causa a integridade do sistema e a segurança das pessoas. A utilização de sistemas que implementam o Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) foi vista como uma solução para este problema, impedindo o acesso indevido aos dados dos veículos, através da sua encriptação. O algoritmo AES não possui atualmente nenhuma vulnerabilidade efetiva, mas o mesmo não acontece com as suas implementações, as quais estão sujeitas a ataques ditos side-channel, onde informações que resultam da operação destas implementações são exploradas na tentativa de descobrir os dados encriptados. A aplicação de núcleos IP no setor automóvel requer que as suas implementações cumpram a norma ISO-26262 de forma a garantir que a sua operação não compromete a segurança do veículo e dos ocupantes. Este cumprimento implica alterações na arquitetura dos sistemas que podem influenciar as características de operação que são normalmente exploradas em ataques para obter informação que eventualmente permita ganhar conhecimento sobre os dados encriptados. Assim, o desenvolvimento das componentes de segurança, na perspetiva da segurança informática da informação e no que se refere à segurança de operação do veículo e dos seus ocupantes, que são ainda consideradas como componentes independentes, podem na verdade estar relacionadas, já que as melhorias introduzidas para incrementar a resiliência a falhas e consequentemente a integridade de operação dos sistemas, podem aumentar a fragilidade do sistema a ataques que comprometam a segurança informática dos dados. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma arquitetura capaz de atingir as métricas para o nível mais alto de certificação em segurança de acordo com a norma ISSO-26262 (certificação ASIL-D), a partir de uma arquitetura já existente, e comparar as duas arquiteturas em termos de vulnerabilidade a ataques ditos side-channel que exploram o seu consumo de potência dinâmica. Os resultados demonstram que para a arquitetura ASIL-D a identificação de pontos de interesse e de dados relevantes no consumo de potência é mais evidente, o que sugere existir uma maior vulnerabilidade da arquitetura desenvolvida a ataques informáticos desenvolvidos por esse processo.The increase in electronic components and the corresponding increment in the data flow among electronic systems in automotive applications made security one of the main concerns in this sector. The use of IP cores that implement the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was seen as a solution to this problem, preventing improper access to vehicle data, through its encryption. The AES algorithm does not currently have any effective vulnerability, but the same does not happen with its implementations, which are subject to side-channel attacks, where information that results from the operation of these implementations is exploited in an attempt to discover the encrypted data. The application of IP cores in the automotive sector requires that the implementations comply with the ISO-26262 standard in order to ensure that their operation does not compromise the vehicle's safety. This compliment implies changes in the core architecture that can influence the characteristics of operation that are normally exploited in attacks. Thus, the development of safety and security components in the automotive sector, which are still considered as independent processes, may be related because safety improvements may cause changes in the system's vulnerability to attacks that can compromise its security. This work aims to develop an architecture capable of reaching the metrics for the highest level of safety certification (ASIL-D), based on an existing architecture, and compare the two architectures in terms of vulnerability to side-channel attacks that exploit their dynamic power consumption. The results show that for the ASIL-D architecture, the identification of points of interest and relevant data on the power consumption traces is more evident, which suggests greater effectiveness of the attacks performed in this architecture

    High-level power optimisation for Digital Signal Processing in Recon gurable Logic

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    This thesis is concerned with the optimisation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithm implementations on recon gurable hardware via the selection of appropriate word-lengths for the signals in these algorithms, in order to minimise system power consumption. Whilst existing word-length optimisation work has concentrated on the minimisation of the area of algorithm implementations, this work introduces the rst set of power consumption models that can be evaluated quickly enough to be used within the search of the enormous design space of multiple word-length optimisation problems. These models achieve their speed by estimating both the power consumed within the arithmetic components of an algorithm and the power in the routing wires that connect these components, using only a high-level description of the algorithm itself. Trading o a small reduction in power model accuracy for a large increase in speed is one of the major contributions of this thesis. In addition to the work on power consumption modelling, this thesis also develops a new technique for selecting the appropriate word-lengths for an algorithm implementation in order to minimise its cost in terms of power (or some other metric for which models are available). The method developed is able to provide tight lower and upper bounds on the optimal cost that can be obtained for a particular word-length optimisation problem and can, as a result, nd provably near-optimal solutions to word-length optimisation problems without resorting to an NP-hard search of the design space. Finally the costs of systems optimised via the proposed technique are compared to those obtainable by word-length optimisation for minimisation of other metrics (such as logic area) and the results compared, providing greater insight into the nature of wordlength optimisation problems and the extent of the improvements obtainable by them