84 research outputs found

    Exploratory Study of the Privacy Extension for System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA-Priv) to elicit Privacy Risks in eHealth

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    Context: System Theoretic Process Analysis for Privacy (STPA-Priv) is a novel privacy risk elicitation method using a top down approach. It has not gotten very much attention but may offer a convenient structured approach and generation of additional artifacts compared to other methods. Aim: The aim of this exploratory study is to find out what benefits the privacy risk elicitation method STPA-Priv has and to explain how the method can be used. Method: Therefore we apply STPA-Priv to a real world health scenario that involves a smart glucose measurement device used by children. Different kinds of data from the smart device including location data should be shared with the parents, physicians, and urban planners. This makes it a sociotechnical system that offers adequate and complex privacy risks to be found. Results: We find out that STPA-Priv is a structured method for privacy analysis and finds complex privacy risks. The method is supported by a tool called XSTAMPP which makes the analysis and its results more profound. Additionally, we learn that an iterative application of the steps might be necessary to find more privacy risks when more information about the system is available later. Conclusions: STPA-Priv helps to identify complex privacy risks that are derived from sociotechnical interactions in a system. It also outputs privacy constraints that are to be enforced by the system to ensure privacy.Comment: author's post-prin

    Thinking in systems, sifting through simulations: a way ahead for cyber resilience assessment

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    The interaction between the physical world and information technologies creates advantages and novel emerging threats. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) result vulnerable to cyber-related disruptive scenarios, and, for some critical systems, cyber failures may have fallouts on society and environment. Traditional risk analysis in no more sufficient to deal with these problems. New techniques are gaining increasing consensus, especially those based on systems theory. In this context, the System-Theoretic Process Analysis for Security (STPA-Sec) extends the Systems-Theoretic Accident Modelling and Processes (STAMP) model considering cyber threats, and identifying unsafe and unsecure controls throughout a cyber socio-technical system. Despite its large usage as a descriptive tool, there is still limited use of STPA-Sec in (semi-)quantitative terms. This article presents System-Theoretic Process Analysis for Security with Simulations (STPA-Sec/S), a methodological interface between STPA-Sec and quantitative resilience assessment based on simulation models. The methodology is instantiated in a demonstrative case study of a water treatment plant, and its critical CPSs which may impact both community health, and environment. The obtained results show how STPA-Sec/S foster systems understanding, allow a systematic identification of its major criticalities, and the respective quantification

    System Theoretic Process Analysis: a literature survey on the approaches used for improving the safety in complex systems

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    Computer systems are becoming increasingly complex, specially interactive software systems, namely software user interfaces. The scientic community relies on dierent methods to assess their safety. This article provides an updated literature survey on hazard analysis approaches used to improve the safety of complex systems. To support the survey, we conceptualise complex systems, highlighting the challenge in terms of assessing their safety. We provide a brief overview on the approaches historically available to tackle issues in those systems, along with their most common methods. Finally, the article focuses in one method of a non-traditional approach, which is described in more details, along with some of its extensions, which seeks to improve the hazard analysis in complex systems

    Developing Secure and Safe Systems with Knowledge Acquisition for Automated Specification

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    On spetsiaalsed tehnikad, mida kasutatakse riskihalduses nii turvalisuse kui ohutuse konstrueerimise domeenides. Nende tehnikate väljundid, mida tuntakse artefaktidena, on üksteisest eraldatud, mis toob kaasa mitmeid probleeme, kuna domeenid on sõltumatud ja ei ole domeeni, mis ühendaks neid mõlemat. Probleemi keskmes on see, et turvalisus- ja ohutusinsenerid töötavad erinevates meeskondades kogu süsteemiarenduse elutsükli jooksul, mille tulemusena riskid ja ohud on ebapiisavalt kaetud. Käesolevas magistritöös rakendatakse struktuurset lähenemist, turvalisuse ja ohutuse integreerimiseks läbi SaS (Safety and Security) domeeni mudeli loomise, mis integreerib neid mõlemaid. Lisaks töö käigus näidatakse, et on võimalik kasutada eesmärgipõhist KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in autOmated Specification) keelt ohtude ja riskide analüüsiks, nii et kaetud saavad nii ohutus- kui ka turvadomeen, muutes nende väljundid e. artefaktid hästi struktureerituks, mille tulemusena toimub põhjalik analüüs ja suureneb usaldatavus. Me pakume välja lahenduse, mis sisaldab sellise domeeni mudeli loomist, milles on integreeritud ohtutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid. See annab parema võrdlus- ja integreerimisvõimaluse, leidmaks kahe domeeni vahelise kesktee ning ühendavad definitsioonid läbi nende kaardistamise üldises ontoloogias. Selline lahendus toob kokku turvalisuse ja ohutusedomeenide integratsiooni ühtsesse mudelisse, mille tulemusena tekib ohutus- ja turvalisustehnikate vahel vastastikune mõjustus ning toodab väljundeid, mida peetakse usaldusartefaktideks ning kasutab KAOSt domeeni mudeliga, mis on ehitatud juhtumianalüüsi põhjal. Peale vastloodud mudeli rakendumist viiakse läbi katse, milles analüüsitakse sedasama juhtumit, võrdlemaks selle tulemusi teiste juba olemasolevate mudelite tulemustega, et uurida sellise domeeni mõttekust. Struktureeritud lähenemine võib seega toimida liidesena, mis lihtsustab aktiivset interaktsiooni riski- ja ohuhalduses, aidates leida lahendusi probleemidele ja vastuoludele, mille lahendamiseks on vaja integreerida ohutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid ja kasutada unifitseeritud süsteemianalüüsi tehnikat, mille tulemusena tekib analüüsi tsentraalsus.There are special techniques languages that are used in risk management in both domains of safety engineering and security engineering. The outputs, known as artifacts, of these techniques are separated from each other leading to several difficulties due to the fact that domains are independent and that there is no one unifying domain for the two. The problem is that safety engineers and security engineers work in separated teams from throughout the system development life cycle, which results in incomplete coverage of risks and threats. The thesis applies a structured approach to integration between security and safety by creating a SaS (Safety and Security) domain model. Furthermore, it demonstrates that it is possible to use goal-oriented KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in automated Specification) language in threat and hazard analysis to cover both safety and security domains making their outputs, or artifacts, well-structured and comprehensive, which results in dependability due to the comprehensiveness of the analysis. The structured approach can thereby act as an interface for active interactions in risk and hazard management in terms of universal coverage, finding solutions for differences and contradictions which can be overcome by integrating the safety and security domains and using a unified system analysis technique (KAOS) that will result in analysis centrality