252 research outputs found

    Data-flow analyses as effects and graded monads

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    In static analysis, two frameworks have been studied extensively: monotone data-flow analysis and type-and-effect systems. Whilst both are seen as general analysis frameworks, their relationship has remained unclear. Here we show that monotone data-flow analyses can be encoded as effect systems in a uniform way, via algebras of transfer functions. This helps to answer questions about the most appropriate structure for general effect algebras, especially with regards capturing control-flow precisely. Via the perspective of capturing data-flow analyses, we show the recent suggestion of using effect quantales is not general enough as it excludes non-distributive analyses e.g., constant propagation. By rephrasing the McCarthy transformation, we then model monotone data-flow effects via graded monads. This provides a model of data-flow analyses that can be used to reason about analysis correctness at the semantic level, and to embed data-flow analyses into type systems.Trinity College, Cambridge (Internal Graduate Scholarship) EPSRC grant EP/T013516/

    Effect systems revisited—control-flow algebra and semantics

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    Effect systems were originally conceived as an inference-based program analysis to capture program behaviour—as a set of (representations of) effects. Two orthogonal developments have since happened. First, motivated by static analysis, effects were generalised to values in an algebra, to better model control flow (e.g. for may/must analyses and concurrency). Second, motivated by semantic questions, the syntactic notion of set- (or semilattice-) based effect system was linked to the semantic notion of monads and more recently to graded monads which give a more precise semantic account of effects. We give a lightweight tutorial explanation of the concepts involved in these two threads and then unify them via the notion of an effect-directed semantics for a control-flow algebra of effects. For the case of effectful programming with sequencing, alternation and parallelism—illustrated with music—we identify a form of graded joinads as the appropriate structure for unifying effect analysis and semantics

    Combining Effects and Coeffects via Grading

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Association for Computing Machinery.Effects\textit{Effects} and coeffects\textit{coeffects} are two general, complementary aspects of program behaviour. They roughly correspond to computations which change the execution context (effects) versus computations which make demands on the context (coeffects). Effectful features include partiality, non-determinism, input-output, state, and exceptions. Coeffectful features include resource demands, variable access, notions of linearity, and data input requirements. The effectful or coeffectful behaviour of a program can be captured and described via type-based analyses, with fine grained information provided by monoidal effect annotations and semiring coeffects. Various recent work has proposed models for such typed calculi in terms of graded (strong) monads\textit{graded (strong) monads} for effects and graded (monoidal) comonads\textit{graded (monoidal) comonads} for coeffects. Effects and coeffects have been studied separately so far, but in practice many computations are both effectful and coeffectful, e.g., possibly throwing exceptions but with resource requirements. To remedy this, we introduce a new general calculus with a combined effect-coeffect system\textit{effect-coeffect system}. This can describe both the changes\textit{changes} and requirements\textit{requirements} that a program has on its context, as well as interactions between these effectful and coeffectful features of computation. The effect-coeffect system has a denotational model in terms of effect-graded monads and coeffect-graded comonads where interaction is expressed via the novel concept of graded distributive laws\textit{graded distributive laws}. This graded semantics unifies the syntactic type theory with the denotational model. We show that our calculus can be instantiated to describe in a natural way various different kinds of interaction between a program and its evaluation context.Orchard was supported by EPSRC grant EP/M026124/1 and EP/K011715/1 (whilst previously at Imperial College London), Katsumata by JSPS KAKENHI grant JP15K00014, Uustalu by Estonian Min. of Educ. and Res. grant IUT33-13 and Estonian Sci. Found. grant 9475. Gaboardi’s work was done in part while at the University of Dundee, UK supported by EPSRC grant EP/M022358/1

    A Generic Approach to Flow-Sensitive Polymorphic Effects

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    Effect systems are lightweight extensions to type systems that can verify a wide range of important properties with modest developer burden. But our general understanding of effect systems is limited primarily to systems where the order of effects is irrelevant. Understanding such systems in terms of a lattice of effects grounds understanding of the essential issues, and provides guidance when designing new effect systems. By contrast, sequential effect systems --- where the order of effects is important --- lack a clear algebraic characterization. We derive an algebraic characterization from the shape of prior concrete sequential effect systems. We present an abstract polymorphic effect system with singleton effects parameterized by an effect quantale --- an algebraic structure with well-defined properties that can model a range of existing order-sensitive effect systems. We define effect quantales, derive useful properties, and show how they cleanly model a variety of known sequential effect systems. We show that effect quantales provide a free, general notion of iterating a sequential effect, and that for systems we consider the derived iteration agrees with the manually designed iteration operators in prior work. Identifying and applying the right algebraic structure led us to subtle insights into the design of order-sensitive effect systems, which provides guidance on non-obvious points of designing order-sensitive effect systems. Effect quantales have clear relationships to the recent category theoretic work on order-sensitive effect systems, but are explained without recourse to category theory. In addition, our derived iteration construct should generalize to these semantic structures, addressing limitations of that work

    Effect Systems Revisited - Control-Flow Algebra and Semantics

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    Effect systems were originally conceived as an inference-based program analysis to capture program behaviour—as a set of (representations of) effects. Two orthogonal developments have since happened. First, motivated by static analysis, effects were generalised to values in an algebra, to better model control flow (e.g. for may/must analyses and concurrency). Second, motivated by semantic questions, the syntactic notion of set- (or semilattice-) based effect system was linked to the semantic notion of monads and more recently to graded monads which give a more precise semantic account of effects. We give a lightweight tutorial explanation of the concepts involved in these two threads and then unify them via the notion of an effect-directed semantics for a control-flow algebra of effects. For the case of effectful programming with sequencing, alternation and parallelism—illustrated with music—we identify a form of graded joinads as the appropriate structure for unifying effect analysis and semantics

    Effects as Sessions, Sessions as Effects

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    Effect and session type systems are two expressive behavioural type systems. The former is usually developed in the context of the lambda-calculus and its variants, the latter for the ?-calculus. In this paper we explore their relative expressive power. Firstly, we give an embedding from PCF, augmented with a parameterised effect system, into a session-typed pi-calculus (session calculus), showing that session types are powerful enough to express effects. Secondly, we give a reverse embedding, from the session calculus back into PCF, by instantiating PCF with concurrency primitives and its effect system with a session-like effect algebra; effect systems are powerful enough to express sessions. The embedding of session types into an effect system is leveraged to give a new implementation of session types in Haskell, via an effect system encoding. The correctness of this implementation follows from the second embedding result. We also discuss various extensions to our embeddings

    Graded Hoare Logic and its Categorical Semantics

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    Deductive verification techniques based on program logics (i.e., the family of Floyd-Hoare logics) are a powerful approach for program reasoning. Recently, there has been a trend of increasing the expressive power of such logics by augmenting their rules with additional information to reason about program side-effects. For example, general program logics have been augmented with cost analyses, logics for probabilistic computations have been augmented with estimate measures, and logics for differential privacy with indistinguishability bounds. In this work, we unify these various approaches via the paradigm of grading, adapted from the world of functional calculi and semantics. We propose Graded Hoare Logic (GHL), a parameterisable framework for augmenting program logics with a preordered monoidal analysis. We develop a semantic framework for modelling GHL such that grading, logical assertions (pre- and post-conditions) and the underlying effectful semantics of an imperative language can be integrated together. Central to our framework is the notion of a graded category which we extend here, introducing graded Freyd categories which provide a semantics that can interpret many examples of augmented program logics from the literature. We leverage coherent fibrations to model the base assertion language, and thus the overall setting is also fibrational

    Foundations of Information-Flow Control and Effects

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    In programming language research, information-flow control (IFC) is a technique for enforcing a variety of security aspects, such as confidentiality of data,on programs. This Licenciate thesis makes novel contributions to the theory and foundations of IFC in the following ways: Chapter A presents a new proof method for showing the usual desired property of noninterference; Chapter B shows how to securely extend the concurrent IFC language MAC with asynchronous exceptions; and, Chapter C presents a new and simpler language for IFC with effects based on an explicit separation of pure and effectful computations

    Unifying graded and parameterised monads

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    Monads are a useful tool for structuring effectful features of computation such as state, non-determinism, and continuations. In the last decade, several generalisations of monads have been suggested which provide a more fine-grained model of effects by replacing the single type constructor of a monad with an indexed family of constructors. Most notably, graded monads (indexed by a monoid) model effect systems and parameterised monads (indexed by pairs of pre- and post-conditions) model program logics. This paper studies the relationship between these two generalisations of monads via a third generalisation. This third generalisation, which we call category-graded monads, arises by generalising a view of monads as a particular special case of lax functors. A category-graded monad provides a family of functors T f indexed by morphisms f of some other category. This allows certain compositions of effects to be ruled out (in the style of a program logic) as well as an abstract description of effects (in the style of an effect system). Using this as a basis, we show how graded and parameterised monads can be unified, studying their similarities and differences along the way
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