337 research outputs found

    An Efficient Polyphase Filter Based Resampling Method for Unifying the PRFs in SAR Data

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    Variable and higher pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) are increasingly being used to meet the stricter requirements and complexities of current airborne and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems associated with higher resolution and wider area products. POLYPHASE, the proposed resampling scheme, downsamples and unifies variable PRFs within a single look complex (SLC) SAR acquisition and across a repeat pass sequence of acquisitions down to an effective lower PRF. A sparsity condition of the received SAR data ensures that the uniformly resampled data approximates the spectral properties of a decimated densely sampled version of the received SAR data. While experiments conducted with both synthetically generated and real airborne SAR data show that POLYPHASE retains comparable performance to the state-of-the-art BLUI scheme in image quality, a polyphase filter-based implementation of POLYPHASE offers significant computational savings for arbitrary (not necessarily periodic) input PRF variations, thus allowing fully on-board, in-place, and real-time implementation

    High-Temporal-Resolution High-Spatial-Resolution Spaceborne SAR Based on Continuously Varying PRF

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-established and powerful imaging technique for acquiring high-spatial-resolution images of the Earth's surface. With the development of beam steering techniques, sliding spotlight and staring spotlight modes have been employed to support high-spatial-resolution applications. In addition to this strengthened high-spatial-resolution and wide-swath capability, high-temporal-resolution (short repeat-observation interval) represents a key capability for numerous applications. However, conventional SAR systems are limited in that the same patch can only be illuminated for several seconds within a single pass. This paper considers a novel high-squint-angle system intended to acquire high-spatial-resolution spaceborne SAR images with repeat-observation intervals varying from tens of seconds to several minutes within a single pass. However, an exponentially increased range cell migration would arise and lead to a conflict between the receive window and 'blind ranges'. An efficient data acquisition technique for high-temporal-resolution, high-spatial-resolution and high-squint-angle spaceborne SAR, in which the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is continuously varied according to the changing slant range, is presented in this paper. This technique allows echo data to remain in the receive window instead of conflicting with the transmitted pulse or nadir echo. Considering the precision of hardware, a compromise and practical strategy is also proposed. Furthermore, a detailed performance analysis of range ambiguities is provided with respect to parameters of TerraSAR-X. For strong point-like targets, the range ambiguity of this technique would be better than that of uniform PRF technique. For this innovative technique, a resampling strategy and modified imaging algorithm have been developed to handle the non-uniformly sampled echo data. Simulations are performed to validate the efficiency of the proposed technique and the associated imaging algorithm

    SIGNAL: A Ka-band Digital Beam-Forming SAR System Concept to Monitor Topography Variations of Ice Caps and Glaciers

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an endto- end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator

    Radiometric Degradation Associated with Terrain Height Variations and Pulse Duration in Scan-On-Receive SAR Images

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    Scan-on-receive (SCORE) is a key digital beamforming (DBF) technique for future high-resolution wide-swath spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. Compared to a conventional approach, it allows to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and the range ambiguity suppression. Nevertheless, it also exposes the system to new errors, associated with terrain height variations and pulse duration. This work investigates the mutual effect of these error sources on the SCORE SAR image. A novel, closed, mathematical expression is derived, respectively, for the impulse response function of the image formation process and for the radiometric loss affecting the image pixels. This makes it possible to predict and quantify the effect of terrain height variations and pulse duration as a function of system, processing, and geometric parameters. The numerical results, based on the end-to-end simulation of the SAR image formation process in different operational scenarios, highlight the relevance of this effect and of the derived analytical description, especially in view of the demanding radiometric quality requirements imposed on future SAR images

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Low-cost, high-resolution, drone-borne SAR imaging

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    Spaceborne Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): A New Microwave Remote Sensing Mode

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    The transient information like a ‘picture’ can be obtained by the traditional microwave remote sensing system. It will bring some shortcomings for detection of the moving targets and long-time monitoring of the variational scene over the region of interest. As a new imaging mode, more and more scholars and agencies have focused on the video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) due to it can provide continuous surveillance over the region of interest. The spaceborne video SAR has the corresponding advantages over the spaceborne SAR image system and the optical video system. The working principles, imaging algorithm, and application method of spaceborne video SAR have been proposed in this chapter. First of all, a theoretical System of spaceborne video SAR has been constructed. The operation and application mode have also been defined. Some key performances have been discussed. To meet the demand for video SAR applications, one imaging algorithm has been proposed for dealing with the spaceborne video SAR data. Experiments on simulated data show that the algorithm was effective

    Analyse temps-frequence et traitement des signaux RSO à haute résolution spatiale pour la surveillance des grands ouvrages d'art

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    The thesis is composed of two research axis. The first one consists in proposing time-frequency signal processing tools for frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars used for displacements measurements, while the second one consists in designing a spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signal processing methodology for infrastructure monitoring when an external point cloud of the envisaged structure is available. In the first part of the thesis, we propose our solutions to the nonlinearity problem of an X-band FMCW radar designed for millimetric displacement measurements of short-range targets. The nonlinear tuning curve of the voltage controlled oscillator from the transceiver can cause a dramatic resolution degradation for wideband sweeps. To mitigate this shortcoming, we have developed two time warping-based methods adapted to wideband nonlinearities: one estimates the nonlinear terms using the high order ambiguity function, while the other is an autofocus approach which exploits the spectral concentration of the beat signal. Onwards, as the core of the thesis, we propose a novel method for scattering centers detection and tracking in spaceborne SAR images adapted to infrastructure monitoring applications. The method is based on refocusing each SAR image on a provided 3D point cloud of the envisaged infrastructure and identifying the reliable scatterers to be monitored by means of four dimensional (4D) tomography. The refocusing algorithm is compatible with stripmap, spotlight and sliding spotlight SAR images and consists of an azimuth defocusing followed by a modified back-projection algorithm on the given set of points which exploits the time-frequency structure of the defocused azimuth signal. The scattering centers of the refocused image are detected in the 4D tomography framework by testing if the main response is at zero elevation in the local elevation-velocity spectral distribution. The mean displacement velocity is estimated from the peak response on the zero elevation axis, while the displacements time series for detected single scatterers is computed as double phase difference of complex amplitudes.Finally, we present the measurement campaigns carried out on the Puylaurent water-dam and the Chastel landslide using GPS measurements, topographic surveys and laser scans to generate the point clouds of the two structures. The comparison between in-situ data and the results obtained by combining TerraSAR-X data with the generated point clouds validate the developed SAR signal processing chain.Cette thèse s'articule autour de deux axes de recherche. Le premier axe aborde les aspects méthodologiques liés au traitement temps-fréquence des signaux issus d'un radar FMCW (à onde continue modulée en fréquence) dans le contexte de la mesure des déplacements fins. Le second axe est dédié à la conception et à la validation d'une chaîne de traitement des images RSO (radar à synthèse d'ouverture) satellitaire. Lorsqu'un maillage 3D de la structure envisagée est disponible, les traitements proposés sont validés par l'intercomparaison avec les techniques conventionnelles d'auscultation des grands ouvrages d'art.D'une part, nous étudions la correction de la non-linéarité d'un radar FMCW en bande X, à courte portée, conçu pour la mesure des déplacements millimétriques. La caractéristique de commande non linéaire de l'oscillateur à large bande, entraine une perte de résolution à la réception. Afin de pallier cet inconvénient, nous avons développé deux méthodes basées sur le ré-échantillonnage temporel (time warping) dans le cas des signaux à large bande non-stationnaires. La première approche estime la loi de fréquence instantanée non linéaire à l'aide de la fonction d'ambiguïté d'ordre supérieur, tandis que la deuxième approche exploite la mesure de concentration spectrale du signal de battement dans un algorithme d'autofocus radial.D'autre part, nous proposons un cadre méthodologique général pour la détection et le pistage des centres de diffusion dans les images RSO pour la surveillance des grands ouvrages d'art. La méthode est basée sur la ré-focalisation de chaque image radar sur le maillage 3D de l'infrastructure étudiée afin d'identifier les diffuseurs pertinents par tomographie 4D (distance – azimut – élévation – vitesse de déformation). L'algorithme de ré-focalisation est parfaitement compatible avec les images RSO acquises dans les différents modes (« stripmap », « spotlight » et « sliding spotlight ») : dé-focalisation en azimut suivie par rétroprojection modifiée (conditionnée par la structure temps-fréquence du signal) sur l'ensemble donné des points. Dans la pile d'images ré-focalisées, les centres de diffusion sont détectés par tomographie 4D : test de conformité à l'hypothèse d'élévation zéro dans le plan élévation – vitesse de déformation. La vitesse moyenne correspond au maximum à l'élévation zéro, tandis que la série temporelle des déplacements est obtenue par double différence de phase des amplitudes complexes pour chaque diffuseur pertinent.Nous présentons également les campagnes in situ effectuées au barrage de Puylaurent (et glissement de Chastel) : les relevés GPS, topographiques et LIDAR sol employées au calcul des maillages 3D. La comparaison entre les déplacements mesurés in situ et les résultats obtenus par l'exploitation conjointe de la télédétection RSO satellitaires et les maillages 3D valident la chaîne de traitement proposée.Teza cuprinde două axe principale de cercetare. Prima axă abordează aspecte metodologice de prelucraretimp-frecvenţă a semnalelor furnizate de radare cu emisie continuă şi modulaţie de frecvenţă (FMCW)în contextul măsurării deplasărilor milimetrice. În cadrul celei de-a doua axe, este proiectată şi validatăo metodă de prelucrare a imaginilor satelitare SAR (radar cu apertură sintetică) ce este destinatămonitorizării infrastructurii critice şi care se bazează pe existenţa unui model 3D al structurii respective.În prima parte a tezei, sunt investigate soluţii de corecţie a neliniarităţii unui radar FMCW în bandaX destinat măsurării deplasărilor milimetrice. Caracteristica de comandă neliniară a oscilatorului debandă largă determină o degradare a rezoluţiei în distanţă. Pentru a rezolva acest inconvenient, au fostelaborate două metode de corecţie a neliniarităţii, adaptate pentru semnale de bandă largă, ce se bazeazăpe conceptul de reeşantionare neuniformă sau deformare a axei temporare. Prima abordare estimeazăparametrii neliniarităţii utilizând funcţii de ambiguitate de ordin superior, iar cea de-a doua exploateazăo măsură de concentraţie spectrală a semnalului de bătăi într-un algoritm de autofocalizare în distanţă.În a doua parte a lucrării, este propusă o metodologie generală de detecţie şi monitorizare a centrilorde împrăştiere în imagini SAR în scopul monitorizării elementelor de infrastructură critică. Metoda sebazează pe refocalizarea fiecărei imagini radar pe un model 3D al structurii investigate în scopul identificăriicentrilor de împrăştiere pertinenţi (ţinte fiabile ce pot fi monitorizate în timp) cu ajutorul tomografiei SAR4D (distanţă-azimut-elevaţie-viteză de deplasare). Algoritmul de refocalizare este compatibil cu imaginiSAR achiziţionate în moduri diferite (« stripmap », « spotlight » şi « sliding spotlight ») şi constă într-odefocalizare în azimut urmată de o retroproiecţie modificată (condiţionată de structura timp-frecvenţă asemnalului) pe modelul 3D al structurii. Ţintele sunt identificate în stiva de imagini refocalizate cu ajutorultomografiei 4D prin efectuarea unui test de conformitate cu ipoteza că centrii de împrăştiere pertinenţivor avea elevaţie zero în planul local elevaţie-viteză. Viteza medie de deformare corespunde maximuluide pe axa de elevaţie nulă, iar seria temporară a deplasărilor se obţine printr-o dublă diferenţă de fază aamplitudinilor complexe corespunzătoare ţintelor identificate.În final sunt prezentate campaniile de măsurători pe teren efectuate la un baraj şi o alunecare de terendin regiunea Puylaurent (Franţa) destinate obţinerii modelului 3D al celor două elemente de infrastructurăprin măsurători GPS, topografice şi LIDAR. Comparaţia între deformările măsurate pe teren şi rezultateleobţinute prin combinarea imaginilor SAR cu modelele 3D au permis validarea metodologiei propuse

    Temporal Characteristics of Boreal Forest Radar Measurements

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    Radar observations of forests are sensitive to seasonal changes, meteorological variables and variations in soil and tree water content. These phenomena cause temporal variations in radar measurements, limiting the accuracy of tree height and biomass estimates using radar data. The temporal characteristics of radar measurements of forests, especially boreal forests, are not well understood. To fill this knowledge gap, a tower-based radar experiment was established for studying temporal variations in radar measurements of a boreal forest site in southern Sweden. The work in this thesis involves the design and implementation of the experiment and the analysis of data acquired. The instrument allowed radar signatures from the forest to be monitored over timescales ranging from less than a second to years. A purpose-built, 50 m high tower was equipped with 30 antennas for tomographic imaging at microwave frequencies of P-band (420-450 MHz), L-band (1240-1375 MHz) and C-band (5250-5570 MHz) for multiple polarisation combinations. Parallel measurements using a 20-port vector network analyser resulted in significantly shorter measurement times and better tomographic image quality than previous tower-based radars. A new method was developed for suppressing mutual antenna coupling without affecting the range resolution. Algorithms were developed for compensating for phase errors using an array radar and for correcting for pixel-variant impulse responses in tomographic images. Time series results showed large freeze/thaw backscatter variations due to freezing moisture in trees. P-band canopy backscatter variations of up to 10 dB occurred near instantaneously as the air temperature crossed 0⁰C, with ground backscatter responding over longer timescales. During nonfrozen conditions, the canopy backscatter was very stable with time. Evidence of backscatter variations due to tree water content were observed during hot summer periods only. A high vapour pressure deficit and strong winds increased the rate of transpiration fast enough to reduce the tree water content, which was visible as 0.5-2 dB backscatter drops during the day. Ground backscatter for cross-polarised observations increased during strong winds due to bending tree stems. Significant temporal decorrelation was only seen at P-band during freezing, thawing and strong winds. Suitable conditions for repeat-pass L-band interferometry were only seen during the summer. C-band temporal coherence was high over timescales of seconds and occasionally for several hours for night-time observations during the summer. Decorrelation coinciding with high transpiration rates was observed at L- and C-band, suggesting sensitivity to tree water dynamics.The observations from this experiment are important for understanding, modelling and mitigating temporal variations in radar observables in forest parameter estimation algorithms. The results also are also useful in the design of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar missions with interferometric and tomographic capabilities. The results motivate the implementation of single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radars for forest applications at P-, L- and C-band

    Traceable Radiometric Calibration of Synthetic Aperture Radars

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems allow to quantitatively measure the radar backscatter of an imaged terrain region. In order to achieve comparability between measurement results, traceable radiometric calibration is indispensable. The central claim of the work is that nowadays, however, radiometric SAR measurements are not traceably calibrated. In order to resolve this problem, five contributions are made: (a) The new measurement quantity “equivalent radar cross section” (ERCS) is defined. (b) A numerical approach for linking the known quantity “radar cross section” (RCS) with the novel ERCS is introduced. (c) The effect of the chosen apodization functions on radiometric measurements is analytically investigated. (d) The novel three-transponder method is developed which allows accurate RCS calibrations of SAR transponders. (e) The method of hierarchical Bayesian data analysis is introduced to the field of radiometric SAR calibration. The achieved traceability for radiometric SAR measurements allows more accurate radiometric measurement results especially for modern, high-resolution SAR systems. Furthermore, data exchange and cooperation is facilitated