44 research outputs found

    Data Integration: a Case Study in the Financial Services Industry

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    Current economic conditions result in banks participating in multiple mergers and acquisitions. This results in banks inheriting silo and heterogeneous systems. For banks to remain competitive, they must create a strategy to integrate data from these acquired systems in a dynamic, efficient, and consumable manner. This research considers a case study of a large financial services company that has successfully integrated data from different sources. In addition this research investigates endeavors that experts in the field have undertaken to develop architectures that address the problems with data integration and appropriate solutions

    Complex event detection on an enterprise service bus

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    Web service composition: A survey of techniques and tools

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    Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted, and most vivid distributed computing platform ever. Yet, the use and integration of Web services into composite services or applications, which is a highly sensible and conceptually non-trivial task, is still not unleashing its full magnitude of power. A consolidated analysis framework that advances the fundamental understanding of Web service composition building blocks in terms of concepts, models, languages, productivity support techniques, and tools is required. This framework is necessary to enable effective exploration, understanding, assessing, comparing, and selecting service composition models, languages, techniques, platforms, and tools. This article establishes such a framework and reviews the state of the art in service composition from an unprecedented, holistic perspective

    PAIRSE: A Privacy-Preserving Service-Oriented Data Integration System

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    International audiencePrivacy is among the key challenges to data integration in many sectors, including healthcare, e-government, etc. The PAIRSE project aims at providing a flexible, looselycoupled and privacy-preserving data integration system in P2P environments. The project exploits recent Web standards and technologies such as Web services and ontologies to export data from autonomous data providers as reusable services, and proposes the use of service composition as a viable solution to answer data integration needs on the fly. The project proposed new composition algorithms and service/composition execution models that preserve privacy of data manipulated by services and compositions. The proposed integration system was demonstrated at EDBT 2013 and VLDB 2011

    Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“

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    Историята на развитието на средствата за разработка на бизнес софтуер е претърпяла много етапи като в момента най-популярна е архитектурата ориентирана към услуги (Service Oriented Architecture – SOA). Това е така заради някои нейни съществени предимства: базирана е на отворени стандарти, което спомага тази архитектура да е общоприета от големите производители на софтуерни платформи. Освен това в SOA са залегнали принципи, спомагащи решаването на проблемите свързани с интеграция между системите на различни предприятия – необходимост която е особено изострена в момента. Тази интеграция трябва да е достатъчно гъвкава, за да посрещне непрекъснато променящите се нужди на бизнеса. В процеса на развитие на SOA се появи спецификация, описваща единен компонентен модел за изграждане на SOA-базирани приложения, наречена компонентна архитектура за услуги (Software Component Architecture – SCA). Въпреки значителните предимства на тази спецификация, тя е все още доста млада и не обхваща всички аспекти на SOA. Една от областите където спецификацията не е достатъчно развита е интеграцията на данни от различни източници и адаптирането на различни (не съвместими по своите интерфейси) услуги. За запълване на тази липса в настоящата дипломна работа е предложено решение изразяващо се в разработката на XQuery-базиран имплементационен тип. В изложението първо е направен обстоен анализ на това какво е интеграция на данни и адаптация на интерфейси 1 и как тя се осъществява от основните производители на бизнес платформи по света. На базата на този анализ се аргументира нуждата от решение в рамките на SCA, като също така се обосновава използването на езика XQuery за реализация на това решение. Реализацията на XQuery имплементационния тип включва следните елементи: ● спецификация на такъв тип, представляваща нотация в рамките на XQuery скрипта, която въвежда разширения необходими за интерпретирането му като SCA компонент; ● примерна имплементация, реализирана за проекта с отворен код Tuscany; ● примерно приложение, доказващо използваемостта на новосъздадения имплементационен тип. Това приложение включва различни интеграционни сценарии и демонстрира използването на XQuery типа в тях; ● описание на изискванията за реализация на среда за разработка на приложения, в които участва новия имплементационен тип. В момента разработения прототип е предоставен от дипломанта на организацията за отворен код Apache, където той продължава своето доразработване и служи като основа за дискусии и развитие в областта на интеграцията на данни като част от SOA. 2Тема: Спецификация и примерна имплементация на XQuery имплементационен тип за компонентна архитектура за услуги (SCA) Дипломант: Васил Жанов Василев Научен ръководител: доц. Силвия Илиева Дата: 12 Октомври 200

    A Query Rewriting Approach for Web Service Composition

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    Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung eines Robotron-Portals aufBasis von Enterprise 2.0-Technologien und Integration vorhandener Unternehmensapplikationen

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf eines Enterprise 2.0 Portals. Auf der Basis der Untersuchung von aktuellen Einflüssen von Web 2.0 Techniken auf Unternehmen wird ein allgemeines Konzept für ein Enterprise 2.0 Portal entwickelt. Darin eingeschlossen ist die Konzeption der Integration von automatisierten Geschäftsprozessen in das Portal. Des Weiteren wird ein Kriterienkatalog für die Bewertung von Geschäftsprozessen und ihre Eignung für die Automatisierung entwickelt. Auf diesem allgemeinen Konzept aufbauend wird anhand von Oracle WebCenter 10g ein Prototyp entworfen

    When Is an Enterprise Service Bus (Esb) the Right Choice for an Integrated Technology Solution?

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    The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is an important systems integration technology often closely associated with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Some maintain that an ESB should not be used apart from SOA. Others see the ESB simply as the next generation of middleware, incorporating the best of its predecessors, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), and a candidate for any integration requirement. Is the ESB a one-size-fits-all solution to be trusted for any integration requirement, or must its use be carefully considered with proper due diligence based on application complexity and/or the presence or absence of a defined SOA? This thesis probes these questions in an analysis of a world-wide survey of 230 industry SOA and middleware professionals conducted via the LinkedIn Professional Network during a six week period in November and December of 2010. In addition, the thesis applies a review of the survey results and current SOA and ESB literature to an architectural decision being made within the Systems Engineering and Application Development (SEAD) Practicum in the Master of Science program in Computer Information Systems at Regis University in Denver, which provides support for the University\u27s Academic Research Network (ARN). An ESB has been proposed as a new architectural component for the ARN infrastructure and this paper reviews the merit of this proposal. This thesis employs an interpretivist epistemology, understanding that there may be more than one acceptable answer to the question, When is an Enterprise Service Bus an appropriate component of an integrated technology solution

    A comprehensive evaluation framework for system modernization : a case study using data services

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    Modernization is a solution to migrate cumbersome existing systems to a new architecture for improved longevity of business processes. Three modernization approaches exist. White-box and black-box modernization are distinct from one another. Grey-box modernization is a hybrid of the white-box and black-box approaches. Modernization can be utilised to create data services for a Service Oriented Architecture. Since it is unclear which modernization approach is more suitable for the development of data services, a comprehensive evaluation framework is proposed to evaluate which of the white- or black-box approaches is more suitable. The comprehensive framework consists of three evaluation components. Firstly, developer effort to modernize existing code is measured by acknowledged software metrics. Secondly, the quality of the data services is measured against identified Quality of Service criteria for data services in particular. Thirdly, the effectiveness of the modernized data services is measured through usability evaluations. By inspection of the combination of application of each of the evaluation components, a recommended approach is identified for the modernization of data services. The comprehensive framework was successfully employed to compare the white-box and black-box modernization approaches applied to a case study. Results indicated that had only a single evaluation component been used, inconclusive results of the more suitable approach may have been obtained. The findings of this research contribute a comprehensive evaluation framework which can be applied to compare modernization approaches and measure modernization success