566 research outputs found

    Adaptive subframe allocation for next generation multimedia delivery over hybrid LTE unicast broadcast

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    The continued global roll-out of long term evolution (LTE) networks is providing mobile users with perpetually increasing ubiquitous access to a rich selection of high quality multimedia. Interactive viewing experiences including 3-D or free-viewpoint video require the synchronous delivery of multiple video streams. This paper presents a novel hybrid unicast broadcast synchronisation (HUBS) framework to synchronously deliver multi-stream content. Previous techniques on hybrid LTE implementations include staggered modulation and coding scheme grouping, adaptive modulation coding or implementing error recover techniques; the work presented here instead focuses on dynamic allocation of resources between unicast and broadcast, improving stream synchronisation as well as overall cell resource usage. Furthermore, the HUBS framework has been developed to work within the limitations imposed by the LTE specification. Performance evaluation of the framework is performed through the simulation of probable future scenarios, where a popular live event is broadcast with stereo 3-D or multi-angle companion views interactively offered to capable users. The proposed framework forms a ``HUBS group'' that monitors the radio bearer queues to establish a time lead or lag between broadcast and unicast streams. Since unicast and broadcast share the same radio resources, the number of subframes allocated to the broadcast transmission are then dynamically increased or decreased to minimise the average lead/lag time offset between the streams. Dynamic allocation showed improvements for all services across the cell, whilst keeping streams synchronised despite increased user loading

    Iowa Public Television’s Planning Targets 2011-2014

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    Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Public Televisio

    From computer to video

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    None provided

    Digitalna televizija u Hrvatskoj: Postaje li televizija novi medij?

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    We live in a multimedia world and media convergence is our everyday reality. Technological improvements cause important transformations in society and the economy, and the media are the first to be changed. Digitisation transforms the media, especially television, into new media with numerous possibilities for new products and services. The main characteristic of this process in Croatia is the fact that implementation precedes development strategies or plans. Furthermore, the lack of public discussion enables these processes to remain far away from citizens who do not understand them or are not motivated to understand them. The proliferation of new digital channels (terrestrial, cable, satellite or broadband) as well as fragmentation of the mass audience make this process even more complex. Technological improvements have produced a new multimedia environment breaking down the traditional boundaries between telecommunications, computers and the audiovisual industries. As in many countries in the region, the public service television in Croatia is faced with a program identity crisis and at the same time is fighting for stable financing. Regarding the process of general digitization and media convergence, we must ask if it is possible to predict the future of the ‘old media’, especially of television, which is still the most influential. If it wants to survive, public service television has to reorganize and redefine itself as a converged, multimedia public service.Živimo u multimedijskom društvu, u kojem je medijska konvergencija svakodnevna. Tehnološki razvoj prouzročio je značajne transformacije u društvu i gospodarstvu, pa su i mediji izloženi neprestanim promjenama. Zahvaljujući digitalizaciji koja medije transformira u potpuno nove, otvarajući im prostor za brojne mogućnosti, proizvode i usluge, i televizija se našla u vrtlogu promjena. Za taj proces u Hrvatskoj karakteristično je da implementacija prethodi razvojnoj strategiji i planiranju, a nedostatak javne rasprave dodatno povećava nerazumijevanje. Proliferacija novih digitalnih kanala (zemaljskih, kabelskih, satelitskih i široko pojasnih) te fragmentacija masovne publike, dodatno usložnjavaju proces. Tehnološka dostignuća omogućavaju razvoj novog multimedijskog okruženja, koji pritom ruši tradicionalne granice, one koje su postojale između telekomunikacija, računala i audiovizualne industrije. Kao u većini zemalja u regiji, javna televizija se i u Hrvatskoj suočava sa sve izraženijom krizom identiteta te rastućim problemom čuvanja stabilnog financiranja. Kada je riječ o općoj medijskoj digitalizaciji i konvergenciji, nameće se pitanje je li uopće moguće predvidjeti budućnost sada već ‘starih medija’, posebice televizije, koja još uvijek uspijeva zadržati primat najutjecajnijeg medija. Opstanak javnog servisa moguć je upravo ako se i sam multimedijski redefinira i restrukturira

    The greening of the U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Second-year status report

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    Digital television and the consumer perspective

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    This report publishes results - papers, findings and proposals - from the Nordic seminar on digital television, Tórshavn September 12-14, 2002 which approached digital television development in the Nordic countries from the point of view of consumers, users and citizens. Organised by the Nordic Advisory Committee on Consumer Affairs, the seminar aimed at initiating a dialogue between consumer organisations and researchers in order to map out research problems and approaches for consumer-led digital television development. The seminar presentations surveyed changes of media consumption in domestic and community contexts, the uses of audience research and insight in programme development, and the need for user-orientation in regulation and policy-making