273,309 research outputs found

    Carbonation of Limestone Derived CaO for Thermochemical Energy Storage: From Kinetics to Process Integration in Concentrating Solar Plants

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    Thermochemical energy storage (TCES) is considered as a promising technology to accomplish high energy storage efficiency in concentrating solar power (CSP) plants. Among the various possibilities, the calcium-looping (CaL) process, based on the reversible calcination-carbonation of CaCO stands as a main candidate due to the high energy density achievable and the extremely low price, nontoxicity, and wide availability of natural CaO precursors such as limestone. The CaL process is already widely studied for CO capture in fossil fuel power plants or to enhance H production from methane reforming. Either one of these applications requires particular reaction conditions to which the sorbent performance (reaction kinetics and multicycle conversion) is extremely sensitive. Therefore, specific models based on the conditions of any particular application are needed. To get a grip on the optimum conditions for the carbonation of limestone derived CaO in the CaL-CSP integration, in the present work is pursued a multidisciplinary approach that combines theoretical modeling on reaction kinetics, lab-scale experimental tests at relevant CaL conditions for TCES, process modeling, and simulations. A new analytic equation to estimate the carbonation reaction rate as a function of CO partial pressure and temperature is proposed and validated with experimental data. Using the kinetics analysis, a carbonator model is proposed to assess the average carbonation degree of the solids. After that, the carbonator model is incorporated into an overall process integration scheme to address the optimum operation conditions from thermodynamic and kinetics considerations. Results from process simulations show that the highest efficiencies for the CaL-CSP integration are achieved at carbonator absolute pressures of ∼3.5-4 bar, which leads to an overall plant efficiency (net electric power to net solar thermal power) around 41% when carbonation is carried out at 950 °C under pure CO.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-52763-C2, CTQ2017- 83602-C2European Union 72734

    Bidirectional Electric Vehicles Service Integration in Smart Power Grid with Renewable Energy Resources

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    As electric vehicles (EVs) become more popular, the utility companies are forced to increase power generations in the grid. However, these EVs are capable of providing power to the grid to deliver different grid ancillary services in a concept known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and grid-to-vehicle (G2V), in which the EV can serve as a load or source at the same time. These services can provide more benefits when they are integrated with Photovoltaic (PV) generation. The proper modeling, design and control for the power conversion systems that provide the optimum integration among the EVs, PV generations and grid are investigated in this thesis. The coupling between the PV generation and integration bus is accomplished through a unidirectional converter. Precise dynamic and small-signal models for the grid-connected PV power system are developed and utilized to predict the system’s performance during the different operating conditions. An advanced intelligent maximum power point tracker based on fuzzy logic control is developed and designed using a mix between the analytical model and genetic algorithm optimization. The EV is connected to the integration bus through a bidirectional inductive wireless power transfer system (BIWPTS), which allows the EV to be charged and discharged wirelessly during the long-term parking, transient stops and movement. Accurate analytical and physics-based models for the BIWPTS are developed and utilized to forecast its performance, and novel practical limitations for the active and reactive power-flow during G2V and V2G operations are stated. A comparative and assessment analysis for the different compensation topologies in the symmetrical BIWPTS was performed based on analytical, simulation and experimental data. Also, a magnetic design optimization for the double-D power pad based on finite-element analysis is achieved. The nonlinearities in the BIWPTS due to the magnetic material and the high-frequency components are investigated rely on a physics-based co-simulation platform. Also, a novel two-layer predictive power-flow controller that manages the bidirectional power-flow between the EV and grid is developed, implemented and tested. In addition, the feasibility of deploying the quasi-dynamic wireless power transfer technology on the road to charge the EV during the transient stops at the traffic signals is proven

    Sensitivity analysis and optimization of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) system powered by a photovoltaic plant to supply a building

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    International audienceOne of the handicaps of the large-scale integration of solar energy is due to its variability and its intermittency. The main way to overcome this issue is the energy storage technology. Knowing the high cost of batteries and their impact on the environment, we simulate a storage system based on compressed air and acting as a battery system. The CAES consists in storing the air at a high pressure in a tank during the period when the energy source is abundant, i.e., cheap, or when the energy demand is low. The compressed air is later expanded through an air turbine which generates electricity during the high demand periods, i.e. when the energy source becomes very expensive for instance. This system could be used for decentralized electricity supply or in an area with no electric grid. In order to evaluate the feasibility of a Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled to a photovoltaic plant and a building that represents a reduced power demand, a numerical model that reflects the instant behaviour has been built. The system is composed of a photovoltaic power plant, an air compression system, a storage vessel, an expansion module, a power grid and a building. The inputs used are, on the one hand, the climate data such as ambient temperature and the global solar irradiation and, on the other hand, the load curve of a building or of the group of buildings, which has to be supplied by electricity. The overall system optimization has then been performed after having done a sensitivity analysis of the key parameters. This optimization allows us to find the most suitable size for each component of the system: compressor, tank size and photovoltaic area. Abstract One of the handicaps of the large-scale integration of solar energy is due to its variability and its intermittency. The main way to overcome this issue is the energy storage technology. Knowing the high cost of batteries and their impact on the environment, we simulate a storage system based on compressed air and acting as a battery system. The CAES consists in storing the air at a high pressure in a tank during the period when the energy source is abundant, i.e., cheap, or when the energy demand is low. The compressed air is later expanded through an air turbine which generates electricity during the high demand periods, i.e. when the energy source becomes very expensive for instance. This system could be used for decentralized electricity supply or in an area with no electric grid. In order to evaluate the feasibility of a Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled to a photovoltaic plant and a building that represents a reduced power demand, a numerical model that reflects the instant behaviour has been built. The system is composed of a photovoltaic power plant, an air compression system, a storage vessel, an expansion module, a power grid and a building. The inputs used are, on the one hand, the climate data such as ambient temperature and the global solar irradiation and, on the other hand, the load curve of a building or of the group of buildings, which has to be supplied by electricity. The overall system optimization has then been performed after having done a sensitivity analysis of the key parameters. This optimization allows us to find the most suitable size for each component of the system: compressor, tank size and photovoltaic area

    Integration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters

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    Зазвичай у джерелах вторинного електроживлення (ДВЕЖ) комутаційну та регулюючу функції виконують напівпровідникові компоненти. Однак вони не можуть забезпечити високу якість вихідних характеристик у багатоканальних джерелах живлення та в ДВЕЖ із високим рівнем струму навантаження. В таких випадках як силові ключі використовують високочастотні магнітні підсилювачі (ВМП) на основі аморфних магнітом’яких сплавів з прямокутною петлею гістерезису. Розроблення перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП не є повністю автоматизованим. ВМП є магнітним компонентом з нелінійними властивостями. Системи автоматизованого проектування (САПР) для комп’ютерного імітаційного моделювання електричних кіл не призначені для розрахунків магнітних полів та працюють з дискретними електричними компонентами. Існує проблема інтеграції моделі компонента з магнітним гістерезисом у бібліотеку моделей САПР. Крім того, досить складно оцінити оптимальні параметри такого компонента. У статті запропоновано нову математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП, що ґрунтується на функції, яку можна генерувати з допомогою цифрових технологій. Досліджено цифровий генератор синуса, що складається з цифрових дискретних компнентів для моделювання силового ключа на основі ВМП. Запропоновану математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП інтегровано у САПР. Проведено комп’ютерне імітаційне моделювання електричного кола, що містить ВМП. Розраховано абсолютну похибку та середньоквадратичне відхилення моделі процесів перемагнічення ВМП у порівнянні з експериментально отриманими даними. Така часткова автоматизація процесу розроблення високочастотних перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП суттєво зменшить його складність, тривалість і вартість, а також сприятиме розвиткові нових схемотехнічних рішень.The designing of electrical power converters based on Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp) switches is not fully automated. MagAmp is a magnetic component with nonlinear properties. Computer aided design (CAD) programmes are built to simulate electric circuits without electromagnetic field with distributed components. There is a problem of integration of a model of a component with magnetic hysteresis into the set of CAD models. In addition, estimation of the optimal parameters of such a component is rather complicated. The article proposes a new model of MagAmp switch which is based on a function that can be generated using digital technology. The digital generator of sinusoidal signals, consisting of discrete digital components for modeling the MagAmp switch, is investigated. Integration of the model into CAD programme and simulation of the electric circuit, which includes MagAmp switch, are obtained. Partial automation will reduce complexity, duration and cost of the design procedure, and will enhance the development of power converters

    Smart Grid Technologies in Europe: An Overview

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    The old electricity network infrastructure has proven to be inadequate, with respect to modern challenges such as alternative energy sources, electricity demand and energy saving policies. Moreover, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) seem to have reached an adequate level of reliability and flexibility in order to support a new concept of electricity network—the smart grid. In this work, we will analyse the state-of-the-art of smart grids, in their technical, management, security, and optimization aspects. We will also provide a brief overview of the regulatory aspects involved in the development of a smart grid, mainly from the viewpoint of the European Unio