7 research outputs found

    A Framework for Data Management for the Online Volunteer Translators\u27 Aid System QRLex

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    PACLIC 19 / Taipei, taiwan / December 1-3, 200

    BEYTrans: A Free Online Collaborative Wiki-Based CAT Environment Designed for Online Translation Communities

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    PACLIC 21 / Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / November 1-3, 200

    Towards Higher Quality Internal and Outside Multilingualization of Web Sites

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    International audienceThe multilingualization of Web sites with high quality is increasingly important, but is unsolvable in most situations where internal quality certification is needed, and not solved in the majority of other situations. We demonstrate it by analyzing a variety of techniques to make the underlying software easily localizable and to manage the translation of textual content in the classical internal mode, that is by modifying the language-dependent resources. A new idea is that volunteer final users should be able to contribute to the improvement oreven production of translated resources and content. For this, we have developed a PHP piece of code which naive webmasters (not computer scientists nor professional translators) can add to a Web site to enable internal multilingualization by users with enough access rights: in management mode, these users can edit the texts of titles, button labels, messages, etc. in text areas appearing in context in the Web page. If Web site developers follow some recommendations, all textual interface elements should be localizable in this way. Another angle of attack, applicable in all cases where navigating a site though a gateway is possible, consists in replacing the problem of diffusion by the problem of access in multiple lang uages. We introduce the concept of iMAG (interactive Multilingual Access Gateway, dedicated to a Web site or domain) to solve the problem of higher quality multilingual access. First, by using available MT systems or by default morphological processors and bilingual dictionaries, any page of an elected website is made instantly accessible in many languages, with a generally low quality profile, as through usual translation gateways. Over time, the quality profile of textual GUI elements, Web pages and even documents (if accessible in html) will improve thanks to outside contributors, who will post-edit or produce the translations from the reading context. This is only possible because the iMAG associated to the website stores the translations in its translation memory (TM) and the contributed dictionary items it its dictionary. The TM has quality levels, according to the users' profiles, and scores within levels. An API will be proposed so that the developers of the elected website can connect their to its iMAG, retrieve the best level translations, certify them if necessary, and put them in their localized resources. At that point, external localization meets internal localization

    Research on Collaborative Translation Tools based on Cloud Translation Platform

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    随着全球交流的越来越广泛以及信息科技的快速发展,不同国家不同种族之间的语言交流障碍问题日益明显,随着不同语言之间的沟通越来越重要,翻译行业也得到了迅速发展。目前的翻译市场还是以人工翻译为主,单纯的人工翻译,并且以个体为单位进行翻译工作虽然可以充分展现译员水平,但是效率低、成本高,所以现在一般采用计算机辅助人工翻译的方式。云翻译平台是基于云平台的协同翻译平台,平台不仅融合了先进的计算技术、语言处理技术,并且能够实现协同翻译,即将多名空间上分散的翻译人员组织起来共同完成一项翻译任务,以提高整个翻译行业的效率。 本文主要研究了如何在基于云翻译平台的协同翻译工具中加入项目组管理,从而更好地协调不同译...With the increasingly popular of global communication and the rapid development of information science and technology, the language communication obstacle problem between different race and different state is increasingly obvious, as the communication between different languages become more and more important, the translation industry also got developed quickly. The current translation market is s...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_模式识别与智能系统学号:3152011115318

    The Modern Translator and Interpreter

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    Készült az ELTE Felsőoktatási Struktúraátalakítási Alapból támogatott programja keretében

    Localisation interne et en contexte des logiciels commerciaux et libres

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    We propose a novel approach that allows in context localization of most commercial and open source software. Currently, the translation of textual resources of software (technical documents, online help, strings of the user interface, etc.) is entrusted only to professional translators. This makes the localization process long, expensive and sometimes of poor quality because professional translators have no knowledge about the context of use of the software. This current workflow seems impossible to apply for most under-resourced languages for reasons of cost, and quite often scarcity or even lack of professional translators. Our proposal aims at involving end users in the localization process in an efficient and dynamic way: while using an application (in context), users knowing the source language of the software (Often but not always English) could modify strings of the user interface presented by the application in their current context. So, users could translate in context buttons, menus, labels, tabpage, etc. or improve translations proposed by machine translation (MT) or translation memory (TM) systems. To implement this new paradigm, we modify the code as little as possible, very locally and in the same way for all software. Hence our localization method is internal. The implementation of such approach of localization required integration of a translation workflow built with SECTra_w. Thus, we have a new tripartite process of localization which parties are: the user, the software editor and the collaborative SECTra_w Web site. We have experimented our approach on Notepad-plus-plus and on Vuze, two open source applications.Nous proposons une méthode novatrice pour permettre la localisation en contexte de la majorité des logiciels commerciaux et libres, ceux programmés en Java et en C++/C#. Actuellement, la traduction des documents techniques ainsi que celle des éléments d'interface des logiciels commerciaux est confiée uniquement à des professionnels, ce qui allonge le processus de traduction, le rend coûteux, et quelquefois aboutit à une mauvaise qualité car les traducteurs professionnels n'ont pas accès au contexte d'utilisation des éléments textuels. Dès que l'on sort du petit ensemble des quelques langues les mieux dotées, et que lon veut localiser un logiciel pour des " langues peu dotées ", ce processus n'est plus viable pour des raisons de coût et surtout de rareté, de cherté, ou d'absence de traducteurs professionnels. Notre méthode consiste à faire participer de façon efficace et dynamique les bêta-testeurs et les utilisateurs finals au processus de localisation : pendant qu'ils utilisent l'application, les utilisateurs connaissant la langue originale du logiciel (souvent mais pas toujours l'anglais) peuvent intervenir sur les éléments textuels d'interface que l'application leur présente dans leur contexte d'utilisation courant. Ils peuvent ainsi traduire en contexte les boutons, les menus, les étiquettes, les onglets, etc., ou améliorer la traduction proposée par des systèmes de traduction automatique (TA) ou des mémoires de traductions (MT). Afin de mettre en place ce nouveau paradigme, nous avons besoin d'intervenir très localement sur le code source du logiciel : il s'agit donc aussi d'un paradigme de localisation interne. La mise en place d'une telle approche de localisation a nécessité l'intégration d'un gestionnaire de flot de traductions " SECTra_w ". Ainsi, nous avons un nouveau processus de localisation tripartite dont les trois parties sont l'utilisateur, l'éditeur du logiciel et le site collaboratif SECTra_w. Nous avons effectué une expérimentation complète du nouveau processus de localisation sur deux logiciels libres à code source ouvert : Notepad-plus-plus et Vuze