193 research outputs found

    The Fifth NASA/DOD Controls-Structures Interaction Technology Conference, part 1

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    This publication is a compilation of the papers presented at the Fifth NASA/DoD Controls-Structures Interaction (CSI) Technology Conference held in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, March 3-5, 1992. The conference, which was jointly sponsored by the NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology and the Department of Defense, was organized by the NASA Langley Research Center. The purpose of this conference was to report to industry, academia, and government agencies on the current status of controls-structures interaction technology. The agenda covered ground testing, integrated design, analysis, flight experiments and concepts

    Vibration-based damage localisation: Impulse response identification and model updating methods

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    Structural health monitoring has gained more and more interest over the recent decades. As the technology has matured and monitoring systems are employed commercially, the development of more powerful and precise methods is the logical next step in this field. Especially vibration sensor networks with few measurement points combined with utilisation of ambient vibration sources are attractive for practical applications, as this approach promises to be cost-effective while requiring minimal modification to the monitored structures. Since efficient methods for damage detection have already been developed for such sensor networks, the research focus shifts towards extracting more information from the measurement data, in particular to the localisation and quantification of damage. Two main concepts have produced promising results for damage localisation. The first approach involves a mechanical model of the structure, which is used in a model updating scheme to find the damaged areas of the structure. Second, there is a purely data-driven approach, which relies on residuals of vibration estimations to find regions where damage is probable. While much research has been conducted following these two concepts, different approaches are rarely directly compared using the same data sets. Therefore, this thesis presents advanced methods for vibration-based damage localisation using model updating as well as a data-driven method and provides a direct comparison using the same vibration measurement data. The model updating approach presented in this thesis relies on multiobjective optimisation. Hence, the applied numerical optimisation algorithms are presented first. On this basis, the model updating parameterisation and objective function formulation is developed. The data-driven approach employs residuals from vibration estimations obtained using multiple-input finite impulse response filters. Both approaches are then verified using a simulated cantilever beam considering multiple damage scenarios. Finally, experimentally obtained data from an outdoor girder mast structure is used to validate the approaches. In summary, this thesis provides an assessment of model updating and residual-based damage localisation by means of verification and validation cases. It is found that the residual-based method exhibits numerical performance sufficient for real-time applications while providing a high sensitivity towards damage. However, the localisation accuracy is found to be superior using the model updating method

    Numerical and experimental investigation of spectral domain vibration based indicators for structural health monitoring

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    Structural health monitoring has been defined as the acquisition, validation and analysis of technical data to facilitate life- cycle management decisions. It is the result of a convergent path from many previous existing disciplines the two most influential being condition monitoring for rotary machinery and non-destructive testing. Vibration based testing presents the greatest stage of maturity of all non-destructive techniques applied to structural health monitoring. Although modal domain use is convention, spectral domain data is by nature more complete in information and requires less manipulation. The use of spectral-domain measurements brings the need to develop new damage detection indicators, as much of the literature existing is focused on modal derived damage indicators. In this work, an integrated methodology for the evaluation of some spectral domain vibration based indicators for structural health monitoring is proposed. These indicators, namely the CFDAC and SCIs, are based on the correlation between covariance matrices of frequency response functions obtained from experimental modal analysis. An extensive numerical campaign is performed on a simple structure (consisting on a 1-edge clamped square aluminium plate) over multiple structural alteration scenarios to assess the sensibility and stability of the proposed indexes in front of common acquisition parameters. The ability of the proposed indicators to assess structural alteration progression is also evaluated. This numerical analysis is used as well to observe the relationship between proposed indicators and the residual stiffness of the simple structure evaluated in terms of relative shift from the pristine condition. Finally, the numerical methodology proposed is applied to a different and more complex typology of structure, a 3d latticed and downscaled power transmission tower to investigate the validity of the methodology for other structural configurations. Some of the cases studied in the numeric campaign are later reproduced in experimental scenarios using two specimens of aluminium plates and a downscaled prototype of a power transmission tower. Stability analysis on the indicators are reproduced and confirmed. For the aluminium plates, the relationship between indicators and residual stiffness is also obtained, showing close agreement with numerical data. Sensibility of the indicators to detect different damage typologies is found to be very similar to the one obtained in the initial numerical analysis. Results for the downscaled prototype model tower shown more dispersion than the results observed in the numerical investigation due to the influence of the boundary conditions in the model. The research finally applies the structural damage alteration indexes studied to the detection of degradation in a real scale structure in an operational environment. An installation consisting of 3 full-scale medium-voltage power transmission towers is constructed. An experimental modal analysis campaign is performed on the central tower of the installation by introducing a series of intentionally made structural alterations on the structure. Spectral indicators developed are applied to the detection of those structural modifications with noticeable success. Cases involving changes in the structural components of the tower are successfully detected. Changes in the interface between power lines and their supports of the tower are hardly noticeable using this methodology. Results of this investigation show that spectral domain damage indicators present some advantages over modal domain and temporal domain based indicators such as convenient condensing procedures without loss of information through the Fourier transform, added post-process simplicity and enhanced sensitivity to degradation that state of the art indexes.Es coneix com monitorització de la salut estructural a l'adquisició, validació i anàlisis de dades tècniques que faciliten la presa de decisions al llarg del cicle de vida d'un sistema. Aquesta tecnologia és resultat de la convergència tecnològica d'altres disciplines, com la monitorització operacional per màquines rotatòries i les tècniques d'assaig no destructiu. Els mètodes d'assaig basats en vibracions presenten el major grau de maduresa d'entre totes elles. Malgrat que la pràctica industrial sovint usa informació condensada en el domini modal, les dades en domini espectral son per naturalesa més completes i requereixen de menys post-procés. La utilització del domini espectral requereix desenvolupar nous indicadors d'alteració ja que la major part de la literatura existent se centra en indicadors basats en el domini modal. Es proposa una metodologia integrada per a la avaluació d'alguns indicadors d'alteració estructural en domini modal basats en vibració i aplicats a la monitorització de la salut estructural. Aquests indicadors, referits com a CFDAC i SCIs, estan basats en la correlació entre les matrius de covariància generades a partir de les funcions de resposta en freqüència obtingudes mitjançant anàlisi modal experimental. Es realitza una extensa campanya numèrica en una estructura senzilla (una placa d'alumini quadrada i encastada) a través d'una multitud d'estats estructuralment alterats per avaluar la sensibilitat i l'estabilitat dels indicadors enfront els paràmetres d?adquisició més comuns. En segon lloc, també s?avalua la capacitat dels indicadors per avaluar l'alteració estructural introduïda en cada cas. L'anàlisi numèrica s'utilitza a continuació per observar una possible relació entre els indicadors proposats i la rigidesa residual avaluada com a variació relativa respecte el seu valor intacte. Finalment, la metodologia numèric proposada s'aplica a una tipologia estructural diferent i més complexa, una estructura reticulada 3d que reprodueix una torre de transmissió d'energia elèctrica a escala per investigar la validesa de la metodologia en altres configuracions estructurals. Alguns dels casos estudiats a la campanya numèrica es reprodueixen experimentalment en un parell d?espècimens de placa d'alumini i en un prototip a escala de torre de transmissió elèctrica. Els anàlisis d'estabilitat numèrics sobre els indicadors es reprodueixen experimentalment, tot confirmant els resultats obtinguts. Per les plaques d'alumini, s'estudia la relació entre els indicadors i la rigidesa residual mostrant una correlació molt propera amb els resultats numèrics. La sensibilitat dels indicadors en la detecció de diferents tipologies de dany també s'observa molt similar als casos numèrics. Pere altra banda, els resultats experimentals sobre el prototip de torre a escala presenten més dispersió respecte a la corresponent campanya numèrica degut a la variabilitat en les condicions de contorn. Els indicadors proposats s'apliquen finalment en la detecció d'alteracions estructurals en una torre a escala real en condicions operacionals. Es construeix una línia que consisteix en tres torres de mitja tensió i s'executen anàlisis modals experimentals en la torre central de la mencionada instal·lació tot introduint una sèrie d'alteracions estructurals intencionals. Els indicadors espectrals presentats s'apliquen a la detecció de dites alteracions amb un èxit apreciable. Els casos que incorporen canvis en els membres de l'estructura son detectats amb èxit, mentre que la detecció en els casos que incorporen modificacions sobre les interfícies cable-estructura son més difusament detectables. Els resultats de la investigació mostren que els indicadors estructurals espectrals estudiats presenten algunes avantatges sobre els indicadors basats en domini com ara un procés de condensació més senzill sense pèrdua d'informació vibratòria (...

    Design Optimization of Wind Energy Conversion Systems with Applications

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    Modern and larger horizontal-axis wind turbines with power capacity reaching 15 MW and rotors of more than 235-meter diameter are under continuous development for the merit of minimizing the unit cost of energy production (total annual cost/annual energy produced). Such valuable advances in this competitive source of clean energy have made numerous research contributions in developing wind industry technologies worldwide. This book provides important information on the optimum design of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with a comprehensive and self-contained handling of design fundamentals of wind turbines. Section I deals with optimal production of energy, multi-disciplinary optimization of wind turbines, aerodynamic and structural dynamic optimization and aeroelasticity of the rotating blades. Section II considers operational monitoring, reliability and optimal control of wind turbine components

    New Advances in Fluid Structure Interaction

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    Fluid–structure interactions (FSIs) play a crucial role in the design, construction, service and maintenance of many engineering applications, e.g., aircraft, towers, pipes, offshore platforms and long-span bridges. The old Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) is probably one of the most infamous examples of serious accidents due to the action of FSIs. Aircraft wings and wind-turbine blades can be broken because of FSI-induced oscillations. To alleviate or eliminate these unfavorable effects, FSIs must be dealt with in ocean, coastal, offshore and marine engineering to design safe and sustainable engineering structures. In addition, the wind effects on plants and the resultant wind-induced motions are examples of FSIs in nature. To meet the objectives of progress and innovation in FSIs in various scenarios of engineering applications and control schemes, this book includes 15 research studies and collects the most recent and cutting-edge developments on these relevant issues. The topics cover different areas associated with FSIs, including wind loads, flow control, energy harvesting, buffeting and flutter, complex flow characteristics, train–bridge interactions and the application of neural networks in related fields. In summary, these complementary contributions in this publication provide a volume of recent knowledge in the growing field of FSIs

    Design Optimization of Wind Energy Conversion Systems with Applications

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    Modern and larger horizontal-axis wind turbines with power capacity reaching 15 MW and rotors of more than 235-meter diameter are under continuous development for the merit of minimizing the unit cost of energy production (total annual cost/annual energy produced). Such valuable advances in this competitive source of clean energy have made numerous research contributions in developing wind industry technologies worldwide. This book provides important information on the optimum design of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with a comprehensive and self-contained handling of design fundamentals of wind turbines. Section I deals with optimal production of energy, multi-disciplinary optimization of wind turbines, aerodynamic and structural dynamic optimization and aeroelasticity of the rotating blades. Section II considers operational monitoring, reliability and optimal control of wind turbine components

    6th International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering

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    Producción CientíficaThis ebook contains the 37 full papers submitted to the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMOST 2021) held in Valladolid on December 2021

    Application of Surface wave methods for seismic site characterization

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    Surface-wave dispersion analysis is widely used in geophysics to infer a shear wave velocity model of the subsoil for a wide variety of applications. A shear-wave velocity model is obtained from the solution of an inverse problem based on the surface wave dispersive propagation in vertically heterogeneous media. The analysis can be based either on active source measurements or on seismic noise recordings. This paper discusses the most typical choices for collection and interpretation of experimental data, providing a state of the art on the different steps involved in surface wave surveys. In particular, the different strategies for processing experimental data and to solve the inverse problem are presented, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Also, some issues related to the characteristics of passive surface wave data and their use in H/V spectral ratio technique are discussed as additional information to be used independently or in conjunction with dispersion analysis. Finally, some recommendations for the use of surface wave methods are presented, while also outlining future trends in the research of this topic