160 research outputs found

    Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization

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    Image-based camera relocalization is an important problem in computer vision and robotics. Recent works utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to regress for pixels in a query image their corresponding 3D world coordinates in the scene. The final pose is then solved via a RANSAC-based optimization scheme using the predicted coordinates. Usually, the CNN is trained with ground truth scene coordinates, but it has also been shown that the network can discover 3D scene geometry automatically by minimizing single-view reprojection loss. However, due to the deficiencies of the reprojection loss, the network needs to be carefully initialized. In this paper, we present a new angle-based reprojection loss, which resolves the issues of the original reprojection loss. With this new loss function, the network can be trained without careful initialization, and the system achieves more accurate results. The new loss also enables us to utilize available multi-view constraints, which further improve performance.Comment: ECCV 2018 Workshop (Geometry Meets Deep Learning

    Learning Less is More - 6D Camera Localization via 3D Surface Regression

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    Popular research areas like autonomous driving and augmented reality have renewed the interest in image-based camera localization. In this work, we address the task of predicting the 6D camera pose from a single RGB image in a given 3D environment. With the advent of neural networks, previous works have either learned the entire camera localization process, or multiple components of a camera localization pipeline. Our key contribution is to demonstrate and explain that learning a single component of this pipeline is sufficient. This component is a fully convolutional neural network for densely regressing so-called scene coordinates, defining the correspondence between the input image and the 3D scene space. The neural network is prepended to a new end-to-end trainable pipeline. Our system is efficient, highly accurate, robust in training, and exhibits outstanding generalization capabilities. It exceeds state-of-the-art consistently on indoor and outdoor datasets. Interestingly, our approach surpasses existing techniques even without utilizing a 3D model of the scene during training, since the network is able to discover 3D scene geometry automatically, solely from single-view constraints.Comment: CVPR 201

    Image-Based Localization Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Image-based localization, or camera relocalization, is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics, and it refers to estimating camera pose from an image. It is a key component of many computer vision applications such as navigating autonomous vehicles and mobile robotics, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and augmented reality. Currently, there are plenty of image-based localization methods proposed in the literature. Most state-of-the-art approaches are based on hand-crafted local features, such as SIFT, ORB, or SURF, and efficient 2D-to-3D matching using a 3D model. However, the limitations of the hand-crafted feature detector and descriptor become the bottleneck of these approaches. Recently, some promising deep neural network based localization approaches have been proposed. These approaches directly formulate 6 DoF pose estimation as a regression problem or use neural networks for generating 2D-3D correspondences, and thus no feature extraction or feature matching processes are required. In this thesis, we first review two state-of-the-art approaches for image-based localization. The first approach is conventional hand-crafted local feature based (Active Search) and the second one is novel deep neural network based (DSAC). Building on the idea of DSAC, we then examine the use of conventional RANSAC and introduce a novel full-frame Coordinate CNN. We evaluate these methods on the 7-Scenes dataset of Microsoft Research, and extensive comparisons are made. The results show that our modifications to the original DSAC pipeline lead to better performance than the two state-of-the-art approaches

    Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization

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    Localizing an image wrt. a 3D scene model represents a core task for many computer vision applications. An increasing number of real-world applications of visual localization on mobile devices, e.g., Augmented Reality or autonomous robots such as drones or self-driving cars, demand localization approaches to minimize storage and bandwidth requirements. Compressing the 3D models used for localization thus becomes a practical necessity. In this work, we introduce a new hybrid compression algorithm that uses a given memory limit in a more effective way. Rather than treating all 3D points equally, it represents a small set of points with full appearance information and an additional, larger set of points with compressed information. This enables our approach to obtain a more complete scene representation without increasing the memory requirements, leading to a superior performance compared to previous compression schemes. As part of our contribution, we show how to handle ambiguous matches arising from point compression during RANSAC. Besides outperforming previous compression techniques in terms of pose accuracy under the same memory constraints, our compression scheme itself is also more efficient. Furthermore, the localization rates and accuracy obtained with our approach are comparable to state-of-the-art feature-based methods, while using a small fraction of the memory.Comment: Published at CVPR 201

    InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis

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    We seek to predict the 6 degree-of-freedom (6DoF) pose of a query photograph with respect to a large indoor 3D map. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we develop a new large-scale visual localization method targeted for indoor environments. The method proceeds along three steps: (i) efficient retrieval of candidate poses that ensures scalability to large-scale environments, (ii) pose estimation using dense matching rather than local features to deal with textureless indoor scenes, and (iii) pose verification by virtual view synthesis to cope with significant changes in viewpoint, scene layout, and occluders. Second, we collect a new dataset with reference 6DoF poses for large-scale indoor localization. Query photographs are captured by mobile phones at a different time than the reference 3D map, thus presenting a realistic indoor localization scenario. Third, we demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art indoor localization approaches on this new challenging data
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