25 research outputs found

    Library and Tools for Server-Side DNSSEC Implementation

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou současných open source řešení pro zabezpečení DNS zón pomocí technologie DNSSEC. Na základě provedené rešerše je navržena a implementována nová knihovna pro použití na autoritativních DNS serverech. Cílem knihovny je zachovat výhody stávajících řešení a vyřešit jejich nedostatky. Součástí návrhu je i sada nástrojů pro správu politiky a klíčů. Funkčnost vytvořené knihovny je ukázána na jejím použití v serveru Knot DNS.This thesis deals with currently available open-source solutions for securing DNS zones using the DNSSEC mechanism. Based on the findings, a new DNSSEC library for an authoritative name server is designed and implemented. The aim of the library is to keep the benefits of existing solutions and to eliminate their drawbacks. Also a set of utilities to manage keys and signing policy is proposed. The functionality of the library is demonstrated by it's use in the Knot DNS server.

    A new approach to DNS security (DNSSEC)

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    The Reality of Algorithm Agility:Studying the DNSSEC Algorithm Life-Cycle

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    The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add data origin authentication and data integrity to the Domain Name System (DNS), the naming system of the Internet. With DNSSEC, signatures are added to the information provided in the DNS using public key cryptography. Advances in both cryptography and cryptanalysis make it necessary to deploy new algorithms in DNSSEC, as well as deprecate those with weakened security. If this process is easy, then the protocol has achieved what the IETF terms "algorithm agility". In this paper, we study the lifetime of algorithms for DNSSEC. This includes: (i) standardizing the algorithm, (ii) implementing support in DNS software, (iii) deploying new algorithms at domains and recursive resolvers, and (iv) replacing deprecated algorithms. Using data from more than 6.7 million signed domains and over 10,000 vantage points in the DNS, combined with qualitative studies, we show that DNSSEC has only partially achieved algorithm agility. Standardizing new algorithms and deprecating insecure ones can take years. We highlight the main barriers for getting new algorithms deployed, but also discuss success factors. This study provides key insights to take into account when new algorithms are introduced, for example when the Internet must transition to quantum-safe public key cryptography

    Security vulnerabilities in DNS and DNSSEC

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    Estudo e realização de uma instalação piloto de DNSSEC para o DNS de .PT

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentado à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007O DNS (Domain Name System - Sistema de Nomes de Domínios) é uma das ferramentas fundamentais para o funcionamento da Internet que permite localizar e resolver nomes de domínio em endereços IP e vice-versa. Com o crescimento da Internet e do número de utilizadores os perigos e a necessidade para a consciencialização da segurança aumentaram, revelando-se de extrema importância a procura de soluções que garantam um ambiente mais seguro no serviço e na rede. Nesse sentido desenvolveu-se internacionalmente o DNSSEC, um conjunto de extensões realizadas ao protocolo DNS que permitem a verificação da autenticidade e integridade dos dados e com o qual se pretende proteger a Internet e os seus utilizadores de determinado tipo de ataques. Este projecto aborda o processo de análise e integração das extensões de segurança ao protocolo DNS no serviço de registo de domínios sob a designação .PT, prestado pela FCCN, com vista a alcançar melhorias de segurança a nível da rede nacional e contribuindo para tornar a Internet mais segura a nível global.In order to access Internet resources using the user-friendly domain names rather than IP addresses, users need a system to translate domain names into IP addresses. This translation is the primary task of the Domain Name System (DNS). The Internet is the world's largest computing network, with hundreds of million of users. As this community grows there is a need to be aware of threats and dangers and to find solutions for secure service and network environments. In that sense, a community of Internet developers designed DNSSEC, a set of extensions to the DNS system to prevent some types of attacks against it, performing source authentication of domain name information and maintaining data integrity. This project focus on the process of analysis and integration of the DNSSEC extensions in the .PT domain name service, handled by FCCN, in order to reach some security improvements in the national network and to give some contribution to a more secure world wide Internet

    Making DNSSEC Future Proof

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    The Impact of DNSSEC on the Internet Landscape

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    In this dissertation we investigate the security deficiencies of the Domain Name System (DNS) and assess the impact of the DNSSEC security extensions. DNS spoofing attacks divert an application to the wrong server, but are also used routinely for blocking access to websites. We provide evidence for systematic DNS spoofing in China and Iran with measurement-based analyses, which allow us to examine the DNS spoofing filters from vantage points outside of the affected networks. Third-parties in other countries can be affected inadvertently by spoofing-based domain filtering, which could be averted with DNSSEC. The security goals of DNSSEC are data integrity and authenticity. A point solution called NSEC3 adds a privacy assertion to DNSSEC, which is supposed to prevent disclosure of the domain namespace as a whole. We present GPU-based attacks on the NSEC3 privacy assertion, which allow efficient recovery of the namespace contents. We demonstrate with active measurements that DNSSEC has found wide adoption after initial hesitation. At server-side, there are more than five million domains signed with DNSSEC. A portion of them is insecure due to insufficient cryptographic key lengths or broken due to maintenance failures. At client-side, we have observed a worldwide increase of DNSSEC validation over the last three years, though not necessarily on the last mile. Deployment of DNSSEC validation on end hosts is impaired by intermediate caching components, which degrade the availability of DNSSEC. However, intermediate caches contribute to the performance and scalability of the Domain Name System, as we show with trace-driven simulations. We suggest that validating end hosts utilize intermediate caches by default but fall back to autonomous name resolution in case of DNSSEC failures.In dieser Dissertation werden die Sicherheitsdefizite des Domain Name Systems (DNS) untersucht und die Auswirkungen der DNSSEC-Sicherheitserweiterungen bewertet. DNS-Spoofing hat den Zweck eine Anwendung zum falschen Server umzuleiten, wird aber auch regelmäßig eingesetzt, um den Zugang zu Websites zu sperren. Durch messbasierte Analysen wird in dieser Arbeit die systematische Durchführung von DNS-Spoofing-Angriffen in China und im Iran belegt, wobei sich die Messpunkte außerhalb der von den Sperrfiltern betroffenen Netzwerke befinden. Es wird gezeigt, dass Dritte in anderen Ländern durch die Spoofing-basierten Sperrfilter unbeabsichtigt beeinträchtigt werden können, was mit DNSSEC verhindert werden kann. Die Sicherheitsziele von DNSSEC sind Datenintegrität und Authentizität. Die NSEC3-Erweiterung sichert zudem die Privatheit des Domainnamensraums, damit die Inhalte eines DNSSEC-Servers nicht in Gänze ausgelesen werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden GPU-basierte Angriffsmethoden auf die von NSEC3 zugesicherte Privatheit vorgestellt, die eine effiziente Wiederherstellung des Domainnamensraums ermöglichen. Ferner wird mit aktiven Messmethoden die Verbreitung von DNSSEC untersucht, die nach anfänglicher Zurückhaltung deutlich zugenommen hat. Auf der Serverseite gibt es mehr als fünf Millionen mit DNSSEC signierte Domainnamen. Ein Teil davon ist aufgrund von unzureichenden kryptographischen Schlüssellängen unsicher, ein weiterer Teil zudem aufgrund von Wartungsfehlern nicht mit DNSSEC erreichbar. Auf der Clientseite ist der Anteil der DNSSEC-Validierung in den letzten drei Jahren weltweit gestiegen. Allerdings ist hierbei offen, ob die Validierung nahe bei den Endgeräten stattfindet, um unvertraute Kommunikationspfade vollständig abzusichern. Der Einsatz von DNSSEC-Validierung auf Endgeräten wird durch zwischengeschaltete DNS-Cache-Komponenten erschwert, da hierdurch die Verfügbarkeit von DNSSEC beeinträchtigt wird. Allerdings tragen zwischengeschaltete Caches zur Performance und Skalierbarkeit des Domain Name Systems bei, wie in dieser Arbeit mit messbasierten Simulationen gezeigt wird. Daher sollten Endgeräte standardmäßig die vorhandene DNS-Infrastruktur nutzen, bei Validierungsfehlern jedoch selbständig die DNSSEC-Zielserver anfragen, um im Cache gespeicherte, fehlerhafte DNS-Antworten zu umgehen

    Automatic Tracking of DNSSEC Configuration on DNS Servers

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací nástroje pro kontrolu nastavení bezpečnostního rozšíření DNSSEC na DNS serverech. Cílem je provádět automatickou kontrolu podpisů, sledování používaných šifrovacích algoritmů a informovat o potencionálních nebo nalezených chybách. Práce vznikla ve spolupráci se sdružení CZ.NIC.This bachelor thesis describes design and implementation of a tool for tracking of configuration of DNSSEC security extension on DNS servers. The goal is to perform automatic signature verification, tracking of cryptographic algorithms being used and inform about potential or found problems. Bachelor thesis has been developed in cooperation with CZ.NIC.