229 research outputs found

    Unique PFK regulatory property from some mosquito vectors of disease, and from Drosophila melanogaster

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    Effect of F2, 6BP on Aedes aegypti PFK activity. PFK activity was measured at pH = 7.4, 1 mM F6P, 5 mM ATP at several F2, 6BP concentrations (0.01–50 μM). Values are the means ± SEM of three independent experiments. (TIF 466 kb

    Local redistribution of blood under the effect of fixation stress against a background of hypokinesia

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    Fixation stress was used as a model of emotional disturbance. The effect of previous restrictions on mobility on the local redistribution of blood resulting from fixation stress was examined. Disturbances in carbohydrate which result from prolonged hypokinesia was studied. Radioactivity was used to determine the local redistribution of blood. Modified factor analysis was used to study the results of the experiment

    Cvetko Kostić, Sociologija grada

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    System and method for refurbishing and processing parachutes

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    A system and method for refurbishing and processing parachutes is disclosed including an overhead monorail conveyor system on which the parachute is suspended for horizontal conveyance. The parachute is first suspended in a partially opened tented configuration wherein open inspection of the canopy is permitted to remove debris and inspect all areas. Following inspection, the parachute is transported by the monorail conveyor to a washing and drying station with the parachute canopy mounted on the conveyor in a systematic arrangement which permits water and air to pass through the ribbon-like materials of the canopy. Following drying, the chute is conveyed into an interior space where it is finally inspected and removed from the monorial conveyor for folding. The chute is once again mounted on the conveyor and conveyed to a packing area

    The Bates Student - volume 47 number 03 - February 6, 1919

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    Neatrasta, bet reikalinga: meilė Vinco Mykolaičio-Putino romane Altorių šešėly

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    The article presents a semiotic inquiry into a particular rendering of the theme of love. The object of analysis is a novel by Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas, In the Shadow of Altars (Altorių šešėly; 1933), one of the first and most prominent Lithuanian novels about love (it involves Liudas Vasaris, the protagonist, ‘breaking free’ from being first a seminary student and then a priest, to being a poet and a married man). Prior critique of the novel highlights the psychological-existential character and thematic autonomy of love therein. However, the outcome of the present analysis is quite the opposite: in the novel, love stories are actually organized according to fairytale principles of narrative structure, and developed on the basis of sociocultural stereotypes that do not imply any direct experience or an existential dimension.Our research employed a number of theoretic and methodological supports: R. Barthes’ notion of figure, presented in Fragments d’un discours amoureux; 1977, A. J. Greimas’ canonical narrative schema, developed on the basis of fairy-tale research, and Y. Lotman’s notion of worldview, presented in his works on individual selfperception and behavior patterns. These devices were applied according to the specific character and structural unity of the text.Structural analysis of sections devoted to love stories and of their relation with other sections reveals that love in this novel is not important per se, but as a means of becoming of a man-creator. The becoming of Liudas Vasaris as a creator – a utopian image of personal fulfillment in one’s own society – is made possible in the novel by the exploitation of a fairy-tale love narrative. Therefore, the novel presents a ‘love tale’ rather than a love story rendered by novelistic narration. This also determines the thematic treatment of love. In the Shadow of Altars love does not become an independent theme, problem or value; it is dissociated both from the novel’s historic-sociocultural framework and from any manifestations of subjectivity. Love situations are composed by reproducing sociocultural and literary stereotypes of behavior and perception, thus unconsciously propagating underlying patriarchal notions and rituals. Therefore, the results of this inquiry call for an adjustment of In the Shadow of Altars’ critical reception, a re-evaluation of the novel's character and of the possibilities for an adequate reading. This also encourages broader questions about love in Lithuanian literature, from the possibilities of its existence to its authenticity.Furthermore, recognizing the primacy of the story of becoming of a man-poet allows for an identification of the tensions and polemic between poetic currents in the Lithuanian literary field of the first three decades of the 20th century. The trajectory of becoming of Vasaris-poet begins with an orientation towards a ‘poetry of ideas’, continues into a stage of decadent neo-romanticism (an important element of the latter stage are decadent relations with decadent women), and ends its development with a program of hypothetical harmonious neo-romanticism (together with the discovery of ‘truthful’ love and way of life). In this sense, this analysis is a contribution to ongoing research of interaction between textual and non-textual structures, text and context, semiotics and cultural studies.Vinco Mykolaičio-Putino romanas Altorių šešėly (1933) neabejotinai yra vienas žymiausių lietuvių romanų apskritai, o kartu ir vienas geriausiai žinomų romanų apie meilę. Vyraujanti romano recepcija akcentuoja psichologinį-egzistencinį jo pobūdį ir meilės temos savarankiškumą. Pavyzdžiui, išsamiausiai meilės problemiką kūrinyje aptariantis Gintaras Lazdynas Altorių šešėly pateikiamą meilės traktuotę įvardija kaip lūžį lietuvių romanistikoje: iki tol meilė buvusi kitoms programos pajungiama „priemonė“, pasitelkiama su meile nesusijusioms vertėms – visų pirma bendruomeniniams tikslams – siekti, o štai Putino romane meilė esą svarbi savaime, tai „psichoanalitinis fenomenas“. Šis teiginys tiesiogiai kildinamas iš recepcijoje vyraujančios prielaidos, kad Altorių šešėly yra psichologinis romanas, kurio objektas – individo vidujybė (jausmai, mintys etc.), aprėpianti ir meilės išgyvenimus.Šiame straipsnyje savo ruožtu sieksime parodyti, kad meilės tema romane yra ne savarankiška, o pajungta kitai, bene vienintelei romane svarbiai – tapimo poetu, poetinės tapatybės ir programos formavimosi temai. Pabrėšime, kad tokią padėtį nulemia meilės sampratos apsichologiškumas: meilė Altorių šešėly nėra vidinio psichologinio individo gyvenimo dalis, tai automatiškai atliekamas išankstines sociokultūrines nuostatas perteikiančių standartinių situacijų ir elgsenų repertuaras. Šį repertuarą sudaro suvokimo (kas yra meilė, kokia turi būti meilė), praktikavimo (kaip reikia mylėti, kaip elgtis mylint) ir funkcinės paskirties nustatymo (meilė kaip priemonė siekiant kokių nors kitų tikslų) stereotipai. Tai, kad meilės traktuotė romane nėra psichoanalitinis fenomenas, verčia suabejoti ir bendresniąja prielaida, esą šis romanas yra psichologinis ar net egzistencinis.Daryti tokius apibendrinimus mus paskatino meilės istorijoms skirtų teksto dalių ir jų santykio su kitomis dalimis peržvalga iš kelių žiūros taškų. Pirma aptarsime meilės istorijose dalyvaujančio protagonisto ir kitų personažų santykį su tuo, ką pavadinome romano sociokultūriniu ir istoriniu rėmu. Kartu pažiūrėsime, kaip romane pateikiamas meilės santykių užmezgimo ir plėtojimosi procesas, kokie elementai jį sudaro. Kitas svarbus klausimas – meilės istorijų sąveika su protagonisto ir kitų personažų savivoka, jų subjektyvumu. Trečia, remdamiesi pirmų dviejų matmenų aptarimu parodysime, jog apskritai meilės istorijos romane pateikiamos ir jungiamos ne pagal pasakojimo, bet pagal pasakos principus. Galiausiai, pamėginsime įvardyti meilės istorijų „aptarnaujamą“ ideologinę formuluotę, kuria projektuojamas jau ne meilės, o specifinis žmogaus-kūrėjo tapsmo vaizdinys

    Report of the expenses of the town of Wilton, for the year ending March 1, 1853.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire