12 research outputs found

    Intégration holistique et entreposage automatique des données ouvertes

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    Statistical Open Data present useful information to feed up a decision-making system. Their integration and storage within these systems is achieved through ETL processes. It is necessary to automate these processes in order to facilitate their accessibility to non-experts. These processes have also need to face out the problems of lack of schemes and structural and sematic heterogeneity, which characterize the Open Data. To meet these issues, we propose a new ETL approach based on graphs. For the extraction, we propose automatic activities performing detection and annotations based on a model of a table. For the transformation, we propose a linear program fulfilling holistic integration of several graphs. This model supplies an optimal and a unique solution. For the loading, we propose a progressive process for the definition of the multidimensional schema and the augmentation of the integrated graph. Finally, we present a prototype and the experimental evaluations.Les statistiques présentes dans les Open Data ou données ouvertes constituent des informations utiles pour alimenter un système décisionnel. Leur intégration et leur entreposage au sein du système décisionnel se fait à travers des processus ETL. Il faut automatiser ces processus afin de faciliter leur accessibilité à des non-experts. Ces processus doivent pallier aux problèmes de manque de schémas, d'hétérogénéité structurelle et sémantique qui caractérisent les données ouvertes. Afin de répondre à ces problématiques, nous proposons une nouvelle démarche ETL basée sur les graphes. Pour l'extraction du graphe d'un tableau, nous proposons des activités de détection et d'annotation automatiques. Pour la transformation, nous proposons un programme linéaire pour résoudre le problème d'appariement holistique de données structurelles provenant de plusieurs graphes. Ce modèle fournit une solution optimale et unique. Pour le chargement, nous proposons un processus progressif pour la définition du schéma multidimensionnel et l'augmentation du graphe intégré. Enfin, nous présentons un prototype et les résultats d'expérimentations

    Business Intelligence on Non-Conventional Data

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    The revolution in digital communications witnessed over the last decade had a significant impact on the world of Business Intelligence (BI). In the big data era, the amount and diversity of data that can be collected and analyzed for the decision-making process transcends the restricted and structured set of internal data that BI systems are conventionally limited to. This thesis investigates the unique challenges imposed by three specific categories of non-conventional data: social data, linked data and schemaless data. Social data comprises the user-generated contents published through websites and social media, which can provide a fresh and timely perception about people’s tastes and opinions. In Social BI (SBI), the analysis focuses on topics, meant as specific concepts of interest within the subject area. In this context, this thesis proposes meta-star, an alternative strategy to the traditional star-schema for modeling hierarchies of topics to enable OLAP analyses. The thesis also presents an architectural framework of a real SBI project and a cross-disciplinary benchmark for SBI. Linked data employ the Resource Description Framework (RDF) to provide a public network of interlinked, structured, cross-domain knowledge. In this context, this thesis proposes an interactive and collaborative approach to build aggregation hierarchies from linked data. Schemaless data refers to the storage of data in NoSQL databases that do not force a predefined schema, but let database instances embed their own local schemata. In this context, this thesis proposes an approach to determine the schema profile of a document-based database; the goal is to facilitate users in a schema-on-read analysis process by understanding the rules that drove the usage of the different schemata. A final and complementary contribution of this thesis is an innovative technique in the field of recommendation systems to overcome user disorientation in the analysis of a large and heterogeneous wealth of data

    A conceptual framework and a risk management approach for interoperability between geospatial datacubes

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    De nos jours, nous observons un intérêt grandissant pour les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ces bases de données sont développées pour faciliter la prise de décisions stratégiques des organisations, et plus spécifiquement lorsqu’il s’agit de données de différentes époques et de différents niveaux de granularité. Cependant, les utilisateurs peuvent avoir besoin d’utiliser plusieurs bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ces bases de données peuvent être sémantiquement hétérogènes et caractérisées par différent degrés de pertinence par rapport au contexte d’utilisation. Résoudre les problèmes sémantiques liés à l’hétérogénéité et à la différence de pertinence d’une manière transparente aux utilisateurs a été l’objectif principal de l’interopérabilité au cours des quinze dernières années. Dans ce contexte, différentes solutions ont été proposées pour traiter l’interopérabilité. Cependant, ces solutions ont adopté une approche non systématique. De plus, aucune solution pour résoudre des problèmes sémantiques spécifiques liés à l’interopérabilité entre les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles n’a été trouvée. Dans cette thèse, nous supposons qu’il est possible de définir une approche qui traite ces problèmes sémantiques pour assurer l’interopérabilité entre les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ainsi, nous définissons tout d’abord l’interopérabilité entre ces bases de données. Ensuite, nous définissons et classifions les problèmes d’hétérogénéité sémantique qui peuvent se produire au cours d’une telle interopérabilité de différentes bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Afin de résoudre ces problèmes d’hétérogénéité sémantique, nous proposons un cadre conceptuel qui se base sur la communication humaine. Dans ce cadre, une communication s’établit entre deux agents système représentant les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles impliquées dans un processus d’interopérabilité. Cette communication vise à échanger de l’information sur le contenu de ces bases. Ensuite, dans l’intention d’aider les agents à prendre des décisions appropriées au cours du processus d’interopérabilité, nous évaluons un ensemble d’indicateurs de la qualité externe (fitness-for-use) des schémas et du contexte de production (ex., les métadonnées). Finalement, nous mettons en œuvre l’approche afin de montrer sa faisabilité.Today, we observe wide use of geospatial databases that are implemented in many forms (e.g., transactional centralized systems, distributed databases, multidimensional datacubes). Among those possibilities, the multidimensional datacube is more appropriate to support interactive analysis and to guide the organization’s strategic decisions, especially when different epochs and levels of information granularity are involved. However, one may need to use several geospatial multidimensional datacubes which may be semantically heterogeneous and having different degrees of appropriateness to the context of use. Overcoming the semantic problems related to the semantic heterogeneity and to the difference in the appropriateness to the context of use in a manner that is transparent to users has been the principal aim of interoperability for the last fifteen years. However, in spite of successful initiatives, today's solutions have evolved in a non systematic way. Moreover, no solution has been found to address specific semantic problems related to interoperability between geospatial datacubes. In this thesis, we suppose that it is possible to define an approach that addresses these semantic problems to support interoperability between geospatial datacubes. For that, we first describe interoperability between geospatial datacubes. Then, we define and categorize the semantic heterogeneity problems that may occur during the interoperability process of different geospatial datacubes. In order to resolve semantic heterogeneity between geospatial datacubes, we propose a conceptual framework that is essentially based on human communication. In this framework, software agents representing geospatial datacubes involved in the interoperability process communicate together. Such communication aims at exchanging information about the content of geospatial datacubes. Then, in order to help agents to make appropriate decisions during the interoperability process, we evaluate a set of indicators of the external quality (fitness-for-use) of geospatial datacube schemas and of production context (e.g., metadata). Finally, we implement the proposed approach to show its feasibility

    Laajan mittakaavan Internet-sovelluksia varten kehitetyt hajautetut tietokannat

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    Suurten Internet-yritysten, kuten Googlen ja Amazonin tarjoamat palvelut edellyttävät valtavien hajautettujen tietomäärien käsittelyä ja varastoimista. Tiedon pitää olla hyvin saatavilla. Tietokantajärjestelmältä edellytetään myös hyvää suorituskykyä. Suorituskyvyn ylläpitämiseksi järjestelmän täytyy skaalautua niin, että tarpeen vaatiessa järjestelmään voidaan lisätä enemmän resursseja. Tietokannan rakenteen tulee olla lisäksi joustava ja helposti muokattavissa. Perinteiset relaatiotietokannat transaktionaalisine oikeellisuus- ja eristyvyysvaatimuksineen ovat olleet liian rajoittavia tähän tarkoitukseen, joten näiden laajan mittakaavan Internet-sovellusten vaatimuksiin on kehitetty muita vaihtoehtoja. Näitä järjestelmiä on alettu kutsua NoSQL-tietokantajärjestelmiksi. NoSQL-tietokannat ovat usein niin erikoistuneita, ettei relaatiomallia ja SQL-kyselykielen koko ilmaisuvoimaa tarvita tai voida käyttää. Näiden tietokantojen tietomalli perustuu avain-arvo-pariin, jossa varastoitu arvo on yksilöity indeksoitavan avaimen perusteella. Tietokannan skeema on taas usein hyvin joustava, tai tietokanta saattaa olla jopa kokonaan skeematon. Käytössä olevat funktiot ovatkin usein rajoittuneet yksittäisten avain-arvo-parien lukemiseen ja päivittämiseen. Näiden tietojen laajan mittakaavan rinnakkaiseen laskentaan on lisäksi kehitetty yksinkertainen MapReduce-ohjelmointiparadigma. Google ja Amazon hyödyntävät näitä järjestelmiä varten rakentamaansa laajan mittakaavan infrastruktuuria tarjoamalla sitä myös muiden yritysten sovelluksien alustaksi NoSQL-tietokantapalveluna. Tässä tutkielmassa pyritään selventämään NoSQL-tietokantajärjestelmien tallennusratkaisun ja tiedon käsittelyn periaatteita, eroja relaatiotietokantajärjestelmiin sekä millaiseen käyttöön nämä uudet tietokantajärjestelmät oikein soveltuvat. Tutkielmassa esitellään myös MapReduce-ohjelmointiparadigma, NoSQL-tietokantapalveluna sekä joitakin NoSQL-tietokantajärjestelmien luokittelutapoja ja tietokannan tietomalleja. Tutkielma perustuu pääosin aikaisemmin aiheesta laadittuun kirjalliseen materiaaliin, kuten lehti- ja konferenssiartikkeleihin sekä kirjoihin. NoSQL-tietokantajärjestelmien nykyistä kehitysvaihetta voidaan verrata aikaan ennen SQL:ää. Nämä järjestelmät ovat kovin heterogeeninen joukko, joten myös niiden luokittelu on vaikeaa. NoSQL-tietokantajärjestelmissä ei ole perinteisten relaatiotietokantajärjestelmien pitkälle kehitettyjä ominaisuuksia. Suurin osa edellä mainituista ominaisuuksista pitää toteuttaa sovelluslogiikassa, joten ne jäävät sovellusohjelmoijan vastuulle. Mikään tietokantajärjestelmä tai työkalu ei ole paras ratkaisu kaikkiin tehtäviin. Kussakin järjestelmässä on järkevää ja tehokasta käsitellä ja varastoida pääosin tietyn kaltaista sovellusalueen tietoa. Sopiva tietokantajärjestelmä tai työkalu riippuu täysin yrityksen ja sovelluksen vaatimuksista. Yrityksen tulee siis arvioida sovellusalueen tietojen vaatimuksia

    Flexibility in Data Management

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    With the ongoing expansion of information technology, new fields of application requiring data management emerge virtually every day. In our knowledge culture increasing amounts of data and work force organized in more creativity-oriented ways also radically change traditional fields of application and question established assumptions about data management. For instance, investigative analytics and agile software development move towards a very agile and flexible handling of data. As the primary facilitators of data management, database systems have to reflect and support these developments. However, traditional database management technology, in particular relational database systems, is built on assumptions of relatively stable application domains. The need to model all data up front in a prescriptive database schema earned relational database management systems the reputation among developers of being inflexible, dated, and cumbersome to work with. Nevertheless, relational systems still dominate the database market. They are a proven, standardized, and interoperable technology, well-known in IT departments with a work force of experienced and trained developers and administrators. This thesis aims at resolving the growing contradiction between the popularity and omnipresence of relational systems in companies and their increasingly bad reputation among developers. It adapts relational database technology towards more agility and flexibility. We envision a descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system, which is entity-oriented instead of schema-oriented; descriptive rather than prescriptive. The thesis provides four main contributions: (1)~a flexible relational data model, which frees relational data management from having a prescriptive schema; (2)~autonomous physical entity domains, which partition self-descriptive data according to their schema properties for better query performance; (3)~a freely adjustable storage engine, which allows adapting the physical data layout used to properties of the data and of the workload; and (4)~a self-managed indexing infrastructure, which autonomously collects and adapts index information under the presence of dynamic workloads and evolving schemas. The flexible relational data model is the thesis\' central contribution. It describes the functional appearance of the descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system. The other three contributions improve components in the architecture of database management systems to increase the query performance and the manageability of descriptive schema-comes-second relational database systems. We are confident that these four contributions can help paving the way to a more flexible future for relational database management technology

    Flexibility in Data Management

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    With the ongoing expansion of information technology, new fields of application requiring data management emerge virtually every day. In our knowledge culture increasing amounts of data and work force organized in more creativity-oriented ways also radically change traditional fields of application and question established assumptions about data management. For instance, investigative analytics and agile software development move towards a very agile and flexible handling of data. As the primary facilitators of data management, database systems have to reflect and support these developments. However, traditional database management technology, in particular relational database systems, is built on assumptions of relatively stable application domains. The need to model all data up front in a prescriptive database schema earned relational database management systems the reputation among developers of being inflexible, dated, and cumbersome to work with. Nevertheless, relational systems still dominate the database market. They are a proven, standardized, and interoperable technology, well-known in IT departments with a work force of experienced and trained developers and administrators. This thesis aims at resolving the growing contradiction between the popularity and omnipresence of relational systems in companies and their increasingly bad reputation among developers. It adapts relational database technology towards more agility and flexibility. We envision a descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system, which is entity-oriented instead of schema-oriented; descriptive rather than prescriptive. The thesis provides four main contributions: (1)~a flexible relational data model, which frees relational data management from having a prescriptive schema; (2)~autonomous physical entity domains, which partition self-descriptive data according to their schema properties for better query performance; (3)~a freely adjustable storage engine, which allows adapting the physical data layout used to properties of the data and of the workload; and (4)~a self-managed indexing infrastructure, which autonomously collects and adapts index information under the presence of dynamic workloads and evolving schemas. The flexible relational data model is the thesis\' central contribution. It describes the functional appearance of the descriptive schema-comes-second relational database system. The other three contributions improve components in the architecture of database management systems to increase the query performance and the manageability of descriptive schema-comes-second relational database systems. We are confident that these four contributions can help paving the way to a more flexible future for relational database management technology

    Gewinnung, Verwaltung und Anwendung von Performance-Daten zur UnterstĂĽtzung des autonomen Datenbank-Tuning

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist die Komplexität und Heterogenität von Informationssystemen rapide gestiegen. Die Folge ist, dass viele moderne IT-Systeme aufgrund ihrer heterogenen Architektur- und Applikationsvielfalt sehr kostenintensiv in der Entwicklung, fehleranfällig in der Nutzung und schwierig durch Administratoren kontrollier- bzw. konfigurierbar sind. Initiativen wie das Autonomic Computing helfen, der steigenden Komplexität Herr zu werden, indem sie den „Problemfaktor Mensch“ entlasten und Technik nutzen, um Technik zu verwalten. Durch die Anpassung bzw. Erweiterung der System-Umgebung versuchen derartige Ansätze neben derzeitiger manueller, reaktiver Performance-Optimierung, eine automatisierte reaktive und proaktive Performance-Kontrolle zu gewährleisten. Zentrale Grundvoraussetzung für eine autonome Infrastruktur ist eine verlässliche, globale Daten- bzw. Wissensbasis. Wir erarbeiten, wie Performance-Daten über das Verhalten und den Zustand des Systems mit aus dem Data-Warehousing bekannten Techniken gesammelt, konsolidiert, verwaltet und zur Laufzeit ausgewertet werden können. Neben der Architektur und den funktionalen Komponenten eines solchen Performance Data Warehouse wird zudem dessen Datenmodell erläutert und die Anbindung an das vorausgehende Monitoring sowie die nachfolgende Analyse spezifiziert. Mit dem Ziel, die menschliche Vorgehensweise „nachzuahmen“ und somit die Administratoren bei ihren Routine-Tätigkeiten zu entlasten, widmen wir uns der Konzipierung und Beschreibung einer möglichen Infrastruktur zur Automatisierung typischer Tuning-Aufgaben. Wir erarbeiten allgemein und anhand von Beispielen, wie Tuning-Wissen und bewährte Praktiken von DBAs abgebildet, in Form von Workflows formalisiert und zur Laufzeit für die Problemlösung angewendet werden können

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen