8 research outputs found

    Plataforma de serviços residenciais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO serviço de acesso à Internet tem sido, até agora, o principal catalisador para a difusão das chamadas ligações de banda larga junto do mercado residencial. O desejo de partilhar este serviço entre vários terminais da mesma residência, aliado a factores como a maturidade do protocolo IP, o aparecimento de tecnologias de rede que permitem a comunicação entre dispositivos em espaços reduzidos, a generalização de conteúdos multimédia em formato digital, entre outros, tem impulsionado o aparecimento das chamadas redes residenciais. Para além de interligarem entre si os mais variados tipos de dispositivos domésticos, estas redes asseguram ainda a comunicação destes mesmos dispositivos com entidades externas à residência. Existe, portanto agora a oportunidade para operadores de telecomunicações e provedores de serviços utilizarem a largura de banda disponível para disponibilizarem, através de uma única plataforma, toda uma nova geração de serviços a clientes residenciais. No entanto, garantir o correcto comportamento de todos estes novos serviços, lidar com as particularidades do ambiente residencial e do próprio utilizador residencial, impõe a operadores e provedores de serviços novos desafios. Um dos principais desafios prende-se com a capacidade das actuais redes de acesso e domésticas para o transporte de vários tipos de serviços. Desta forma, na presente dissertação, são analisados cenários típicos de prestação de serviços residenciais, com ênfase nas infra estruturas de rede que suportam essa mesma prestação de serviços. Nesta, são também caracterizadas infra-estruturas de rede capazes de suportar a distribuição de um leque alargado de serviços residenciais, garantindo o correcto comportamento dos mesmos. A distribuição de vários tipos de serviços sobre infra-estruturas de rede partilhadas, requer também soluções que contemplem a configuração/gestão remota dos vários tipos de serviços e de mecanismos que possibilitem a auto configuração de dispositivos que residem na rede doméstica. Neste contexto a plataforma de serviços OSGi é apresentada. Por forma a concluir-se acerca da sua validade e aplicabilidade em cenários futuros de prestação de serviços residenciais, foi implementado um serviço de monitorização médica remota sobre a mesma. Esta, permitiu principalmente avaliar vantagens e desvantagens da plataforma OSGi, bem como indicar possíveis soluções que colmatam as desvantagens encontradas. Esta dissertação apresenta portanto possíveis soluções para desafios com que operadores e prestadores de serviços se deparam em cenários de prestação de múltiplos tipos de serviços residenciais. ABSTRACT: Internet access service has been, until now, the main reason to the current generalization of the so called broadband connections in the residential market. The will of sharing this same service between different terminals in the same house, together with other factors like the maturity of the IP protocol, the eruption of network technologies that allow the communication between devices in restricted environments, the generalization of multimedia contents distributed in a digital format, among others, has driven to the appearance of the so called residential networks. Besides providing the interconnection between the several types of residential devices, these networks also assure the communication of those same devices with entities outside the home. So this is the opportunity for telecommunications operators and service providers to use the available bandwidth to provide, using a single service platform, new kinds of services to residential costumers. Although, to assure the correct behaviour of that multitude of services, to deal with the uniqueness of the residential environment and of the residential user himself, challenges must be solved by operators and service providers. One of the main challenges as to do with the ability of today's access and residential networks to transport different kinds of services. This way, in the present thesis, typical residential service providing scenarios are analyzed, with special detail on the network infra structures used on that same scenarios. Moreover, network infra structures that support the distribution of different kinds of residential services are also characterized, always considering that the expected behaviour of those same services is assured. The distribution of different types of services over shared networks, also requires solutions regarding the configuration/remote management of those same services, as well mechanisms that allow the auto configuration of domestic devices. In this context, the OSGi service platform is presented. In order to conclude about it's validity and applicability in future service providing scenarios, a remote medical monitoring service was implemented over OSGi. This implementation allowed mainly to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the OSGi platform, as well pointing some possible solutions that somehow minimize the disadvantages. Therefore, this thesis presents possible solutions for challenges that operators and service providers will face in scenarios where is intended to provide to residential costumers a multitude of kinds of services

    Networking technology adoption : system dynamics modeling of fiber-to-the-home

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology, Management, and Policy Program, 2005.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Page 244 blank.Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-243).A system dynamics model is developed and run to study the adoption of fiber-to-the-home as a residential broadband technology. Communities that currently do not have broadband in the United States are modeled. This case is of particular interest to U.S. policymakers, but also relevant to other regions concerned with economic development in rural areas. The model is used to explore the effects of government policy on fiber-to-the-home deployment and on the telecommunications supply chain. The research finds that government policy relating to broadband deployment has been based on a weak understanding of the dynamics involved, resulting in trial and error policy making that has unintended consequences. The thesis shows that the current monitoring of broadband deployment by the Federal Communications Commission is inadequate to contribute to the formation of reasoned policy decisions. The model is used to explore the consequences that different regulatory scenarios have on fiber-to-the-home deployment. Among the policy choices considered are: resale of fiber-to-the-home lines to competitive providers; low cost government loans for commercial deployments; rapid deployment to all communities currently without service; and a ban on municipal deployments. The current Rural Utilities Service loan program is also included in the model and its effects are analyzed. The model is used to examine the consequences for the optoelectronics industry of different deployment scenarios. It shows that the interests of consumers, regulators, and even service providers are in conflict with the interests of the optoelectronics industry which provides a critical component necessary for the service.(cont.) Strategies to help mitigate that conflict and to promote the health of the components industry are explored. Deployment of fiber-to-the-home is costly, and cost recovery is difficult for both incumbent and competitive service providers, especially in rural and suburban regions that do not currently have service. The interests of policy makers, service providers, and component suppliers need to be aligned to implement effective policy that encourages the deployment of broadband to unserved regions. The Federal Communications Commission needs to rearchitect its monitoring of service providers and their activities to better understand the status of deployment and how its policies can help or hinder.by Andjelka Kelic.Ph.D

    Point-to-Multipoint Services on Fifth-Generation Mobile Networks

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    [ES] Esta disertación cubre el estado del arte en LTE eMBMS Release 14, también conocido como Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV trajo un conjunto de mejoras, tanto a nivel radio como a nivel de núcleo, que transformó a eMBMS en un estándar de televisión terrestre completo. La última versión de esta tecnología se denomina LTE-based 5G Broadcast; pero no usa New Radio ni el núcleo 5G. Para proveer una solución nativa 5G de servicios punto-a-multipunto, hubo investigación en entornos acad\'emicos y colaboraciones público-privada. La iniciativa más notable en este aspecto fue el proyecto del Horizon 2020 5G-Xcast, que transcurrió de 2017 a 2019. 5G-Xcast produjo varias soluciones a nivel de arquitectura, desde la perspectiva de provisión de contenidos, nuevas funciones de red interoperables con el núcleo 5G, hasta modificaciones a la interfaz aire basada en New Radio. Los hallazgos del proyecto están descritos en esta tesis. La tesis incluye dos ejemplos de eMBMS aplicados a verticales diferentes, una para el uso de eMBMS en entornos industriales, y otra presentando eMBMS como un sistema SAP. Incluir servicios punto-a-multipunto como un modo adicional celular trae algunos desafíos, como ya mostró la estandarización de eMBMS: las redes de radiodifusión terrestre y las redes celulares son muy distintas entre ellas. Encontrar una forma de onda viable para ambas infraestructuras es complejo. Esta tesis ofrece un punto de vista distinto al problema: un escenario de colaboración entre cadenas televisivas y operadores móviles, donde la infraestructura de radiodifusión y móvil son compartidas. Este concepto se ha definido como Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. Las tecnologías elegidas para converger son ATSC 3.0 y 5G, usando el Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS está compuesto de una serie de procedimientos, interfaces, funciones de red, para permitir el uso compartido de un acceso 3GPP con uno non-3GPP, como Wi-Fi. Sin embargo, el uso de ATSSS para juntar radiodifusión y celular no es trivial, ya que ATSSS no fue dise\~{n}ado para enlaces radio unidireccionales como ATSC 3.0. Estas limitaciones son descritas en detalle, y una propuesta para solventarlas tambi\'en está incluida. La solución se basa en Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), y se usa como ejemplo para la provisión de Convergent Services (File Repair y Video Offloading). La tesis concluye con una descripción de Release 17 5MBS, con los nuevos conceptos introducidos. 5MBS es capaz de cambiar entre unicast, multicast y broadcast; dependiendo del servicio, la ubicación geográfica de los usuarios, y las capacidades de la infraestructura móvil involucradas. Para evaluar 5MBS, se ha realizado un estudio de prestaciones, basado en comunicaciones multicast dentro del núcleo de red 5G. Este prototipo 5MBS forma parte del laboratorio VLC Campus 5G, y utiliza el software comercial Open5GCore como base del desarrollo. El modelo de sistema para la experimentación esta formado por un servidor de vídeo, que se conecta al Open5GCore y a las funciones de red mejoradas con funcionalidades 5MBS. Estas funciones de red envían el contenido mediante punto-a-multipunto a un entorno radio y terminales simulados. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan el objetivo principal de la tesis: las comunicaciones punto-a-multipunto son una solución escalable para el envío de contenido multimedia en directo.[CA] Aquesta dissertació cobreix capdavanter en LTE eMBMS Release 14, també conegut com Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV va portar un conjunt de millores, tant a nivell de ràdio com a nivell de nucli, que va transformar el eMBMS en un estàndard de televisió terrestre complet. La última versió d'aquesta tecnologia es denomina LTE-based 5G Broadcast; però no fa servir New Ràdio ni el nucli 5G. Per a proveir una solució nativa 5G de serveis punt-a-multipunt, va haver-hi investigació en entorns acadèmics i col·laboracions pública i privada. La iniciativa més notable en aquest aspecte va ser el projecte del Horizon 2020 5G-Xcast, que va transcórrer del 2017 a 2019. 5G-Xcast va produir diverses solucions a nivell d'arquitectura, des de la perspectiva de provisió de continguts, noves funcions de xarxa interoperables amb el nucli 5G, fins a modificacions a la interfície aire basada en New Radio. Les troballes del projecte estan descrits en aquesta tesi. La tesi inclou dos exemples de eMBMS aplicats a verticals diferents, una per a l'ús de eMBMS en entorns industrials, i una altra presentant eMBMS com un sistema SAP. Incloure serveis punt-a-multipunt com una manera addicional cel·lular duu alguns desafiaments, com ja va mostrar l'estandardització de eMBMS: les xarxes de radiodifusió terrestre i les xarxes cel·lulars són molt diferents entre elles. Trobar una forma d'ona viable per a totes dues infraestructures és complex. Aquesta tesi ofereix un punt de vista diferent al problema: un escenari de col·laboració entre cadenes televisives i operadors mòbils, on la infraestructura de radiodifusió i mòbil són compartides. Aquest concepte s'ha definit com Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. Les tecnologies triades per a convergir són ATSC 3.0 i 5G, usant el Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS està compost d'una sèrie de procediments, interfícies, funcions de xarxa, per a permetre l'ús compartit d'un accés 3GPP amb un non-3GPP, com a Wi-Fi. No obstant això, l'ús de ATSSS per a adjuntar radiodifusió i cel·lular no és trivial, ja que ATSSS no va ser dissenyada per a per a enllaços ràdio unidireccionals com ATSC 3.0. Aquestes limitacions són descrites detalladament, i una proposta per a solucionar-les també està inclosa. La solució es basa en Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), i s'usa com a exemple per a la provisió de Convergent Services (File Repair i Vídeo Offloading). La tesi conclou amb una descripció de Release 17 5MBS, amb els nous conceptes introduïts. 5MBS és capaç de canviar entre unicast, multicast i broadcast; depenent del servei, la ubicació geogràfica dels usuaris, i les capacitats de la infraestructura mòbil involucrades. Per a avaluar 5MBS, s'ha realitzat un estudi de prestacions, basat en comunicacions multicast dins del nucli de xarxa 5G. Aquest prototip 5MBS forma part del laboratori VLC Campus 5G, i utilitza el programari comercial Open5GCore com a base del desenvolupament. El model de sistema per a l'experimentació està format per un servidor de vídeo, que es connecta al Open5GCore i a les funcions de xarxa millorades amb funcionalitats 5MBS. Aquestes funcions de xarxa envien el contingut mitjançant punt-a-multipunt a un entorn ràdio i terminals simulats. Els resultats obtinguts ressalten l'objectiu principal de la tesi: les comunicacions punt-a-multipunt són una solució escalable per a l'enviament de contingut multimèdia en directe.[EN] This dissertation covers the state-of-the-art in LTE eMBMS Release 14, also known as Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV provided a suite of radio and core enhancements that made eMBMS into a viable terrestrial broadcast standard. The latest iteration of this technology is known as LTE-based 5G Broadcast; even though it is not New Radio or 5G Core based. To bridge this gap, research efforts by academia, public and private enterprises evaluated how to provide a 5G-based solution for point-to-multipoint services. The most notable effort in this regard is the Horizon 2020 project 5G-Xcast, which ran from 2017 to 2019. 5G-Xcast provided several architectural solutions, from the content delivery perspective down to air interface specifics; providing new waveforms based on New Radio and Network Functions interoperable with a Release 15 5G Core. The findings are summarized in this thesis. Two examples of eMBMS applied to different verticals are included in the thesis, one for the use of eMBMS in industrial environments, and the other using eMBMS as a PWS technology. Providing point-to-multipoint services as another cellular service poses some problems, as the standardization process of eMBMS showed: the broadcast infrastructure is different than the cellular one. Having a waveform that is suited for both scenarios is a difficult endeavour. The thesis provides a new perspective into this problem: Having existing Terrestrial Broadcast standards and infrastructure be the point-to-multipoint solution of 5G, where mobile operators and broadcasters collaborate together. This is defined in the dissertation as Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. The technologies chosen to be converged together were ATSC 3.0 and 5G; using the existing Release 16 framework known as Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS is a series of procedures, interfaces, new Network Functions, to allow the joint use of a 3GPP Access Network alongside a non-3GPP one, like Wi-Fi. However, the use of ATSSS for cellular plus broadcast brings challenges, as the ATSSS technology was not designed to be used with a unidirectional access network like ATSC 3.0. These limitations are described in detail, and an architectural proposal that overcomes the limitations is proposed. This solution is based on Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), and how to provide Convergent Services (i.e File Repair and Video Offloading) is shown. The thesis concludes with a description of Release 17 5MBS, including the new concepts introduced. 5MBS features the capacity of switching between unicast, multicast and broadcast; depending on the service addressed, the geographical location of the users, and the capability of the RAN infrastructure targeted. In order to evaluate 5MBS, a performance study of the use of multicast inside the 5G Core has been carried out. The 5MBS prototype was developed as part of the VLC Campus 5G laboratory, using the commercial software Open5GCore which provides the libraries and Network Functions to deploy your own 5G Private Network in testing environments. The system model of the experiment is formed by a video server, connected to the Open5GCore and the 5MBS enhanced functions; which will deliver the content to an emulated RAN environment hosting virtual gNBs and devices. The results obtained reinforce the objective of the thesis, positioning point-to-multipoint as a scalable way to deliver live content.Research projects: 5G-Xcast: Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems (H2020 No 761498); 5G-TOURS: SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS (H2020 No 856950); FUDGE-5G: FUlly DisinteGrated private nEtworks for 5G verticals (H2020 No 957242).Barjau Estevan, CS. (2022). Point-to-Multipoint Services on Fifth-Generation Mobile Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19140

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms