14 research outputs found

    Value Partitioning: A Lightweight Approach to Relational Static Analysis for JavaScript

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    In static analysis of modern JavaScript libraries, relational analysis at key locations is critical to provide sound and useful results. Prior work addresses this challenge by the use of various forms of trace partitioning and syntactic patterns, which is fragile and does not scale well, or by incorporating complex backwards analysis. In this paper, we propose a new lightweight variant of trace partitioning named value partitioning that refines individual abstract values instead of entire abstract states. We describe how this approach can effectively capture important relational properties involving dynamic property accesses, functions with free variables, and predicate functions. Furthermore, we extend an existing JavaScript analyzer with value partitioning and demonstrate experimentally that it is a simple, precise, and efficient alternative to the existing approaches for analyzing widely used JavaScript libraries

    Language Support for Programming High-Performance Code

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    Nowadays, the computing landscape is becoming increasingly heterogeneous and this trend is currently showing no signs of turning around. In particular, hardware becomes more and more specialized and exhibits different forms of parallelism. For performance-critical codes it is indispensable to address hardware-specific peculiarities. Because of the halting problem, however, it is unrealistic to assume that a program implemented in a general-purpose programming language can be fully automatically compiled to such specialized hardware while still delivering peak performance. One form of parallelism is single instruction, multiple data (SIMD). Part I of this thesis presents Sierra: an extension for C ++ that facilitates portable and effective SIMD programming. Part II discusses AnyDSL. This framework allows to embed a so-called domain-specific language (DSL) into a host language. On the one hand, a DSL offers the application developer a convenient interface; on the other hand, a DSL can perform domain-specific optimizations and effectively map DSL constructs to various architectures. In order to implement a DSL, one usually has to write or modify a compiler. With AnyDSL though, the DSL constructs are directly implemented in the host language while a partial evaluator removes any abstractions that are required in the implementation of the DSL.Die Rechnerlandschaft wird heutzutage immer heterogener und derzeit ist keine Trendwende in Sicht. Insbesondere wird die Hardware immer spezialisierter und weist verschiedene Formen der Parallelität auf. Für performante Programme ist es unabdingbar, hardwarespezifische Eigenheiten zu adressieren. Wegen des Halteproblems ist es allerdings unrealistisch anzunehmen, dass ein Programm, das in einer universell einsetzbaren Programmiersprache implementiert ist, vollautomatisch auf solche spezialisierte Hardware übersetzt werden kann und dabei noch Spitzenleistung erzielt. Eine Form der Parallelität ist „single instruction, multiple data (SIMD)“. Teil I dieser Arbeit stellt Sierra vor: eine Erweiterung für C++, die portable und effektive SIMD-Programmierung unterstützt. Teil II behandelt AnyDSL. Dieses Rahmenwerk ermöglicht es, eine sogenannte domänenspezifische Sprache (DSL) in eine Gastsprache einzubetten. Auf der einen Seite bietet eine DSL dem Anwendungsentwickler eine komfortable Schnittstelle; auf der anderen Seiten kann eine DSL domänenspezifische Optimierungen durchführen und DSL-Konstrukte effektiv auf verschiedene Architekturen abbilden. Um eine DSL zu implementieren, muss man gewöhnlich einen Compiler schreiben oder modifizieren. In AnyDSL werden die DSL-Konstrukte jedoch direkt in der Gastsprache implementiert und ein partieller Auswerter entfernt jegliche Abstraktionen, die in der Implementierung der DSL benötigt werden

    On The Human Factors Impact of Polyglot Programming on Programmer Productivity

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    Polyglot programming is a common practice in modern software development. This practice is often considered useful to create software by allowing developers to use whichever language they consider most well suited for the different parts of their software. Despite this ubiquity of polyglot programming there is no empirical research into how this practice affects software developers and their productivity. In this dissertation, after reviewing the state of the art in programming language and linguistic research pertaining to the topic, this matter is investigated by way of two empirical studies with 109 and 171 participants solving programming tasks. Based on the findings, the design of a data management library, a common use-case for polyglot programming, is proposed broadly and then applied specifically to the language Quorum as a case study. The review of previous studies finds that there is a pattern of productivity gain that can be explained by the occurrence of type annotations in programming, which gives insight into how programmers comprehend code. Study results show that there is a significant improvement of programmer productivity when programmers are using polyglot programming in an embedded context (partial eta squared = 0.039) and that less experienced programmers do better in a group with more frequent, but less severe, switches, while more experienced developers perform better with less frequent but more complete switches between languages. A study on language switches on a file level shows that file level programming language switching has a clear negative impact on programmer productivity (partial eta squared = 0.059) and is most likely caused by the increased occurrence of errors when switching


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    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen

    Data and the city – accessibility and openness. a cybersalon paper on open data

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    This paper showcases examples of bottom–up open data and smart city applications and identifies lessons for future such efforts. Examples include Changify, a neighbourhood-based platform for residents, businesses, and companies; Open Sensors, which provides APIs to help businesses, startups, and individuals develop applications for the Internet of Things; and Cybersalon’s Hackney Treasures. a location-based mobile app that uses Wikipedia entries geolocated in Hackney borough to map notable local residents. Other experiments with sensors and open data by Cybersalon members include Ilze Black and Nanda Khaorapapong's The Breather, a "breathing" balloon that uses high-end, sophisticated sensors to make air quality visible; and James Moulding's AirPublic, which measures pollution levels. Based on Cybersalon's experience to date, getting data to the people is difficult, circuitous, and slow, requiring an intricate process of leadership, public relations, and perseverance. Although there are myriad tools and initiatives, there is no one solution for the actual transfer of that data

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion