11 research outputs found

    Preparation of copper single crystals by means of powder metallurgy methods

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    Since different mechanical properties of metals result from different grain size became known, the metallurgists have been interested in finding out the true nature of the grain boundaries. Consequently, several different theories concerning the mechanism of recrystallization, grain growth, and the structure of metals were advanced and studied. These threw much light on the difference of properties between polycrystalline metals and single crystals of the same metals. The single crystals of metals were studied because they enabled the investigator to determine the important points of metallic behavior. The first work on single crystals was rather obscure and limited to isolated, though significant, observations on native metals and on large grains which were removed from severely coarsened metal parts. The aim of the present research was to investigate the possibility of preparing the single crystals from copper powder by employing the powder metallurgy technique. However, the principal differences between cast and sintered metals are the relative weakness of the adhesive forces between particles and the presence of pores between them in the case of powder compacts. The factors controlling grain growth and grain size for powder compacts depend not only upon the amount of deformation, temperature and time of annealing, but also depend upon the amount of compressing pressure and the sintering conditions of powder compacts --Introduction, page 1

    Settlement Analysis of Footings

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    Micro computer animation

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    The effect of an organic addition agent on cupric fluoborate electrodeposits

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    The effects of a proprietary organic addition agent on electrodeposits from a cupric fluoborate electroplating bath have been studied. A number of physical and mechanical properties of the deposit were found to correlate with addition agent concentration

    Spread in flat rolling

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    A velocity field was derived for a flat workpiece undergoing plastic deformation between cylindrical rolls in a rolling mill. Using the velocity field, an expression was written for the total power input required for the rolling process in terms of the process parameters: roll diameter, thickness reduction, workpiece geometry, surface friction, and spread. The Upper Bound Theorem was applied to the power expression to establish an upper limit on it. This limit was minimized with respect to spread to determine the value of spread requiring the least amount of input power

    An Analysis of the Comparative Reading Times for 11-pica and 15-pica Copy

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    Research concerning reading speed, type size, leading, and line width has been conducted in a systematic way for the past 50 years. The Minnesota eye-movement camera was used to reveal the specific patterns of eye movements involved in reading optimal versus non-optimal lines widths. In contradiction to Tinker and Paterson, Matthew Luckiesh and Frank Moss concluded that the readability of 10-point Text type with 2 points of leading diminishes as the length of line is increased from 13 to about 21 picas; and that further increases in the line length result in less important changes in readability. Leading (spacing between lines) appears to have a definite effect on the legibility of type. They found that a slight increase in readability resulted when leading was introduced in 5-point type. Later, an experimenter named Bentley found that with different amounts of leading the rate of reading changed. Today, the newspaper is in strict competition with many other types of communication media. Tinker and Paterson found that most newspapers before World War II were in a trend toward larger type sizes and longer line widths, but the newspapers changed to space-saving column form after the war started. Subsidiary reasons for undertaking this study are to ascertain whether there is any relationship between reading speed and these characteristics of readers: sex, age, and year in school, wearing reading glasses, self-appraisal of amount of reading done

    Do Registo de Saúde Eletrónico à administração de medicamentos assistida

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se assistido a um crescente avanço ao nível das Tecnologias da Informação (TI) e o caso da aplicabilidade das TI à área da saúde não é excepção, dando origem ao que se designa de Tecnologias de Informação da Saúde (TIS). Assim, com o decorrer do tempo e dos ditos avanços, surgiram novas ferramentas, tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação Hospitalar (SIH) com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade da prestação dos serviços das instituições de saúde e, do lado do utente, com o objetivo de proporcionar um acesso cada vez mais eficiente aos cuidados de saúde. Um dos avanços mais significativos na prossecução da interoperabilidade entre sistemas e na centralização da informação é o Registo de Saúde Eletrónico (RSE). Este sistema integra dados do utente provenientes de várias fontes, tornando-se um ativo válido no que diz respeito ao suporte da decisão clínica. Paralelamente a isso, permite ainda o acesso a aplicações para a realização de processos operacionais, tais como a prescrição de medicamentos e exames de forma eletrónica. Partindo destes pressupostos, foi então estudado o estado atual dos avanços destes SIH em Portugal, por forma a perceber de que forma seria possível, com os recursos existentes atualmente, munir o utente de melhores e mais informações acerca da sua saúde. Por isso, o principal objetivo deste projeto de dissertação é desenhar e desenvolver uma aplicação móvel capaz de apoiar o utente no cumprimento das suas obrigações de saúde, sejam elas consequência de eventos numa determinada instituição ou mesmo a toma de medicamentos prescritos. Para além disso, é também pretendido que, para além do possível apoio conseguido através da aplicação criada, se consiga ainda criar uma comunidade de auxílio ao utente, através da criação de um agregado. A principal motivação é, portanto, uma melhoria na qualidade da saúde do utente, através de um acompanhamento monitorizado e o mais individualizado possível. Metodologicamente, partiu-se de uma análise completa aos dados provenientes do Portal do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) e de outras instituições de saúde, com o intuito de contornar a inexistência de uma API e conseguir extrair e tratar os dados e, posteriormente, carregá-los na Base de Dados (BD) que alimenta a aplicação. Ultrapassada essa dificuldade, comprova-se então a possibilidade de agregar toda a informação de um mesmo utente numa só aplicação, com a devida autenticação.Over the years, we have witnessed a growth in the Information Technologies (IT) field and the case of the IT’s applicability to healthcare is no exception, originating the so-called Health Information Technologies. Thus, with these advances, new tools, technologies and Hospital Information Systems (HIS) have emerged with the aim of improving the quality of health care provided by health institutions and, on the user side, with the objective to provide increasingly efficient access to health care. One of the most significant advances in the pursuit of interoperability between systems and the centralization of information is the Electronic Health Record (EHR). This system integrates user’s data from several sources, making it a valid asset with respect to clinical decision support. Parallel to this, it also allows access for operational processes, such as medical prescription of medication and exams electronically. Based on these assumptions, the current state of progress of these systems in Portugal was studied in order to understand how, with the existing resources, it would be possible to provide the user with better and more information about their health. Therefore, the main objective of this dissertation project is to design and develop a mobile app capable of supporting the user in the fulfillment of their health obligations. In addition, it is also intended that, besides the app support, the user can get extra support, by creating an aggregate. The main motivation is, therefore, an improvement in the user’s healthcare quality, monitoring it and as individualized as possible. Methodologically, it started with a complete analysis of data provided by Serviço Nacional da Saúde (SNS) and other healthcare institutions, with the aim of overcoming the inexistence of an API, and to be able to extract, transform and then load data into the Database (DB) that provides the app. By overcoming this difficulty, with the proper authentication, it is proved to be possible to aggregate all patient’s EHR in a single app