29 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency perspectives of PMR networks

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    Recently, the concern about energy efficiency in wireless communications has been growing rapidly. Manufacturers and researchers have developed innovative solutions, highlighting the benefits in reducing operational expenditures (OPEX) and carbon footprint. Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) systems, like Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA), have been designed to provide voice and data services to professional users. The energy consumption is one of the critical aspects of PMR broadband solutions and a major constraint for PMR services. The future convergence of PMR to the LTE system introduces a new topic in the research discussion about the energy efficiency of wireless systems. This paper focuses on the feasibility of energy efficient solutions for current and potentially future PMR networks, by providing a mathematical formulation of power consumption in TETRA base stations and assessing possible business models and energy saving solutions for enhanced mission-critical operations. The energy efficiency evaluation has been performed by taking into account the traffic load of a deployed TETRA regional network: in the considered network scenario with 150 base stations, significant OPEX savings up to 70 thousand Euros per year of operation are achieved. Moreover, the proposed solutions allow for saving more than 1 ton of CO 2 per year

    An overview of emergency communication networks

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    In recent years, major natural disasters and public safety accidents have frequently occurred worldwide. In order to deal with various disasters and accidents using rapidly deployable, reliable, efficient, and stable emergency communication networks, all countries in the world are strengthening and improving emergency communication network construction and related technology research. Motivated by these situations, in this paper, we provide a state-of-the-art survey of the current situation and development of emergency communication networks. In this detailed investigation, our primary focus is the extensive discussion of emergency communication network technology, including satellite networks, ad hoc networks, cellular networks, and wireless private networks. Then, we explore and analyze the networks currently applied in emergency rescue, such as the 370M narrowband private network, broadband cluster network, and 5G constellation plan. We propose a broadband-narrowband integrated emergency communication network to provide an effective solution for visual dispatch of emergency rescue services. The main findings derived from the comprehensive survey on the emergency communication network are then summarized, and possible research challenges are noted. Lastly, we complete this survey by shedding new light on future directions for the emergency communication network. In the future, the emergency network will develop in the direction of intelligence, integration, popularization, and lower cost, and space-air-ground-sea integrated networks. This survey provides a reference basis for the construction of networks to mitigate major natural disasters and public safety accidents

    Radio Dispatching Communications During a Mass Event - A Case Studies of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings

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    In paper we present two case studies of the wireless dispatching communications. The first one aims at providing voice service and FM radio broadcasting during mass events of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings. The presentation is supported by over 20-year experience in organization of this event every year. In the second use study we analyze evolution of the dispatching networks in the energy sector. These networks can be used by PPDR agencies in the situation of disasters and other crisis occurrences

    Μελέτη και σχεδιασμός πρωτοκόλλων ανίχνευσης γειτονικής συσκευής σε δίκτυα LTE-Advanced

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    Η εργασία αυτή έχεις σαν σκοπό την μελέτη της απευθείας επικοινωνίας συσκευής με συσκευή και ειδικότερα την αναζήτησης γειτονικής συσκευής στο σύστημα του LTE-A. Μετά από μια ιστορική αναδρομή σε προγενέστερες τεχνολογίες για απευθείας επικοινωνία μελετάμε το πρότυπο του LTE-A και στοχεύουμε στο πρόβλημα της αναζήτησης συσκευής. Τέλος αναλύουμε το πρωτόκολλο του FlashLinQ και κάνοντας μια πειραματική μελέτη βλέπουμε την επίδοση του

    Device-to-device communications for 5G Radio Access Networks

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    Nowadays it is very popular to share video clips and images to one’s social network in the proximity. Direct device-to-device (D2D) communication is one of the means to respond to this requirement. D2D offers users improved end-to-end latency times, and additionally can provide higher data rates. At the same time the overall cellular network congestion decreases. D2D is also known as Proximity Services (ProSe). LTE is missing direct D2D communication. Currently D2D for 5G is standardised in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Releases 12, and in parallel Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS) project has D2D as one of its research topics. Multiple articles have been published about D2D communication. This thesis is a literature based thesis following D2D communication in 5G literature. The scope is to describe similarities and differences found in Technical Reports and Technical Specifications of the 3GPP Release 12, in deliverables written in METIS project and in some selected D2D related publications about D2D communications. 3GPP Release 12 concentrates on ProSe at least for public safety. ProSe communication out-of-coverage is only for public safety purposes. METIS provides multiple solutions for diverse D2D topics, for example, device discovery, radio resource management, mobility management and relaying. METIS provides solutions for D2D communication not yet mature enough for development and implementation but which might be realized in the future.Nykyisin on suosittua lähettää lyhyitä videoita tai kuvia läheisyydessä oleville ystäville. Laitteiden välinen suora kommunikointi eli D2D-viestintä tuo ratkaisun tähän vaatimukseen. D2D-viestinnän ansiosta viive lyhenee ja lisäksi siirtonopeudet kasvavat. Samaan aikaan koko verkon kuormitus vähenee. Suora kahden laitteen välinen kommunikointi puuttuu LTE:stä. Tällä hetkellä 3GPP Release 12 standardisoi suoraa kahden laitteen välistä kommunikointia. Samanaikaisesti Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS) –projektin yhtenä tutkimuskohteenaan on kahden laitteen välinen suora kommunikointi, Lisäksi on lukuisia julkaisuja liittyen D2D-viestintään. Tämä diplomityö perustuu kirjallisuuteen. Sen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kahden laitteen välistä suoraa kommunikointia on kuvattu 3GPP Release 12:ta teknisissä spesifikaatioissa, METIS-projektin julkaisuissa sekä muutamassa valitussa tieteellisessä julkaisussa. Tavoitteena on selvittää D2D-viestinnän yhtäläisyyksiä sekä poikkeamia. 3PGG Release 12 standardointi keskittyy D2D-viestinnän käyttöön ainakin julkisessa pelastustyössä. D2D-viestinnän tulee ainakin julkisessa pelastustyössä toimia myös siellä missä matkapuhelinverkko ei toimi tai sitä ei ole olemassa. METIS tarjoaa useita ratkaisuja D2D-viestinnän eri osa-alueille, esimerkiksi laitteiden tunnistamiseen, resurssien hallintaan, liikkuvuuden hallintaa ja viestien edelleen lähettämiseen. METIS-projekti on tuottanut D2D-viestinnän ratkaisuja, joiden toteuttaminen on järkevää ja mahdollista vasta tulevaisuudessa

    Délestage de données en D2D : de la modélisation à la mise en oeuvre

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    Mobile data traffic is expected to reach 24.3 exabytes by 2019. Accommodating this growth in a traditional way would require major investments in the radio access network. In this thesis, we turn our attention to an unconventional solution: mobile data offloading through device-to-device (D2D) communications. Our first contribution is DROiD, an offloading strategy that exploits the availability of the cellular infrastructure as a feedback channel. DROiD adapts the injection strategy to the pace of the dissemination, resulting at the same time reactive and relatively simple, allowing to save a relevant amount of data traffic even in the case of tight delivery delay constraints.Then, we shift the focus to the gains that D2D communications could bring if coupled with multicast wireless networks. We demonstrate that by employing a wise balance of multicast and D2D communications we can improve both the spectral efficiency and the load in cellular networks. In order to let the network adapt to current conditions, we devise a learning strategy based on the multi-armed bandit algorithm to identify the best mix of multicast and D2D communications. Finally, we investigate the cost models for operators wanting to reward users who cooperate in D2D offloading. We propose separating the notion of seeders (users that carry content but do not distribute it) and forwarders (users that are tasked to distribute content). With the aid of the analytic framework based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, we develop an optimal offloading strategy. Results provide us with an insight on the interactions between seeders, forwarders, and the evolution of data dissemination.Le trafic mobile global atteindra 24,3 exa-octets en 2019. Accueillir cette croissance dans les réseaux d’accès radio devient un véritable casse-tête. Nous porterons donc toute notre attention sur l'une des solutions à ce problème : le délestage (offloading) grâce à des communications de dispositif à dispositif (D2D). Notre première contribution est DROiD, une stratégie qui exploite la disponibilité de l'infrastructure cellulaire comme un canal de retour afin de suivre l'évolution de la diffusion d’un contenu. DROiD s’adapte au rythme de la diffusion, permettant d'économiser une quantité élevée de données cellulaires, même dans le cas de contraintes de réception très serrées. Ensuite, nous mettons l'accent sur les gains que les communications D2D pourraient apporter si elles étaient couplées avec les transmissions multicast. Par l’utilisation équilibrée d'un mix de multicast, et de communications D2D, nous pouvons améliorer, à la fois, l'efficacité spectrale ainsi que la charge du réseau. Afin de permettre l’adaptation aux conditions réelles, nous élaborons une stratégie d'apprentissage basée sur l'algorithme dit ‘’bandit manchot’’ pour identifier la meilleure combinaison de communications multicast et D2D. Enfin, nous mettrons en avant des modèles de coûts pour les opérateurs, désireux de récompenser les utilisateurs qui coopèrent dans le délestage D2D. Nous proposons, pour cela, de séparer la notion de seeders (utilisateurs qui transportent contenu, mais ne le distribuent pas) et de forwarders (utilisateurs qui sont chargés de distribuer le contenu). Avec l'aide d’un outil analytique basée sur le principe maximal de Pontryagin, nous développons une stratégie optimale de délestage

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach

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    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, request-response signaling protocols aimed at enabling multimedia sessions over IP networks. RTSP was conceived to set up streaming sessions from a Content / Streaming Server to a Streaming Client, while SIP was conceived to set up media (e.g.: voice, video, chat, file sharing, …) sessions among users. However, their scope has evolved and expanded over time to cover virtually any type of content and media session. As mobile networks progressively evolved towards an IP-only (All-IP) concept, particularly in 4G and 5G networks, 3GPP had to select IP-based signaling protocols for core mobile services, as opposed to traditional SS7-based protocols used in the circuit-switched domain in use in 2G and 3G networks. In that context, rather than reinventing the wheel, 3GPP decided to leverage Internet protocols and the work carried on by the IETF. Hence, it was not surprise that when 3GPP defined the so-called Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS) for real-time continuous media delivery, it selected RTSP as its signaling protocol and, more importantly, SIP was eventually selected as the core signaling protocol for all multimedia core services in the mobile (All-)IP domain. This 3GPP decision to use off-the-shelf IETF-standardized signaling protocols has been a key cornerstone for the future of All-IP fixed / mobile networks convergence and Next Generation Networks (NGN) in general. In this context, the main goal of our work has been analyzing how such general purpose IP multimedia signaling protocols are deployed and behave over 3GPP mobile networks. Effectively, usage of IP protocols is key to enable cross-vendor interoperability. On the other hand, due to the specific nature of the mobile domain, there are scenarios where it might be possible to leverage some additional “context” to enhance the performance of such protocols in the particular case of mobile networks. With this idea in mind, the bulk of this thesis work has consisted on analyzing and optimizing the performance of SIP and RTSP multimedia signaling protocols and defining optimized deployment architectures, with particular focus on the 3GPP PSS and the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) service. This work was preceded by a detailed analysis work of the performance of underlying IP, UDP and TCP protocol performance over 3GPP networks, which provided the best baseline for the future work around IP multimedia signaling protocols. Our contributions include the proposal of new optimizations to enhance multimedia streaming session setup procedures, detailed analysis and optimizations of a SIP-based Presence service and, finally, the definition of new use cases and optimized deployment architectures for the 3GPP MCPTT service. All this work has been published in the form of one book, three papers published in JCR cited International Journals, 5 articles published in International Conferences, one paper published in a National Conference and one awarded patent. This thesis work provides a detailed description of all contributions plus a comprehensive overview of their context, the guiding principles beneath all contributions, their applicability to different network deployment technologies (from 2.5G to 5G), a detailed overview of the related OMA and 3GPP architectures, services and design principles. Last but not least, the potential evolution of this research work into the 5G domain is also outlined as well.Els mecanismes de Senyalització en xarxes de nova generació es fonamenten en protocols de senyalització definits per IETF. En particular, SIP i RTSP són dos protocols extensibles basats en missatges de text i paradigma petició-resposta. RTSP va ser concebut per a establir sessions de streaming de continguts, mentre SIP va ser creat inicialment per a facilitar l’establiment de sessions multimèdia (veu, vídeo, xat, compartició) entre usuaris. Tot i així, el seu àmbit d’aplicació s’ha anat expandint i evolucionant fins a cobrir virtualment qualsevol tipus de contingut i sessió multimèdia. A mesura que les xarxes mòbils han anat evolucionant cap a un paradigma “All-IP”, particularment en xarxes 4G i 5G, 3GPP va seleccionar els protocols i arquitectures destinats a gestionar la senyalització dels serveis mòbils presents i futurs. En un moment determinat 3GPP decideix que, a diferència dels sistemes 2G i 3G que fan servir protocols basats en SS7, els sistemes de nova generació farien servir protocols estandarditzats per IETF. Quan 3GPP va començar a estandarditzar el servei de Streaming sobre xarxes mòbils PSS (Packet-switched Streaming Service) va escollir el protocol RTSP com a mecanisme de senyalització. Encara més significatiu, el protocol SIP va ser escollit com a mecanisme de senyalització per a IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), l’arquitectura de nova generació que substituirà la xarxa telefònica tradicional i permetrà el desplegament de nous serveis multimèdia. La decisió per part de 3GPP de seleccionar protocols estàndards definits per IETF ha representat una fita cabdal per a la convergència del sistemes All-IP fixes i mòbils, i per al desenvolupament de xarxes NGN (Next Generation Networks) en general. En aquest context, el nostre objectiu inicial ha estat analitzar com aquests protocols de senyalització multimèdia, dissenyats per a xarxes IP genèriques, es comporten sobre xarxes mòbils 3GPP. Efectivament, l’ús de protocols IP és fonamental de cara a facilitar la interoperabilitat de solucions diferents. Per altra banda, hi ha escenaris a on és possible aprofitar informació de “context” addicional per a millorar el comportament d’aquests protocols en al cas particular de xarxes mòbils. El cos principal del treball de la tesi ha consistit en l’anàlisi i optimització del rendiment dels protocols de senyalització multimèdia SIP i RTSP, i la definició d’arquitectures de desplegament, amb èmfasi en els serveis 3GPP PSS i 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT). Aquest treball ha estat precedit per una feina d’anàlisi detallada del comportament dels protocols IP, TCP i UDP sobre xarxes 3GPP, que va proporcionar els fonaments adequats per a la posterior tasca d’anàlisi de protocols de senyalització sobre xarxes mòbils. Les contribucions inclouen la proposta de noves optimitzacions per a millorar els procediments d’establiment de sessions de streaming multimèdia, l’anàlisi detallat i optimització del servei de Presència basat en SIP i la definició de nous casos d’ús i exemples de desplegament d’arquitectures optimitzades per al servei 3GPP MCPTT. Aquestes contribucions ha quedat reflectides en un llibre, tres articles publicats en Revistes Internacionals amb índex JCR, 5 articles publicats en Conferències Internacionals, un article publicat en Congrés Nacional i l’adjudicació d’una patent. La tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de totes les contribucions, així com un exhaustiu repàs del seu context, dels principis fonamentals subjacents a totes les contribucions, la seva aplicabilitat a diferents tipus de desplegaments de xarxa (des de 2.5G a 5G), així una presentació detallada de les arquitectures associades definides per organismes com OMA o 3GPP. Finalment també es presenta l’evolució potencial de la tasca de recerca cap a sistemes 5G.Postprint (published version

    A distributed man-machine dispatching architecture for emergency operations based on 3GPP mission critical services

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    With the number of non-human devices expected to significantly overtake human users of LTE networks, it is no surprise that First Responders in Mission Critical operations will need to interact with an increasing number of unmanned devices, “bots” or drones. In the paper we propose the Mission Critical “bot” concept as an entity capable of gathering environmental/situational information and triggering certain automated actions without the need of human intervention. We prove that in certain circumstances these bots can help quickly resolve emergency situations and complement traditional centralized coordination from Dispatch Control Rooms. We explain how such “bots” relate and expand the 3GPP Mission Critical Communications architecture framework, considering different architectural approaches and complexity levels. Importantly, because First Responders must remain focused, hands-free and context-aware most of the time, we cover specifically the case where man-machine interaction is based on voice communication without having to use hands or look at a screen. It is hence of particular interest to convert “bot” interactions into audio information exchanged over push-to-talk communication services, be it through the cellular network or leveraging the 3GPP device-to-device capability. The paper is complemented with theoretical use cases as well as description and multimedia material of a prototype implementation of a concept emulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version