79 research outputs found

    A tale of two citations

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    Identifying duplicate content using statistically improbable phrases

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    Motivation: Document similarity metrics such as PubMed's ‘Find related articles’ feature, which have been primarily used to identify studies with similar topics, can now also be used to detect duplicated or potentially plagiarized papers within literature reference databases. However, the CPU-intensive nature of document comparison has limited MEDLINE text similarity studies to the comparison of abstracts, which constitute only a small fraction of a publication's total text. Extending searches to include text archived by online search engines would drastically increase comparison ability. For large-scale studies, submitting short phrases encased in direct quotes to search engines for exact matches would be optimal for both individual queries and programmatic interfaces. We have derived a method of analyzing statistically improbable phrases (SIPs) for assistance in identifying duplicate content

    On the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications in different scientific fields (1980-2007)

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    The issue of duplicate publications has received a lot of attention in the medical literature, but much less in the information science community. This paper aims at analyzing the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications across all fields of research between 1980 and 2007, using a definition of duplicate papers based on their metadata. It shows that in all fields combined, the prevalence of duplicates is one out of two-thousand papers, but is higher in the natural and medical sciences than in the social sciences and humanities. A very high proportion (>85%) of these papers are published the same year or one year apart, which suggest that most duplicate papers were submitted simultaneously. Furthermore, duplicate papers are generally published in journals with impact factors below the average of their field and obtain a lower number of citations. This paper provides clear evidence that the prevalence of duplicate papers is low and, more importantly, that the scientific impact of such papers is below average.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Plagiarism in Scientific Writing

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    Retracted Publications: The Hidden World of Biomedical Literature

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    This is a presentation presented at the Special Libraries Association 2012 Annual Conference held in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 2012.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91997/1/SLA PowerPoint.pd

    Linking genes to literature: text mining, information extraction, and retrieval applications for biology

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    Efficient access to information contained in online scientific literature collections is essential for life science research, playing a crucial role from the initial stage of experiment planning to the final interpretation and communication of the results. The biological literature also constitutes the main information source for manual literature curation used by expert-curated databases. Following the increasing popularity of web-based applications for analyzing biological data, new text-mining and information extraction strategies are being implemented. These systems exploit existing regularities in natural language to extract biologically relevant information from electronic texts automatically. The aim of the BioCreative challenge is to promote the development of such tools and to provide insight into their performance. This review presents a general introduction to the main characteristics and applications of currently available text-mining systems for life sciences in terms of the following: the type of biological information demands being addressed; the level of information granularity of both user queries and results; and the features and methods commonly exploited by these applications. The current trend in biomedical text mining points toward an increasing diversification in terms of application types and techniques, together with integration of domain-specific resources such as ontologies. Additional descriptions of some of the systems discussed here are available on the internet

    Plagiarism under a Magnifying-Glass

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    This-paper embodies the-findings from a-small-part, of a-larger-study on-plagiarism, at-the-School of Engineering (SOE). The-study is a-cross-sectional-survey, conducted in-an-institutional-setting. 15 senior academic-members of staff (N=15), from SOE were-invited to-complete a-questionnaire. The-questioner was pre-tested, to-ensure its-validity and reliability. A trial-survey (pre-testing) was conducted, according to ISO 20252:2006 (E). The-Statistical-Package for Social-Sciences (SPSS-17, version 22)-computer software program was-used, to-compute the-Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, which demonstrated high-inter-item consistency, and, therefore, reliability (Cronbach’s a=0.803). Descriptive-statistics was-used, to-analyze, both; qualitative and quantitative-data. The-main-findings of the-study, revealed that, the-majority (60%) of the-respondents alleged, that plagiarism was-never-mentioned or explained, to-them, at-any-level; Overwhelming-majority, (90%) agreed that plagiarism is unfair to-the-original-author and to-the-colleagues; The-vast-majority, (90%) also-claimed that they never plagiarized, while 10% confessed that they-did-it one or two-times, in-the-past; majority (70%) also-agreed, that plagiarism is unfair to-oneself; and 60% agreed, it-is-unfair to-the-university. The-analysis of the-plagiarism, from the-faculty-perspective, was-balanced, by-the rigorous-coverage, of the-following-issues: Historical background; Plagiarism’ extent; Quantification, for-plagiarism; Consequences of plagiarism: Retraction of publications, with selected global-illustrative-examples; Publishing-process: main-actors and their-roles, in-dealing with-plagiarism; Combating plagiarism, including detection and punishment; and Plagiarism, as just a-tiny-fraction of scientific-misconduct; among others. This-study also-provides few-recommendations, on how to-improve the-current-situation, in-the absence of official-institutional Plagiarism-Policy. The-findings, alongside-with the-theoretical coverage, will, expectantly, make a-contribution (in its-small-way), toward the-body of knowledge, on-the subject. Keywords: retraction of publication, scientific, academic, faculty, quantification for plagiarism, questionnaire.

    Asimilación y diseminación de los artículos derivados de las tesis doctorales en medicina en la literatura científica

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    [ES] El objetivo de la tesis consiste en investigar las publicaciones derivadas de las tesis doctorales de medicina. La investigación examina el texto completo de una colección de tesis y artículos publicados por los mismos autores con el fin de determinar a través de un análisis de similitud textual los artículos procedentes de las tesis doctorales, denominados artículos derivados. Específicamente, la investigación persigue delimitar las características de estos artículos derivados en términos de publicación, difusión y asimilación en la literatura científica. El análisis de similitud textual utiliza la organización discursiva de las secciones de los artículos, IMRaD (Introducción, Metodología, Resultados, Discusión) y Referencias. La aplicación informática empleada para detectar automáticamente la similitud textual entre tesis y artículos es el programa anti-plagio Turnitin. Para determinar qué secciones discursivas resultan predictivas en la identificación de los artículos derivados se utilizaron análisis de inferencia estadística. Esta tesis desarrolla el estudio desde tres perspectivas: identificación de los artículos, basado en el análisis de similitud textual, modelos de diseminación, medidos por indicadores de visibilidad de las revistas en la que se publican los artículos y modelos de asimilación, medidos por indicadores basados en las citas recibidas por los artículos en la literatura científica. La tesis analiza la predictibilidad potencial de las referencias bibliográficas en la identificación de los artículos derivados. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos del análisis de similitud textual basado en el contenido con el correspondiente a la métrica de la sección de referencias bibliográficas. En conjunto, la investigación examina una serie de cuestiones relacionadas con los artículos derivados, tema que, a nuestro entender, ha sido poco investigado en la literatura científica. Esta tesis, que tiene como objetivo la identificación de los artículos derivados, podría tener aplicaciones potenciales para evaluar las publicaciones de los doctorandos y proporcionar una visión de la producción científica surgida de las tesis doctorales a las universidades

    Impact de l'hydrothérapie sur la douleur durant la première phase du travail chez uen parturiente à terme: travail de Bachelor

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    Objectif : La question de la gestion de la douleur en salle d’accouchement est centrale et compose une grande partie du rôle sage-femme. Plusieurs moyens antalgiques médicamenteux efficaces sont facilement proposés en milieu hospitalier. Cependant, les couples ont de plus en plus d’attentes quant à leur accouchement, et semblent s’ouvrir à d’autres méthodes d’accompagnement, soit pour remplacer l’anesthésie soit pour la compléter. Cette revue de la littérature a donc pour but d’explorer et de mettre en lumière l’impact que peut avoir l’utilisation de l’hydrothérapie (bain, douches, compresses chaudes), au cours de la première phase du travail, sur la douleur des parturientes. Méthode : Une recherche sur les bases de données telles que Medline via PubMed et Google Scholar a permis de mettre en évidence six articles traitant du lien entre l’hydrothérapie et la douleur du travail d’accouchement. Parmi eux, se trouvent une Cochrane, trois essais contrôlés randomisés ainsi que deux « essais contrôlés non-randomisés », tous publiés entre 2012 et 2014. Résultats : L’utilisation de l’hydrothérapie, au cours de la première phase du travail d’accouchement, est associée à une diminution de la douleur ressentie par les parturientes. Les résultats montrent également un plus grand sentiment de satisfaction lié à leur expérience d’accouchement. Concernant l’impact de l’hydrothérapie sur la durée du travail, les résultats sont discordants. Enfin, il est intéressant de mentionner que l’utilisation de l’hydrothérapie n’augmente pas le risque infectieux maternel et néonatal. Conclusion : Ces résultats globaux sont encourageants. L’utilisation de cette pratique, accessible tant pour les femmes que pour les soignants, est un outil intéressant sur le plan de l’accompagnement et de la gestion de la douleur, sans que cela ne comporte de risque supplémentaire