136 research outputs found

    Cyclotomic numerical semigroups

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    Given a numerical semigroup SS, we let PS(x)=(1x)sSxs\mathrm P_S(x)=(1-x)\sum_{s\in S}x^s be its semigroup polynomial. We study cyclotomic numerical semigroups; these are numerical semigroups SS such that PS(x)\mathrm P_S(x) has all its roots in the unit disc. We conjecture that SS is a cyclotomic numerical semigroup if and only if SS is a complete intersection numerical semigroup and present some evidence for it. Aside from the notion of cyclotomic numerical semigroup we introduce the notion of cyclotomic exponents and polynomially related numerical semigroups. We derive some properties and give some applications of these new concepts.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Cyclotomic exponent sequences of numerical semigroups

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    We study the cyclotomic exponent sequence of a numerical semigroup S,S, and we compute its values at the gaps of S,S, the elements of SS with unique representations in terms of minimal generators, and the Betti elements bSb\in S for which the set {aBetti(S):aSb}\{a \in \operatorname{Betti}(S) : a \le_{S}b\} is totally ordered with respect to S\le_S (we write aSba \le_S b whenever abS,a - b \in S, with a,bSa,b\in S). This allows us to characterize certain semigroup families, such as Betti-sorted or Betti-divisible numerical semigroups, as well as numerical semigroups with a unique Betti element, in terms of their cyclotomic exponent sequences. Our results also apply to cyclotomic numerical semigroups, which are numerical semigroups with a finitely supported cyclotomic exponent sequence. We show that cyclotomic numerical semigroups with certain cyclotomic exponent sequences are complete intersections, thereby making progress towards proving the conjecture of Ciolan, García-Sánchez and Moree (2016) stating that SS is cyclotomic if and only if it is a complete intersection

    Cyclotomic coefficients: gaps and jumps

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    We improve several recent results by Hong, Lee, Lee and Park (2012) on gaps and Bzd\c{e}ga (2014) on jumps amongst the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials. Besides direct improvements, we also introduce several new techniques that have never been used in this area.Comment: 25 page

    Numerical semigroups, cyclotomic polynomials, and Bernoulli numbers

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    Cyclotomic polynomials at roots of unity

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