290 research outputs found

    Cyclist-aware intelligent transportation system

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    Abstract. Rapidly developing cities make cycling popular way of traveling around and with enhanced smart traffic light infrastructure cycling can be safer and smoother. Smartphones with an internet connectivity and advanced positioning sensors can be used to build a cost-effective infrastructure to enable cyclist-aware traffic lights system. However, such systems depends on proper time of arrival estimation which can be affected by the GPS errors which works poorly in area with tall buildings and driver behaviour. In this paper we discuss how presence of feedback from smart traffic system influence the driver awareness of the cyclist and affects the negative impact of time of arrival estimation errors. This paper gives an analysis of the existing approaches to build smart cyclist-aware traffic systems and different sources of errors that affects their performance. With designed computer appliance we evaluated the effectiveness of cyclist-aware system with and without a presence of additional haptic and audio feedback. The results show that the presence of feedback positively affects the driver awareness of cyclist and allow them to react earlier. Experiment shows that just introduction of feedback can increase the accuracy of time of arrival estimation up to 34% without any other modification to the system.Pyöräilijät tiedostava älykäs liikennejärjestelmä. Tiivistelmä. Pyöräily on suosittu tapa liikkua nopeasti kasvavissa kaupungeissa. Parannetuilla älyliikennevaloilla pyöräilystä voisi tulla turvallisempaa ja sujuvampaa. Huokean infrastruktuurin rakentamisessa pyöräilijät tiedostavaan liikennevalojärjestelmään voidaan hyödyntää älypuhelinten verkkoyhteyttä sekä pitkälle kehitettynyttä paikannusmahdollisuutta. Paikannuksen haasteena kuitenkin ovat epätarkkuus korkeiden rakennusten katveessa sekä pyöräilijöiden ja autoilijoiden käyttäytyminen. Kyseisen kaltainen järjestelmä vaatii toimivan kulunaika-arvioinnin, mikä on haastavaa GPS-paikannuksen epätarkkuuden vuoksi. Tässä julkaisussa keskustelemme siitä, kuinka älykkäästä liikennejärjestelmästä saatu palaute vaikuttaa autoilijoiden tiedostavuuteen ja sitä kautta saapumisaika-arvioiden epätarkkuuteen. Analysoimme olemassa olevia älykkäitä pyöräiljät tiedostavia liikennejärjestelmiä ja niihin vaikuttavia epätarkkuus- sekä virhelähteitä. Käytämme kehittämäämme tietokone ohjelmaa arvioimaan pyöräilijät tiedostavan järjestelmän tehokkuutta käyttäen koemuuttujina haptista ja auditiivista palautetta. Tulokset paljastavat, että saatu palaute vaikuttaa positiivisesti parantaen autoilijoiden reaktioaikaa sekä sitä kuinka he tiedostavat pyöräiljät. Kokeet osoittavat, että pelkästään esittelyn ja palautteen olemassaolo lisäävät saapumisaika-arvioiden tarkkuutta jopa 34%

    Smart mobility: a survey

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    Internet of Things (IoT) describes a world where everyday objects are always connected to the Internet, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other. By connecting these everyday objects to the Internet and making them available everywhere at any time, IoT allows to remotely monitor, manage, and gather status information about them and their surrounding environment. IoT is a revolutionary concept that brought new experiences to everyday life and enabled Smart City initiatives all over the world. These initiatives are using a combination of technology paired with physical infrastructure and services, to improve people’s quality of life. One of the high priority domain to support the Smart City’s vision is the field of Smart Mobility. This paper reviews the current IoT approaches and concepts related to Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. In addition, it analyzes distinct features and numerous applications covering both Intelligent Transportation and Real Time Traffic Management Systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Smart mobility: a survey

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    Internet of Things (IoT) describes a world where everyday objects are always connected to the Internet, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other. By connecting these everyday objects to the Internet and making them available everywhere at any time, IoT allows to remotely monitor, manage, and gather status information about them and their surrounding environment. IoT is a revolutionary concept that brought new experiences to everyday life and enabled Smart City initiatives all over the world. These initiatives are using a combination of technology paired with physical infrastructure and services, to improve people's quality of life. One of the high-priority domain to support the Smart City's vision is the field of Smart Mobility. This paper reviews the current IoT approaches and concepts related to Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. In addition, it analyzes distinct features and numerous applications covering both Intelligent Transportation and Real Time Traffic Management Systems

    Cyber–Physical–Social Frameworks for Urban Big Data Systems: A Survey

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    The integration of things’ data on the Web and Web linking for things’ description and discovery is leading the way towards smart Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS). The data generated in CPS represents observations gathered by sensor devices about the ambient environment that can be manipulated by computational processes of the cyber world. Alongside this, the growing use of social networks offers near real-time citizen sensing capabilities as a complementary information source. The resulting Cyber–Physical–Social System (CPSS) can help to understand the real world and provide proactive services to users. The nature of CPSS data brings new requirements and challenges to different stages of data manipulation, including identification of data sources, processing and fusion of different types and scales of data. To gain an understanding of the existing methods and techniques which can be useful for a data-oriented CPSS implementation, this paper presents a survey of the existing research and commercial solutions. We define a conceptual framework for a data-oriented CPSS and detail the various solutions for building human–machine intelligence

    Smart streetlights: a feasibility study

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    The world's cities are growing. The effects of population growth and urbanisation mean that more people are living in cities than ever before, a trend set to continue. This urbanisation poses problems for the future. With a growing population comes more strain on local resources, increased traffic and congestion, and environmental decline, including more pollution, loss of green spaces, and the formation of urban heat islands. Thankfully, many of these stressors can be alleviated with better management and procedures, particularly in the context of road infrastructure. For example, with better traffic data, signalling can be smoothed to reduce congestion, parking can be made easier, and streetlights can be dimmed in real time to match real-world road usage. However, obtaining this information on a citywide scale is prohibitively expensive due to the high costs of labour and materials associated with installing sensor hardware. This study investigated the viability of a streetlight-integrated sensor system to affordably obtain traffic and environmental information. This investigation was conducted in two stages: 1) the development of a hardware prototype, and 2) evaluation of an evolved prototype system. In Stage 1 of the study, the development of the prototype sensor system was conducted over three design iterations. These iterations involved, in iteration 1, the live deployment of the prototype system in an urban setting to select and evaluate sensors for environmental monitoring, and in iterations 2 and 3, deployments on roads with live and controlled traffic to develop and test sensors for remote traffic detection. In the final iteration, which involved controlled passes of over 600 vehicle, 600 pedestrian, and 400 cyclist passes, the developed system that comprised passive-infrared motion detectors, lidar, and thermal sensors, could detect and count traffic from a streetlight-integrated configuration with 99%, 84%, and 70% accuracy, respectively. With the finalised sensor system design, Stage 1 showed that traffic and environmental sensing from a streetlight-integrated configuration was feasible and effective using on-board processing with commercially available and inexpensive components. In Stage 2, financial and social assessments of the developed sensor system were conducted to evaluate its viability and value in a community. An evaluation tool for simulating streetlight installations was created to measure the effects of implementing the smart streetlight system. The evaluation showed that the on-demand traffic-adaptive dimming enabled by the smart streetlight system was able to reduce the electrical and maintenance costs of lighting installations. As a result, a 'smart' LED streetlight system was shown to outperform conventional always-on streetlight configurations in terms of financial value within a period of five to 12 years, depending on the installation's local traffic characteristics. A survey regarding the public acceptance of smart streetlight systems was also conducted and assessed the factors that influenced support of its applications. In particular, the Australia-wide survey investigated applications around road traffic improvement, streetlight dimming, and walkability, and quantified participants' support through willingness-to-pay assessments to enable each application. Community support of smart road applications was generally found to be positive and welcomed, especially in areas with a high dependence on personal road transport, and from participants adversely affected by spill light in their homes. Overall, the findings of this study indicate that our cities, and roads in particular, can and should be made smarter. The technology currently exists and is becoming more affordable to allow communities of all sizes to implement smart streetlight systems for the betterment of city services, resource management, and civilian health and wellbeing. The sooner that these technologies are embraced, the sooner they can be adapted to the specific needs of the community and environment for a more sustainable and innovative future

    TCitySmartF: A comprehensive systematic framework for transforming cities into smart cities

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    A shared agreed-upon definition of "smart city" (SC) is not available and there is no "best formula" to follow in transforming each and every city into SC. In a broader inclusive definition, it can be described as an opportunistic concept that enhances harmony between the lives and the environment around those lives perpetually in a city by harnessing the smart technology enabling a comfortable and convenient living ecosystem paving the way towards smarter countries and the smarter planet. SCs are being implemented to combine governors, organisations, institutions, citizens, environment, and emerging technologies in a highly synergistic synchronised ecosystem in order to increase the quality of life (QoL) and enable a more sustainable future for urban life with increasing natural resource constraints. In this study, we analyse how to develop citizen- and resource-centric smarter cities based on the recent SC development initiatives with the successful use cases, future SC development plans, and many other particular SC development solutions. The main features of SC are presented in a framework fuelled by recent technological advancement, particular city requirements and dynamics. This framework - TCitySmartF 1) aims to aspire a platform that seamlessly forges engineering and technology solutions with social dynamics in a new philosophical city automation concept - socio-technical transitions, 2) incorporates many smart evolving components, best practices, and contemporary solutions into a coherent synergistic SC topology, 3) unfolds current and future opportunities in order to adopt smarter, safer and more sustainable urban environments, and 4) demonstrates a variety of insights and orchestrational directions for local governors and private sector about how to transform cities into smarter cities from the technological, social, economic and environmental point of view, particularly by both putting residents and urban dynamics at the forefront of the development with participatory planning and interaction for the robust community- and citizen-tailored services. The framework developed in this paper is aimed to be incorporated into the real-world SC development projects in Lancashire, UK

    Brotate and Tribike: Designing Smartphone Control for Cycling

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    The more people commute by bicycle, the higher is the number of cyclists using their smartphones while cycling and compromising traffic safety. We have designed, implemented and evaluated two prototypes for smartphone control devices that do not require the cyclists to remove their hands from the handlebars - the three-button device Tribike and the rotation-controlled Brotate. The devices were the result of a user-centred design process where we identified the key features needed for a on-bike smartphone control device. We evaluated the devices in a biking exercise with 19 participants, where users completed a series of common smartphone tasks. The study showed that Brotate allowed for significantly more lateral control of the bicycle and both devices reduced the cognitive load required to use the smartphone. Our work contributes insights into designing interfaces for cycling.Comment: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '20), October 5--8, 2020, Oldenburg, German