4,988 research outputs found

    Modeling of quad-station module cluster tools using petri nets

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    The semiconductor industry is highly competitive, and with the recent chip shortage, the throughput of wafers has become more important than ever. One of the tools that the industry has deployed is to use of quad-station modules instead of the traditional single-station modules that allow for higher throughput and better wafer consistency by processing multiple wafers at the same time and distributing work. The industry trend is to use multiple transfer chamber robots to stack the quad-station modules in a series, particularly for etch products. In this work, the quad-station cluster tool wafer movement is modeled by using Petri net as a process-bounded system. The system analysis and simulations are performed by using timed and colored Petri nets. The results are useful to deepen our understanding of the discrete-event dynamics of quad-station module cluster tools and offer the highly needed insight into their efficient and deadlock-free operation

    Modeling Cyber-Physical Production Systems with SystemC-AMS

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    The heterogeneous nature of SystemC-AMS makes it a perfect candidate solution to support Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs), i.e., systems that are characterized by a tight interaction of the cyber part with the surrounding physical world and with manufacturing production processes. Nonetheless, the support for the modeling of physical and mechanical dynamics typical of production machinery goes far beyond the initial application scenario of SystemC-AMS, thus limiting its effectiveness and adoption in the production and manufacturing context. This paper starts with an analysis of the current adoption of SystemC-AMS to highlight the open points that still limit its effectiveness, with the goal of pinpointing current issues and to propose solutions that could improve its effectiveness, and make SystemC-AMS an essential resource also in the new Industry 4.0 scenario

    Adaptive heterogeneous parallelism for semi-empirical lattice dynamics in computational materials science.

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    With the variability in performance of the multitude of parallel environments available today, the conceptual overhead created by the need to anticipate runtime information to make design-time decisions has become overwhelming. Performance-critical applications and libraries carry implicit assumptions based on incidental metrics that are not portable to emerging computational platforms or even alternative contemporary architectures. Furthermore, the significance of runtime concerns such as makespan, energy efficiency and fault tolerance depends on the situational context. This thesis presents a case study in the application of both Mattsons prescriptive pattern-oriented approach and the more principled structured parallelism formalism to the computational simulation of inelastic neutron scattering spectra on hybrid CPU/GPU platforms. The original ad hoc implementation as well as new patternbased and structured implementations are evaluated for relative performance and scalability. Two new structural abstractions are introduced to facilitate adaptation by lazy optimisation and runtime feedback. A deferred-choice abstraction represents a unified space of alternative structural program variants, allowing static adaptation through model-specific exhaustive calibration with regards to the extrafunctional concerns of runtime, average instantaneous power and total energy usage. Instrumented queues serve as mechanism for structural composition and provide a representation of extrafunctional state that allows realisation of a market-based decentralised coordination heuristic for competitive resource allocation and the Lyapunov drift algorithm for cooperative scheduling

    Control techniques for thermal-aware energy-efficient real time multiprocessor scheduling

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    La utilización de microprocesadores multinúcleo no sólo es atractiva para la industria sino que en muchos ámbitos es la única opción. La planificación tiempo real sobre estas plataformas es mucho más compleja que sobre monoprocesadores y en general empeoran el problema de sobre-diseño, llevando a la utilización de muchos más procesadores /núcleos de los necesarios. Se han propuesto algoritmos basados en planificación fluida que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, pero hasta el momento presentan en general inconvenientes que los alejan de su aplicación práctica, no siendo el menor el elevado número de cambios de contexto y migraciones.Esta tesis parte de la hipótesis de que es posible diseñar algoritmos basados en planificación fluida, que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, cumpliendo restricciones temporales, térmicas y energéticas, con un bajo número de cambios de contexto y migraciones, y compatibles tanto con la generación fuera de línea de ejecutivos cíclicos atractivos para la industria, como de planificadores que integran técnicas de control en tiempo de ejecución que permiten la gestión eficiente tanto de tareas aperiódicas como de desviaciones paramétricas o pequeñas perturbaciones.A este respecto, esta tesis contribuye con varias soluciones. En primer lugar, mejora una metodología de modelo que representa todas las dimensiones del problema bajo un único formalismo (Redes de Petri Continuas Temporizadas). En segundo lugar, propone un método de generación de un ejecutivo cíclico, calculado en ciclos de procesador, para un conjunto de tareas tiempo real duro sobre multiprocesadores que optimiza la utilización de los núcleos de procesamiento respetando también restricciones térmicas y de energía, sobre la base de una planificación fluida. Considerar la sobrecarga derivada del número de cambios de contexto y migraciones en un ejecutivo cíclico plantea un dilema de causalidad: el número de cambios de contexto (y en consecuencia su sobrecarga) no se conoce hasta generar el ejecutivo cíclico, pero dicho número no se puede minimizar hasta que se ha calculado. La tesis propone una solución a este dilema mediante un método iterativo de convergencia demostrada que logra minimizar la sobrecarga mencionada.En definitiva, la tesis consigue explotar la idea de planificación fluida para maximizar la utilización (donde maximizar la utilización es un gran problema en la industria) generando un sencillo ejecutivo cíclico de mínima sobrecarga (ya que la sobrecarga implica un gran problema de los planificadores basados en planificación fluida).Finalmente, se propone un método para utilizar las referencias de la planificación fuera de línea establecida en el ejecutivo cíclico para su seguimiento por parte de un controlador de frecuencia en línea, de modo que se pueden afrontar pequeñas perturbaciones y variaciones paramétricas, integrando la gestión de tareas aperiódicas (tiempo real blando) mientras se asegura la integridad de la ejecución del conjunto de tiempo real duro.Estas aportaciones constituyen una novedad en el campo, refrendada por las publicaciones derivadas de este trabajo de tesis.<br /


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    This book is a collection of 19 excellent works presenting different applications of several MATLAB tools that can be used for educational, scientific and engineering purposes. Chapters include tips and tricks for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), power system analysis, control systems design, system modelling and simulations, parallel processing, optimization, signal and image processing, finite different solutions, geosciences and portfolio insurance. Thus, readers from a range of professional fields will benefit from its content

    A Petri-Net-Based Scheduling Strategy for Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting

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    International audienceThere are wafer fabrication processes in cluster tools that require wafer revisiting. The adoption of a swap strategy for such tools forms a 3-wafer cyclic (3-WC) period with three wafers completed in each period. It has been shown that, by such a scheduling strategy, the minimal cycle time cannot be reached for some cases. This raises a question of whether there is a scheduling method such that the performance can be improved. To answer this question, a dual-arm cluster tool with wafer revisiting is modeled by a Petri net. Based on the model, the dynamical behavior of the process is analyzed. Then, a 2-wafer cyclic (2-WC) scheduling strategy is revealed for the first time. Cycle time analysis is conducted for the proposed strategy to evaluate its performance. It shows that, for some cases, the performance obtained by a 2-WC schedule is better than that obtained by any existing 3-WC ones. Thus, they can be used to complement each other in scheduling dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting. Illustrative examples are given
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