59 research outputs found

    Activating supply chain business models' value potentials through Systems Engineering

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    New business opportunities, driven by smart digitalization technology and initiatives such as Industry 4.0, significantly change business models and their innovation rate. The complexity of methodologies developed in recent decades for balancing exploration and exploitation activities of digital transformation has risen. Still, the desired integration levels across organizational levels were often not reached. Systems thinking promises to holistically consider interdisciplinary relationships and objectives of various stakeholders across supply chain ecosystems. Systems theory-based concepts can simultaneously improve value identification and aligned transformation among supply networks' organizational and technical domains. Hence, the study proposes synthesizing management science concepts such as strategic alignment with enterprise architecture concepts and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven business process optimization to increase innovation productivity and master the increasing rate of business dynamics at the same time. Based on a critical review, the study explores concepts for innovation, transformation, and alignment in the context of Industry 4.0. The essence has been compiled into a systems engineering-driven framework for agile value generation on operational processes and high-order capability levels. The approach improves visibility for orchestrating sustainable value flows and transformation activities by considering the ambidexterity of exploring and exploiting activities and the viability of supply chain systems and sub-systems. Finally, the study demonstrates the need to harmonize these concepts into a concise methodology and taxonomy for digital supply chain engineering.OA-hybri

    Consciosusness in Cognitive Architectures. A Principled Analysis of RCS, Soar and ACT-R

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    This report analyses the aplicability of the principles of consciousness developed in the ASys project to three of the most relevant cognitive architectures. This is done in relation to their aplicability to build integrated control systems and studying their support for general mechanisms of real-time consciousness.\ud To analyse these architectures the ASys Framework is employed. This is a conceptual framework based on an extension for cognitive autonomous systems of the General Systems Theory (GST).\ud A general qualitative evaluation criteria for cognitive architectures is established based upon: a) requirements for a cognitive architecture, b) the theoretical framework based on the GST and c) core design principles for integrated cognitive conscious control systems

    The application of organisational cybernetics to the design and diagnosis of financial performance management systems

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    The object of this study is the processes that govern the flow of financial resources around an organisation. This is addressed in the context of the need for organisations to survive and prosper in an uncertain and dynamic world. Specifically, interest is focussed upon the mechanisms responsible for its ability to respond in an appropriate way to environmental disturbances in the short term and adapt to changes in the pattern of environmental disturbances over the longer term. The aim is to identify how this process is carried out and what implications this might have for the efficient and effective design of an organisations and practices and procedures.These are fundamental issues for any sort of social organisations. However, over the last fifty years a body of knowledge has accumulated – often described as systems theory – which seeks to identify and codify the principles that underpin all forms of organisation, whether it is sociological, biological or psychological. Advocates of systems theory claim that invariant principles can be applied, and knowledge transferred, across phenomenological domains.In academia, the study of the mechanisms that govern the flow of financial resources has received considerable attention. The study of Management Control Systems (MCS) in general and budgeting in particular is one of the most densely populated fields of accounting academic research. There has, however, been a surprisingly limited amount published on the application of systems theory to financial control processes.The broad issues that this thesis seeks to address are therefore:• What principles and concepts from systems theory can be applied to study ofthe management of financial resources in organisations?• How might they contribute to knowledge and understanding of such systems?• How can they be used to design and operate systems in practice

    Multiple Systems Thinking methods for resilience research

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    There is no commonly accepted typology to describe the field of Systems Thinking. It may be viewed from a number of different perspectives. This is interesting as systems and systemic problem situations may themselves be considered as conceivable from a number of different perspectives or “dimensions”. The more complex a systemic situation, the more relevant becomes taking a range of different dimensional views in its analysis. Critical Systems Thinking (CST), a domain within Systems Thinking, supports multi-dimensional analysis of systems and offers approaches to support practitioners in selecting and combining multiple systems thinking methods for this purpose. A detailed review of the Critical Systems Thinking literature and the multiple-systems-thinking-methods approaches therein reveals that there is a problem. Much debate surrounds the validity of the theory upon which these meta-methodologies are founded. According to Zhu (2011), “Combining multiple methodologies works in practice, but not yet in theory.” The need to find a reliable approach to selecting and combining multiple systems methods for the purpose of resilience research has led to the proposal of a systems-theory-based meta-methodology as an extension to CST. The proposal is a fusion of the multi-methodology ideas of Jackson, Mingers and Brocklesby with ideas for the conceptual dimensions of systems and levels of complexity of Angyal, Emery and Trist, together with the systems archetypes idea of Senge. It is hypothesised that the proposed new meta-methodology is useful for supporting resilience research. The thesis concludes with suggestions for future work required to develop the hypothesis further

    Systems Theory Based Architecture Framework for Complex System Governance

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a systems theory based framework for complex system governance using grounded theory approach. Motivation for this research includes: 1) the lack of research that identifies modeling characteristics for complex system governance, 2) the lack of a framework rooted in systems theory to support performance of complex system governance functions for maintaining system viability. This research focused on answering: What systems theoretic framework can be developed to inform complex system governance and enable articulation of governance function performance? The grounded theory research approach utilized three phases. First, the literature in systems theory, management cybernetics, governance and enterprise architecture was synthesized and open-coded to generalize main themes using broad analysis in NVivo software, researcher note taking in EndNote, and cataloging in Excel spreadsheets. Second, the literature underwent axial-coding to identify interconnections and relevance to systems theory and complex system governance, primarily using Excel spreadsheets. Finally, selective coding and interrelationships were identified and the complex system governance architecture framework was shaped, reviewed, and validated by qualified experts. This research examined a grounded theory approach not traditionally used in systems theory research. It produced a useful systems theory based framework for practical application, bridging the gap between theory and practice in the emerging field of complex system governance. Theoretical implications of this research include identifying the state of knowledge in each literature domain and the production of a unique framework for performing metasystem governance functions that is analytically generalizable. Management cybernetics, governance, and systems theory are expanded through a testable tool for meta-level organizational and system governance theories. Enterprise architecture is advanced with a multi-disciplinary framework that coherently presents and facilitates new use for architecture at the metasystem level. Methodological implications of this research include using grounded theory approach for systems theory research, where it is atypical. Although a non-traditional method, it provides an example for conducting fruitful research that can contribute knowledge. Practical implications of this research include a useable framework for complex system governance which has never before existed and a living structure adaptable to evolutionary change coming from any related domain or future practical application feedback

    A holistic emotions measurement model : using the viable system model to diagnose workforce emotions

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    Research Purpose: The current study attempted to redress the ‘narrowness’ in the research on the causes of workforce emotional experiences by utilizing the cybernetic Viable System Model (VSM) framework, and developing a reference model to facilitate the integrated view of the related aspects of affective workplace environment.Methods: Based on VSM distinctions, an analytical tool (named as Holistic Emotions Measurement Model – HEMM) was developed for gauging the broad range of the causes of emotional experiences prevailing in the work environment. It facilitated the joined-up functional and the relational view of the entire working environment adequate for holistic diagnosis of the antecedents of emotions within the work settings. HEMM was tested empirically by conducting survey in Pakistan corporate sector. The development and test of the reference model was guided by the constructivism-positivism philosophy respectively.Results: The functional and relational view of the workplace environment captured by the reference model helped in comprehending the causes of emotional experiences holistically. The field testing results confirmed the potential utilization of the tool in diagnosing the antecedents of affective experiences of the employees while at work.Conclusion: The current study provided an empirical account on the effective utilization of organizational cybernetics principles in the field of organizational behaviour which has remained largely unexplored till date. VSM framework has been proposed as a tool for understanding work environment and diagnosing the causes of the workforce emotions generation, which has enhanced the state-of-art theories on emotions management. The application of the reference model on field provided evidence about the convenient use of VSM in conjunction to Affective Events Theory (AET) as emotions measurement tool

    Nature-inspired survivability: Prey-inspired survivability countermeasures for cloud computing security challenges

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    As cloud computing environments become complex, adversaries have become highly sophisticated and unpredictable. Moreover, they can easily increase attack power and persist longer before detection. Uncertain malicious actions, latent risks, Unobserved or Unobservable risks (UUURs) characterise this new threat domain. This thesis proposes prey-inspired survivability to address unpredictable security challenges borne out of UUURs. While survivability is a well-addressed phenomenon in non-extinct prey animals, applying prey survivability to cloud computing directly is challenging due to contradicting end goals. How to manage evolving survivability goals and requirements under contradicting environmental conditions adds to the challenges. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes a holistic taxonomy which integrate multiple and disparate perspectives of cloud security challenges. In addition, it proposes the TRIZ (Teorija Rezbenija Izobretatelskib Zadach) to derive prey-inspired solutions through resolving contradiction. First, it develops a 3-step process to facilitate interdomain transfer of concepts from nature to cloud. Moreover, TRIZ’s generic approach suggests specific solutions for cloud computing survivability. Then, the thesis presents the conceptual prey-inspired cloud computing survivability framework (Pi-CCSF), built upon TRIZ derived solutions. The framework run-time is pushed to the user-space to support evolving survivability design goals. Furthermore, a target-based decision-making technique (TBDM) is proposed to manage survivability decisions. To evaluate the prey-inspired survivability concept, Pi-CCSF simulator is developed and implemented. Evaluation results shows that escalating survivability actions improve the vitality of vulnerable and compromised virtual machines (VMs) by 5% and dramatically improve their overall survivability. Hypothesis testing conclusively supports the hypothesis that the escalation mechanisms can be applied to enhance the survivability of cloud computing systems. Numeric analysis of TBDM shows that by considering survivability preferences and attitudes (these directly impacts survivability actions), the TBDM method brings unpredictable survivability information closer to decision processes. This enables efficient execution of variable escalating survivability actions, which enables the Pi-CCSF’s decision system (DS) to focus upon decisions that achieve survivability outcomes under unpredictability imposed by UUUR

    Analysis of Wireless Body-Centric Medical Sensors for Remote Healthcare

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    Aquesta tesi aborda el problema de trobar solucions confortables, de baixa potència i sense fils per aplicacions mèdiques. La tesi tracta els avantatges i les limitacions de tres tecnologies de comunicació diferents per la mesura de paràmetres del cos i mètodes per redissenyar sensors per avaluacions òptimes centrades en el cos. La tecnologia RFID es considera una de les solucions més influents per superar el problema del consum d'energia limitat, a causa de la presència de molts sensors connectats. També s'ha estudiat la tecnologia Bluetooth de baixa energia per resoldre els problemes de seguretat i la distància de lectura que, en general, representen el coll d'ampolla de RFID pels sensors de cos. Els dispositius analògics poden reduir dràsticament les necessitats d'energia a causa dels sensors i les comunicacions, considerant pocs elements i un mètode de transmissió simple. S'estudia un mètode de comunicació completament passiu, basat en FSS, que permet una distància de lectura raonable amb capacitats de detecció precises i confiables, que s'ha discutit en aquesta tesi. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és investigar múltiples tecnologies sense fils per dispositius portàtils per identificar solucions adequades per aplicacions particulars en el camp mèdic. El primer objectiu és demostrar la facilitat d'ús de les tecnologies econòmiques sense bateria com un indicador útil de paràmetres fisiopatològics mitjançant la investigació de les propietats de les etiquetes RFID. A més a més, s'ha abordat un aspecte més complex respecte a l'ús de petits components passius com sensors sense fils per trastorns del son. Per últim, un altre objectiu de la tesi és el desenvolupament d'un sistema completament autònom que utilitzi tecnologia BLE per obtenir propietats avançades mantenint baix tant el consum com el preuEsta tesis aborda el problema de encontrar soluciones confortables, inalámbricas y de baja potencia para aplicaciones médicas. La tesis discute las ventajas y limitaciones de tres tecnologías de comunicación diferentes para la medición en el cuerpo y los métodos para elegir y remodelar los sensores para evaluaciones óptimas centradas en el cuerpo. La tecnología RFID se considera una de las soluciones más influyentes para superar el consumo de energía limitado debido a la presencia de muchos sensores conectados. Además, la baja energía de Bluetooth se ha estudiado se ha estudiado la tecnologia Bluetooth de baja energia para resolver los problemas de seguridad y la distancia de lectura que, en general, representan el cuello de botella de la RFID para los sensores de cuerpo. Los dispositivos analógicos pueden reducir drásticamente las necesidades de energía debido a los sensores y las comunicaciones, considerando pocos elementos y un método de transmisión simple. Se estudia un método de comunicación completamente pasivo, basado en FSS, que permite una distancia de lectura razonable con capacidades de detección precisas y confiables, que se ha discutido en esta tesis. El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar múltiples tecnologías inalámbricas para dispositivos portátiles para identificar soluciones adecuadas para aplicaciones particulares en campos médicos. El primer objetivo es demostrar la facilidad de uso de las tecnologías económicas sin batería como un indicador útil de dichos parámetros fisiopatológicos mediante la investigación de las propiedades de las etiquetas RFID. Además, se ha abordado un aspecto más complejo con respecto al uso de pequeños componentes pasivos como sensores inalámbricos para enfermedades del sueño. Por último, un resultado de la tesis es desarrollar un sistema completamente autónomo que utilice la tecnología BLE para obtener propiedades avanzadas que mantengan la baja potencia y un precio bajo.This thesis addresses the problem of comfortable, low powered and, wireless solutions for specific body-worn sensing. The thesis discusses advantages and limitations of three different communication technologies for on body measurement and investigate methods to reshape sensors for optimum body-centric assessments. The RFID technology is considered one of the most influential solutions to overcome the limitated power consumption due to the presence of many sensors connected. Further, the Bluetooth low energy has been studied to solve security problems and reading distance that overall represent the bottleneck of the RFID for the body-worn sensors. Analog devices can drastically reduce the energy needs due to the sensors and the communications, considering few elements and a simple transmitting method. An entirely passive communication method, based on FSS is studied, enabling a reasonable reading distance with precise and reliable sensing capabilities, which has been discussed in this thesis. The objective of this thesis is to investigate multiple wireless technologies for wearable devices to identify suitable solutions for particular applications in medical fields. The first objective is to demonstrate the usability of the inexpensive battery-less technologies as a useful indicator of such a physio-pathological parameters by investigating the properties of the RFID tags. Furthermore, a more complex aspect regards the use of small passive components as wireless sensors for sleep diseases has been addressed. Lastly, an outcome of the thesis is to develop an entirely autonomous system using the BLE technology to obtain advanced properties keeping low power and a low price