691 research outputs found

    Exploring Current Trends and Challenges in Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Cyber security is the process of preventing unauthorized access, theft, damage, and interruption to computers, servers, networks, and data. It entails putting policies into place to guarantee the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of information and information systems. Cyber security seeks to protect against a variety of dangers, including as hacking, data breaches, malware infections, and other nefarious actions.  Cyber security has grown to be a major worry as a result of the quick development of digital technology and the growing interconnection of our contemporary society. In order to gain insight into the constantly changing world of digital threats and the countermeasures put in place to address them, this survey seeks to study current trends and issues in the area of cyber security. The study includes responses from end users, business executives, IT administrators, and experts across a wide variety of businesses and sectors. The survey gives insight on important problems such the sorts of cyber threats encountered, the efficacy of current security solutions, future technology influencing cyber security, and the human elements leading to vulnerabilities via a thorough analysis of the replies. The most important conclusions include an evaluation of the most common cyber dangers, such as malware, phishing scams, ransom ware, and data breaches, as well as an investigation of the methods and tools used to counter these threats. The survey explores the significance of staff education and awareness in bolstering cyber security defenses and pinpoints opportunities for development in this area. The survey also sheds insight on how cutting-edge technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are affecting cyber security practices. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of using these technologies while taking into account issues like data privacy, infrastructure security, and the need for specialized skills. The survey also looks at the compliance environment, assessing how industry norms and regulatory frameworks affect cyber security procedures. The survey studies the obstacles organizations encounter in attaining compliance and assesses the degree of knowledge and commitment to these requirements. The results of this cyber security survey help to better understand the current status of cyber security and provide organizations and individual’s useful information for creating effective policies to protect digital assets. This study seeks to promote a proactive approach to cyber security, allowing stakeholders to stay ahead of threats and build a safe digital environment by identifying relevant trends and concerns

    A Novel Cyber Resilience Framework – Strategies and Best Practices for Today's Organizations

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    Cyber resilience refers to an organization's ability to maintain its essential functions, services despite cyber-attacks and swiftly recover from any disruptions. It involves proactive measures like gathering threat intelligence and managing risks, as well as reactive measures such as incident response planning, data backup and recovery. To achieve cyber resilience, organizations must implement robust cyber security measures, regularly update their incident response plans, and educate employees on safe online practices. Furthermore, having a comprehensive backup and recovery strategy in place is crucial to swiftly restore critical systems and data in the event of an attack. Overall, the proposed framework emphasizes cyber resilience as a continuous and proactive approach for managing cyber security risks and safeguarding against the growing threat of cyber-attacks

    Assessing the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Cybercrimes Mitigation Strategies in Selected Commercial Banks in Tanzania

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    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of implemented cybercrime mitigation strategies for commercial banks in Tanzania. Most financial sectors, like banks, are vulnerable to continuous attacks from external and internal cybercriminals such that the majority of banks spend their time updating and maintaining cybercrime mitigation strategies against cyber attacks. Despite the ongoing efforts to prevent cyber attacks the studies and experiences show that such attacks still occur regardless of the strong measures implemented against cyber attacks. It is articulated with different researchers that there is a gap to make a resilient and stronger systems against cybercrimes. This research assessed the effectiveness of cybercrime mitigation strategies by analyzing public awareness, budget allocation, support from management, and availability of skilled personnel. The study used a sample of 885 respondents from five biggest banks in Tanzania. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The implications emanating from the study were discussed.&nbsp

    Ghost in the Network

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    Contested Deployment

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    As indicated in the 2018 National Defense Strategy and evolving Multi-Domain Operations doctrine, the assumption the homeland will provide a secure space for mobilization and deployment is no longer valid. This integrated research project goes beyond affirming this assumption and contributes to efforts to mitigate the concerns a contested deployment entails. Following the introductory chapter, Chapter 2, “Army Deployments in a Contested Homeland: A Framework for Protection,” explores how current coordination and cooperation mechanisms between the DoD and state and local government may need realignment, with civil authorities preparing themselves to support military mobilization. Chapter 3, “Strategic Seaports and National Defense in a Contested Environment,” examines the 22 strategic seaports across the United States, identifying issues with throughput, structural integrity, security, readiness, funding, and authorities. Chapter 4, “Single Point of Failure,” identifies how strict adherence to a business efficiency model for munition production and distribution may jeopardize the successful employment of military forces. Chapter 5, “The Interstate Highway System: Reinvestment Needed before a Contested Deployment,” provides the status of the deteriorating road network and explains how associated vulnerabilities could be exploited by an adversary. The two appendices provide points for consideration on cyberattacks and defense and the impacts a full mobilization of reserve forces would have on the homeland.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1944/thumbnail.jp

    Cyber-Attacks to Critical Energy Infrastructure and Management Issues: Overview of Selected Cases

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    The purpose of the paper is to analyze the vulnerabilities of Critical Energy Infrastructures’ systems in the event of cyber-attack. The global tendency of cyber-attacks puts Critical Energy Infrastructures on one of the first places for targets. Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) has become an increasingly relevant topic in the global industrial environment, as the consequences of cyber-attacks toward ICS can result in physical disruption and loss of human lives. The analysis presented in the paper will take into consideration three different case scenarios of cyber-attacks to Critical Energy Infrastructures, and will evaluate the outcomes and the tactics used by the organizations’ response and recovery

    Emerging Risks in the Marine Transportation System (MTS), 2001- 2021

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    How has maritime security evolved since 2001, and what challenges exist moving forward? This report provides an overview of the current state of maritime security with an emphasis on port security. It examines new risks that have arisen over the last twenty years, the different types of security challenges these risks pose, and how practitioners can better navigate these challenges. Building on interviews with 37 individuals immersed in maritime security protocols, we identify five major challenges in the modern maritime security environment: (1) new domains for exploitation, (2) big data and information processing, (3) attribution challenges, (4) technological innovations, and (5) globalization. We explore how these challenges increase the risk of small-scale, high-probability incidents against an increasingly vulnerable Marine Transportation System (MTS). We conclude by summarizing several measures that can improve resilience-building and mitigate these risks

    Ataques Zero-day: Despliegue y evoluciĂłn

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    In cybersecurity and computer science, the term “zero-day” is commonly related to troubles, threats, and hazards due to the lack of knowledge, experience, or misunderstanding. A zero-day attack is generally considered a new vulnerability with no defense; thus, the possible attack will have a highrisk probability, and a critical impact.  Unfortunately, only a few surveys on the topic are available that would help understand these threats, which are not enough to construct new solutions to detect, prevent, and mitigate them. In this paper, it is conducted a review of the zero-day attack, how to understand its real impact, and a few different accessible solutions nowadays. This study introduces a useful reference that provides researchers with knowledge to understand the current problem concerning zero- days attacks; hence they could develop solutions for facing them.En la ciberseguridad y la informática, el tĂ©rmino "Zero-day" se relaciona comĂşnmente con problemas, amenazas y peligros, esto debido a la falta de conocimiento, experiencia o malentendidos relacionados. Un ataque de Zero-day se considera generalmente una nueva vulnerabilidad sin defensa; por lo tanto, el ataque consecuente tendrá una alta probabilidad de riesgo, y un impacto crĂ­tico. Lamentablemente, sĂłlo unos pocos estudios están  disponibles  para  comprender  estas  amenazas, y no bastan para construir nuevas soluciones para detectar, prevenir y mitigar estas dificultades. En este artĂ­culo, se presenta una revisiĂłn del ataque Zero-day, enfocándose en comprender su impacto real y algunas soluciones accesibles  hoy  en  dĂ­a. Este estudio presenta una referencia Ăştil que proporciona a los investigadores conocimientos para comprender el problema actual relacionado con los ataques Zero-day. Este puede ser un punto de partida para desarrollar soluciones para combatir este problema
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