20 research outputs found

    TRANS-USERS:Transforming construction by user-driven innovation

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    Potentials and Obstacles for Cross-Border Knowledge Interactions. Perception of Local Health Business Firms in the Southern-Denmark - Northern Schleswig-Holstein Region.

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    Nowadays, innovation and technological development are considered as crucial for the development and economic growth of regions and nations. Knowledge interactions hold a central position in the innovation process. In line with this, researchers as well as politicians emphasize that knowledge interactions need to be facilitated. This approach has been adapted to the cross-border regional context against the background of European integration and territorial cohesion ambitions in recent centuries. Several studies on cross-border networking and knowledge linkages, but also practical observations of cross-border project managers indicate that the promotion of cross-border knowledge interactions encounters difficulties. In this thesis, potentials and obstacles for cross-border knowledge interactions of small-sized health business firms in the Southern-Denmark – Northern Schles-wig-Holstein region have been investigated. The theoretical conceptualisations on ‘proximity’ and ‘knowledge interactions’ form the analytical foundation for this study. Against the background of a critical realist perspective, a perception approach is applied. In-depth interviews with three Danish and four German health business firms enabled both the inquiry of these firm’s existing and aspired knowledge linkages to actors across the border, as well as the investigation of the firm’s perception of differences of the cross-border region. On the basis of single case and comprehensive analyses, varying types and levels of proximities that favour, respectively inhibit the development of different kinds of cross-border knowledge interactions, have been identified. The results show that a high functional proximity and related/high level of cognitive proximity are crucial for the initiation of all kinds of knowledge interactions. If this condition is fulfilled, cross-border knowledge interactions are probable. The kind of existing cross-border knowledge interactions seem to depend on the perceived level of knowledge about the cross-border region and the perceived level of relative geographical, formal and informal institutional proximity. The results of this thesis are highly case study dependent. Consequently, this paper does not provide generalisable insights. Instead, the presented cases and results need to be understood as first attempt to gather knowledge about health business firm’s perception and cross-border knowledge linkages in the Southern-Denmark – Northern Schleswig-Holstein region

    BIM mediated mass customization applied to engineered-to-order of building component : custom kitchens and cabinetry solutions

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    Orientador: Regina Coeli RuschelTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: Um número crescente de fabricantes tem buscado a Customização em Massa (CM). CM é uma estratégia de produção que utiliza de Tecnologia da Informação, processos flexíveis e estruturas organizacionais adequadas para fornecer produtos projetos específicamente para um cliente a um custo próximo ao da produção em massa. Quanto maior for o nível de customização, maiores serão os benefícios, mas também os custos operacionais. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar os benefícios da Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) para se obter um elevado nível de CM. O foco da pesquisa está na formulação de uma solução que permita a reconfiguração das estruturas e processos de sistemas de fabricação de componentes de construção, em sistemas de produção em CM mediados por BIM. Esta solução fornecerá conhecimento sobre como determinar o nível apropriado de personalização para um determinado produto abordando os seguintes problemas: (a) O valor de um determinado nível de customização, de acordo com as especificações dos clientes; (b) a capacidade do sistema oferecer este nível de customização; e, (c) a combinação desses problemas aparentemente antagônicos. O desenvolvimento da solução proposta, está sendo realizado através de uma Design Science Research, um método de pesquisa que é um processo rigoroso de projetos de artefatos (constructos, modelos, métodos, instanciações e Design propositions) com relevância prática e contribuição teórica. Esta investigação cria artefatos que são validados por uma instanciação através de uma pesquisa-ação em um fabricante de cozinhas e móveis modulados fabricados sob encomendaAbstract: An increasing number of fabricators has pursued Mass Customization (MC). MC is a system that uses information technology, flexible processes and organizational structures suitable to provide individually designed products at a cost near that of Mass Production. The higher the customization level the more significant the benefits, but also the operational costs. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for achieving a higher level of MC. The research focused on the formulation of a solution that enables reconfiguration of fabricators structures and processes into BIM mediated mass-customized production system. Such solution provided knowledge on how to determine the appropriate level of customization for a specific product addressing the following issues: (a) the value placed on a level of customization by the customer's requirements, (b) the system's ability to deliver that level of customization, and (c) the combination of these apparently conflicting issues. The development of such a solution was carried out through a Design Science Research, a method that is a scientific process of designing artifacts (constructs, models, methods, instantiations, and design propositions) with practical relevance and theoretical contribution. This investigation created artifacts that were validated by an instantiation through action research at a kitchen and furniture custom cabinetry fabricatorDoutoradoArquitetura, Tecnologia e CidadeDoutor em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidad

    City innovation as resonance: : the case of outdoor offices and conferences in the open air museum

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    This paper explores an innovation case within a “smart” Swedish mid-sized city that works extensively with digitalization.Over a long period in time, city populations and city tourism have increased, while more urgentchallenges connected to sustainability have emerged along with health-related problems. In parallel the already established and ongoing digitalization of society was fortified in the pandemic period, something that may have changed the tourism industry. Today, manyprofessional meetings happen both on- and offline.One challenge for public officials who manage urban space, is a societal expectation to maximize and improve tax payers ́ life quality on limited budgets and resources that are commonly owned.This is one of the reasons to why contemporary urban planners and city tourism development organizations need to find new solutions in response to problems related to local and global change. I will focus on norm- changes related to digital nomadism (Makimoto & Manners, 1997) and in connection with a movement for outdoor office work (www. outdoorofficeday.nl,Petersson et al., 2021). The city culture department is testing to offer outdoor offices and meetings in an urban public open air museum, a place that is used for leisure and for pedagogicpurposes.These new offerings can be conceptualized as innovative value propositions (Corvellec & Hultman, 2014) because new values, for instance rich nature experiences or a feeling of doingthe right thing, are made available for tourism consumers. These proposed services can be understood as a re-negotiation of socio-cultural values, where the public institution re-frames space in response to external change.In sociologist Hartmut Rosas (2019) words, this constitutes a form of an ongoing dialogue withthe world, in resonance. Based on eight qualitative interviews with local managers, participant observations, online communication and documents, I explore innovation from this sociologicalperspective.The aim of this research project is to understand tourism innovation discursive practices in public management, as responses to local and global change. Three research questions guide the study; How are outdoor offices and conferences constructed as value propositions for potential visitors? To which problems/risks do these value propositions respond? With what terms are outdoor offices constructed as answers to problems?So far, it was found that some of the strategic actions taken by the project leader was to launchthe outdoor office through a local innovation program, and to frequently work with professionalsocial media platforms.ReferencesCorvellec, & Hultman. (2014). Managing the politics of value propositions. MarketingTheory, 1470593114523445.Makimoto, T., & Manners, D. (1997). Digital nomad: Wiley.Petersson, T., C., Lisberg, J., E., Stenfors, C., Bodin, D., C., Hoff, E., Mårtensson, F., & Toivanen, S. (2021). Outdoor Office Work – AnInteractive Research Project Showingthe Way Out. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.636091 Rosa, H. (2019). Resonance : a sociology of the relationship to the world: Polity Press.https://www.outdoorofficeday.n

    Commodification of recreational hunting in Sweden : hunting tourism experiences as ‘peculiar goods’

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    The paper is based on a study of hunting tourism enterprising in Sweden. The study examines how hunting tourism businesses in Sweden navigate in a complex social, economic and moral environment. The aim of the present paper is to identify how tensions between a market- oriented value sphere and a value sphere based on friendship- and community reciprocity are played out in hunting tourism entrepreneurship. In particular, the study focuses on the ambiguous character of the hunting experience product and the different narratives and discourses framing what is considered, by the actors themselves, to be a ‘good’ hunting tourism experience

    Computational capacity planning in medium voltage distribution networks

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    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dalam Pencapaian Kompetensi Teknologi Jaringan Berbasis Luas (WAN) Menggunakan Software GNS3 (Studi Kasus Siswa Kelas XI (TKJ) SMKN 2 Banda Aceh)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model pembelajaran problem based learning dalam upaya pencapaian kompetensi teknologi jaringan berbasis luas (WAN). Untuk mengetahui bahwa software GNS3 merupakan media yang tepat dalam pembelajaran pembuatan topologi jaringan WAN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan pre-eksperimen. Subjek penelitian adalah teknik komputer dan jaringan (TKJ) SMKN 2 Banda Aceh sebanyak 49 siswa(i). Desain penelitian menggunakan intact-group comparison. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes dan instrumen angket. Analisi data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran problem based learning lebih efektif dalam pencapaian kompetensi teknologi jaaringan berbasis luas (WAN). Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai rata-rata post-test kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi yaitu 84,4 sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah 69,2. Kemudian software GNS3 merupakan media pembelajaran yang snagat efektif dan dapat memudahkan siswa dalam belajar teknologi jaringan berbasis luas (WAN). Hal ini ditunjukkan dari persentase respon positif lebih banyak yaitu 89,6% dan persentase respon negatif sebanyak 10,4%

    Business model innovation in the oil and gas supply industry

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    Master i Energy Management - Nord universitet, 201


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