7,561 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy Proposal

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na analýzu současné marketingové strategie společnosti Erasmus Life Lisboa. Specifikuje faktory jak vnitřního tak vnějšího okolí, které ji nejvíce ovlivňují. Na základě výsledků těchto analýz navrhuje změny v uplatnění marketingových přístupůMy Master's thesis is focused on analysing contemporary marketing strategy of the Erasmus Life Lisboa. It specifies the factors such as the internal and external environment, which affect them the most and it creates SWOT analysis of the organisation. Based on the results of these analyses it suggests changes in applying marketing approaches.

    How to turn innovative startups into successful businesses: The case of Techperks

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    The Internet of Things, also known by the acronym IoT, comprises all devices and objects that are enabled to be permanently connected to the Internet, being able to identify on the network and communicate with each other. This technology is incorporated into a variety of products that are available today and designed to make life easier for consumers. The result was the emergence of smart cities, connected factories, connected cars, and an enormous amount of many other applications. All of this is evidence of how the world is adapting to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a hot topic in our days and many business models arise from this trend, in form of new technologies, products, and services. However, when it comes to business strategy and profitability, it is not only about having the best idea or the best product but how to market it in the best way and attract the right target. Techperks is a startup built with the objective of bringing new IoT products to Portugal. However, the concept was not innovative enough to succeed as predicted in the Portuguese market. This case aims to highlight the biggest reasons explaining the brand's low performance and serve as a guide of “mistakes to avoid when launching a new innovative business”. It can also be used to stimulate student’s creativity in developing strategies used by Techperks to exploit the brand's total potential. “How should I begin?”: this is the question which students will be able to answer.A Internet das Coisas, também conhecida pelo acrónimo IoT, compreende todos os dispositivos e objetos que se conectam permanentemente à Internet, e que comunicam entre si. Daí, surgiram cidades inteligentes, fábricas conectadas, carros conectados e um sem número de outras aplicações que nos trazem, todos os dias, novas funcionalidades. Este é um tópico muito relevante e muitos novos modelos de negócios surgem dessa nova tendência, sob forma de novas tecnologias, produtos e serviços. Espera-se que muitos provavelmente tenham sucesso, dado o crescimento desta nova era da tecnologia. No entanto, quando se trata de estratégia de negócios e lucro, não se trata apenas de ter a melhor ideia ou o melhor produto, mas também como comercializá-lo da melhor maneira e atrair o alvo mais atrativo. A startup Techperks foi criada com vista a trazer novos produtos de IoT para Portugal, através da sua revenda. No entanto, o conceito não foi inovador o suficiente para criar sucesso no mercado português e a startup não conseguiu instigar sua visão no mercado. Embora ainda em operação, a loja tem demonstrado resultados aquém das previsões. Este caso, tem como objetivo destacar os principais motivos que explicam o fraca performance da marca e servir como um guia para "os erros a serem evitados ao iniciar um novo negócio retalhista inovador". Além disso, pode ser utilizado para estimular a criatividade dos alunos no desenvolvimento de estratégias que poderiam ter sido usadas pela Techperks para evitar o insucesso e utilizar todo o potencial da marca

    Business plan: Step

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    This project has the goal of creating a business plan to verify the economic viability of the creation of a blockchain-based social media platform that helps users to combat procrastination on diverse activities. Procrastination has been a part of human existence for centuries and it happens mainly because we want to avoid negative moods. With the emergence of new technologies, a case can be made that this phenomenon has increased as we have millions of contents to choose from, that we can access in a very easy way, as all we have to do is reach in our pockets and unlock our smartphones. Decision paralysis, no social pressure, uncertainty of what to do are just some of the reasons that lead us to procrastinate. Step will be the social media platform that contributes to its user’s awareness of long-term procrastination effects and that helps them tackle it using positive reinforcement methods such as a token economy. In this paper, you will find: A thorough research of the literature on these topics; An explanation of the method used to validate the business idea; A contextual analysis to the companies’ environment and its industry; A brief explanation of how the social media platform will be structured and on its business model; An internal and competitive analysis; An implementation plan on Marketing and Operations. To finalize, a financial analysis will be done to check the viability of the project within its first 5 years of activity.Este projeto tem o objetivo de criar um plano de negócios para verificar a viabilidade econômica da criação de uma rede social baseada em blockchain que ajude os seus usuários a combater a procrastinação em diversas atividades. A procrastinação tem feito parte da existência humana há séculos e acontece principalmente porque queremos evitar humores negativos. Com o surgimento de novas tecnologias, pode-se comprovar que este fenômeno se intensificou, pois temos milhões de conteúdos à sua escolha, aos quais podemos aceder de uma forma muito fácil, pois basta desbloquear os nossos smartphones. Paralisia de decisão, ausência de pressão social e incerteza do que fazer são apenas alguns dos motivos que nos levam a procrastinar. A Step será uma rede social que contribui para a consciencialização do usuário sobre os efeitos da procrastinação de longo prazo e que os ajuda a enfrentá-la usando métodos de reforço positivo, como a economia de tokens. Neste artigo, irá encontrar: Uma pesquisa completa da literatura sobre todos estes diferentes tópicos; Uma explicação do método usado para validar a ideia de negócio; Uma análise contextual do ambiente da empresa e da sua indústria; Uma breve explicação de como a rede social será estruturada e o seu modelo de negócios; Uma análise interna e competitiva; Um plano de implementação em Marketing e Operações e, para finalizar, será feita uma análise financeira para verificar a viabilidade do projeto nos primeiros 5 anos de atividade

    Innovation in the banking industry: creating value for the new wave of seniors

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    Powerful forces are driving an ongoing transformation of the banking industry. Technological and digital disruption, new regulation and adverse economic conditions are making it increasingly difficult for traditional players to maintain their position in the market. These challenges can be overcome with a customer-centric approach, using innovation to tailor the product offering to customers’ evolving needs at different stages in life. The demographic population ageing is making new seniors a critical customer segment to address. The aim of this Work Project is to come up with a concept that brings value to the new wave of seniors

    Marketing persona formulation and content strategy analysis for PHC Software, SA

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    JEL Classification System: M15; M31The customer’s role has grown in importance through the years. In the current technological and information age, it is crucial for companies to understand the customer’s needs and motives, as well as ways to attract new customers (Derunova and Semenov, 2013). In this paper, the persona tool is created for each of the PHC Software SaaS Products, PHC Business FX, PHC Billing FX and the PHC POS FX. Personas are fictitious representations embodying behaviours, pain points, goals and characteristics of real customers or target audiences (Junior and Filgueiras, 2005) that can be used as a tool to better understand customers and from there develop strategies. After the analysis of the main target audiences for these products, this paper then, elaborates an analysis of the correspondent content marketing strategy. By analysing the current content and its communication channels, this paper aims to find gaps in the current strategy with the use of the persona’s tool and provide recommendations on how the company might minimize its distance to the customers and further improve its relationship.O papel do consumidor tem vindo a ganhar importância ao longo dos anos. No atual panorama tecnológico e informacional, compreender as atuais necessidades e motivações do consumidor, assim como, novas formas de atrair novos clientes é determinante para as empresas (Derunova e Semenov, 2013). Neste trabalho, a ferramenta ‘Persona’ é criada para cada um dos produtos SaaS da PHC Software: PHC Business FX, PHC Billing FX e o PHC POS FX. Personas são representações ficcionais que incorporam os comportamentos, adversidades, objetivos e características de consumidores reais ou públicos alvo (Junior e Filgueiras, 2005), que podem ser utilizados como uma ferramenta para melhor compreender os consumidores e a partir dai desenvolver estratégias. Após a análise do público-alvo destes produtos, é elaborada uma analise à correspondente estratégia de conteúdo da empresa. Ao analisar o conteúdo atual e os meios de comunicação utilizados, este trabalho tem por objetivo encontrar lacunas na atual estratégia, através do uso de personas, e fornecer recomendações de como a empresa poderá minimizar a distância e otimizar as relações para com os atuais consumidores e público-alvo

    Internationalization in the cloud: an explorative study of B2b saas provider into the Iberian market

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    In today’s world, the trend of digitalization and globalization is undeniable. Covid-19 spurred digitalization, and SaaS models proved their power on a global scale. However, rapid change, digitalization, and global competition demand rethinking and generate new perspectives on traditional internationalization theories for software enterprises. This paper “Internationalization in the Cloud: An Explorative Study of B2B SaaS Provider into the Iberian Market” discusses elements that influence the internationalization of B2B SaaS businesses to Iberia. A thorough investigation of (1) Internationalization theories in the context of SaaS enterprises and (2) Challenges and drivers within Iberia, differentiating between Spain and Portugal, is conducted. The qualitative approach and the interview process with 23 interviewees in senior positions at B2B SaaS firms that have expanded to Iberia add to the existing literature of internationalization theories. Furthermore, drivers and challenges within Iberia are discussed, and practical suggestions for a successful SaaS internationalization are given

    Being traditional in the global: Santini case study

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    O presente Caso Pedagógico foi desenvolvido no âmbito de Marketing Internacional com enfoque no caso de uma conceituada marca de gelados gourmet – Santini. Com mais de 60 anos de história, a marca foi recentemente alvo de reestruturação e reposicionamento, como parte da sua estratégia de expansão. A abertura de uma nova loja na Baixa de Lisboa, em 2008, foi o primeiro de vários passos neste sentido. Sempre priorizando o consumidor final, a marca levou a cabo um conjunto de medidas inovadoras, de forma a ganhar visibilidade entre os consumidores e quota de mercado junto da concorrência. Um exemplo de excelência em todo o processo de expansão, que pode e deve ser analisado como exemplo a seguir por empresas na mesma situação. Sem medo de assumir riscos, apesar de consciente da situação económica e financeira vivida em Portugal, o Santini consegue alargar os seus limites físicos e barreiras emotivas para chegar mais perto dos consumidores e para satisfazer as suas necessidades. O presente Caso Pedagógico faz a análise da marca juntamente com uma análise descritiva e quantitativa do mercado dos gelados e do seu consumo em Portugal. Focado nos principais valores do Santini e na sua brand idea, este Caso será uma referência no estudo do Marketing Estratégico e Branding, oferecendo um contributo bastante relevante dada a componente teórico-prática do tema em análise, como uma situação aplicável a tantas outras empresas e marcas.The present Case Study was developed as a final thesis of International Marketing scope; it is focus on a regional and traditional Portuguese ice cream brand – Santini. The well established brand in gourmet ice cream, has expanded its business, opened a new store, and proceeded with several other strategic changes. Brand managers are extremely focused on maintaining the good reputation of the brand assuming the responsibility of quality assurance, homemade production and excellence of the service provided with familiarity and simplicity, to gain recognition. The Case Study comes up with an analysis of the actual brand, focus on its main values and core idea; above all the main end is to understand how it leads to new opportunities of growth, in times of financial crises and savings, as the current situation that the Portuguese society is going through. Using the information kindle provided by the Company, the Case offers challenges, difficulties and keys to the success, which the reader should understand, analyze and solve, with innovation and creativity. Also, a quality and quantity study of Portuguese industry and consumer behavior regarding ice creams is going to be developed. On consolidation with marketing academic studies, the exploration of dynamics and practical perspective on the case will be relevant as a study object in Marketing Strategy and Branding. Also, it contributes to companies in the same situation, adventurous enough to break emotional barriers and assuming risks into the uncertainty

    The potential of combining an online and offline presence to successfully market children’s books: the case of Paleta de Letras

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaThe rise of the internet and the constant evolution of technology has led to changes in how publishing houses interact with consumers. Consumers are now more informed and demanding, making it crucial for companies to adapt to such changes and keep up with their interests, needs, and habits. Does the use of online strategies apply to children’s book publishers, which traditionally reach their public using offline strategies? And is the integration of both online and offline presences viable for this type of company? In this investigation, we will try to find answers to these questions. The focus of the study is to comprehend how children’s book publishers work and what strategies (online, offline, or both) can be used to successfully market children’s books. Using a Portuguese children’s book publisher – Paleta de Letras - as our case study, we will be able to observe and analyze how online and offline strategies are used and combined, and the results they present. Then, in the final stages of the study, semi-structured interviews near interest groups such as parents, teachers, educators, and librarians will be conducted. Through these interviews, and based on the subjects’ experience and expertise, we will be able to collect different opinions on what strategies can be more effective when trying to reach children and increase their interest in books and reading. The interviews will also tell us what child’s mediators value during the purchase and contact with children’s books and the respective publishing houses. In the end, all insights and information collected will be analyzed and compared to investigate the potential of combining an online and offline presence to successfully market children’s books