815 research outputs found

    Generating realistic scaled complex networks

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    Research on generative models is a central project in the emerging field of network science, and it studies how statistical patterns found in real networks could be generated by formal rules. Output from these generative models is then the basis for designing and evaluating computational methods on networks, and for verification and simulation studies. During the last two decades, a variety of models has been proposed with an ultimate goal of achieving comprehensive realism for the generated networks. In this study, we (a) introduce a new generator, termed ReCoN; (b) explore how ReCoN and some existing models can be fitted to an original network to produce a structurally similar replica, (c) use ReCoN to produce networks much larger than the original exemplar, and finally (d) discuss open problems and promising research directions. In a comparative experimental study, we find that ReCoN is often superior to many other state-of-the-art network generation methods. We argue that ReCoN is a scalable and effective tool for modeling a given network while preserving important properties at both micro- and macroscopic scales, and for scaling the exemplar data by orders of magnitude in size.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, extended version, a preliminary version of the paper was presented at the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Application

    After Over-Privileged Permissions: Using Technology and Design to Create Legal Compliance

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    Consumers in the mobile ecosystem can putatively protect their privacy with the use of application permissions. However, this requires the mobile device owners to understand permissions and their privacy implications. Yet, few consumers appreciate the nature of permissions within the mobile ecosystem, often failing to appreciate the privacy permissions that are altered when updating an app. Even more concerning is the lack of understanding of the wide use of third-party libraries, most which are installed with automatic permissions, that is permissions that must be granted to allow the application to function appropriately. Unsurprisingly, many of these third-party permissions violate consumers’ privacy expectations and thereby, become “over-privileged” to the user. Consequently, an obscurity of privacy expectations between what is practiced by the private sector and what is deemed appropriate by the public sector is exhibited. Despite the growing attention given to privacy in the mobile ecosystem, legal literature has largely ignored the implications of mobile permissions. This article seeks to address this omission by analyzing the impacts of mobile permissions and the privacy harms experienced by consumers of mobile applications. The authors call for the review of industry self-regulation and the overreliance upon simple notice and consent. Instead, the authors set out a plan for greater attention to be paid to socio-technical solutions, focusing on better privacy protections and technology embedded within the automatic permission-based application ecosystem

    A Utility-Theoretic Approach to Privacy in Online Services

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    Online offerings such as web search, news portals, and e-commerce applications face the challenge of providing high-quality service to a large, heterogeneous user base. Recent efforts have highlighted the potential to improve performance by introducing methods to personalize services based on special knowledge about users and their context. For example, a user's demographics, location, and past search and browsing may be useful in enhancing the results offered in response to web search queries. However, reasonable concerns about privacy by both users, providers, and government agencies acting on behalf of citizens, may limit access by services to such information. We introduce and explore an economics of privacy in personalization, where people can opt to share personal information, in a standing or on-demand manner, in return for expected enhancements in the quality of an online service. We focus on the example of web search and formulate realistic objective functions for search efficacy and privacy. We demonstrate how we can find a provably near-optimal optimization of the utility-privacy tradeoff in an efficient manner. We evaluate our methodology on data drawn from a log of the search activity of volunteer participants. We separately assess users’ preferences about privacy and utility via a large-scale survey, aimed at eliciting preferences about peoples’ willingness to trade the sharing of personal data in returns for gains in search efficiency. We show that a significant level of personalization can be achieved using a relatively small amount of information about users

    Transforming Graph Representations for Statistical Relational Learning

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    Relational data representations have become an increasingly important topic due to the recent proliferation of network datasets (e.g., social, biological, information networks) and a corresponding increase in the application of statistical relational learning (SRL) algorithms to these domains. In this article, we examine a range of representation issues for graph-based relational data. Since the choice of relational data representation for the nodes, links, and features can dramatically affect the capabilities of SRL algorithms, we survey approaches and opportunities for relational representation transformation designed to improve the performance of these algorithms. This leads us to introduce an intuitive taxonomy for data representation transformations in relational domains that incorporates link transformation and node transformation as symmetric representation tasks. In particular, the transformation tasks for both nodes and links include (i) predicting their existence, (ii) predicting their label or type, (iii) estimating their weight or importance, and (iv) systematically constructing their relevant features. We motivate our taxonomy through detailed examples and use it to survey and compare competing approaches for each of these tasks. We also discuss general conditions for transforming links, nodes, and features. Finally, we highlight challenges that remain to be addressed

    Contributions to Lifelogging Protection In Streaming Environments

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    Tots els dies, més de cinc mil milions de persones generen algun tipus de dada a través d'Internet. Per accedir a aquesta informació, necessitem utilitzar serveis de recerca, ja siguin motors de cerca web o assistents personals. A cada interacció amb ells, el nostre registre d'accions, logs, s'utilitza per oferir una millor experiència. Per a les empreses, també són molt valuosos, ja que ofereixen una forma de monetitzar el servei. La monetització s'aconsegueix venent dades a tercers, però, els logs de consultes podrien exposar informació confidencial de l'usuari (identificadors, malalties, tendències sexuals, creences religioses) o usar-se per al que es diu "life-logging ": Un registre continu de les activitats diàries. La normativa obliga a protegir aquesta informació. S'han proposat prèviament sistemes de protecció per a conjunts de dades tancats, la majoria d'ells treballant amb arxius atòmics o dades estructurades. Desafortunadament, aquests sistemes no s'adapten quan es fan servir en el creixent entorn de dades no estructurades en temps real que representen els serveis d'Internet. Aquesta tesi té com objectiu dissenyar tècniques per protegir la informació confidencial de l'usuari en un entorn no estructurat d’streaming en temps real, garantint un equilibri entre la utilitat i la protecció de dades. S'han fet tres propostes per a una protecció eficaç dels logs. La primera és un nou mètode per anonimitzar logs de consultes, basat en k-anonimat probabilística i algunes eines de desanonimització per determinar fuites de dades. El segon mètode, s'ha millorat afegint un equilibri configurable entre privacitat i usabilitat, aconseguint una gran millora en termes d'utilitat de dades. La contribució final es refereix als assistents personals basats en Internet. La informació generada per aquests dispositius es pot considerar "life-logging" i pot augmentar els riscos de privacitat de l'usuari. Es proposa un esquema de protecció que combina anonimat de logs i signatures sanitizables.Todos los días, más de cinco mil millones de personas generan algún tipo de dato a través de Internet. Para acceder a esa información, necesitamos servicios de búsqueda, ya sean motores de búsqueda web o asistentes personales. En cada interacción con ellos, nuestro registro de acciones, logs, se utiliza para ofrecer una experiencia más útil. Para las empresas, también son muy valiosos, ya que ofrecen una forma de monetizar el servicio, vendiendo datos a terceros. Sin embargo, los logs podrían exponer información confidencial del usuario (identificadores, enfermedades, tendencias sexuales, creencias religiosas) o usarse para lo que se llama "life-logging": Un registro continuo de las actividades diarias. La normativa obliga a proteger esta información. Se han propuesto previamente sistemas de protección para conjuntos de datos cerrados, la mayoría de ellos trabajando con archivos atómicos o datos estructurados. Desafortunadamente, esos sistemas no se adaptan cuando se usan en el entorno de datos no estructurados en tiempo real que representan los servicios de Internet. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo diseñar técnicas para proteger la información confidencial del usuario en un entorno no estructurado de streaming en tiempo real, garantizando un equilibrio entre utilidad y protección de datos. Se han hecho tres propuestas para una protección eficaz de los logs. La primera es un nuevo método para anonimizar logs de consultas, basado en k-anonimato probabilístico y algunas herramientas de desanonimización para determinar fugas de datos. El segundo método, se ha mejorado añadiendo un equilibrio configurable entre privacidad y usabilidad, logrando una gran mejora en términos de utilidad de datos. La contribución final se refiere a los asistentes personales basados en Internet. La información generada por estos dispositivos se puede considerar “life-logging” y puede aumentar los riesgos de privacidad del usuario. Se propone un esquema de protección que combina anonimato de logs y firmas sanitizables.Every day, more than five billion people generate some kind of data over the Internet. As a tool for accessing that information, we need to use search services, either in the form of Web Search Engines or through Personal Assistants. On each interaction with them, our record of actions via logs, is used to offer a more useful experience. For companies, logs are also very valuable since they offer a way to monetize the service. Monetization is achieved by selling data to third parties, however query logs could potentially expose sensitive user information: identifiers, sensitive data from users (such as diseases, sexual tendencies, religious beliefs) or be used for what is called ”life-logging”: a continuous record of one’s daily activities. Current regulations oblige companies to protect this personal information. Protection systems for closed data sets have previously been proposed, most of them working with atomic files or structured data. Unfortunately, those systems do not fit when used in the growing real-time unstructured data environment posed by Internet services. This thesis aims to design techniques to protect the user’s sensitive information in a non-structured real-time streaming environment, guaranteeing a trade-off between data utility and protection. In this regard, three proposals have been made in efficient log protection. The first is a new method to anonymize query logs, based on probabilistic k-anonymity and some de-anonymization tools to determine possible data leaks. A second method has been improved in terms of a configurable trade-off between privacy and usability, achieving a great improvement in terms of data utility. Our final contribution concerns Internet-based Personal Assistants. The information generated by these devices is likely to be considered life-logging, and it can increase the user’s privacy risks. The proposal is a protection scheme that combines log anonymization and sanitizable signatures

    Privacy preservation in loosely-coupled, anonymized health data sources: data exploration and risk scenarios

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    Η προστασία των δεδομένων στον κλάδο της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης δεν είναι εύκολη υπόθεση. Οι κάτοχοι δεδομένων υγειονομικής περίθαλψης πρέπει να εξισορροπούν την προστασία του απορρήτου των ασθενών, παρέχοντας ποιοτική περίθαλψη ασθενών καθώς και να πληρούν τις αυστηρές απαιτήσεις που ορίζονται από την HIPAA και άλλους κανονισμούς, όπως ο Γενικός Κανονισμός Προστασίας Δεδομένων (GDPR) της ΕΕ. Εάν δεν πληρούνται οι προϋποθέσεις για την δημοσιοποίηση των δεδομένων που οριζουν οι οργανισμοί, επιβάλλονται βαριές κυρώσεις και πρόστιμα. Υπάρχει επίσης ανάγκη να τα δεδομένα αυτά να δημοσιεύονται τακτικά για ερευνητικούς σκοπούς που θα οδηγήσουν σε καλύτερες υπηρεσίες υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. Μια πρόκληση είναι να μπορούμε να παρέχουμε αποτελεσματική προστασία της ιδιωτικότητας στα προσωπικά δεδομένα του ασθενούς. Για να ικανοποιηθεί αυτή η απαίτηση, εφαρμόζονται πολλές τεχνικές ανωνυμοποίησης όπως η k-anonymity και η l-diversity. Εάν τα δημοσιευμένα σύνολα δεδομένων είναι ανεξάρτητα και περιέχουν πληροφορίες για το ίδιο άτομο, τότε τα δεδομένα εξακολουθούν να είναι ευάλωτα σε composition attacks. Η μελέτη αυτή υιοθετει τεχνολογίες κατανεμημένων βάσεων δεδομένων για την ανάπτυξη ενός συστήματος, για τη σύνδεση, την ανάκτηση και τη διερεύνηση της διατήρησης της ιδιωτικότητας των δεδομένων. Η διατριβή θα εκτελέσει τα ακόλουθα: (α) τη διερεύνηση προσεγγίσεων για τη διατήρηση της ιδιωτικότητας για δεδομένα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, (β) τη δημιουργία κανόνων ελέγχου ιδιωτικότητας για τον εντοπισμό composition attacks, (γ) τη δημιουργία και προετοιμασία δεδομένων υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, (δ) τον σχεδιασμό και ανάπτυξη ανοιχτού κώδικα λογισμικού, το οποίο συνδέεται με κατανεμημένες βάσεις δεδομένων και παρέχει εξερεύνηση των δεδομένων σε ήδη ανωνυμοποιημένες πηγές δεδομένων για πιθανή παραβίαση του απορρήτου.Protecting data in the healthcare industry is no easy feat. The healthcare data owners must balance protecting patient privacy while delivering quality patient care and meeting the strict regulatory requirements set forth by HIPAA and other regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If the requirements are not met, hefty penalties and fines are applied. There is also a need to publish those data regularly for research purposes which will lead to better healthcare services. A critical challenge is to be able to provide effective privacy preservation to the patient's personal data. To meet this requirement, many anonymization techniques are applied like k-anonymity and l-diversity. If the published data sets are independent and contain information about the same person, then the data are still vulnerable to composition attacks. This study will adopt loosely coupled database technologies to develop a system to connect, retrieve and explore the privacy preservation of the data. The thesis will carry out the following tasks: (a) urveying state-of-the-art approaches of privacy preservation, (b) create privacy checking rules to detect composition attacks, (c) healthcare data generation and preparation, (d) designing and developing an open source, lightweight tool that connects to loosely coupled data sources and provides data exploration to already anonymized data sources for a possible breach of confidentiality

    State of the art in privacy preservation in video data

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    Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies and services are a possible solution to address the crucial challenges regarding health and social care resulting from demographic changes and current economic conditions. AAL systems aim to improve quality of life and support independent and healthy living of older and frail people. AAL monitoring systems are composed of networks of sensors (worn by the users or embedded in their environment) processing elements and actuators that analyse the environment and its occupants to extract knowledge and to detect events, such as anomalous behaviours, launch alarms to tele-care centres, or support activities of daily living, among others. Therefore, innovation in AAL can address healthcare and social demands while generating economic opportunities. Recently, there has been far-reaching advancements in the development of video-based devices with improved processing capabilities, heightened quality, wireless data transfer, and increased interoperability with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Computer vision gives the possibility to monitor an environment and report on visual information, which is commonly the most straightforward and human-like way of describing an event, a person, an object, interactions and actions. Therefore, cameras can offer more intelligent solutions for AAL but they may be considered intrusive by some end users. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes the obligation for technologies to meet the principles of data protection by design and by default. More specifically, Article 25 of the GDPR requires that organizations must "implement appropriate technical and organizational measures [...] which are designed to implement data protection principles [...] , in an effective manner and to integrate the necessary safeguards into [data] processing.” Thus, AAL solutions must consider privacy-by-design methodologies in order to protect the fundamental rights of those being monitored. Different methods have been proposed in the latest years to preserve visual privacy for identity protection. However, in many AAL applications, where mostly only one person would be present (e.g. an older person living alone), user identification might not be an issue; concerns are more related to the disclosure of appearance (e.g. if the person is dressed/naked) and behaviour, what we called bodily privacy. Visual obfuscation techniques, such as image filters, facial de-identification, body abstraction, and gait anonymization, can be employed to protect privacy and agreed upon by the users ensuring they feel comfortable. Moreover, it is difficult to ensure a high level of security and privacy during the transmission of video data. If data is transmitted over several network domains using different transmission technologies and protocols, and finally processed at a remote location and stored on a server in a data center, it becomes demanding to implement and guarantee the highest level of protection over the entire transmission and storage system and for the whole lifetime of the data. The development of video technologies, increase in data rates and processing speeds, wide use of the Internet and cloud computing as well as highly efficient video compression methods have made video encryption even more challenging. Consequently, efficient and robust encryption of multimedia data together with using efficient compression methods are important prerequisites in achieving secure and efficient video transmission and storage.This publication is based upon work from COST Action GoodBrother - Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (CA19121), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. www.cost.e