791 research outputs found

    A triangulation-invariant method for anisotropic geodesic map computation on surface meshes

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    pre-printThis paper addresses the problem of computing the geodesic distance map from a given set of source vertices to all other vertices on a surface mesh using an anisotropic distance metric. Formulating this problem as an equivalent control theoretic problem with Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equations, we present a framework for computing an anisotropic geodesic map using a curvature-based speed function. An ordered upwind method (OUM)-based solver for these equations is available for unstructured planar meshes. We adopt this OUM-based solver for surface meshes and present a triangulation-invariant method for the solver. Our basic idea is to explore proximity among the vertices on a surface while locally following the characteristic direction at each vertex. We also propose two speed functions based on classical curvature tensors and show that the resulting anisotropic geodesic maps reflect surface geometry well through several experiments, including isocontour generation, offset curve computation, medial axis extraction, and ridge/valley curve extraction. Our approach facilitates surface analysis and processing by defining speed functions in an application-dependent manner

    An Infinitesimal Probabilistic Model for Principal Component Analysis of Manifold Valued Data

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    We provide a probabilistic and infinitesimal view of how the principal component analysis procedure (PCA) can be generalized to analysis of nonlinear manifold valued data. Starting with the probabilistic PCA interpretation of the Euclidean PCA procedure, we show how PCA can be generalized to manifolds in an intrinsic way that does not resort to linearization of the data space. The underlying probability model is constructed by mapping a Euclidean stochastic process to the manifold using stochastic development of Euclidean semimartingales. The construction uses a connection and bundles of covariant tensors to allow global transport of principal eigenvectors, and the model is thereby an example of how principal fiber bundles can be used to handle the lack of global coordinate system and orientations that characterizes manifold valued statistics. We show how curvature implies non-integrability of the equivalent of Euclidean principal subspaces, and how the stochastic flows provide an alternative to explicit construction of such subspaces. We describe estimation procedures for inference of parameters and prediction of principal components, and we give examples of properties of the model on embedded surfaces

    Isogeometric Approximation of Variational Problems for Shells

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    The interaction of applied geometry and numerical simulation is a growing field in the interplay of com- puter graphics, computational mechanics and applied mathematics known as isogeometric analysis. In this thesis we apply and analyze Loop subdivision surfaces as isogeometric tool because they provide great flexibility in handling surfaces of arbitrary topology combined with higher order smoothness. Compared with finite element methods, isogeometric methods are known to require far less degrees of freedom for the modeling of complex surfaces but at the same time the assembly of the isogeo- metric matrices is much more time-consuming. Therefore, we implement the isogeometric subdivision method and analyze the experimental convergence behavior for different quadrature schemes. The mid-edge quadrature combines robustness and efficiency, where efficiency is additionally increased via lookup tables. For the first time, the lookup tables allow the simulation with control meshes of arbitrary closed connectivity without an initial subdivision step, i.e. triangles can have more than one vertex with valence different from six. Geometric evolution problems have many applications in material sciences, surface processing and modeling, bio-mechanics, elasticity and physical simulations. These evolution problems are often based on the gradient flow of a geometric energy depending on first and second fundamental forms of the surface. The isogeometric approach allows a conforming higher order spatial discretization of these geometric evolutions. To overcome a time-error dominated scheme, we combine higher order space and time discretizations, where the time discretization based on implicit Runge-Kutta methods. We prove that the energy diminishes in every time-step in the fully discrete setting under mild time-step restrictions which is the crucial characteristic of a gradient flow. The overall setup allows for a general type of fourth-order energies. Among others, we perform experiments for Willmore flow with respect to different metrics. In the last chapter of this thesis we apply the time-discrete geodesic calculus in shape space to the space of subdivision shells. By approximating the squared Riemannian distance by a suitable energy, this approach defines a discrete path energy for a consistent computation of geodesics, logarithm and exponential maps and parallel transport. As approximation we pick up an elastic shell energy, which measures the deformation of a shell by membrane and bending contributions of its mid-surface. BĂ©zier curves are a fundamental tool in computer-aided geometric design. We extend these to the subdivision shell space by generalizing the de Casteljau algorithm. The evaluation of BĂ©zier curves depends on all input data. To solve this problem, we introduce B-splines and cardinal splines in shape space by gluing together piecewise BĂ©zier curves in a smooth way. We show examples of quadratic and cubic BĂ©zier curves, quadratic and cubic B-splines as well as cardinal splines in subdivision shell space

    Robust Feature Detection and Local Classification for Surfaces Based on Moment Analysis

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    The stable local classification of discrete surfaces with respect to features such as edges and corners or concave and convex regions, respectively, is as quite difficult as well as indispensable for many surface processing applications. Usually, the feature detection is done via a local curvature analysis. If concerned with large triangular and irregular grids, e.g., generated via a marching cube algorithm, the detectors are tedious to treat and a robust classification is hard to achieve. Here, a local classification method on surfaces is presented which avoids the evaluation of discretized curvature quantities. Moreover, it provides an indicator for smoothness of a given discrete surface and comes together with a built-in multiscale. The proposed classification tool is based on local zero and first moments on the discrete surface. The corresponding integral quantities are stable to compute and they give less noisy results compared to discrete curvature quantities. The stencil width for the integration of the moments turns out to be the scale parameter. Prospective surface processing applications are the segmentation on surfaces, surface comparison, and matching and surface modeling. Here, a method for feature preserving fairing of surfaces is discussed to underline the applicability of the presented approach.

    Geometric partial differential equations: Theory, numerics and applications

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    This workshop concentrated on partial differential equations involving stationary and evolving surfaces in which geometric quantities play a major role. Mutual interest in this emerging field stimulated the interaction between analysis, numerical solution, and applications

    CAD-Based Porous Scaffold Design of Intervertebral Discs in Tissue Engineering

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    With the development and maturity of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology over the past decade, 3D printing has been widely investigated and applied in the field of tissue engineering to repair damaged tissues or organs, such as muscles, skin, and bones, Although a number of automated fabrication methods have been developed to create superior bio-scaffolds with specific surface properties and porosity, the major challenges still focus on how to fabricate 3D natural biodegradable scaffolds that have tailor properties such as intricate architecture, porosity, and interconnectivity in order to provide the needed structural integrity, strength, transport, and ideal microenvironment for cell- and tissue-growth. In this dissertation, a robust pipeline of fabricating bio-functional porous scaffolds of intervertebral discs based on different innovative porous design methodologies is illustrated. Firstly, a triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) based parameterization method, which has overcome the integrity problem of traditional TPMS method, is presented in Chapter 3. Then, an implicit surface modeling (ISM) approach using tetrahedral implicit surface (TIS) is demonstrated and compared with the TPMS method in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, we present an advanced porous design method with higher flexibility using anisotropic radial basis function (ARBF) and volumetric meshes. Based on all these advanced porous design methods, the 3D model of a bio-functional porous intervertebral disc scaffold can be easily designed and its physical model can also be manufactured through 3D printing. However, due to the unique shape of each intervertebral disc and the intricate topological relationship between the intervertebral discs and the spine, the accurate localization and segmentation of dysfunctional discs are regarded as another obstacle to fabricating porous 3D disc models. To that end, we discuss in Chapter 6 a segmentation technique of intervertebral discs from CT-scanned medical images by using deep convolutional neural networks. Additionally, some examples of applying different porous designs on the segmented intervertebral disc models are demonstrated in Chapter 6

    Shape Calculus for Shape Energies in Image Processing

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    Many image processing problems are naturally expressed as energy minimization or shape optimization problems, in which the free variable is a shape, such as a curve in 2d or a surface in 3d. Examples are image segmentation, multiview stereo reconstruction, geometric interpolation from data point clouds. To obtain the solution of such a problem, one usually resorts to an iterative approach, a gradient descent algorithm, which updates a candidate shape gradually deforming it into the optimal shape. Computing the gradient descent updates requires the knowledge of the first variation of the shape energy, or rather the first shape derivative. In addition to the first shape derivative, one can also utilize the second shape derivative and develop a Newton-type method with faster convergence. Unfortunately, the knowledge of shape derivatives for shape energies in image processing is patchy. The second shape derivatives are known for only two of the energies in the image processing literature and many results for the first shape derivative are limiting, in the sense that they are either for curves on planes, or developed for a specific representation of the shape or for a very specific functional form in the shape energy. In this work, these limitations are overcome and the first and second shape derivatives are computed for large classes of shape energies that are representative of the energies found in image processing. Many of the formulas we obtain are new and some generalize previous existing results. These results are valid for general surfaces in any number of dimensions. This work is intended to serve as a cookbook for researchers who deal with shape energies for various applications in image processing and need to develop algorithms to compute the shapes minimizing these energies

    Development and Application of Semi-automated ITK Tools Development and Application of Semi-automated ITK Tools for the Segmentation of Brain MR Images

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    Image segmentation is a process to identify regions of interest from digital images. Image segmentation plays an important role in medical image processing which enables a variety of clinical applications. It is also a tool to facilitate the detection of abnormalities such as cancerous lesions in the brain. Although numerous efforts in recent years have advanced this technique, no single approach solves the problem of segmentation for the large variety of image modalities existing today. Consequently, brain MRI segmentation remains a challenging task. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate brain MRI segmentation for delineation of tumors, ventricles and other anatomical structures using Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) routines as the foundation. ITK is an open-source software system to support the Visible Human Project. Visible Human Project is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Currently under active development, ITK employs leading-edge segmentation and registration algorithms in two, three, and more dimensions. A goal of this thesis is to implement those algorithms to facilitate brain segmentation for a brain cancer research scientist

    Level set methods for higher order evolution laws

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    A numerical treatment of non-linear higher-order geometric evolution equations with the level set and the finite element method is presented. The isotropic, weak anisotropic and strong anisotropic situation is discussed. Most of the equations considered in this work arise from the field of thin film growth. A short introduction to the subject is given. Four different models are discussed: mean curvature flow, surface diffusion, a kinetic model, which combines the effects of mean curvature flow and surface diffusion and includes a further kinetic component, and an adatom model, which incorporates in addition free adatoms. As an introduction to the numerical schemes, first the isotropic and weak anisotropic situation is considered. Then strong anisotropies (non-convex anisotropies) are used to simulate the phenomena of faceting and coarsening. The experimentally observed effect of corner and edge roundings is reached in the simulation through the regularization of the strong anisotropy with a higher-order curvature term. The curvature regularization leads to an increase by two in the order of the equations, which results in highly non-linear equations of up to 6th order. For the numerical solution, the equations are transformed into systems of second order equations, which are solved with a Schur complement approach. The adatom model constitutes a diffusion equation on a moving surface. An operator splitting approach is used for the numerical solution. In difference to other works, which restrict to the isotropic situation, also the anisotropic situation is discussed and solved numerically. Furthermore, a treatment of geometric evolution equations on implicitly given curved surfaces with the level set method is given. In particular, the numerical solution of surface diffusion on curved surfaces is presented. The equations are discretized in space by standard linear finite elements. For the time discretization a semi-implicit discretization scheme is employed. The derivation of the numerical schemes is presented in detail, and numerous computational results are given for the 2D and 3D situation. To keep computational costs low, the finite element grid is adaptively refined near the moving curves and surfaces resp. A redistancing algorithm based on a local Hopf-Lax formula is used. The algorithm has been extended by the authors to the 3D case. A detailed description of the algorithm in 3D is presented in this work.In der Arbeit geht es um die numerische Behandlung nicht-linearer geometrischer Evolutionsgleichungen höherer Ordnung mit Levelset- und Finite-Elemente-Verfahren. Der isotrope, schwach anisotrope und stark anisotrope Fall wird diskutiert. Die meisten in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Gleichungen entstammen dem Gebiet des Dünnschicht-Wachstums. Eine kurze Einführung in dieses Gebiet wird gegeben. Es werden vier verschiedene Modelle diskutiert: mittlerer Krümmungsfluss, Oberflächendiffusion, ein kinetisches Modell, welches die Effekte des mittleren Krümmungsflusses und der Oberflächendiffusion kombiniert und zusätzlich eine kinetische Komponente beinhaltet, und ein Adatom-Modell, welches außerdem freie Adatome berücksichtigt. Als Einführung in die numerischen Schemata, wird zuerst der isotrope und schwach anisotrope Fall betrachtet. Anschließend werden starke Anisotropien (nicht-konvexe Anisotropien) benutzt, um Facettierungs- und Vergröberungsphänomene zu simulieren. Der in Experimenten beobachtete Effekt der Ecken- und Kanten-Abrundung wird in der Simulation durch die Regularisierung der starken Anisotropie durch einen Krümmungsterm höherer Ordnung erreicht. Die Krümmungsregularisierung führt zu einer Erhöhung der Ordnung der Gleichung um zwei, was hochgradig nicht-lineare Gleichungen von bis zu sechster Ordnung ergibt. Für die numerische Lösung werden die Gleichungen auf Systeme zweiter Ordnungsgleichungen transformiert, welche mit einem Schurkomplement-Ansatz gelöst werden. Das Adatom-Modell bildet eine Diffusionsgleichung auf einer bewegten Fläche. Zur numerischen Lösung wird ein Operatorsplitting-Ansatz verwendet. Im Unterschied zu anderen Arbeiten, die sich auf den isotropen Fall beschränken, wird auch der anisotrope Fall diskutiert und numerisch gelöst. Außerdem werden geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen auf implizit gegebenen gekrümmten Flächen mit Levelset-Verfahren behandelt. Insbesondere wird die numerische Lösung von Oberflächendiffusion auf gekrümmten Flächen dargestellt. Die Gleichungen werden im Ort mit linearen Standard-Finiten-Elementen diskretisiert. Als Zeitdiskretisierung wird ein semi-implizites Diskretisierungsschema verwendet. Die Herleitung der numerischen Schemata wird detailliert dargestellt, und zahlreiche numerische Ergebnisse für den 2D und 3D Fall sind gegeben. Um den Rechenaufwand gering zu halten, wird das Finite-Elemente-Gitter adaptiv an den bewegten Kurven bzw. den bewegten Flächen verfeinert. Es wird ein Redistancing-Algorithmus basierend auf einer lokalen Hopf-Lax Formel benutzt. Der Algorithmus wurde von den Autoren auf den 3D Fall erweitert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Algorithmus für den 3D Fall detailliert beschrieben
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