40 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sampling Strategies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction

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    In the training process of the implicit 3D reconstruction network, the choice of spatial query points' sampling strategy affects the final performance of the model. Different works have differences in the selection of sampling strategies, not only in the spatial distribution of query points but also in the order of magnitude difference in the density of query points. For how to select the sampling strategy of query points, current works are more akin to an enumerating operation to find the optimal solution, which seriously affects work efficiency. In this work, we explored the relationship between sampling strategy and network final performance through classification analysis and experimental comparison from three aspects: the relationship between network type and sampling strategy, the relationship between implicit function and sampling strategy, and the impact of sampling density on model performance. In addition, we also proposed two methods, linear sampling and distance mask, to improve the sampling strategy of query points, making it more general and robust

    DeepJoin: Learning a Joint Occupancy, Signed Distance, and Normal Field Function for Shape Repair

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    We introduce DeepJoin, an automated approach to generate high-resolution repairs for fractured shapes using deep neural networks. Existing approaches to perform automated shape repair operate exclusively on symmetric objects, require a complete proxy shape, or predict restoration shapes using low-resolution voxels which are too coarse for physical repair. We generate a high-resolution restoration shape by inferring a corresponding complete shape and a break surface from an input fractured shape. We present a novel implicit shape representation for fractured shape repair that combines the occupancy function, signed distance function, and normal field. We demonstrate repairs using our approach for synthetically fractured objects from ShapeNet, 3D scans from the Google Scanned Objects dataset, objects in the style of ancient Greek pottery from the QP Cultural Heritage dataset, and real fractured objects. We outperform three baseline approaches in terms of chamfer distance and normal consistency. Unlike existing approaches and restorations using subtraction, DeepJoin restorations do not exhibit surface artifacts and join closely to the fractured region of the fractured shape. Our code is available at: https://github.com/Terascale-All-sensing-Research-Studio/DeepJoin.Comment: To be published at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 (Journal

    ROAD: Learning an Implicit Recursive Octree Auto-Decoder to Efficiently Encode 3D Shapes

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    Compact and accurate representations of 3D shapes are central to many perception and robotics tasks. State-of-the-art learning-based methods can reconstruct single objects but scale poorly to large datasets. We present a novel recursive implicit representation to efficiently and accurately encode large datasets of complex 3D shapes by recursively traversing an implicit octree in latent space. Our implicit Recursive Octree Auto-Decoder (ROAD) learns a hierarchically structured latent space enabling state-of-the-art reconstruction results at a compression ratio above 99%. We also propose an efficient curriculum learning scheme that naturally exploits the coarse-to-fine properties of the underlying octree spatial representation. We explore the scaling law relating latent space dimension, dataset size, and reconstruction accuracy, showing that increasing the latent space dimension is enough to scale to large shape datasets. Finally, we show that our learned latent space encodes a coarse-to-fine hierarchical structure yielding reusable latents across different levels of details, and we provide qualitative evidence of generalization to novel shapes outside the training set.Comment: Accepted to Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 202

    Contrastive Object-level Pre-training with Spatial Noise Curriculum Learning

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    The goal of contrastive learning based pre-training is to leverage large quantities of unlabeled data to produce a model that can be readily adapted downstream. Current approaches revolve around solving an image discrimination task: given an anchor image, an augmented counterpart of that image, and some other images, the model must produce representations such that the distance between the anchor and its counterpart is small, and the distances between the anchor and the other images are large. There are two significant problems with this approach: (i) by contrasting representations at the image-level, it is hard to generate detailed object-sensitive features that are beneficial to downstream object-level tasks such as instance segmentation; (ii) the augmentation strategy of producing an augmented counterpart is fixed, making learning less effective at the later stages of pre-training. In this work, we introduce Curricular Contrastive Object-level Pre-training (CCOP) to tackle these problems: (i) we use selective search to find rough object regions and use them to build an inter-image object-level contrastive loss and an intra-image object-level discrimination loss into our pre-training objective; (ii) we present a curriculum learning mechanism that adaptively augments the generated regions, which allows the model to consistently acquire a useful learning signal, even in the later stages of pre-training. Our experiments show that our approach improves on the MoCo v2 baseline by a large margin on multiple object-level tasks when pre-training on multi-object scene image datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/ChenhongyiYang/CCOP

    Towards Generalising Neural Implicit Representations

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    Neural implicit representations have shown substantial improvements in efficiently storing 3D data, when compared to conventional formats. However, the focus of existing work has mainly been on storage and subsequent reconstruction. In this work, we show that training neural representations for reconstruction tasks alongside conventional tasks can produce more general encodings that admit equal quality reconstructions to single task training, whilst improving results on conventional tasks when compared to single task encodings. We reformulate the semantic segmentation task, creating a more representative task for implicit representation contexts, and through multi-task experiments on reconstruction, classification, and segmentation, show our approach learns feature rich encodings that admit equal performance for each task