156,022 research outputs found

    Transitioning To The Digital Generation Case Studies (Previous Digital Point Studies In Japan Cases:1993-2023)

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    In this paper, we discuss at The 8th International Workshop on Application of Big Data for Computational Social Science, October 26-29, 2023, Venice, Italy. To achieve the realization of the Global and Innovation Gateway for All (GIGA) initiative (2019), proposed in December 2019 by the Primary and Secondary Education Planning Division of the Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a movement has emerged to utilize information and communication technology (ICT) in the field of education. The history of ICT education in Japan dates back to the 100 Schools Project (1994), which aimed to provide network access environments, and the New 100 Schools Project (1997), which marked the beginning of full-scale ICT education in Japan. In this paper, we discuss the usage dynamics of smartphone-based learning applications among young people (analyzing data from January to September 2020) and their current status. Further, the results are summarized and future research topics and issues are discussed. The results show that there are situations in which ICT learning environments can be effectively utilized and others in which they cannot, depending on the differences between digital students and analog students who utilize ICT in their studies; this indicates that we are currently in a transition to a generation of digital natives. ICT education has both advantages and disadvantages, and it is expected that it will be used in combination with conventional educational methods while assessing the characteristics of ICT education in the future. Of course, there are many challenges. We plan to discuss how to appeal in this regard at the Workshop.Comment: Part of the 22nd IEEE WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology WI-IAT2023, Workshop of The 8th International Workshop on Application of Big Data for Computational Social Science, WI Artificial Intelligence in the Connected World October 26-29, 2023, Venice, Ital

    Digital libraries and information literacy issues within virtual learning environments : an e-learning impasse?

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    The DIDET digital library and VLE approach places much of the responsibility for managing the digital library work flow into the hands of students, as well as academics and librarians. Student responsibilities include the application of metadata, as well as conventional information literacy competencies such as ascertaining information resource provenance, investigating intellectual property rights and/or digital rights management implications, before depositing digital resources within the library. This has obviously laid bare numerous research issues relating to future digital library and VLE design, student information literacy, the use of ICT in education and design, and related pedagogical issues, all of which are worthy of further investigation within the UK HE community and will be elucidated in this paper. More importantly, this paper will argue that such a model signifies a definite impasse in the evolution of e-learning models and questions the degree to which current information literacy models are effective in specific e-learning contexts. The paper will conclude by further recognising that greater student information literacy skills are necessary to unlock the potential of such radical approaches to e-learning and digital library creation

    The use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning within Higher Education Sector of a Small Island Developing State: The Case of the Maldives

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    This study sought to a) discover the specific factors that influence Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use in higher education teaching and learning in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as the Maldives; b) determine how ICT can be used within higher education in SIDS; c) develop a framework / model for ICT adoption in higher education in teaching and learning of SIDS; and d) use UNESCO’s continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to ground these factors to produce a practical roadmap. The Maldives was chosen as a representative case for SIDS in this research. The Maldives consists of 1,192 coral islands with 198 inhabited islands. Due to its small population densities spread over remote islands, distribution of higher education access has been a major impediment in the Maldives, calling for the use of ICT. This research utilised an interpretive paradigm with qualitative research methods (interviews; focus group discussions; qualitative survey and document reviewing). The case research methodology provided a variety of perspectives; enabled multiple data collection techniques; and examined technology integration within a technology rich environment. The research participants were students, teachers, senior academic managers, education and information technology consultants / experts in the Maldives. The findings revealed the specific factors that affect the ICT adoption within higher education teaching and learning in the context of the Maldives. An Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of ICT use in higher education in SIDS was developed using TAM theory, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and a TOEG (Technology-Organisational-Environment-Geography) framework. The technology context examined government support for Information Technology, ICT support for teachers, ICT Infrastructure, underutilisation of ICT resources, perception of benefits from the present ICT infrastructure and ICT policies. The organisational context included finance, centralisation, human resources, top management support, ICT confidence among teachers, and research. The environmental context contained social issues (drugs and overcrowding) and cultural issues (gender disparity, cultural homogeneity among students and teachers and no culture of using ICT in academic learning, and a spoon-feeding pedagogical tradition). Finally the geography context identified issues associated with geography, transportation and the digital divide between remote islands. These factors impede the adoption of ICT in the higher education sector in SIDS such as the Maldives. A practical roadmap was formulated by utilising the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) continuum model of ICT development and the TOEG framework to recommend four broad stages in terms of adoption and use of ICT in higher education. This study contributes to existing knowledge by providing a clear understanding of the present role of ICT as well as information on how ICT can be used in higher education in SIDS such as the Maldives. This research is important to gain a wider understanding of the future directions for adoption of ICT within higher education in SIDS. The research will fill critical gaps in the current research, expand the coverage of relatively neglected research areas in SIDS, contribute to practitioners and the academic community, and stimulate further debate

    Use of ict in teaching in vocational school

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    У статті розглянуто актуальні питання використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у навчально-виробничому процесі професійно-технічного навчального закладу. Представлено аналіз досліджень і публікацій з питань використання засобів ІКТ у підготовці майбутніх фахівців, зокрема, особливостей використання інформаційних технологій в освітньому процесі, використання засобів ІКТ у закладах професійно-технічної освіти. Розглянуто аналіз сучасного стану використання ІКТ у професійно-технічних навчальних закладах, забезпеченості викладання дисциплін сучасними наочними засобами навчання (паперовими, діапозитивами, комп’ютерними презентаціями, відео, програмними засобами), усвідомлення педагогами професійного навчання ролі використання ІКТ у професійній підготовці кваліфікованих робітників, готовності їх до використання ІКТ у професійній діяльності та рівня комп’ютерної грамотності. Зроблено висновок про позитивну мотивацію педагогів професійного навчання щодо використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у професійній діяльності, їхню готовність до розроблення сучасних наочних засобів навчання за умов покращення матеріально-технічних умов. Наголошено на існуванні нагальної потреби підвищення рівня комп’ютерної грамотності педагогів професійного навчання, їх готовності до використання ІКТ у професійній діяльності та важливість розроблення спеціальної програми для підвищення кваліфікації педагогів професійного навчання у міжкурсовий період.В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий в учебно- производственном процессе профессионально-технического учебного заведения. Представлен анализ исследований и публикаций по вопросам использования ИКТ в подготовке будущих специалистов, в частности, особенностей использования информационных технологий в образовательном процессе, использование ИКТ в учреждениях профессионально-технического образования. Рассмотрены анализ современного состояния использования ИКТ в профессионально-технических учебных заведениях, обеспеченности преподавания дисциплин современными наглядными средствами обучения (бумажными, диапозитивами, компьютерными презентациями, видео, программными средствами), осознанности педагогами профессионального обучения роли использования ИКТ в профессиональной подготовке квалифицированных рабочих, готовности педагогов к использованию ИКТ в профессиональной деятельности и уровня их компьютерной грамотности. Сделан вывод о положительной мотивации педагогов профессионального обучения по использованию информационно-коммуникационных технологий в профессиональной деятельности, их готовность к разработке современных наглядных средств обучения в условиях улучшения материально-технических условий. Акцентировано необходимости повышения уровня компьютерной грамотности педагогов профессионального обучения, их готовности к использованию ИКТ в профессиональной деятельности и важности разработки специальной программы для повышения квалификации педагогов профессионального обучения в межкурсовой период.The article deals with current issues of information and communication technologies in teaching and manufacturing process of vocational education. Analysis of research and publications on the use of ICT in training future professionals, in particular, the characteristics of information technology in education, the use of ICT in vocational education. We consider the analysis of the current state of ICT in vocational education, provision of teaching disciplines of modern visual learning tools (paper, transparencies, computer presentations, video and software), awareness training as teachers use ICT in the training of skilled workers ready teachers to use ICT in their professional activity and the level of computer literacy. The conclusion about positive motivation training teachers to use ICT in their professional work, their commitment to the development of contemporary visual learning environment to improve material and technical conditions. Among others, the existence of unnecessarily increasing computer literacy teacher training, their readiness to use ICT in their professional activities and the importance of developing special programs for training teachers training in mizhkursovyy period

    How Have Policy Makers Responded to the Current State of ICT in Schools in Saudi Arabia? A Qualitative Investigation

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    Previous research into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Saudi schools has not considered the role of the Ministry of Education or the Education Authority (EA). As a researcher, I decided to study their role in an attempt to understand the current state of ICT in Saudi schools from the perspectives of policy makers from both bodies. The aim of the study resulted in the generation of the following research question: What are the policy makers’ views about the current state of ICT in education in Saudi Arabia? As this research aims to discover and understand the current state of ICT in schools from the views and perspectives of policy makers, a qualitative methodology has been employed and interviews were used to collect the data. In total, five policy makers from both the Ministry of Education in KSA and the local education authority in Ar-Rass city participated. The findings show that the Ministry of Education and the education authority are significant factors in the failure of ICT in schools. The study concludes that, in order to handle issues that affect the successful use of ICT in education, departments of education need to develop their policies, strategies, plans and frameworks

    ICT future skills action plan

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    ICT Action Plan

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    In what ways could ICT teaching and learning take place at Orewa College? : Osmosis, integration and/or specialist subjects? : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Educational Administration at Massey University

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    As a leader in ICT at Orewa College, I was continually aware of the debate amongst staff surrounding the place of ICT teaching and learning at the school. An aspect of this debate was focused on whether specialist ICT subjects should continue to exist at the school. It was from this discussion that the inspiration for this thesis arose. Although Ministry documents (MOE, 1995b; MOE, 2002) provided guidance, what ICT teaching and learning should be occurring seemed vague. This research was a response to a need to find out the best ways for ICT teaching and learning to take place at Orewa College. The importance of this research was highlighted only a week before completion when a Draft Essence Statement for the new Technology curriculum was released (Talk2learn, 2004). This essence statement did not include ICT, and it was stated that this absence was deliberate. If the current Draft Essence statement forms the foundation of the new Technology curriculum, ICT will not be a major focus of any curriculum statement in New Zealand. This thesis is a single site case study that investigates the ways that ICT teaching and learning could take place at Orewa College. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology has been utilised within an ethnographic paradigm and triangulation of data collection methods and groups of participants was employed to increase validity of the data. Participants included the staff, parents and students of Orewa College, local employers, representatives from tertiary institutions, contributing schools and other North Shore secondary schools. Data collection methods included document analyses, questionnaires, email interviews, partially structured face-to-face interviews and observations. A need has emerged for a combination of some specialist ICT subjects and some integration of ICT across the curriculum, with some ICT learning taking place in a more osmosis-like discovery method. However, a greater revelation is that a new and evolving pedagogy that ICT teaching and learning needs to take place within has emerged and needs to be integrated into all subjects, including the teaching and learning that takes place within specialist ICT subjects. It is also discovered that the intended flexibility and choice in how ICT teaching and learning should take place has been limited by the current assessment framework. An ongoing partnership between schools and their communities is additionally highlighted as an important part of students' continual learning in the field of ICT

    Review of the Joint Information Systems Committee: report to HEFCE by the JISC Review Group (Issues paper)

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    "This report sets out the findings and recommendations of the review chaired by Professor Sir Alan Wilson into the strategy, activities and effectiveness of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)." - Cover