6 research outputs found

    Time series data mining: preprocessing, analysis, segmentation and prediction. Applications

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    Currently, the amount of data which is produced for any information system is increasing exponentially. This motivates the development of automatic techniques to process and mine these data correctly. Specifically, in this Thesis, we tackled these problems for time series data, that is, temporal data which is collected chronologically. This kind of data can be found in many fields of science, such as palaeoclimatology, hydrology, financial problems, etc. TSDM consists of several tasks which try to achieve different objectives, such as, classification, segmentation, clustering, prediction, analysis, etc. However, in this Thesis, we focus on time series preprocessing, segmentation and prediction. Time series preprocessing is a prerequisite for other posterior tasks: for example, the reconstruction of missing values in incomplete parts of time series can be essential for clustering them. In this Thesis, we tackled the problem of massive missing data reconstruction in SWH time series from the Gulf of Alaska. It is very common that buoys stop working for different periods, what it is usually related to malfunctioning or bad weather conditions. The relation of the time series of each buoy is analysed and exploited to reconstruct the whole missing time series. In this context, EANNs with PUs are trained, showing that the resulting models are simple and able to recover these values with high precision. In the case of time series segmentation, the procedure consists in dividing the time series into different subsequences to achieve different purposes. This segmentation can be done trying to find useful patterns in the time series. In this Thesis, we have developed novel bioinspired algorithms in this context. For instance, for paleoclimate data, an initial genetic algorithm was proposed to discover early warning signals of TPs, whose detection was supported by expert opinions. However, given that the expert had to individually evaluate every solution given by the algorithm, the evaluation of the results was very tedious. This led to an improvement in the body of the GA to evaluate the procedure automatically. For significant wave height time series, the objective was the detection of groups which contains extreme waves, i.e. those which are relatively large with respect other waves close in time. The main motivation is to design alert systems. This was done using an HA, where an LS process was included by using a likelihood-based segmentation, assuming that the points follow a beta distribution. Finally, the analysis of similarities in different periods of European stock markets was also tackled with the aim of evaluating the influence of different markets in Europe. When segmenting time series with the aim of reducing the number of points, different techniques have been proposed. However, it is an open challenge given the difficulty to operate with large amounts of data in different applications. In this work, we propose a novel statistically-driven CRO algorithm (SCRO), which automatically adapts its parameters during the evolution, taking into account the statistical distribution of the population fitness. This algorithm improves the state-of-the-art with respect to accuracy and robustness. Also, this problem has been tackled using an improvement of the BBPSO algorithm, which includes a dynamical update of the cognitive and social components in the evolution, combined with mathematical tricks to obtain the fitness of the solutions, which significantly reduces the computational cost of previously proposed coral reef methods. Also, the optimisation of both objectives (clustering quality and approximation quality), which are in conflict, could be an interesting open challenge, which will be tackled in this Thesis. For that, an MOEA for time series segmentation is developed, improving the clustering quality of the solutions and their approximation. The prediction in time series is the estimation of future values by observing and studying the previous ones. In this context, we solve this task by applying prediction over high-order representations of the elements of the time series, i.e. the segments obtained by time series segmentation. This is applied to two challenging problems, i.e. the prediction of extreme wave height and fog prediction. On the one hand, the number of extreme values in SWH time series is less with respect to the number of standard values. In this way, the prediction of these values cannot be done using standard algorithms without taking into account the imbalanced ratio of the dataset. For that, an algorithm that automatically finds the set of segments and then applies EANNs is developed, showing the high ability of the algorithm to detect and predict these special events. On the other hand, fog prediction is affected by the same problem, that is, the number of fog events is much lower tan that of non-fog events, requiring a special treatment too. A preprocessing of different data coming from sensors situated in different parts of the Valladolid airport are used for making a simple ANN model, which is physically corroborated and discussed. The last challenge which opens new horizons is the estimation of the statistical distribution of time series to guide different methodologies. For this, the estimation of a mixed distribution for SWH time series is then used for fixing the threshold of POT approaches. Also, the determination of the fittest distribution for the time series is used for discretising it and making a prediction which treats the problem as ordinal classification. The work developed in this Thesis is supported by twelve papers in international journals, seven papers in international conferences, and four papers in national conferences

    New internal and external validation indices for clustering in Big Data

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    Esta tesis, presentada como un compendio de artículos de investigación, analiza el concepto de índices de validación de clustering y aporta nuevas medidas de bondad para conjuntos de datos que podrían considerarse Big Data debido a su volumen. Además, estas medidas han sido aplicadas en proyectos reales y se propone su aplicación futura para mejorar algoritmos de clustering. El clustering es una de las técnicas de aprendizaje automático no supervisado más usada. Esta técnica nos permite agrupar datos en clusters de manera que, aquellos datos que pertenezcan al mismo cluster tienen características o atributos con valores similares, y a su vez esos datos son disimilares respecto a aquellos que pertenecen a los otros clusters. La similitud de los datos viene dada normalmente por la cercanía en el espacio, teniendo en cuenta una función de distancia. En la literatura existen los llamados índices de validación de clustering, los cuales podríamos definir como medidas para cuantificar la calidad de un resultado de clustering. Estos índices se dividen en dos tipos: índices de validación internos, que miden la calidad del clustering en base a los atributos con los que se han construido los clusters; e índices de validación externos, que son aquellos que cuantifican la calidad del clustering a partir de atributos que no han intervenido en la construcción de los clusters, y que normalmente son de tipo nominal o etiquetas. En esta memoria se proponen dos índices de validación internos para clustering basados en otros índices existentes en la literatura, que nos permiten trabajar con grandes cantidades de datos, ofreciéndonos los resultados en un tiempo razonable. Los índices propuestos han sido testeados en datasets sintéticos y comparados con otros índices de la literatura. Las conclusiones de este trabajo indican que estos índices ofrecen resultados muy prometedores frente a sus competidores. Por otro lado, se ha diseñado un nuevo índice de validación externo de clustering basado en el test estadístico chi cuadrado. Este índice permite medir la calidad del clustering basando el resultado en cómo han quedado distribuidos los clusters respecto a una etiqueta dada en la distribución. Los resultados de este índice muestran una mejora significativa frente a otros índices externos de la literatura y en datasets de diferentes dimensiones y características. Además, estos índices propuestos han sido aplicados en tres proyectos con datos reales cuyas publicaciones están incluidas en esta tesis doctoral. Para el primer proyecto se ha desarrollado una metodología para analizar el consumo eléctrico de los edificios de una smart city. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de clustering óptimo aplicando los índices internos mencionados anteriormente. En el segundo proyecto se ha trabajado tanto los índices internos como con los externos para realizar un análisis comparativo del mercado laboral español en dos periodos económicos distintos. Este análisis se realizó usando datos del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social, y los resultados podrían tenerse en cuenta para ayudar a la toma de decisión en mejoras de políticas de empleo. En el tercer proyecto se ha trabajado con datos de los clientes de una compañía eléctrica para caracterizar los tipos de consumidores que existen. En este estudio se han analizado los patrones de consumo para que las compañías eléctricas puedan ofertar nuevas tarifas a los consumidores, y éstos puedan adaptarse a estas tarifas con el objetivo de optimizar la generación de energía eliminando los picos de consumo que existen la actualidad.This thesis, presented as a compendium of research articles, analyses the concept of clustering validation indices and provides new measures of goodness for datasets that could be considered Big Data. In addition, these measures have been applied in real projects and their future application is proposed for the improvement of clustering algorithms. Clustering is one of the most popular unsupervised machine learning techniques. This technique allows us to group data into clusters so that the instances that belong to the same cluster have characteristics or attributes with similar values, and are dissimilar to those that belong to the other clusters. The similarity of the data is normally given by the proximity in space, which is measured using a distance function. In the literature, there are so-called clustering validation indices, which can be defined as measures for the quantification of the quality of a clustering result. These indices are divided into two types: internal validation indices, which measure the quality of clustering based on the attributes with which the clusters have been built; and external validation indices, which are those that quantify the quality of clustering from attributes that have not intervened in the construction of the clusters, and that are normally of nominal type or labels. In this doctoral thesis, two internal validation indices are proposed for clustering based on other indices existing in the literature, which enable large amounts of data to be handled, and provide the results in a reasonable time. The proposed indices have been tested with synthetic datasets and compared with other indices in the literature. The conclusions of this work indicate that these indices offer very promising results in comparison with their competitors. On the other hand, a new external clustering validation index based on the chi-squared statistical test has been designed. This index enables the quality of the clustering to be measured by basing the result on how the clusters have been distributed with respect to a given label in the distribution. The results of this index show a significant improvement compared to other external indices in the literature when used with datasets of different dimensions and characteristics. In addition, these proposed indices have been applied in three projects with real data whose corresponding publications are included in this doctoral thesis. For the first project, a methodology has been developed to analyse the electrical consumption of buildings in a smart city. For this study, an optimal clustering analysis has been carried out by applying the aforementioned internal indices. In the second project, both internal and external indices have been applied in order to perform a comparative analysis of the Spanish labour market in two different economic periods. This analysis was carried out using data from the Ministry of Labour, Migration, and Social Security, and the results could be taken into account to help decision-making for the improvement of employment policies. In the third project, data from the customers of an electric company has been employed to characterise the different types of existing consumers. In this study, consumption patterns have been analysed so that electricity companies can offer new rates to consumers. Conclusions show that consumers could adapt their usage to these rates and hence the generation of energy could be optimised by eliminating the consumption peaks that currently exist

    PowerAqua: Open Question Answering on the Semantic Web

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    With the rapid growth of semantic information in the Web, the processes of searching and querying these very large amounts of heterogeneous content have become increasingly challenging. This research tackles the problem of supporting users in querying and exploring information across multiple and heterogeneous Semantic Web (SW) sources. A review of literature on ontology-based Question Answering reveals the limitations of existing technology. Our approach is based on providing a natural language Question Answering interface for the SW, PowerAqua. The realization of PowerAqua represents a considerable advance with respect to other systems, which restrict their scope to an ontology-specific or homogeneous fraction of the publicly available SW content. To our knowledge, PowerAqua is the only system that is able to take advantage of the semantic data available on the Web to interpret and answer user queries posed in natural language. In particular, PowerAqua is uniquely able to answer queries by combining and aggregating information, which can be distributed across heterogeneous semantic resources. Here, we provide a complete overview of our work on PowerAqua, including: the research challenges it addresses; its architecture; the techniques we have realised to map queries to semantic data, to integrate partial answers drawn from different semantic resources and to rank alternative answers; and the evaluation studies we have performed, to assess the performance of PowerAqua. We believe our experiences can be extrapolated to a variety of end-user applications that wish to open up to large scale and heterogeneous structured datasets, to be able to exploit effectively what possibly is the greatest wealth of data in the history of Artificial Intelligence

    Negation Processing in Spanish and its Application to Sentiment Analysis

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    El Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural es el área de la Inteligencia Artificial que tiene como objetivo desarrollar mecanismos computacionalmente eficientes para facilitar la comunicación entre personas y máquinas por medio del lenguaje natural. Para que las máquinas sean capaces de procesar, comprender y generar lenguaje humano hay que tener en cuenta una amplia gama de fenómenos lingüísticos, como la negación, la ironía o el sarcasmo, que se utilizan para dar a las palabras un significado diferente. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de la negación, un fenómeno lingüístico complejo que utilizamos en nuestra comunicación diaria. A diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios existentes hasta el momento se realiza sobre textos en español, ya que es la segunda lengua con más hablantes nativos, la tercera más utilizada en Internet, y no existen sistemas de procesamiento de negación disponibles en esta lengua.Natural Language Processing is the area of Artificial Intelligence that aims to develop computationally efficient mechanisms to facilitate communication between people and machines through natural language. To ensure that machines are capable of processing, understanding and generating human language, a wide range of linguistic phenomena must be taken into account, such as negation, irony or sarcasm, which are used to give words a different meaning. This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of negation, a complex linguistic phenomenon that we use in our daily communication. In contrast to most of the existing studies to date, it is carried out on Spanish texts, because i) it is the second language with most native speakers, ii) it is the third language most used on the Internet, and iii) there are no negation processing systems available on this language.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 13 de septiembre de 2019