41,354 research outputs found

    The Battle to Define Asia’s Intellectual Property Law: From TPP to RCEP

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    A battle is under way to decide the intellectual property law for half the world’s population. A trade agreement that hopes to create a free trade area even larger than that forged by Genghis Khan will define intellectual property rules across much of Asia and the Pacific. The sixteen countries negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) include China, India, Japan, and South Korea, and stretch to Australia and New Zealand. A review of a leaked draft reveals a struggle largely between India on one side and South Korea and Japan on the other over the intellectual property rules that will govern much of the world. The result of this struggle will affect not only access to innovation in the Asia-Pacific, but also across Africa and other parts of the world that depend on generic medicines from India, which has been called the “pharmacy to the developing world.” Surprisingly, the agreement that includes China as a pillar may result in stricter intellectual property rights than those mandated by the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Perhaps even more surprisingly, such TRIPS-plus rights will be available in the RCEP states to the United States and European companies equally by somewhat recondite provisions in TRIPS. In sum, the RCEP draft erodes access to medicines and education across much of the world

    Cultivating Knowledge: Development, Dissemblance, and Discursive Contradictions among the Diola of Guinea-Bissau

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    Author's final manuscript.Development practitioners are eager to “learn from farmers” in their efforts to address Africa’s deteriorating agricultural output. But many agrarian groups, such as Diola wet rice cultivators of Guinea-Bissau, have well-established norms that regulate the circulation of knowledge—whether about agriculture, household economy, or day-to-day activities. By exploring how Diola manage information about the natural and supranatural world and exercise evasion and restraint in quotidian interaction, this article problematizes the assumptions that knowledge is an extractable resource; that more knowledge is better; and that democratized knowledge leads to progress. It considers how the Diola tendency to circumscribe information both challenges external development objectives and contours the ways Diola themselves confront their declining economic conditions

    A Tale of Two Paranoids: A Critical Analysis of the Use of the Paranoid Style and Public Secrecy by Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán

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    Within the last decade, a rising tide of right-wing populism across the globe has inspired a renewed push toward nationalism. Capitalizing on an increasingly chaotic public sphere, leaders are stoking fear in their constituents such that their radical ideologies and hardline policy decisions may be enacted. This article offers a comparative study of two leaders exploiting the vulnerabilities of their respective citizenries: United States President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán. Drawing from and reimagining Richard Hofstadter’s germane essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” we argue that both represent a new manifestation of the paranoid style as it enables (and is enabled by) “public secrecy.” By controlling the media and redirecting collective attention by way of rhetorical sleight of hand, the two are able to sow disorder and confusion such that their secrecy may persist out in the open. Despite using similar issues to promulgate fear and paranoia, most prominently the refugee and immigration crises, and their similar end goals, the two must nonetheless engage in different discursive strategies that reflect the distinct cultures and histories of their respective countries

    Dominant Search Engines: An Essential Cultural & Political Facility

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    When American lawyers talk about essential facilities, they are usually referring to antitrust doctrine that has required certain platforms to provide access on fair and nondiscriminatory terms to all comers. Some have recently characterized Google as an essential facility. Antitrust law may shape the search engine industry in positive ways. However, scholars and activists must move beyond the crabbed vocabulary of competition policy to develop a richer normative critique of search engine dominance. In this chapter, I sketch a new concept of essential cultural and political facility, which can help policymakers recognize and address situations where a bottleneck has become important enough that special scrutiny is warranted. This scrutiny may not always culminate in regulation. However, it clearly suggests a need for publicly funded alternatives to the concentrated conduits and content providers colonizing the web

    Knowledge production in a cooperative economy

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    Knowledge here means something similar to but broader than science; reliable but not necessarily as systematic or explicit. A cooperative economy is contrasted with the competitive economy that has dominated political thinking almost everywhere for about half a century - the neo-liberal period. It is argued that the neo-liberal ideology and its economic ideas and practices are unjust and unsustainable. A model for a cooperative economy is described which would be more just and sustainable. Three main features of the model are outlined - basic income, asset and income limits, and a concept of work that counts all activity useful to human well-being rather than counting monetary profit. Knowledge in such an economy is considered in four main stages - production, review, dissemination and use. It is argued that, in the described cooperative economy, these stages would proceed more efficiently and lead to human well-being

    Power, discourse and city trajectories

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    Examines social theory and contemporary human geography in the context of urban development. Covers theoretical debates in political ecology, the cultural turn in the economy, social relations and scale, space and place, and colonialism and post-colonialism

    Patent Strategies of Small High-tech Firms in a Broader Context: the Case of International Learning

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    The current paper explores the patenting behavior of small high-tech firms in a wider strategic context. It particularly addresses why small high-tech firms apply for patents and what makes them not to do so, and connects this with international learning. The general idea is that small high-tech firms suffer from shortage in resources causing them to be reluctant in application for patents. However, not having protected their inventions by patents may weaken their position in attracting investment capital and in establishing strategic relationships, including learning relationships abroad. Drawing on the literature and on survey data of 100 academic spin-off firms, the influence of patent behavior (among other factors) on adoption of international learning is estimated. It appears that half of the spin-off firms works with inventions protected by patents and that a slightly larger share (60%) has adopted the strategy of international learning. Our explorative analysis using a logit model of international learning indicates that not having protected inventions through patents tends to block learning in international networks.Artykuł porusza istotną rolę ochrony patentowej firmach technologicznych. Autorzy stawiają pytania: Jakie są przesłanki wnioskowania o ochronę patentową w małych firmach? Dlaczego jedne firmy starają się działać w oparciu o ochronę własności przemysłowej a drugie nie?, na które starają się udzielić odpowiedzi w oparciu o badania. Ważnym zagadnieniem poruszanym w rozdziale jest międzynarodowy proces uczenia się firm ochrony własności intelektualnej. Generalna idea publikacji podkreśla niechęć małych firm technologicznych w aplikowaniu o ochronę patentową. Jednakże można wyraźnie zauważyć, w przypadku braku strategii ochrony patentowej, utratę atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej małych firm ukierunkowanych na rynek międzynarodowy. Artykuł opiera się na analizie źródeł wtórnych i pierwotnych. 100 firm akademickich zostało zbadanych by zidentyfikować wpływ strategii ochrony patentowej na zachowanie się na rynku międzynarodowym. Analiza oparta jest o model wykładniczy uczenia się na rynkach międzynarodowych. Połowa małych firm technologicznych chroni swoją własność przemysłowa patentem a wśród nich trzy na pięć firm adoptuje wiedzę z rynków międzynarodowych. Te firmy, które nie stosują ochrony patentowej niewątpliwie blokują sobie możliwości uczenia się na rynkach zagranicznych.Druk materiałów sfinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach projektu „Kreator innowacyjności – wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”