754 research outputs found

    Making students sensitive to entrepreneurship

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    The aim of this paper is to present a {proposal to make students sensitive to entrepreneurship} aiming at familiarizing students to the setting up of new firms and stimulating such a course of action. This {{awareness campaign}} would take place during the student's curriculum and rest on a simulation exercise. This campaign is based on the results of a survey conducted at the Technical University of Cartagena (Spain). This study has identified some students’ aspirations to salaried employment and entrepreneurship. This survey also recognized some specific features that the campaign must integrate, in particular the need to make entrepreneurship compatible with the preparation for salaried employment. The results of this study are completed comparing them with the opinion from entrepreneurs of the same region. This comparison highlights some barriers to entrepreneurship among the students population, making it possible to complete the content of the proposed simulation exercise. This paper also highlights the absence of barriers of a psychological nature usually put forward by the literature, such as a low level of the {need for achievement or the propensity for risk-taking}.career, company, entrepreneurship, making sensitive, student

    The making of computer scientists: rendering technical knowledge, gender, and entrepreneurialism in Singapore

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    This dissertation explores the making of computer scientists in Singapore. I explore how transnational computer science epistemologies and Singaporean state policies work to render the world into technical problems that computer scientists can manipulate and solve. Computer science knowledge and practice is thereby presented as mobile, while masking the colonization of places like Singapore by specifically rendered and gendered American computer science. I also map out the diffractive effects of these transnationally mobile renderings. This research is based on participant observation and interviews centring on an undergraduate computer science program in Singapore. Singaporean and technology media, Singaporean government policies, and university and computer science curricula are also analyzed. I first show how students learn to model and render “reality” into technical frames, creating naturalized computing “worlds,” but ones wherein magic is real and computer scientists are the magicians. Heteronormative binary renderings of gender are (re)produced within these worlds through narratives about algorithms and computing “problems” that constitute a transnational, but US-centric, tradition and that govern the possible ways for students and professors to think about and do computer science. I also show how students themselves are “rendered technical” and their lives and identities “torqued” as they are summoned to inhabit gender norms and hegemonic values of neoliberal competition, passion, and entrepreneurialism. In particular, the performance of passion by certain students works to create a gendered benchmark against which all students come to measure themselves, but which often turns to promoting over-work and exploitation in the name of career development and innovation. Moreover, while some students perform situationally dependent and fluid gender identities, I argue that the predominance of research reducing gender to the question of “women in” computing limits the possibilities both for research on and enactments of gender in computer science and works both to mask and reproduce gender inequalities. Yet, I also show how – in the space produced through conflicting intra-actions of different norms and values – students’ performances of self complicate binary renderings of gender and disrupt the hegemonic status of neoliberal passion and entrepreneurialism, suggesting new possibilities for becoming/being a “good” computer scientist

    Perfil empreendedor de estudantes e graduados da especialização em gerência financeira de UNIMINUTO

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    Considering that entrepreneurship is a wealth-generating activity that contributes to economic growth and development,where knowledge, creativity and innovation of entrepreneurial ideas benefit society and in turn the different sectors, themain objective of this article is to characterize the elements that are part of the entrepreneurial profile of students andgraduates of the Specialization in Financial Management of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO,through a correlational methodology and a quantitative approach. The results determine that the scarce sources of financing,tax aspects, lack of experience and time negatively affect the entrepreneurial intention. Likewise, attributes such as attitude,constancy, leadership, motivation, self-confidence and perseverance are determining aspects to consolidate a business ideaand make it sustainable. It is concluded that UNIMINUTO must continue to create strategies within its educational scenariosso that students at the postgraduate level generate a greater degree of confidence, determination and perseverance forthe development of entrepreneurial projects.Teniendo en cuenta que el emprendimiento es una actividad generadora de riqueza, que contribuye con el crecimientoy el desarrollo económico, donde el conocimiento, la creatividad y la innovación de ideas emprendedoras benefician a lasociedad y a su vez a los diferentes sectores, este artículo tiene como principal objetivo caracterizar los elementos que hacenparte del perfil emprendedor de los estudiantes y graduados de la Especialización en Gerencia Financiera de CorporaciónUniversitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, a través de una metodología correlacional y un enfoque cuantitativo. Losresultados determinan que las escasas fuentes de financiamiento, los aspectos tributarios, la falta de experiencia y detiempo afectan negativamente la intención emprendedora. Así mismo, atributos como la actitud, la constancia, el liderazgo,la motivación, la autoconfianza y perseverancia son aspectos determinantes para consolidar una idea de negocio y hacerlasostenible. Se concluye que UNIMINUTO debe continuar creando estrategias dentro de sus escenarios educativos paraque los estudiantes a nivel posgradual generen un mayor grado de confianza, determinación y constancia para el desarrollode proyectos emprendedores.Tendo em conta que o empreendedorismo é uma actividade geradora de riqueza que contribui para o crescimento edesenvolvimento económico, onde o conhecimento, criatividade e inovação das ideias empreendedoras beneficiam asociedade e, por sua vez, os diferentes sectores, o principal objectivo deste artigo é caracterizar os elementos que fazemparte do perfil empreendedor dos estudantes e licenciados da Especialização em Gestão Financeira da CorporaciónUniversitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, através de uma metodologia correlativa e de uma abordagem quantitativa.Os resultados determinam que as escassas fontes de financiamento, os aspectos fiscais, a falta de experiência e a faltade tempo afectam negativamente a intenção empreendedora. Do mesmo modo, atributos como atitude, perseverança,liderança, motivação, auto-confiança e perseverança são factores determinantes para consolidar uma ideia empresarial etorná-la sustentável. Conclui-se que a UNIMINUTO deve continuar a criar estratégias dentro dos seus cenários educacionaispara que os estudantes a nível de pós-graduação gerem um maior grau de confiança, determinação e perseverança para odesenvolvimento de projectos empresariais


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    Special Libraries, Summer 1992

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    Volume 83, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1992/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Co-Creation; Knowledge for the World

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