2,984 research outputs found

    Cuban immigrants in the United States: what determines their earnings distribution?

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    Este artículo analiza la distribución de ingresos condicionales de los inmigrantes cubanos en los Estados Unidos usando OLS y analizando una Regresión Cuantílica. Los datos usados en este estudio fueron tomados del American Community Survey (ACS) de los Estados Unidos y fueron suministrados por IPUMS (2011). Los resultados muestran que incrementos en los ingresos asociados a diferentes características socioeconómicas tales como: el sexo, estado civil, etnia, manejo del idioma inglés y educación varían entre las diferentes distribuciones de ingresos.In this paper the conditional earnings distribution of Cuban immigrants in the U.S. using OLS and Quantile Regression is analyzed. The data used in the study come from the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS) in the U.S. provided by IPUMS (2011). The results show that increments in earnings associated with different socioeconomic characteristics such as: sex, marital status, ethnicity, proficiency in English and education vary across the earnings distribution.Este artigo analisa a distribuição de ingressos condicionais dos imigrantes cubanos nos Estados Unidos usando OLS e analisando uma Regressão Quantílica. Os dados usados neste estudo foram tomados do American Community Survey (ACS) dos Estados Unidos e foram subministrados por IPUMS (2011). Os resultados mostram que incrementos nos ingressos associados a diferentes características socioeconômicas tais como: o sexo, estado civil, etnia, manejo do idioma inglês e educação variam entre as diferentes distribuições de ingressos

    Spartan Daily, January 6, 1961

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    Volume 48, Issue 56https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/4110/thumbnail.jp

    The Silent Arms Race: The Role of the Supercomputer During the Cold War, 1947-1963

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    One of the central features of the Cold War is the Arms Race. The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist republics vied for supremacy over the globe for a fifty-year period in which there were several arms races; atomic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and various kinds of conventional weapons. However, there is another arms race that goes unsung during this period of history and that is in the area of supercomputing. The other types of arms races are taken for granted by historians and others, but the technological competition between the superpowers would have been impossible without the historically silent arms race in the area of supercomputers. The construction of missiles, jets as well as the testing of nuclear weapons had serious implications for international relations. Often perception is more important than fact. Perceived power maintained a deterrent effect on the two superpowers. If one superpower suspected that they, in fact, had an advantage over the other then the balance of power would be upset and more aggressive measures might have been taken in various fronts of the conflict, perhaps leading to war. Due to this, it was necessary to maintain a balance of power not only in weapons but in supercomputing as well. Considering the role that the computers played, it is time for closer historical scrutiny

    Using the HPST Framework to improve Reading Comprehension with Students with Intellectual Disabilities in a University Setting

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    The HPST Framework, a guide developed for document analysis (Pombo,2015), was implemented in a post secondary transition program at Florida International University. The purpose of this study was to explore the necessary adaptions for the implementation with students with ID at the university level as well as their reading comprehension outcomes

    Spartan Daily, May 13, 1970

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    Volume 57, Issue 119https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/5387/thumbnail.jp

    “Worker, build your own machinery!” A workshop to practice the Technological Disobedience

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    This paper presents an account of the experience of a workshop with the title "Worker, build your own machinery!", held at Politecnico di Milano. The title of the workshop refers to an Ernesto Che Guevara’s quote in a 1961 speech: as the Republic of Cuba’s Minister of Industry, his aim was encouraging Cuban workers and technicians to face the scarcity of resources due to the country’s economic and political crisis. The general approach he suggested to address this issue was selfproduction of the spare parts required for productive activities: this would involve a number of strategies, such as repair, reuse and repurpose. Self-production included a drive towards the re-appropriation of technologies, suitably combining mass-production and handicraft tools. Over time, these practices became common not only in the field of industrial production, but also in everyday life. This workshop was directly inspired by the research work of Ernesto Oroza, designer and Cuban artist, who studied the changes that 50 years of isolation produced on the island’s materiality. The first part of the paper introduces and explains the theoretical concepts on which the workshop was based, whereas the second part exposes and discusses the resulting outcomes. This will include a reflection over the role of design and designers facing the deep social, economic and technological changes we are currently experiencing. These considerations will be aimed at encouraging future designers, emphasising the importance of their educational role and providing inspiration regarding issues, such as repair, reuse and repurpose, which are all essential for a sustainable approach

    Chanticleer | Vol 32, Issue 31

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    Predicting Leader Survival: Evidence from Covert Action Case Study Analysis

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    This research explores the unique relationship between covert action and leader survivability, in particular, how leadership styles and personality traits influence this relationship. The life of a ruler is ephemeral. For those who are lucky, their exit from office is through retirement or old age. For most, their tenure is short, often ending through violent means. The overthrow of rulers by their rivals is a common theme throughout world history, and the strategy remains a popular choice in contemporary warfare. However, despite the frequency of regime change, very little is discussed in international relations about covert regime change and its effects on leader survival. The research methodology of fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) will be used to empirically test the hypothesis that the extent of a leader’s survivability following US covert action event, is influenced by his or her respective personality trait and leadership style. The dependent variable is survival—whether leaders live or die—and the independent variables are: leader characteristics, public dissent, global instability, internal conflict, and regime type. Case studies will focus on eight covert action events that were both successful and unsuccessful, which include: Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Republic of Vietnam, and Chile in order to answer the research question: to what extent, if any, can leader survival be predicted based on analyses of US-sanctioned covert action events during the Cold War era
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