7 research outputs found

    Revisiting a Privacy-Preserving Location-based Service Protocol using Edge Computing

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    Location-based services are getting more popular day by day. Finding nearby stores, proximity-based marketing, on-road service assistance, etc., are some of the services that use location-based services. In location-based services, user information like user identity, user query, and location must be protected. Ma et al. (INFOCOM-BigSecurity 2019) proposed a privacy-preserving location-based service using Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE). Their protocol uses edge nodes that compute on SHE encrypted location data and determines the kk-nearest points of interest contained in the Location-based Server (LBS) without revealing the original user coordinates to LBS, hence, ensuring privacy of users locations. In this work, we show that the above protocol by Ma et al. has a critical flaw. In particular, we show that their secure comparison protocol has a correctness issue in that it will not lead to correct comparison. A major consequence of this flaw is that straightforward approaches to fix this issue will make their protocol insecure. Namely, the LBS will be able to recover the actual locations of the users in each and every query

    Integer Polynomial Recovery from Outputs and its Application to Cryptanalysis of a Protocol for Secure Sorting

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    {We investigate the problem of recovering integer inputs (up to an affine scaling) when given only the integer monotonic polynomial outputs. Given nn integer outputs of a degree-dd integer monotonic polynomial whose coefficients and inputs are integers within known bounds and n≫dn \gg d, we give an algorithm to recover the polynomial and the integer inputs (up to an affine scaling). A heuristic expected time complexity analysis of our method shows that it is exponential in the size of the degree of the polynomial but polynomial in the size of the polynomial coefficients. We conduct experiments with real-world data as well as randomly chosen parameters and demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm over a wide range of parameters. Using only the polynomial evaluations at specific integer points, the apparent hardness of recovering the input data served as the basis of security of a recent protocol proposed by Kesarwani et al. for secure kk-nearest neighbour computation on encrypted data that involved secure sorting. The protocol uses the outputs of randomly chosen monotonic integer polynomial to hide its inputs except to only reveal the ordering of input data. Using our integer polynomial recovery algorithm, we show that we can recover the polynomial and the inputs within a few seconds, thereby demonstrating an attack on the protocol of Kesarwani et al

    DiLizium 2.0: Revisiting Two-Party Crystals-Dilithium

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    In previous years there has been an increased interest in designing threshold signature schemes. Most of the recent works focus on constructing threshold versions of ECDSA or Schnorr signature schemes due to their appealing usage in blockchain technologies. Additionally, a lot of research is being done on cryptographic schemes that are resistant to quantum computer attacks. In this work, we propose a new version of the two-party Dilithium signature scheme. The security of our scheme is based on the hardness of Module-LWE and Module-SIS problems. In our construction, we follow a similar logic as Damgård et al. (PKC 2021) and use an additively homomorphic commitment scheme. However, compared to them, our protocol uses signature compression techniques from the original Dilithium signature scheme which makes it closer to the version submitted to the NIST PQC competition. We focus on two-party signature schemes in the context of user authentication

    Medha: Microcoded Hardware Accelerator for computing on Encrypted Data

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    Homomorphic encryption enables computation on encrypted data, and hence it has a great potential in privacy-preserving outsourcing of computations to the cloud. Hardware acceleration of homomorphic encryption is crucial as software implementations are very slow. In this paper, we present design methodologies for building a programmable hardware accelerator for speeding up the cloud-side homomorphic evaluations on encrypted data. First, we propose a divide-and-conquer technique that enables homomorphic evaluations in the polynomial ring RQ,2N = ZQ[x]/(x2N + 1) to use a hardware accelerator that has been built for the smaller ring RQ,N = ZQ[x]/(xN + 1). The technique makes it possible to use a single hardware accelerator flexibly for supporting several homomorphic encryption parameter sets. Next, we present several architectural design methods that we use to realize the flexible and instruction-set accelerator architecture, which we call ‘Medha’. At every level of the implementation hierarchy, we explore possibilities for parallel processing. Starting from hardware-friendly parallel algorithms for the basic building blocks, we gradually build heavily parallel RNS polynomial arithmetic units. Next, many of these parallel units are interconnected elegantly so that their interconnections require the minimum number of nets, therefore making the overall architecture placement-friendly on the platform. As homomorphic encryption is computation- as well as data-centric, the speed of homomorphic evaluations depends greatly on the way the data variables are handled. For Medha, we take a memory-conservative design approach and get rid of any off-chip memory access during homomorphic evaluations. Finally, we implement Medha in a Xilinx Alveo U250 FPGA and measure timing performances of the microcoded homomorphic addition, multiplication, key-switching, and rescaling routines for the leveled fully homomorphic encryption scheme RNSHEAAN at 200 MHz clock frequency. For the large parameter sets (log Q,N) = (438, 214) and (546, 215), Medha achieves accelerations by up to 68× and 78× times respectively compared to a highly optimized software implementation Microsoft SEAL running at 2.3 GHz

    Reducing Communication Costs in Multi-Party Computation

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