15 research outputs found

    Security hardened remote terminal units for SCADA networks.

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    Remote terminal units (RTUs) are perimeter supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) devices that measure and control actual physical devices. Cyber security was largely ignored in SCADA for many years, and the cyber security issues that now face SCADA and DCS, specifically RTU security, are investigated in this research. This dissertation presents a new role based access control model designed specifically for RTUs and process control. The model is developed around the process control specific data element called a point, and point operations. The model includes: assignment constraints that limit the RTU operations that a specific role can be assigned and activation constraints that allow a security administrator to specify conditions when specific RTU roles or RTU permissions cannot be used. RTU enforcement of the new access control model depends on, and is supported by, the protection provided by an RTU\u27s operating system. This dissertation investigates two approaches for using minimal kernels to reduce potential vulnerabilities in RTU protection enforcement and create a security hardened RTU capable of supporting the new RTU access control model. The first approach is to reduce a commercial OS kernel to only those components needed by the RTU, removing any known or unknown vulnerabilities contained in the eliminated code and significantly reducing the size of the kernel. The second approach proposes using a microkernel that supports partitioning as the basis for an RTU specific operating system which isolates network related RTU software, the RTU attack surface, from critical RTU operational software such as control algorithms and analog and digital input and output. In experimental analysis of a prototype hardened RTU connected to real SCADA hardware, a reduction of over 50% was obtained in reducing a 2.4 Linux kernel to run on actual RTU hardware. Functional testing demonstrated that different users were able to carryout assigned tasks with the limited set of permissions provided by the security hardened RTU and a series of simulated insider attacks were prevented by the RTU role based access control system. Analysis of communication times indicated response times would be acceptable for many SCADA and DCS application areas. Investigation of a partitioning microkernel for an RTU identified the L4 microkernel as an excellent candidate. Experimental evaluation of L4 on real hardware found the IPC overhead for simulated critical RTU operations protected by L4 partitioning to be sufficiently small to warrant continued investigation of the approach

    System-on-chip architecture for secure sub-microsecond synchronization systems

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    213 p.En esta tesis, se pretende abordar los problemas que conlleva la protecci贸n cibern茅tica del Precision Time Protocol (PTP). 脡ste es uno de los protocolos de comunicaci贸n m谩s sensibles de entre los considerados por los organismos de estandarizaci贸n para su aplicaci贸n en las futuras Smart Grids o redes el茅ctricas inteligentes. PTP tiene como misi贸n distribuir una referencia de tiempo desde un dispositivo maestro al resto de dispositivos esclavos, situados dentro de una misma red, de forma muy precisa. El protocolo es altamente vulnerable, ya que introduciendo tan s贸lo un error de tiempo de un microsegundo, pueden causarse graves problemas en las funciones de protecci贸n del equipamiento el茅ctrico, o incluso detener su funcionamiento. Para ello, se propone una nueva arquitectura System-on-Chip basada en dispositivos reconfigurables, con el objetivo de integrar el protocolo PTP y el conocido est谩ndar de seguridad MACsec para redes Ethernet. La flexibilidad que los modernos dispositivos reconfigurables proporcionan, ha sido aprovechada para el dise帽o de una arquitectura en la que coexisten procesamiento hardware y software. Los resultados experimentales avalan la viabilidad de utilizar MACsec para proteger la sincronizaci贸n en entornos industriales, sin degradar la precisi贸n del protocolo

    An Approach to Guide Users Towards Less Revealing Internet Browsers

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    When browsing the Internet, HTTP headers enable both clients and servers send extra data in their requests or responses such as the User-Agent string. This string contains information related to the sender鈥檚 device, browser, and operating system. Previous research has shown that there are numerous privacy and security risks result from exposing sensitive information in the User-Agent string. For example, it enables device and browser fingerprinting and user tracking and identification. Our large analysis of thousands of User-Agent strings shows that browsers differ tremendously in the amount of information they include in their User-Agent strings. As such, our work aims at guiding users towards using less exposing browsers. In doing so, we propose to assign an exposure score to browsers based on the information they expose and vulnerability records. Thus, our contribution in this work is as follows: first, provide a full implementation that is ready to be deployed and used by users. Second, conduct a user study to identify the effectiveness and limitations of our proposed approach. Our implementation is based on using more than 52 thousand unique browsers. Our performance and validation analysis show that our solution is accurate and efficient. The source code and data set are publicly available and the solution has been deployed

    System-on-chip architecture for secure sub-microsecond synchronization systems

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    213 p.En esta tesis, se pretende abordar los problemas que conlleva la protecci贸n cibern茅tica del Precision Time Protocol (PTP). 脡ste es uno de los protocolos de comunicaci贸n m谩s sensibles de entre los considerados por los organismos de estandarizaci贸n para su aplicaci贸n en las futuras Smart Grids o redes el茅ctricas inteligentes. PTP tiene como misi贸n distribuir una referencia de tiempo desde un dispositivo maestro al resto de dispositivos esclavos, situados dentro de una misma red, de forma muy precisa. El protocolo es altamente vulnerable, ya que introduciendo tan s贸lo un error de tiempo de un microsegundo, pueden causarse graves problemas en las funciones de protecci贸n del equipamiento el茅ctrico, o incluso detener su funcionamiento. Para ello, se propone una nueva arquitectura System-on-Chip basada en dispositivos reconfigurables, con el objetivo de integrar el protocolo PTP y el conocido est谩ndar de seguridad MACsec para redes Ethernet. La flexibilidad que los modernos dispositivos reconfigurables proporcionan, ha sido aprovechada para el dise帽o de una arquitectura en la que coexisten procesamiento hardware y software. Los resultados experimentales avalan la viabilidad de utilizar MACsec para proteger la sincronizaci贸n en entornos industriales, sin degradar la precisi贸n del protocolo

    System-on-chip architecture for secure sub-microsecond synchronization systems

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    213 p.En esta tesis, se pretende abordar los problemas que conlleva la protecci贸n cibern茅tica del Precision Time Protocol (PTP). 脡ste es uno de los protocolos de comunicaci贸n m谩s sensibles de entre los considerados por los organismos de estandarizaci贸n para su aplicaci贸n en las futuras Smart Grids o redes el茅ctricas inteligentes. PTP tiene como misi贸n distribuir una referencia de tiempo desde un dispositivo maestro al resto de dispositivos esclavos, situados dentro de una misma red, de forma muy precisa. El protocolo es altamente vulnerable, ya que introduciendo tan s贸lo un error de tiempo de un microsegundo, pueden causarse graves problemas en las funciones de protecci贸n del equipamiento el茅ctrico, o incluso detener su funcionamiento. Para ello, se propone una nueva arquitectura System-on-Chip basada en dispositivos reconfigurables, con el objetivo de integrar el protocolo PTP y el conocido est谩ndar de seguridad MACsec para redes Ethernet. La flexibilidad que los modernos dispositivos reconfigurables proporcionan, ha sido aprovechada para el dise帽o de una arquitectura en la que coexisten procesamiento hardware y software. Los resultados experimentales avalan la viabilidad de utilizar MACsec para proteger la sincronizaci贸n en entornos industriales, sin degradar la precisi贸n del protocolo

    Actas de la XIII Reuni贸n Espa帽ola sobre Criptolog铆a y Seguridad de la Informaci贸n RECSI XIII : Alicante, 2-5 de septiembre de 2014

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    Si tuvi茅ramos que elegir un conjunto de palabras clave para definir la sociedad actual, sin duda el t茅rmino informaci贸n ser铆a uno de los m谩s representativos. Vivimos en un mundo caracterizado por un continuo flujo de informaci贸n en el que las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n (TIC) y las Redes Sociales desempe帽an un papel relevante. En la Sociedad de la Informaci贸n se generan gran variedad de datos en formato digital, siendo la protecci贸n de los mismos frente a accesos y usos no autorizados el objetivo principal de lo que conocemos como Seguridad de la Informaci贸n. Si bien la Criptolog铆a es una herramienta tecnol贸gica b谩sica, dedicada al desarrollo y an谩lisis de sistemas y protocolos que garanticen la seguridad de los datos, el espectro de tecnolog铆as que intervienen en la protecci贸n de la informaci贸n es amplio y abarca diferentes disciplinas. Una de las caracter铆sticas de esta ciencia es su r谩pida y constante evoluci贸n, motivada en parte por los continuos avances que se producen en el terreno de la computaci贸n, especialmente en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas. Sistemas, protocolos y herramientas en general considerados seguros en la actualidad dejar谩n de serlo en un futuro m谩s o menos cercano, lo que hace imprescindible el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas que garanticen, de forma eficiente, los necesarios niveles de seguridad. La Reuni贸n Espa帽ola sobre Criptolog铆a y Seguridad de la Informaci贸n (RECSI) es el congreso cient铆fico espa帽ol de referencia en el 谩mbito de la Criptolog铆a y la Seguridad en las TIC, en el que se dan cita peri贸dicamente los principales investigadores espa帽oles y de otras nacionalidades en esta disciplina, con el fin de compartir los resultados m谩s recientes de su investigaci贸n. Del 2 al 5 de septiembre de 2014 se celebrar谩 la decimotercera edici贸n en la ciudad de Alicante, organizada por el grupo de Criptolog铆a y Seguridad Computacional de la Universidad de Alicante. Las anteriores ediciones tuvieron lugar en Palma de Mallorca (1991), Madrid (1992), Barcelona (1994), Valladolid (1996), Torremolinos (1998), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2000), Oviedo (2002), Legan茅s (2004), Barcelona (2006), Salamanca (2008), Tarragona (2010) y San Sebasti谩n (2012)

    A systematic design approach to IOT security for legacy production machinery

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging topic of rapidly growing technical importance for the industry. The aim is to connect objects with unique identifiers and combine them with internet connectivity for data transfer. This advanced connectivity has significant potential in the workshop-level upgrade of existing legacy equipment to unlock new features and economic benefits especially for monitoring and control applications However, the introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) brings new additional security and integrity risks for the industrial environment in the form of network, communication, software and hardware security risks. This thesis addresses such fundamental new risks at their root by introducing a novel approach for IoT-enabled monitoring of legacy production machinery, which consist of five stages, incorporating security by design features. The first two phases of this novel approach aim to analyse current monitoring practices and security and vulnerability issues related to the application domain. The proposed approach applies three more stages which make the domain-relevant analysis to become application specific. These include a detailed model of the application context on legacy production machinery monitoring, together with its interfaces and functionality, implementing threat mitigations combined with a new modular IoT DAQ unit mechanism, validated by functional tests against Denial of Service (DoS) and clone attacks. Thus, to be effective, the design approach is further developed with application-specific functionality. This research demonstrates an instance of this innovative riskaverse design thinking through introducing an IoT device design which is applicable to a wide set of industrial scenarios. A practical showcase example of a specific implementation of the generic IoT design is given through a concrete industrial application that upgrades existing legacy machine tool equipment. The reported work establishes a novel viewpoint for the understanding of IoT security risks and their consequent mitigation, opening a new space of riskaverse designs that can bring significant confidence in data, safety, and security of IoT-enabled industry.Manufacturin


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    Microgrids are a key component in the evolution of the power grid. Microgrids are required to operate in both grid connected and standalone island mode using local sources of power. A major challenge in implementing microgrids is the communications and control to support transition from grid connected mode and operation in island mode. In this dissertation we propose a distributed control architecture to govern the operation of a microgrid. The func- tional communication requirements of primary, secondary and tertiary microgrid controls are considered. Communication technology media and protocols are laid out and a worst-case availability and latency analysis is provided. Cyber Security challenges to microgrids are ex- amined and we propose a secure communication architecture to support microgrid operation and control. A security model, including network, data, and attack models, is defined and a security protocol to address the real-time communication needs of microgrids is proposed. We propose a novel security protocol that is custom tailored to meet those challenges. The chosen solution is discussed in the context of other security options available in the liter- ature. We build and develop a microgrid co-simulation model of both the power system and communication networks, that is used to simulate the two fundamental microgrid power transition functions - transition from island to grid connected mode, and grid connected to island mode. The proposed distributed control and security architectures are analyzed in terms of performance. We further characterize the response of the power and communication subsystems in emergency situations: forced islanding and forced grid modes. Based on our findings, we generalize the results to the smart grid